ingridverse · 2 years
I tried to get an AI to finish my fic for me:
Write a passionate love story about Queen Elsa who is in love with her sister Anna and also in love with her maid Ingrid
Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Arendelle, there lived a beautiful queen named Elsa who ruled with grace and kindness. She was loved by all of her people, but there was one person who held a special place in her heart: her younger sister, Anna.
From the moment they were born, Elsa and Anna were inseparable. They spent their days exploring the castle and the surrounding countryside, dreaming of adventure and the endless possibilities of their future.
But as they grew older, Elsa began to realize that her feelings for Anna were more than just sisterly love. She was in love with her, and it was a love that she knew could never be. She was the queen, and Anna was a princess, and it was simply not acceptable for them to be together in that way.
Despite her feelings, Elsa tried to put them aside and focus on her duties as queen. She threw herself into her work, doing her best to be a fair and just ruler for her people. But no matter how hard she tried, she could not forget about Anna. She thought about her constantly, and it was becoming harder and harder to hide her feelings.
One day, Elsa's maid, Ingrid, noticed that something was troubling the queen. She asked her if there was anything she could do to help, and Elsa hesitantly confided in her. She told Ingrid about her feelings for Anna, and how she didn't know what to do.
To Elsa's surprise, Ingrid revealed that she, too, had feelings for the queen. She had been in love with Elsa for a long time, and she was willing to do anything to make her happy.
Overwhelmed with emotion, Elsa and Ingrid shared a passionate kiss. It was a moment that Elsa had never experienced before, and it filled her with a sense of freedom and happiness that she had never known.
From that day on, Elsa, Anna, and Ingrid were inseparable. They spent their days together, exploring the castle and the surrounding countryside, and enjoying each other's company.
As time passed, Elsa grew more and more in love with both Anna and Ingrid. She didn't care what anyone else thought - she was happy, and that was all that mattered. And in the end, that was all that mattered.
The kingdom of Arendelle flourished under Elsa's rule, and the people loved and respected their queen. She was a fair and just ruler, and she was truly happy for the first time in her life. And she knew that it was all thanks to Anna and Ingrid, the two loves of her life.
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neaori · 5 years
A new chapter!!!
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ingridverse · 3 months
Marisol (queen of Eldora, from the book A Warm Welcome), is visiting Arendelle, and Elsa. But she has some questions about Elsa's particluarly-devoted servant. Anna fills her in.
Set in the Her Heart/Ingridverse universe, but not exactly canon to it. But not not canon either.
878 words
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ingridverse · 4 years
While Ingrid’s away, Anna plans a special day for Elsa. A very special day. A very very special day.
May or may not be the last chapter. Still thinking.
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ingridverse · 4 years
To Her Heart’s Content, chapter 19. Another kiss, more talking. People trying to find their place.
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ingridverse · 4 years
Actually doing some writing. 
That is all.
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ingridverse · 5 years
A new little chapter of To Her Heart’s Content. Three women trying to find their way.
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ingridverse · 7 years
Anna talks to Elsa. Meanwhile Ingrid talks to...Elsa?
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ingridverse · 6 years
About a week ago I posted a new chapter of one of my fics. It's a chapter I was particularly proud of, and one which I thought was dramatic and interesting. Make no mistake, I did get a couple of very positive reviews and comments. But I also got a couple of very negative comments about the chapter and the fic in general, and at the time it really sank my feelings.
I considered responding to the criticism, either to correct or defend, but I frankly didn't have the energy. And why should I spend my energy on people being nasty? So, after some consideration, I have decided to be unapologetically self-indulgent.
You're sick of Ingrid? Now it's all-Ingrid all the time! Don't like the way I write Anna? She does what she wants. Die angry. Elsa? I can't say, because spoilers, but rest assured The Drama Continues. And it will continue. I've got plenty of chapters to go. It ain't over until the live broadcast of Good Morning Arendelle, present day. Anna invents paintball! Ingrid invents the electric typewriter! And more shit I haven't even thought of yet!
