#ellee's hair design
elleeshairdesigns · 8 months
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cynicalstudy · 3 months
I’ve translated some Precure interviews from the 20th Anniversary Character Chronicle! This post is dedicated to Hirogaru Sky Precure. Information under cut😊 (Note: I am not a professional translator! There will/may be some errors, but I tried my best!)
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1.“Sky Mirage! Tone Connect! Hirogaru Change! The sky that soars to infinity! Cure Sky!”
2.The Precure Sora transforms into. Sora, who has been training as a hero, chases the kidnapped princess Ellee-chan to Sorashido City. Princess Ellee’s mysterious power reacts to Sora’s heart and turns her into Cure Sky. “Hirogaru Sky Punch” is her finishing move.
3.A girl from Skyland who aspires to be a hero. She has excellent athletic prowess, with a serious and polite personality. She deepened her bond with Mashiro first. Her catchphrase is “It’s Hero time!”
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1.“Sora comes from another world; Skyland. She is the first main Precure to have blue as a color. We struggled coming up with a balance of coolness and cuteness.” (Next Quote) “There is frequent use of sky motifs, such as balloons, the moon, and stars. Her sleeves were made to represent these balloons, and her earring reflects the moon.”
2.“A major design point is her cape fluttering in the wind. Said cape is a defining characteristic of Cure Sky, and it only covers the left shoulder, so she won’t have to worry about it from behind. Her hair tips have a gradient of blue to pink. Cuteness and coolness is expressed in an asymmetrical design. The wavy lines create more movement than straight lines.”
3.”Cure Sky is a character reliant on fighting, so we designed her to have slightly larger (most likely muscular) arms and legs. This was inspired by fighting game characters, which enhances the battle scenes.”
4.“We asked Akira Sekine (Sky’s VA) for words of inspiration as Sky. She states, “Even if I feel I cannot move forward, there are people who always have my back! So don’t stop, Hero Girl! I have many people that support me, much like Sora-chan. Sora-chan is a hero to me too!” Sekine-san is motivated by Sky’s design, mostly her cape, as she thinks it is cool.”
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1.“Sky Mirage! Tone Connect! Hirogaru Change! Gentle light that softly soars! Cure Prism!”
2.The Precure Mashiro transforms into. Mashiro turns into Cure Prism when saving Sora in a pinch. She hesitates often due to a lack of confidence, but Ageha pushes her to be the best she can be. “Hirogaru Prism Shot” is her finishing attack.
3.A kind and knowledgeable second-year at Sorashido Middle. Her parents constantly work overseas, and her grandmother taught her about cooking and nature. Through interacting with Sora and her friends, she slowly gains confidence.
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1.“Mashiro transforms into Cure Prism, a kind and gentle girl inspired by diamonds. Influenced by the prism-like shape, we have adopted the diamond style as a symbol.” (Next Quote) “The hairstyle resembles hearts, in the braids mainly. There is also a decorative ribbon on the back of her outfit.”
2.“She shares the same earring shape as Sky, which makes a pair together. Her full-body silhouette is reminiscent of a diamond shape. Children are more likely to recognize her with a fuller hairstyle. The frills are essential for the cute, soft feel we have gotten with Prism.”
3.”The cross pattern on her skirt represents a prism that changes color depending on light passing through it. This exemplifies Prism’s own unique experience of discovering her qualities through encounters with others.”
4.“We asked Ai Kakuma (Prism’s VA) for words of inspiration as Prism. She states, “It’s hero time! When you say this, you’re saying “Protect what is most important to you!” These words encourage me to be stronger.” Kakuma-san states her favorite part of Prism’s fashion is inside her skirt, where the cross is.”
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1.“Sky Mirage! Tone Connect! Hirogaru Change! Courage soaring high! Cure Wing!”
2.The Precure Tsubasa transforms into. The first recurring male member of a Precure team. He helps Sky and the others, and when Kabaton laughs at Princess Ellee, he shouts “Don’t laugh!” He then turns into Cure Wing and saves the princess. “Hirogaru Wing Attack” is his finishing attack.
3.He is a hard-working boy from the Puni Bird tribe, a bird fairy who cannot fly but can take the form of a human. His dream of flying came true when he turned into a Precure, and he serves Princess Ellee as her knight.
