#elin and i are planning a date where we sit and listen to the entire beatles discography in order while i tell them facts and correct
radioprune · 1 year
abbey road. ever heard of it
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california-grethan · 7 years
Bad Company - First Day // {E. Dolan}
Description: Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. The school’s “it” girl. She was as close to perfect as a human could be and she didn't even know it. 4.0 GPA. Captain of the volleyball and tennis team. President of the Student Body Government, Speech and Debate team, and the school’s Partner’s Club. Beautiful and kind. Welcoming and caring. Every girl wanted to be friends with her and every guy wanted to date her, and why wouldn’t they? In contrast: Ethan Grant Dolan. Possibly as far from perfect as a human could be and he very well knew it. He was a certified bad boy and outcast-- getting himself thrown out of five schools in the past four years. Handsome and reckless. Disobedient and hot-headed. Every girl wanted to get with him and every guy hated him. What will happen when these two cross paths?
Warning(s): idk, bad boy!ethan🤷🏽‍♀️
Requested: [yeahhh] // [nopeee]
Word Count: [2,484]
masterlist // blurb nights // come talk to me! 
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I sighed, my foot putting pressure on the break pedal, waiting for the car in front of me to pull into the space. Easing off the break, I inched forward, maneuvering my car into the space next to the person that had just parked. With my car in park and my engine shut off, I climb out of my seat, shutting my door and walking around to the trunk. I pull my backpack out and swing it over my shoulder, grunting from the impact of it against my back.
As I bent over to grab my volleyball bag, I hear a wolf-whistle from behind me. With my forehead wrinkled in confusion, I turn around, only to be met with the sight of my best friend.
“Damn, is it hot out here? Or is it because of Y/N?”
Chuckling, I roll my eyes at her and turn back around to grab my other bag. “Fuck off, Anna.”
She gasped, “How rude!”
Shutting the trunk, I turn to face her, my brow raised. “You’re just extra,” I replied, shrugging at her with a joking grin on my face. “Come on, let’s go inside, I have to talk to Mr. Hess about Sadie’s.”
Side by side, we walked across the parking lot, making our way inside the school. As usual, we fell into conversation, discussing the fact that Sadie’s was in two and a half months and we were both still dressless and dateless.
“We gotta go to the mall sometime. Even if we don’t have dates yet, we need to at least find something to wear.”
I nod, “How about this weekend? I have training Saturday morning from eight to eleven, wanna go after?”
Anna nodded. “Yeah, sure. Listen, I actually have to go to the library to grab a book for History. I’ll see you later, good luck with you meeting with Hess.”
Smiling, I waved and headed in the direction of the main office. “Good morning, Ms. Stevenson,” I said, grinning at the administrator sitting behind the desk. “Is Mr. Hess in yet?”
Nodding, the woman smiled at me and gestured in the direction of the Mr. Hess’ office, “Go on in, sweetheart.”
I strode over to the direction of the office. Knocking on the doorway, I popped my head into the office. “Hey, hey, hey, Hess, what’s good?”
He laughed, shaking his head at me. “Oh, wonderful. No better way to start a Monday morning than with a visit by the one and only Y/N Y/L/N.”
I grinned at him, plopping down onto one of the chairs in front of his desk. “Please, my presence this morning is a blessing.”
The man chuckled, “Isn’t it always? Anyway, what brings you here?”
Leaning over the armrest of the chair, I open my backpack, grabbing my laptop and booting it up. “There’s a few things about Sadie’s that I need to run by you. For some of them, I need approval and for others, I just want your opinion.”
Mr. Hess nodded, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the surface of his desk. Once I had what I needed pulled up on the screen of my laptop, I placed it on his desk and began talking.
We both stood by the doorway of his office, a smile on my face because of how successful our meeting was.
“Everything looks great, Y/N. You’re definitely the right person to take on the responsibility of  planning this dance. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.”
I nodded, grinning at him, “Well, the responsibility was placed upon me as the Student Body President, but it comes with the territory. I’m glad that I’m even able to plan Sadie’s this year. It’ll be the first time our school’s had one.”
He smiled, “Yeah. Well, I know that everyone’s glad that you’re planning it. Alright, go on, you don’t wanna be late to class, do you?”