Brace yourself.
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ingridverse · 8 years
A quiet interlude in the country. Maybe a little subtext, maybe three women feeling through their relationships with each other. And fresh fruit.
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ingridverse · 8 years
Sneak Preview: next chapter of THHC
Okay, it’s not nearly done, and still a rough draft, but since you’ve been waiting so long for the next chapter of To Her Heart’s Content, and been so patient and encouraging, I thought I’d give you a peek at what I’ve got so far. Comments and suggestions welcome.
Chapter title: Pastorale.
I'm going to tell her, said Ingrid to herself as she puttered around in Elsa's outer rooms, re-straightening her papers for the day, picking things up and setting them back down. She will come out of her bedroom, and I will talk to her and make her stop loving me. And she can be happy with Anna. Today. This morning. I will tell her. Ingrid straightened her shoulders.
Elsa came out of her bedroom, yawning and stretching, her silk nightdress following the contours of her body as closely as Ingrid's eyes did. “Good morning, Ingrid. I missed you in bed,” she said, smiling. Ingrid made a staccato curtsey, and Elsa kissed her forehead before sitting at the vanity and waiting to have her hair brushed and braided. “If you want to sleep in some morning with me, I wouldn't mind.” She smiled again, making eye contact with Ingrid's reflection in the mirror.
Ingrid paused. “I…” She resumed brushing. “I hope you're well this morning.”
“I'm fine, thanks. Tired, but fine.”
“You could go back to bed, if you like. I can arrange – ”
“Not that kind of tired,” Elsa said with a sigh. “Things have been, um, intense lately. Thank god you're here for me. You're a comfort.”
Ingrid dipped her head. “Thank you.” I have to tell her –
“I don't need sleep. What I need is…calm. Relaxation.” Ingrid's hand paused on her shoulder, and Elsa placed hers on top.  
I will tell her. Ingrid felt the gentleness of Elsa's hand on hers. But not right now. “Did you have anything in mind?”
Elsa's hand left Ingrid's as she waved vaguely. “Go someplace peaceful. Outside. Mmm, maybe a picnic?” Holding her head still as Ingrid braided and arranged her hair, Elsa met her eyes in the mirror again. “Ingrid, how soon could you arrange a picnic?”
“Oh dear. Not for a while.” She wrapped Elsa's braid around her head and tucked the end in place. “Not until, oh, one o'clock.”
Elsa turned to face her. “Today?”
Ingrid stared out the window, running through the notes in her head. “If your meeting with the councillors stays on schedule, and no one gets the Councillor Of The Exchequer excited – ” they shared a wry smile “ – then we can move the visiting dignitaries from the afternoon reception to dinner. I'm sure they'd be flattered. If you don't mind, of course.”
“That'd be perfect.”
As Ingrid dressed Elsa for the day, she added, “I'm afraid Anna won't be joining you for breakfast. She got in very late last night.”
Elsa put her hand on Ingrid's arm. “She found Kristoff? How is she doing?”
“I couldn't say. She was too sleepy to talk.” It was Ingrid's turn to put her hand on Elsa's. “I'm sure she's fine. She's strong. And I'm sure she'll be awake in time for your picnic.”
Elsa smiled gratefully.
Be strong, Anna said to herself as she rubbed her eyes and poured herself another cup of tea. She waited in her outer room for Elsa to fetch her for a surprise picnic. Okay, I'm definitely telling her. The minute she gets here. She's gonna want to comfort me over the Kristoff thing but I had that coming. So I just have to tell her I need to be on my own, and she can get back with Ingrid and everything'll be fine.
There was a tapping at the door. “Is that you Ingrid? Come in.” Anna stood to meet Ingrid, but Elsa came through the door first.
“Oh, Anna, are you all right? How are you doing?” She gripped Anna by the arms.