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1.“The first male Precure to be a regular member. It took some time to solidify the character’s image, including the height and age. Since he is a member of the Puni Bird tribe, we had to be conscious of his bird-like qualities too.” (Next Quote) “The costume is based off butler’s style. To prevent it from becoming a stiff design, we gave him colorful buttons, reminiscent of a circus.”
2.“When he transforms, his bangs will be neat! Before he changes, he has a quiet hairstyle with one eye hidden. After, he becomes powerful, and the low ponytail resembles a tail feather. The blue to yellow gradient reminded us of dusk. To express his masculinity, we gave him shorts, while giving an air of femininity with little frills.”
3.“The accent on his thigh matches Butterfly. While the rest of his design is neat and symmetrical, we added this ribbon to express individuality.”
4.“We asked Ayumu Murase (Wing’s VA) for words of inspiration as Wing. He states, “Your knight shall go!” Murase-san says he likes the mini hat on his head, stating it is cute.”
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1.“Sky Mirage! Tone Connect! Hirogaru Change! Wonderful soaring excitement! Cure Butterfly!”
2.The Precure Ageha transforms into. Her dream is to become the best nursery schoolteacher, and to protect the people she cares about as a Precure. “Hirogaru Butterfly Press” is her finishing attack.
3.An 18-year-old studying at vocational school with the aim of becoming a childcare worker. A dependable older sister type with a stylish personality, she is the childhood friend of Mashiro. Her catchphrase is “Let’s get excited!”
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1.“The first adult Cure to appear in the series. Since she is much older, we had many discussions about the design of her character. We were conscious to ensure she was mature and sister-like.” (Next Quote) “Her arms are covered in sheer body tights, much like a figure skater, which gives the impression of a sunrise.”
2.“The charm around her neck is common amongst Precure characters. The common motif gives off the sense of teamwork. The midriff and mini skirt are reminiscent of Korean fashion trends. She is inspired by K-pop idols, along with a sporty mix in its design.”
3.“A mini skirt would reveal too much, so we gave her one-sided tights to balance the weight. The bottom has a silhouette that resembles butterfly wings, and the sides give the impression of said butterfly’s wings at rest.”
4.“We asked Ayaka Nanase (Butterfly’s VA) for words of inspiration as Butterfly. She states, “Let’s get excited! When I say this, I get excited too~ So positive; my favorite word!” Nanase-san likes the gradient sleeves and asymmetrical tights.”
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Plain Text:
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1.“Sky Mirage! Tone Connect! Hirogaru Change! Descending mystical nobility! Cure Majesty!”
2.The Precure Ellee-chan transforms into. Wishing to help Sora and the others in a pinch, she temporarily grows older and turns into a Precure. This consumes a lot of energy, so she quickly returns to her baby form. “Hirogaru Magic Hour’s End” is her finishing attack (last sentence added by translator).
3.A baby who is the princess of Skyland. She has the mysterious power to create the Sky Tones. She learns to walk and talk on her own as she grows, and her catchphrase is “Eru~!”
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1.“Cure Majesty, which is Ellee-chan transformed, is the princess of Skyland. Our challenge was to create a royal feel while keeping the vestiges of her baby form.” (Next Quote) “She has a luxurious motif but is still similar to Sky. Her sleeves link their designs together.”
2.”Majesty is an honorific title for the royal family. We left traces of her childhood in her hair. This invokes the idea that Ellee-chan has grown up. We kept a royal design befitting a princess, and a sash that creates a royal feel.”
3.“Her colors are inspired by the “Magic Hour”. This purple shade is bright, even without the sun present.”
4.“We asked Aoi Koga (Majesty’s VA) for words of inspiration as Ellee-chan. She states, “Thank you all for believing in me. These were her first ever words after transforming, and they are filled with a lot of love and time spent together.” Koga-san adores the skirt, as well as the tiara.”
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dawningwinds-s · 1 year
Dawning's alternatives to the inevitable fact that Cure Majesty is Ellee:
Yoyo: Hear me out now. Yoyo's capable of a lot and since the Precures don't seem to have the mirror pad on hand currently, it's possible she was keeping an eye on them through it and used it to find out where they were, where she proceeded to go when they were in trouble. Ellee's window of viewing from the Undergu Empire allowed her to see Yoyo there and thus she granted Yoyo Precure powers; or, Yoyo's just had them for decades from another source and her precure form never changed. If we pretend Ellee is definitely never Cure Majesty then this actually seems pretty likely.
