#ellie plays 7scarlet terribly
isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
OKAY LIKE. House arrest situations in otomes usually don’t actually bother me at all but this time it’s making me absolutely livid. I’m a natural shut in so my stance on house arrest situations in otomes is usually “I never see the light of day anyway so I don’t really care”. but holy shit this logic only applies in the comfort of my or someone’s nicely furnished house with mental stimulation available. Like in Toma’s route prior the cage, I didn’t mind him making the heroine stay at his house because she had access to games and entertainment and considering how she couldn’t stay at her house because of the harassment, it was reasonable which makes him caging her all that more frustrating because of how utterly unnecessary it was. I had no problem with the house arrest situation in Jumin’s route because again, you had access to his entire sweet ass pent house and Rika’s apartment had an ACTUAL BOMB so again, staying at Jumin’s house was reasonable. I had no problems with the house arrest situation in Saeran’s route because man your dumbass thought it was a good idea to go into a cult base, be grateful you didn’t end up like this 
THIS THOUGH??? Isora’s literally confining Ichiko in a DIRTY UNDERGROUND ROOM where 1. there’s literally no mental stimulation; nothing she can use to pass the time, 2. she literally has no contact with any of her friends and and 3. he doesn’t give her a single explanation as to why she’s being confined when there are so many other alternatives, and Ichiko does not question him ONCE. NOT ONCE. 
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
7′scarlet aka “all the boys knew the heroine when she was young and therefore are in love with the heroine who has a personality of a potato solely because they were childhood friends”
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this is pretty much Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly allllll over again where all the boys are in love with the heroine solely because they were childhood friends because lmao romantic development?? who needs that??? I mean I love Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly but the “one girl + sausage fest friend group all fighting for the girl’s affection” was so over the top it was absolutely ridiculous. And this game seems to be falling into the exact same traps smh. Toa is talking about his childhood crush and how he poured his soul into his first song dedicated to her and I already know that it’s going to be Ichiko. It just makes me roll my eyes because I’m sorry so far Ichiko has a personality of a potato (which means a lot coming from me, who tries her absolute best to love and appreciate all otome heroines) and I feel like the writers are just using the “they were childhood friends!” as an excuse to justify why the dude is in love with Ichiko because they don’t want to bother putting some thought or personality into her character. 
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
ok I just finished Isora’s good ending and LMAO THAT WAS STILL AWFUL.
When will writers learn that two people being childhood friends isn’t a god damn substitute for romantic development!!!!! the only time I’ll accept the bullshit “I met you when we were 5 and I was in love ever since” is with Mahiru and Kuroyuki considering their extreme circumstances and traumatic experiences but if you try to give me this bullshit with anything else I will roll my eyes and go to sleep.
also not to mention the uguu dungeon of love trope needs to die. it’s funny and amusing to talk about as far as commentary goes but please I want to enjoy a good story with good romance with good characters. not get locked up in the heroine’s yandere boyfriend’s uguu dungeon of love.
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
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“I’ll lock the door from the outside”
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
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I just finished 7′scarlet and it was..............................okay.
While the execution kind of fell flat, it hit all the right notes and overall had a really solid storyline. I loved unraveling all the mysteries surrounding the town and the legends as well. The ~mystery~ aspects of and the storyline revolving around life and death were a lot more interesting than Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, to say the least.
My fave character order form favourite to least is probably Yuzuki > Toa > Yua > Sosuke > Hino > Yuki > Isora > Chikage > Hanate > Ichika > Yasu >>>> Tsukuyomi
I really liked Yuzuki’s route, and Toa’s true ending, but that was honestly pretty much it. This game would have been a lot better if it wasn’t an actual slog to get through everyone’s routes before unlocking those two LOL. I literally fell asleep playing Sosuke’s route (like I was lying on my bed with my vita and literally fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon because that’s how boring it was) and that’s definitely a first for any game I’ve played. Hino and Isora also really got the short end of the stick because Hino’s route was incredibly bland, and Isora’s route made me want to scream pterodactyl style. 
**SPOILERS** Hanate’s route had the potential to be really good with all the lore connected to him but unfortunately, his route didn’t deliver and it ended up being an info text dump with weirdly placed pseudo incest romance so it’s like uhh no thanks. Like I hope I’m not the only one incredibly creeped out with the whole “as her body began to mature, my feelings for her developed past a brother” like christ!!! she’s in middle school!!!!!!!! What’s worse is that there is literally no explanation as to why he’s so attracted to Ichiko in the first place. It’s like he sees that she’s about to get murdered and for some reason finally decides to stop eating popcorn. Ichiko magically realizing that she’s in love with Hanate after finding out they aren’t blood related is gross as hell too lmao. **END SPOILERS**
Speaking of Ichiko she’s................... not a good heroine, to say the least. I didn’t really have too much of a problem with her being a damsel in distress because I can’t really blame an ordinary college girl for not being able to ward off a serial killer it was grating how repetitive it got though. But with the exception of Yuzuki’s route, I felt like she had no personality lmao??? It doesn’t help that her only commentary was “kya he’s so handsome! I can’t help but feel his strong arms as they embrace me! my heart is going doki doki because of his scent!” like yes yes we know your heart goes doki doki in the presence of your ikemen, let’s move onto bigger and better things already. In the end, I still don’t know anything about what kind of person Ichiko is! We’re never really given a good grasp on her inner thoughts, insecurities, personality quirks, or just... who she is in general?? It’s like she just breathes and all of a sudden all the guys are head over heels in love with her and the only justification for that is their childhood friendship. This game had a really bad case using the childhood friends trope to substitute for actual romantic development. Like I’m sorry but you boys are in love with an actual potato. Even Hanate is in love with Ichiko for literally no reason. Seriously, a part of me wishes that Yua was the protagonist instead because Yua had miles more personality than Ichiko did.