“I'm fine, really.”
“And Kristoff?”
“Pretty good, all things considered.”
“And the two of you?”
“He, um, he's staying up on the mountain for now. He's not angry – he wants to stay friends, just friends for now, and I think he means it – but he needs to be by himself for a while. And about that…”
“Are you all right for going on a picnic? Ingrid talked to you about it?”
“Of course.” Anna saw a trace of something in Elsa's eyes, the same desperate joy she had on that birthday with the sneezing and the cough syrup and the snowgies. “It's okay, Elsa. Really, everything's okay.”
Elsa dropped her arms. Anxiety had crept up on her as she waited to get through the morning. “I just wanted – ”
“ – to make it a perfect day?”
They chuckled, and some of the tension drained away. “I wanted a chance to get outside and relax. Blue sky, green grass. A chance to breathe for a minute. I need it. I think we both need it.” She nodded at Ingrid, standing dutifully behind her. “We all do.”
“So, a picnic. Awesome. Where to?” said Anna.
Elsa shrugged. “I don't know. I was thinking the city park, although it'd be nice to have a little more privacy.”
“I know the perfect spot. There's a clearing in the woods a half-mile past the main road. I don't think anyone goes there. I loved it last time I was there.”
Elsa gazed gratefully into Anna's eyes. “Well, if you love it, I'm sure it must be – ”
“ – perfect!” they said in unison, and laughed.
“Jinx!” said Anna, and they linked pinkies.
Ingrid held the door as Elsa took Anna's arm and they left the room. “Are you sure you're all right?” asked Elsa.
“Of course I am,” said Anna. “I'm with you.” She walked happily along, Ingrid on Elsa's other side, when she suddenly remembered. Damn! I didn't say… Well, she's right. She needs this. I'm not going to spoil it for her. Or for Ingrid. Or for me. We all need a break. Later we can straighten things out.
Maybe I'll ask Ingrid to remind me. She stuffed down the sarcastic thought and kept a smile on her face.
Elsa and Ingrid followed Anna through the woods. Elsa wore a light blue summer dress and transformed her shoes from heels to flats to walk through the spongy layer of leaves and pine needles underfoot. Ingrid, her white apron flashing as it appeared and disappeared behind the basket she was carrying, was beside and a little behind her. Breathing a bit heavily from the exertion, Ingrid said, “Well, we did make good time getting here.”
“We certainly did.” Elsa tucked some stray hairs back behind her ear. “Why did I let Anna drive the carriage again?”
“I couldn't say, but I think because she knew where we were going. And because it made her happy.” Ingrid shifted her grip on the basket. “It may also be possible, if you'll forgive my speculating, that you like going fast?”
Elsa chuckled. “What gave me away?”
“I think the whooping.”
The woods lightened as they reached the edge of the trees. “Well, I found it,” said Anna.
Found it? wondered Elsa.
“But it's…not quite the way I remember.” Anna's green summer dress matched the yellow-green of the wild grass that had grown chest-high in the clearing. “It may have been a little while since I was here last. But hey, no problem.” Anna held her arms up and forced her way through the grass, tramping down a narrow corridor for a couple of yards. “ 'Hay', get it?” With a grunt she pushed forwards again until Elsa stopped her.
“It's all right, Anna,” she said. “We'll…” She looked around the overgrown field, searching for an idea.
“I have an idea,” said Ingrid, “but it, um, would require some help.”
“I'm up for it,” said Anna.
Ingrid scuffed her toe in the half-decayed leaves. “Not that kind of help.” She looked up at Elsa. “If I were to get a long branch, and it had a blade…” Her voice lowered. “…of ice…” She swallowed. “I could scythe a path for us. I used to do that on the farm, a little. If, that is, you would…?”
“It's a good idea, but I think I have a better one. If you'd both stand behind me…” Elsa faced the field as Anna and Ingrid looked over her shoulder. “Farther back, please.” They backed up. Elsa looked over her shoulder. “A little farther. Just to be safe.” They backed a few more yards away.