Beribery. Yeah this ain't it unfortunately; there was a period where I had hopes for her potentially being the midseason cure but. Those crashed and burned. HOWEVER I'm gonna be delusional for a second and try and sell it. From a design perspective, while not the best possible match, Cure Majesty does have a few traits in common: their hair styles are actually pretty similar for the most part: I actually think the placement of Majesty's pigtails are slightly more in line with Beribery than Ellee, being a bit more down from where Ellee's are, and and the side-framey things on their hair is similar, with Beribery's being just less wavy. Though the how this ended up happening is a bit hard to work out, so even if we pretend Ellee is never Cure Majesty this is improbable.
Shalala. Same as Beribery minus the similarities. Sorry but this is wrong, I'm just listing her because I know people will yell at me if I don't include her here.
The mysterious force who delivered Ellee to the royal family. Okay like. This one actually seems pretty viable, even acknowledging Ellee being Cure Majesty as a possibility. Like. We don't know much about this being, if anything. They're probably still watching over Ellee to some extent, and maybe Ellee's feelings of desperation and own magical power was enough to allow this being who doesn't seem to normally have a physical form temporarily take one on.
A projection created by Ellee. Similar to the above, but instead of allowing a pre-existing being to take on a physical form, she created an entirely new being. This Cure Majesty would be able to exist in the same location at the same time as Ellee (in fact would probably generally have to) and have separate feelings from Ellee, but her existence would still be dependent on Ellee's. The fact that her very being was created to be a Precure would possibly be a source of internal conflict for her because once she gained a civilian form (which I don't think she'd initially have) she would have to learn how to be just a person. Independent of her responsibilities of a precure and of Ellee. This is probably unlikely as heck but I think it'd be interesting
Can't wait for all of these to turn out wrong and boring.
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genderqueer-miharu · 1 year
Oh yeahi forgot to talk about this but. Precure leak time!!
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[Image description: A sample photo of a product with all the Cures from Hirogaru Sky Precure, along with Cure Majesty, who hasn't apprared in the show yet. /End description]
CURE MAJESTY TIME!!!! Can't say much on the design yet since this picture doesn't show the rest of the body but i really like it so far she looks so pretty. That's obviously Ellee and i like how they made her hair darker, makes sense since ellee's hair is a lighter shade. I also noticed her hair seems to be a combination of Sky and Prism's?? She has twintails like Sky and also longer hair that goes down behind her like Prism. That's such a cute detail i hope the rest of her outfit also takes inspiration from Wing and Butterfly. Love the sparkles in her hair, love that giant winged crown, can't wait for her official announcement :)
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ecargmura · 1 year
Hirogaru Sky! Precure Episode 28 Review - Exciting Ageha Focus
This was a good Ageha-focused episode while also being about Ellee. I did like learning more about Ageha given that while her goal of being a nursery school teacher is shown, there wasn’t more about her background until this episode. Ellee also gets a bit more characterization in this episode. Let’s dive into my review!
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Ageha is revealed to have two older sisters who are famous models in the city; even Mashiro is a fan of them. The eldest Maria is also an upcoming actress while the middle sister Kaguya is also a fashion designer who launched her own brand. The reason why they have different last names is that Ageha’s parents divorced when she was young; her father took Maria and Kaguya while her mother took her. Mashiro said that while she knew Ageha had sisters as she had told her, she wasn’t aware they were the famous Saotome sisters until now; the divorce happened before Ageha met Mashiro.
Divorce is usually a topic that’s portrayed in a negative light in media, but in this case, it’s shown more on a positive note? Like, yes, it did affect Ageha a bit as a child, but she and her sisters were still able to make it a positive experience by meeting up occasionally and being supportive of each others’ paths. They don’t let it get to them and still try their best to live life excitingly. While this topic doesn’t get mentioned too often in this episode, I did like how the writers didn’t go their way to make it a depressing episode and make Ageha weak-hearted. She’s a strong person with a goal.