“Definitely not, I’ll see ya, Hess. Have a great day.”
“You too,” he responded, turning around and heading back into his office.
Facing the direction of the door of the main office, I laid my eyes on a boy, one I’d never seen before, standing next to the school’s principal, Mr. Eline.
Part of me was intrigued by him, but the other was slightly unnerved by the sight of him. There was an edge to him. He was clad in all black-- his legs in black ripped skinny jeans and his upper body adorned in a plain black tank top, its sleeves obviously self cut, showing off the tattoos that decorated his body. On his feet were a pair of black vans and on his back rested a Gucci backpack. Despite the fact that I had no knowledge of him, the backpack seemed out of character, the extravagant brand seeming to clash with the whole vibe he had going on. A leather jacket was slung over his shoulder, his toned arm looking absolutely drool-worthy because of the way it was bent.
If the boy’s physique wasn’t enough to reel a girl in, his face would’ve done it. His jawline was insane-- one of the sharpest I’ve probably ever seen. If there was such a thing as a perfect facial structure, he had it-- albeit his nose was slightly crooked, most likely due to a past break. He had plump lips, the shape and color of them adding to the perfection that was his appearance. The boy’s eyes were just as gorgeous as the rest of him. At first glance they seemed hazel, but under the light, I could tell that hints of green were more so present than brown. His dark brown hair fit him, the length not too long but not too short. Strands of hair at the front were dyed red-- on him they added to the overall look, but on others it would have probably looked terrible.
“Y/N? Y/N!”
I shook my head, slightly dazed from having zoned out-- too busy checking him out.
“Huh? What?’
The yet-to-be-named boy smirked at me, his pierced eyebrow raised. His stare caused my cheeks to heat up.
My head turned, looking at Mr. Eline as he spoke up, repeating himself. “I was asking if you would mind escorting Mr. Dolan to class.”
I inwardly groaned, not wanting to deal with showing someone around, but because I knew I couldn’t decline, I smiled at him stiffly. “Sure, Mr. Eline, I wouldn’t mind.” I began walking towards the door, stopping when I reached the door, waiting for the boy to follow me.
We were halfway out the doorway when Mr. Eline called out, what I assumed to be, the boy’s name, causing us to come to a stop, “Ethan,”
The boy turned around, an impatient look on his face while he waited for the man to say what he wanted to.
“Despite the fact that I feel there’s no need for it, I would just like to remind you of what brought you to this school. We wouldn’t want to to have a repetition of what’s occured at your other schools, would we?”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but I stayed silent as I watched the interaction between the two men. I glanced at Ethan, his face passive, almost looking bored, but his clenched jaw indicated that he wasn’t entirely happy to hear the words of the older man. Without saying anything, he jutted his head in an upwards motion, acknowledging the principal’s warning.
He turned on his heel, striding out of the office. I was forced to hurry after him, my short strides unmatched to his long ones.  Realizing that I needed to know where I was taking him, I spoke up, my voice coming out softer than usual. “What’s your first class?”
Looking unaffected by the previous interaction between him and the principal, he blankly looked down at the paper in his hand, “AP Geography with Perdue.”
I nodded and without a word, I proceeded to walk through the bustling hallway. Due to my knowledge of the school’s layout, I was now ahead of him, forcing me to check back once in a while to make sure that he was still behind me. I gasped when I looked over to my right, Ethan instantly next to me. Once again, a smirk played on his lips, seemingly amused by my reaction.
“Sorry, baby girl,” he said, his voice just the right amount of raspiness-- causing a shiver to run down my spine.
I turned to him, an unamused expression on my face to hide how I truly felt, “Don’t call me that.”
He raised his pierced brow once again, a playful glint obvious in his eyes, “Why not, baby girl?”
Scoffing, I responded, “You barely know me, and I’d rather not be called ‘baby girl’ by some guy I just met.”
He glanced at me, a neutral expression on his face as he decided against responding to what I just said.
I inwardly sighed in relief, coming to a stop in front of the classroom that both of us needed to be inside of before the bell rings. “Here we are, first period AP Geography with Perdue.”
He remained standing by the doorway, glancing inside the room, his eyes scanning over those that were already seated and waiting for class to begin. “Don’t you have a class to get to?”