Elsa sat on her heels, looked thoughtful, then chopped her hand sideways, near the ground. A sizzling ripple of light shot forward across the clearing, illuminating the grass from below. She stood and waved her hand. A chill breeze flattened the wild grass, toppling it flat.
Elsa exhaled as Anna and Ingrid came forward. Anna picked up a stalk of grass and examined how it had been frozen through near the base, where it had snapped cleanly. “If you ever need a second career, you can fall back on farming.” She chewed on the grass stem. “Best be harvesting the north forty, ma'am. S'pose it'll take 'bout a minute and a half.”
Elsa chewed on a grass stalk, too. “Looks like a good crop of winter wheat this year, I s'pose.”
Ingrid put her hands on her hips. “Du, don't just stand there like a couple of fenceposts, get that there hay there spread for drying! Day's half gone and we have to get this dry b'fore we bale it! If the goat gets sick from eating rotted hay again it's not me who'll clean it up, I tell you that for sure, there.”
Elsa and Anna stared at her.
Ingrid's hands left her hips to fold together behind her back. “I…thought…we were talking like farmers? Like…papa?”
“Oh, I'm so sorry,” said Elsa. “We didn't mean anything by it. Anna and I were just–”
“Did he really talk like that?” said Anna. “And did the goat really–”
“Ingrid, I apologize. We meant no disrespect. And…” She glared meaningfully at Anna. “…I think any stories about dyspeptic goats can wait until after lunch. Well after lunch.”
“Oh, no offence taken,” said Ingrid. “My sisters used to pretend to be princesses, so I think it's only fair.” She leaned towards Anna and quietly added, “Also, yes to both questions.”
They walked across the meadow, Elsa's breeze blowing a path clear for them as they enjoyed the sun and the smell of fresh-mown grass.
They paused in a flat spot in the middle of the field, Elsa saying, “This looks like as good a spot as any.” The other two nodded their agreement.
Ingrid set down the basket gently. “I can spread a blanket on the grass,” she said quietly to Elsa, “unless you'd prefer to, um, produce a table and chairs…?”
“On the grass will be fine, Ingrid. Unless you'd prefer?” Ingrid shook her head. “It's hardly a picnic otherwise, is it?”
Ingrid nodded and laid out the picnic. Anna had already started gathering wildflowers, and Elsa went to join her. Ingrid glanced at them as she worked, watching Elsa gently lay her hand on Anna's arm, then Anna suddenly giving Elsa a one-armed hug, her other arm too full of flowers. They touched foreheads, laughing and smiling as they shared endearments too private for Ingrid to catch. She smiled as she worked.
Ingrid stood as the Queen and Princess returned to their picnic site. “We brought the centrepiece,” said Anna, presenting the multicoloured bundle of flowers she and Elsa had gathered. “I…may have overdone it a little.”
“Oh no, not at all,” said Ingrid, scanning the food laid out on the blanket and calculating how to rearrange it.
As she moved jars and bowls around, Elsa said, “Let me help you with that.” She conjured a basket-weave vase of clear ice and arranged the flowers in it, setting it up in the middle of the “table”.
Elsa and Anna sat down. Anna looked up at their dutiful servant. “Well, don't just stand there like a fencepost, Ingrid,” she said, grinning. “Sit down and dig in.” Elsa nodded her assent, and Ingrid took a place on the blanket.
“The flowers are very pretty,” said Ingrid, as she caught Elsa looking at them with a soft frown.
Elsa grabbed the vase and put it behind her on the open grass. “Not as pretty as you two. There. Now I can see you properly.” She smiled a Mona Lisa smile as she watched the two young women get flustered, Anna grinning as she pretended to object, Ingrid looking down shyly then raising her eyes. Then Anna caught Ingrid's eye and gave her a look that said, Check out the smooth-talking romantic over there, nodding at Elsa. Ingrid replied with a tiny nod of recognition. Elsa's hand covered her smile.
