#elliacia answers
circusofthelastdays · 4 months
I want you to know that I ran into that post you made about only liking Gortash during ovulation during a random aggressive attack of sudden Durgetash obsession and I laughed and wrinkled my nose and was like "Omg this fanbase is insane sometimes" ...And then literally the next day my period tracker informed me I was ovulating.
LMAOO that's ironic af.
you're now the second person to tell me you also like gortash and/or durgetash during ovulation.
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anemoelliacia · 1 year
here I have a specific to my tastes but correct opinion. look at wriothesley's everything and specifically at all his earrings. he so would have nipple piercings. maybe even somewhere more private too~
(and going more into the wriothesley x neuvillette part of wrio x neuvi x reader, imagine neuvillette being rather perplexed by that, like, "some ways in which humans decorate themselves are hardly making sense to me", but at the end of the day he's bizarrely into it. can also apply to reader, of course)
ohh my god yes i love this idea. i could totally see wrio having nipple piercing, but i think he'd be more likely to have a dick piercing.
no but imagine the wriothesley x reader x nuevillette concept i had going and wrio has his dick pierced and reader has her nipples pierced. nuevilette would be so taken aback by it, especially his sweet girl having her breasts adorned that way but regardless he loves it. and as for wriothesley's piercing, he is nothing if not concerned but finds himself so weirdly attracted to it.
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circusofthelastdays · 5 months
Okay okay okay
Pictures this
Rolan has been rather subtle flirting because sybyll is at work and he doesn't want to be disrespectful. But dang it sybyll is so happy to have someone to talk to about all this stuff with that He's kinda missing all the hints. So rolan finally just him on a date
And sybyll is baffled for a minute, he's gonna say yes, he knows that but rolan doesn't. So he decides to play a little
"Alright, you can court me if you can tell me one thing about my collection that I don't know"
He assumes rolans won't have anything or will point out that's a rigged game. Instead rolan looks around and finds a tiny mummy in a jar
It doesnt have a label.
"That, that's a pixie from one of Balthazar moon lanterns"
"Alright, now prove it."
"I have an intact lantern, complete with pixie, in my tower."
"Suppose I should go see it then hmm?"
"It's a date!"
That is so adorable 😭 I love that
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circusofthelastdays · 6 months
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I'm thinking that man deserves to have his dick sucked
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circusofthelastdays · 4 months
How many ocs not just tavs do you have?
I'm gonna be so fr with you right now.
I have no OCs that are not Tavs. I had never made an OC before until baldurs gate 3!! Unless a spidersona counts as an OC?
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circusofthelastdays · 4 months
Saying this only for the funny’s- no disrespect to your grandma.
But Danm grandma! GO HOME! I have porn to write and you are literally cock blocking’s my brain!
all the disrespect to my grandmother, honestly. I don't enjoy her company for a reason!! I want her to go home for more reasons than just me being able to write 😅
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circusofthelastdays · 4 months
anyway, show me your tav :D
this was my first Tav and I love her <3 she was a half elf warlock!
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you can see the rest of my tavs here if you want, I have a whole post about them!!
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circusofthelastdays · 5 months
Omg I'm naming him sybyll and his family name will be enoch so rolan can be confused by everyone at the museum calling him knock knock. But his kids call him 'dippy' instead of Daddy they're like8 and 9 so it's on purpose BECAUSE when they were small he would say 'dippy dippy' every time he would hold their hand to put the quill in ink and teach them alphabet. And the reason he doesn't like wizards is because almost all the ones he ever met rely ENTIRELY on magic and that just annoys him so much. So he was just giggling up a storm when he heard about some wizard throwing his master out a window *DEEP BREATH* AND
And?? and tell me more!! This is literally so cute omg.
also- I love the name Sybyll Enoch that is so unique!
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circusofthelastdays · 6 months
Since you don't mind hearing why we love Zevlor, here's my reasons why! Zevlor was a Hellrider Commander so he's definitely experienced many hardships that most people wouldn't experience. So add to the fact he, not only he had lost his home & had faced discrimination for being a Tiefling, he had to lead his people to somewhere better due to his military past. He carried so much burdens on his own yet he chose to not share about it with any of the Tieflings so he won't burden them anymore than they're already burdened themselves just showed how selfless he is. Despite the fact his people still live because of his leadership, he sees himself as their equal when it's because of his competence that they managed despite most of them are civilians while only a few can fight. Even after he was enthralled but snapped out of it, he only briefly denied it before confessing that he was tempted & asked if the other Tieflings survived. He obviously shows regrets & is quite ashamed of himself for being tempted even briefly. I don't blame him because he couldn't grieve the loss of his home & fellow tieflings as he had to stay strong for the rest of them. He also suppressed his own feelings to focus on keeping everyone safe. Then when he was offered everything he wanted, I can see why he wanted it. While he knows he won't be welcomed, he still chose to help the Tieflings. If he makes it to the final act of the game, he becomes willing to put his life on the line to end the Absolute, and Tav can summon him and some of his fellow Hellrider escapees from Avernus to aid Tav in the final battle. He even retaken his oath too! Rather than a man who failed his people, I see that he's a good man who cared too much who held the weight of the world & it was too much for him at the worst time. Thank you if you read this! Please share your thoughts about it if you don't mind!
this is actually quite enlightening about his character, thank you! I must admit I didn't really pay much attention to him when I did my first playthrough.
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circusofthelastdays · 6 months
i think i speak for everyone when i say its best for your safety that you write that halsin one <- absolutely a threat/j
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I did not expect people to actually want me to write it when I posted that. I uhh- I shall have to get on it when I have time!
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circusofthelastdays · 4 months
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have a wee doodle of the lassie!
oh my god
that's so cute 😭 i love it
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circusofthelastdays · 4 months
what's your go-to thing to decompress? (prompted by your post-work post)
staring at my ceiling for one, while sitting in the dark. I need alone time to decompress.
also scrolling on tiktok, with sound off and just reading subtitles as I do. or scrolling on tumblr.
those are usually my go to things. If I'm not doing those, I'm picking up something to read.
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circusofthelastdays · 4 months
So how was your day?
super fucking busy.
i woke up at 7 am, was out the door to work by 7:30 am. we had a lot of orders to fill at work, we did about 55 orders? but a lot goes into filling each order, so it took us until 4 something to finish all of them.
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circusofthelastdays · 5 months
How many tabs do you have and which is your favorite?
Tabs? Like tabs open? Uhmm...
I have 4. and I'd say my fav is the cucumber sandwich recipe 🤣 because I love cucumber sandwiches.
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circusofthelastdays · 5 months
Hiii! Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (sorry if you have received this already feel free to skip it if so! ❤️)
i did already receive this, and my answers are here ❤️ it's way harder than it should be to think of 5 more things so uhh I cannot do I again but ty
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circusofthelastdays · 5 months
Hiii! Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool :3)
oh hi!! okay here we go-
1. I like that I'm pretty chill and compromise easily.
2. I like that I am a good writer, not just fanfic. I was always good at writing essays and what not in school. (before I dropped out of college I even had a professor tell me I should try to publish.)
3. I like that I have recently learned to be unapologetically myself, and to indulge in my interests without caring what others think. (12 year old me would be so happy!!)
4. I like that I am open about being sapphic!! (once again, 12 year old me would cry tears of joy.)
5. and I like that I'm a very supportive and open minded person.
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