I lowkey wish this game wasn’t an otome game. I feel like the story could have shined a lot brighter if it weren’t for the poorly developed and weirdly placed romance lmao.
The visuals were stunning. I loved all the cinematics and I think that’s this game’s strongest point. That being said, I couldn’t help but feel like Kurahana’s art work clashed with the overall aesthetic of the game? God especially Ichiko’s portrait, her portrait always unsettled me because she has that dead fish look in her eyes and I thought I’d get used to it but I NEVER DID. I honestly regret not turning it off because I think I would have liked Ichiko more if I did LOL. The cgs were fine but none of them really jumped out at me, with the exception of Toa’s true end cgs.
Also as far as system goes, I’m kind of bummed how the game doesn’t have an OST menu? Not that the OST in this game is anything really special, but a lot of the vita games I’ve played so far had that, so I felt it was kind of strange.
Anyway the game was .....okay. It was definitely an improvement from the hot mess that is Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk, but overall it was kind of meh. It’s a real pity since the only game out of the Summer of Mystery games that I really liked was Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly. 
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
ngl otome games that go date by date bother me because I am extremely conscious of the fact that the time span of this game is literally 1-2 weeks and it just makes me that much more picky over how the romance is developed. not saying that you can’t develop a good romance within a short time frame but having a date by date counter in the game just makes me very....aware... of the short time frame. and I’d rather not be.
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
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lmao where is the “I don’t trust you” option because I DON’T TRUST THIS GUY AT ALL HE’S SO SKETCHY.
Maybe it’s the Kakki voice idk. He’s giving me intense Karasuba vibes but for some reason with Karasuba I found him charming and endearing. This guy makes me mildly uncomfortable. 
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
If Isora actually poisoned the tart and killed the cat then this boy is fucking canceled I do not tolerate people who hurt animals. You can hurt me for all I care because I’m a doormat that tolerates any kind of treatment but you do not hurt fucking animals.
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
I’m starting the secret route in 7′scarlet, and from what I’ve heard, there’s romance in this route? even though the secret character is literally Ichiko’s brother? I swear to god if this turns out to be some bullshit “we’re not actually blood related!” pseudo incest route I am going to chuck my vita out the window.
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
So far:
Tsukuyomi was the one who gave Ichiko the letter from the cat mask dude instructing her to go to the shrine, saying “he found it by the door”
Ichiko was killed by the cat mask dude after telling Tsukuyomi about her brother
Ichiko was assaulted in an alley after giving the groceries to Tsukuyomi and running off 
The cat mask dude admitted to killing the cat in the hotel, and Tsukuyomi was the one who found and reported the cat’s dead body
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
oh my god why do they give Ichiko’s child self a voice but not her present self. give us more voiced heroines you cowards.
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
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well well well isn’t this romantic
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
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friend....girl.........girlfriend..........my wife......wife friend.............wife girl friend.............................
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
7′scarlet life where you go on vacation and get hired for a part time job simultaneously.
christ i wish getting a part time job was that easy
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
so I just finished the secret route in 7′scarlet and wow what an absolute awful note to end the game on. like seriously Nesso from black wolves saga was pretty bad but since I played his route in the middle, it didn’t leave much of an impact. but in this game no the last and final route is literally an incest route. jesus fucking christ. 
I am very sure that whoever wrote this bullshit and thought it was romantic is a single child. everything about Hanate’s route is just creepy creepy, creepy. Like I’m sorry but I am pretty sure no woman thinks of their older brother the way that Ichiko thinks of Hanate. Hanate is an interesting character and I’m sucker for “lived for eternity and became mad” type of characters but his feelings for Ichiko just makes him look like a predatory creep if anything. They don’t even explain why he felt a need to protect Ichiko when he first saw her, he just magically did. lmao talk about quite an asspull. If I found out I wasn’t blood related to my brother after spending my entire childhood and life thinking I was, my first reaction would not be “yay! I can make out with him now!” like what the fuck. I understand that Hanate’s route is important to the story but holy shit it costs zero fucking dollars to make his route non-romantic. And this is what I mean when I say this game would have been better if it wasn’t an otome game.
what’s worse is that Hanate’s route is pretty much a must play to understand the full story so it’s not like I can just... purge it from my memory. but you know what, I am going to purge it from my memory.
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isuzukuretsuki · 6 years
Yasu........................yAsu..................yaSU..................................YasU.......................................I had so much faith in you.................................I loved you so much....................................I believed in you so much............................
and then you go and do this. all my faith and love for you washed down the drain in an instant...................
I will never forgive this fucker. Ever. Sorry Yasu I thought I was gonna like you but in the end you’re just the worst of the worst and the lowest of the low and I give zero fucks about you now lmao
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