Ageha did some amateur modeling in middle school, but chose the path of a nursery school teacher instead of going into entertainment and fashion like her sisters. My only gripe with this episode is not showing when Ageha decided on this goal. I know that spending time with Mashiro as a kid could be a factor, but it’s not specified when this dream of hers started. I did want to know the root of this goal, but maybe that’s for another episode? I do have a feeling it won’t be addressed, though. However, she did show why she has talent in child education as she calmed Ellee who was getting nervous from stage fright.
Maria and Kaguya are very cool characters. I do like that all three sisters have purple eyes, just so that their being related can be easily distinguishable. Ageha and Maria share the same hair color while Kaguya and Ageha have the same eye shape! They’re both kind and supportive of Ageha. I can also see their charisma and why girls love them so much. However, the biggest scene stealer in this episode is their manager Kako. I like him a lot! He’s flamboyant and can see talent. While he was disappointed that Ageha wouldn’t continue modeling, he did see modeling potential in Ellee. I do like how important Kako is to Maria and Kaguya with how they looking for him and wanting him to leave together with them before they got targeted by the Ranborg.
Speaking of Ellee, she’s being more of a spoiled child. It’s not a bad thing for all children are spoiled one way or another. The fact that she’s being picky with her clothes is reminiscent of how picky she was with her shoes back in Episode 13. Seeing her like the dress Kaguya designed for her children’s line was a bit too convenient. But hey, at least she looks cute in that dress. The fact that Ellee got stage fright at the runway was actually understandable. She’s a child and she never saw so many people in her life so it’s to be expected that she gets scared and anxious. I do like how Ageha calmed her down and such. Also, I liked how she fiercely rejected the shirt Sora picked out; that was funny.
Minoton is still a very charismatic villain as he told the audience to run away before they get hurt. It’s a nice touch to see villains that concern with people’s well-beings. I do notice that Minoton always does things to protect himself from heat. Back in Episode 26 had Minoton use a fan. This time, he is drinking out of a water bottle. I do like how reflective this is to reality as it is gosh too darn hot these days! Minoton advises you to stay hydrated and I agree! Stay hydrated!
It was nice learning more about Ageha as I do feel like she did get the least amount of development episodes of the four. Hopefully, this will be the opportunity to have more Ageha-centric episodes in the future. Next week’s episode seems to be a Sora-focused episode, so I’m excited as we haven’t had a Sora focus in a while. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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janneymorgan · 14 days
Complete Your Bridal Look with a Beautiful Bridal Hair Vine
On your wedding day, every detail counts, and the perfect accessory can truly elevate your bridal look. A bridal hair vine is a timeless and elegant choice, adding a touch of grace and sparkle to any hairstyle. Whether you prefer a classic bun, loose waves, or a braided updo, a bridal hair vine seamlessly enhances your overall appearance, ensuring you feel beautiful and confident as you walk down the aisle.
The beauty of a bridal hair vine lies in its versatility. Unlike rigid accessories, hair vines are flexible, allowing you to style them in a way that complements your personal taste and hairstyle. You can weave it through braids, wrap it around a bun, or even wear it as a delicate headband. The options are endless, making it a favorite for brides who want to customize their look.
At Ellee Couture Boutique, our collection of bridal hair vines is designed with the modern bride in mind. Crafted with premium materials like sparkling crystals, delicate pearls, and intricately designed metalwork, each piece offers a luxurious touch that enhances the beauty of any bridal ensemble. Whether you’re looking for something understated or bold, our selection includes a variety of designs to match your wedding theme—be it vintage, boho, or contemporary chic.
A bridal hair vine offers the perfect balance of style and practicality. It adds just the right amount of shimmer and elegance without feeling heavy or bulky. This lightweight design ensures that you’ll stay comfortable throughout your wedding day, whether you're posing for photos, exchanging vows, or dancing the night away. Plus, the flexible structure of the hair vine allows it to be securely pinned, keeping it in place while you enjoy every moment.
Not only is a bridal hair vine a stunning accessory for your wedding day, but it also serves as a keepsake that you can treasure for years to come. Its timeless design means that it can be passed down through generations, becoming a meaningful family heirloom that symbolizes love and tradition.
Browse Ellee Couture Boutique’s exquisite collection of bridal hair vines to find the perfect piece that complements your wedding day vision. With a variety of options available, you're sure to discover a bridal hair vine that completes your look and makes you feel truly radiant on your special day.
