eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"i hope you have settled in just fine? have you noticed any problems?" rufus was quite curious. he knew many compared him to his father, but the man wasn't like his father. in fact, he had always hated him and made an effort to be unlike him, to not rule with fear. shinra also seemed to work much better with him in command, although many still feared him. "i hope it's to your liking."
"Ohh yes i've settled in fine Sir. N-no problems to report Sir." Rufus was scary, not like this dad or even Hojo scary. Rufus was a different belly of the beast entirely. He was the type of person who commanded respect and despite being one of his Turks Elena knew if he wanted, he would and could end anyone who got in his way. He was nothing like his father who had gotten fat and greedy in his old age but she supposed only time would tell just how far one fell from the tree. "S-so far everything is all good sir." Elena responded which was mostly true, so far her other coworkers had been good natured if a little overzealous in their welcoming of her and someone had eaten the cake she'd been saving for later out of the breakroom fridge, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. After all she was the top of her class she wouldn't be pushed around just because she was a woman.
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @eliteemblemelena asked: — ⚅
⚅ — I hope you don't mind but having seen some of your rp's and reading them I decided to reach out. If you aren't interested don't worry about it but I figured i'd offer several prompts for you to pick from.
Storm, Muse (+ reverse), Reunion, Babysit, Refuge (+ reverse) — ⚅
Scenarios Starters
STORM : for both muses to find shelter from a severe storm.
{Also, while I'm here, I followed you because I wanted to interact! You're always free to send something in~ Sorry my first interaction with you is so gosh darn late. XD}
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma drew in a deep breath and gazed up at the sky. He hadn't heard anything on the news, but he could tell that a storm was brewing. His work was going to have to wait. And so Hanekoma gathered his things and slung the case that carried his paint over his shoulder. Luckily he wasn't too far from his shop, so he was sure he'd get there before the bottom dropped out.
The rest of Shibuya must have gotten the message because by the time he reached Cat Street the place looked abandoned. Wind was kicking up now and thunder was rolling like a war cry over his head. It looked like he would be getting inside just in time. Somewhere in the distance he could even hear the sheets of rain coming down, quickly making it's way towards him. He picked up his pace again and got to the door, and the rush of water was growing louder and louder in his ear. As he turned his key in the lock he looked up, and from the end of the street a solid sheet of hard rain was climbing its way forward and deafening all sound around it. And there, as if a prey animal trying to escape a pack of wolves, was a young woman, all alone.
Hanekoma knew there was no shelter available for her here. Most of the shops were closed and she had nothing to escape to. So he called out, and he slung his door wide open for her. If she was quick, she could make it.
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"Hey, over here! Come on, get inside!"
He hadn't even turned the lights on yet, but he didn't mind opening for the sake of sheltering someone from the storm.
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sometimesrufus · 2 years
what kind of “ i love you “ are you ?
i love you and i wish you knew just how much
the pining, the aching, the wishing, and hoping; it's what you whisper to yourself under the cover of darkness as you fall asleep thinking of them. it's the text you've typed out and deleted before sending at least a dozen times. it's the countless pictures of them you have of them on your phone, the home screen image of their smile that you know will give you away the next time they jokingly swipe your phone. it sits restless and suffocating at the back of your throat. rip dude, i know how that is.
Taken from: @enacrai
Tagging: @sentineloftheunderworld @reno2ndgun @cssnei @eliteemblemelena and anyone else who wants to!
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
So Rude or Reno who's better?
Okay this is a question id rather not answer. Both men are vastly different in many ways. What I like about one I might not like about the other, it's easier for me to not answer this question and let them stew over it for a while and see if they think they can bribe me with sweets and such.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Give me a juicy secret.
I uhh i mean I can but *polishes gun* Then i'd have to kill you. Just kidding.... or am I When we have a movie night with everyone Reno has to drink out of a sippy cup because he's spilled his liquor too many times.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Is your boss hot?
I uhhhh *drops coffee all over herself* No comment. I mean I yes ... no .. yes ... does this affect my performance review. Also uhh which boss
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Who out of your peers are you fucking?
None of them and here's why. Tseng is my boss first of all so he does not count. Reno: Vain annoying little peacock. So no Rude: He might snap me in half like a twig. He scares me with how silent he is.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
If you want to roleplay like this post and I will hit, you up for a starter. Alternatively feel free to hit me up with a starter, ask, anon, whatever you fancy.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Does it bother you that your boss will never love you the way you do him?
I mean does it bother you that you're too much a coward to come off anon and ask that? In all honesty even if you like someone there's no guarantee they will like you back. It's not fair to expect it from someone. Love is beautiful and wonderful but there are many types of love and to hold it as this precious commodity is silly. Even if he doesn't like me the way I do I can still like and respect him as my friend.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
I had a cake in the breakroom. It was down to my last slice. I was going to snag it for a snack and then what happened. All I could find was the fancy wrapper in the damn trash. T.T I have no idea who stole my cake but i was looking forward to it. I blame Reno
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Ask's & DM'S
Are open feel free to HMU I am also looking for rp parters or just in general things to answer. Please feel free to get to know me better.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
It was late just past 3a.m., the sounds of rain slapping against tin roofing amid the worst parts of the slums could be heard. The artificial sun lamps had been shut off for the day and most normal citizens of Midgar were safely tucked away in the privacy of their own homes. The ones still out this late for the most part were either those of an unsavory nature or those whose life left little choices but to be employed in the hours of night fall.
Traversing her way through the darkness a young woman was making her way out of sector six to go home. Scantily clad in a short black skirt and a bright red halter top a young blonde made her way home. Cursing her choice in wearing heels as the shoes managed to stick to the wet clumpy dirt beneath her feet, they eventually made their way into her hands being carried as she walked home hair turning into a matted mess as she walked past the dazzling array of neon lights avoiding cat calls and not bothering to acknowledge anyone.
Her guard was down and a wad of cash lay nestled in a plastic baggy tucked inside her bra, a small dagger strapped to her upper thigh her only method of protection. She'd been mugged before her purse stolen which is why she now carried protection, she was more than capable to defend herself but a knife was more practical than fists. Exiting six she stood around for a few moments leaning against the wall, was she waiting, catching her breath, or looking around one might not know but she did and thats what mattered.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Alright I will be getting starters out over the next few days. Feel free to unless specified treat them as open call. With anyone able to jump in and i will specifically list the AU if applicable.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
You got any rp samples or rp ideas?
I always have ideas and I do have an rp going on right now for some samples. However give me a day or two and i'll post some open starters for people to reply to. Feel free to reach out via pm's or any posts for RP prompts and i'll be more than happy to plot something out ;)
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
So 😘😘😘😘😘😘 are you dtf?
EHHH! *Drops coffee hiding face.* I-i uhhh I mean maybe it depends...
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
I resent the peacock comment
Honey its true you spend so much time to look the right amount of disheveled. You have invested how much into your wardrobe and hair?
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