“Coincidentally, this is my first period class,” I said, waiting for him to walk through the doorway first.
He grinned at me, his goddamn eyebrow raising once again. “Hm, is that so? Well, what a great way to start my day off,” he said, his eyes shamelessly raking down my body.  
I uncomfortably cross my arms in front of me and huff, turning and making my way into the classroom. Once inside, I look around, trying to find the familiar auburn hair of my best friend. I sighed in relief when I was finally able to spot her in the busy classroom, striding over to where she sat and dropping my bag onto the desk and sliding into the seat.
“Hey, Anna,” I said, frowning when I didn’t get a response. “Anna?” I repeated, waiting for her to notice me, at least.
She hummed in acknowledgement, but didn’t turn to look at me. Curious at what had her so distracted, I turned my head in the direction she was looking, only to be met with the sight of Ethan standing at front of the classroom, talking to Mrs. Perdue.
Rolling my eyes at her, I bring my hand up to her face, snapping my fingers to bring her out of her daze.
“Earth to Anna. You’re drooling.”
“Hmm?” She said, her head snapping to look at me. “What’d you say?”
I chuckled, “I was just looking for a simple ‘hi,’ but instead, I was brushed off because of Ethan.”
She smiled at me, intrigue written all over her face, “Oh, so that’s the hottie’s name? Ethan, hm, it suits him.”
Rolling my eyes at her, I opened up my backpack, grabbing everything I needed for class and getting myself situated. Looking up from what I was doing, I was met with the sight of Ethan grinning down at me from his tall stature, his lips forming a teasing smile.
I cocked my eyebrow up in question, looking up at him, “Can I help you?”
He shrugged, “Well, you’ve been given the amazing the opportunity of having me in your group for the semester project.”
My face fell, “You’re kidding me, right?”
Ethan shook his head, sliding into the empty desk to my right. “Mrs. Perdue was just catching me up about what’s happening in the class and she told me about the semester project that’s a quarter of our grade. She offered to assign me to a group because I don’t know anyone, being new and all, but I asked if I could work with you and she agreed.”
My constant internal screaming only got louder at his words.  I wished nothing more than to make my way up to Mrs. Perdue to complain about Ethan being assigned to my group, but I decided to just accept it, knowing that it wouldn’t be appropriate and out of character. I settled on simply giving him a stiff smile and looking straight ahead, waiting for class to start. The bell rang, but it sounded distant as I drifted off, becoming immersed in my thoughts.
Why was he affecting me like this? I’m typically so level-headed, but he just seemed to push a button without even trying. C’mon, Y/N, you can’t let him get under your skin. You’ve got too much going on to be affected by a boy. Especially a boy like him.
I walked in the direction of my locker, my feet slightly dragging due to my exhaustion. The day dragged on-- each class seemed as if it lasted half a day instead of an hour. Sighing, I turned the lock of my locker, putting my combination in so that I could grab my volleyball bag.
With my hand wrapped around the strap of the bag, I shut my locker, turning to head in the direction of the gym, but there he stood, shoulder resting against the row of lockers, blocking me from getting to where I needed to be. His lips formed a smirk, his hazel eyes displaying glint of something. Despite having only known him for the past eight or so hours, I came to the conclusion that whatever he was up to wasn’t anything good.
I rolled my eyes, quickly maneuvering my way around him. Unfortunately, my attempt was in vain as he moved to block me once again.
Groaning, I said, “Aren’t you tired of annoying me yet? I mean, you have had the entire day to do so as I’ve been so lucky to have you in every single one of my classes.”
His bottom lip jutted out in a pout. “Aw, c’mon, baby girl. Don’t be so mean, I’m just the new kid tryna make some friends here. Or, if you’d like, you could be something more than just a friend.”
I scoffed, annoyed with having dealt with him the entire day, “Listen, that line, in combination with all this,” I said, gesturing at him in his entirety, “might work for some girls, but not for me. With that said, can you please let me by so that I can go to practice?”
He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes. The boy remained silent, his lips on the verge of forming a smile, but he refrained-- simply choosing to step to the side with his arm out, allowing me to walk in the direction I needed to. I hitched my volleyball bag up higher on my arm, giving him a sarcastic smile before I went on my way.
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