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elleeshairdesign · 2 years
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elleeboutique-blog · 5 years
Select Unique Wedding Headbands for the Perfect Wedding Hair Accessory
Bridal Tiaras and bridal hair accessories complete the wedding jewelry look. The vast range of well-known designers and jewellery products are readily available online, or at bridal shops. You can get a range of handmade headpieces/tiaras, wedding jewelry, some original Unique Wedding Headbands. They are readily available to you with the finest quality.
You may look at tiaras, combs, berets, and other selections wisely. As wedding is one of the most important days of your life, you want everything to be as perfect as possible. Bridal headbands are considered to be of great use for every bride. These are established to be one of the best choices when bridal accessories are being talked about. There are many good reasons to consider wedding headbands.
Here are some reasons to select this option.
Ease of use
A headband matching with your bridal bouquet and complementing your wedding gown is the best recipe for a beautiful bride. Headbands are quite in style and can be worn not just by the bride but also the bridesmaids and the flower girl too. Creating a wonderful wedding theme, bouquets and headbands can leave your guests stunned. One major cause why bridal headbands are considered to be a big hit for almost all brides is the fact that these can be used not only during the wedding but in any other future occasion.
Nowadays, bridal accessories are extremely popular in the market. These accessories are available in different bridal boutiques, accessory shops, online retailers and even auctions. Because of its wide availability, it is a bit hard to find the best one that will work perfectly for a bride
Ellee Couture Boutique based in the beautiful sunny California providing you our latest international couture regal elegance of bridal headpieces. We are honored in your interest in our exquisite bridal headpieces, tiaras, crowns, jewels, hair combs, bridal headbands, hairpins & antique tiaras. Lovingly handcrafted with precision and care with the finest materials to create exquisite designs that are loved and adored by brides around the world
From the above introduction, we can conclude that Brides generally want something unusual for their day. With jewelry and wedding hair accessories as brides’ choice, the headbands from online retailers or Wholesale Bridal Headbands boutiques are still pretty popular and an amazing choice as well.  You can also use some of them after the wedding for different occasions and some could have other uses such as a necklace as they come with extenders on the end.
In short, Wedding headbands can be the perfect hair accessory. They are a very popular choice and they are easy to use.  They may be used for other occasions such as graduations, proms, Quinceanera, pageants and birthdays amongst others. They are also versatile, as there is a headpiece to match any hairstyles.
Enjoy Ellee Couture Boutique quality wholesale wedding headbands craftsmanship pieces with perfection and balanced aesthetics for comfort and practicality for brides who appreciate luxury elegance.
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elleeshairdesigns · 8 months
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elleeshairdesigns · 8 months
Debunking Common Hair Myths and Unveiling the Truths
Myths and misunderstandings about hair care are common, and they usually mislead individuals in their search for gorgeous, healthy hair. In this blog, we will debunk some common hair misconceptions and give you data-supported information so you can choose your hair care routine wisely… Continue Reading
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elleeshairdesigns · 8 months
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If you are looking for the best Aberdeen hairdressers that offer high-quality hair treatment services to their clients, Ellee’s Hair Design is perfect for you. 
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elleeshairdesigns · 8 months
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Ellee’s Hair Design is your one-stop hub for all beauty treatment needs. Aberdeen beauty salon experts use reliable tools to ensure your skin gets no damage. 
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elleeshairdesigns · 8 months
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We are Aberdeen hair salon professionals with a mission to give you the look you desire without damaging your hair. Book your consultation today at our website. 
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elleeshairdesigns · 9 months
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If you are looking for the best Aberdeen hairdressers who understand your needs and offer high-quality services, Ellee’s hair Design is perfect for you.  
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elleeshairdesigns · 9 months
Best Hair and Beauty Salon | Ellee’s Hair Design
Ellee’s Hair Design is the best hair and beauty salon offering reliable and luxurious hair and beauty treatment services. Visit our website for full pricing.
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elleeshairdesigns · 9 months
Best Customer Experience at Ellee’s | Aberdeen Beauty Salon  
Ellee’s Hair Design, a highly-rated Aberdeen beauty salon, believes every customer is important. Our beauty experts deeply understand every client's needs.   
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