They began with the fruit course. The royal sisters loaded their plates with cut pieces of fresh fruit. Ingrid looked over the selection, speared a slice of apple with her fork, and transferred it to her plate.
“Please, Ingrid. Help yourself,” said Elsa.
“Yeah, don't be shy,” added Anna, through a mouthful of grapes. “Well, don't be as shy.'' She turned to Elsa. “She is Ingrid, after all.” She turned back to smile at Ingrid, to let her know she was just teasing.
Ingrid took a bite of the apple slice and chewed thoughtfully. “Oh, I get it,” she said, mostly to herself.
“Oh?” said Elsa, raising an eyebrow.
“I'm sorry, it's nothing,” said Ingrid.
“Well you can't just leave it at that, Ingrid. Get what?” said Anna.
“It's nothing. It's just that, when I was a girl, we had sour apples from a tree on our farm. And I never thought about why they were called sour apples. I see it now.” She held up the morsel remaining on her fork. “Other apples are like this.”
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ingridverse · 8 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿). Do multiple fandoms if you want!
What In Heaven. One-shot, canon, snow sisters, humour, fluff. Elsa’s having a little trouble with her subjects. After all, just because she has miraculous powers over ice and snow doesn’t mean she’s actually the goddess Skaði, right? So why does she have worshippers now? And more importantly, how can she make them go away?
Corrections. One-shot, canon-divergent, snow sisters, hurt/comfort. Elsa attends her parents’ funeral - or tries to. Anna reads the eulogy that Elsa dropped, and gets a glimpse of Elsa’s secrets.
Bilingual. In progress. Modern AU, elsanna, related, some nsfw. Anna’s never been kissed, and asks Elsa to show her how. Despite her misgivings, Elsa does. Originally written as a one-shot. If you like, you can read the first chapter by itself. The fifth chapter is a poem, which can also be read stand-alone.
Biology Homework. One-shot, crack fic, college AU, elsanna, related, nsfw. Snow White walks in on her roommate Elsa and sister Anna in the middle of…something. Elsa has to explain what her hand is doing there. And her other hand.
and the big one,Anything Her Heart Desires. Canon, nsfw in places. Hard to say if it’s elsanna or not; that’s kind of the point. Elsa misreads a moment and kisses Anna, who freaks out. As their relationship suffers, so does Elsa, and she begins to lose control of her powers again.This gave birth to the Her Heart saga, and introduced the OC, Ingrid Hanna Andersen. There are two major sequels, Anywhere Her Heart May Lead and To Her Heart’s Content, which are posted as a single fic (so I didn’t lose any followers from AHHML once THHC started). Additional stories that take place between AHHD and AHHML are Where The Heart Is, The Queen’s Touch (nsfw), and Ye Royal Supply Closet (nsfw). Ask Ingrid is a blog where characters from Her Heart answer your questions. There are also crossovers with the Domestic Assassin and Tiny Heart AUs.
Bonus track: The Queen’s True Love, or Sweet Arendelle. I’m counting this one as half a point because Smuldre’s music and singing make it so much better than my original.
I tag @fruipit​, @grrlgeek72​, @athpluver​, @j-peters0n, and my non-Frozen friend @burningoutbrightly.
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ingridverse · 8 years
About ¼ of the way into the next chapter of THHC. A fluffy diversion before…stuff.
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ingridverse · 8 years
The Ultimate Relationship Tag
Send ‘✩’ for the following:
By “popular” request (and because I felt like it), the elsingrid version.
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Elsa very rarely, but Ingrid absolutely never.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does? If it came to that, Elsa
Who actually keeps their word and leaves? If it came to that (or because she thought it was best for Elsa), Ingrid
Who trashes the house? Elsa by accident. Ingrid cleans it up.
Do either of them get physical? Elsa would be terrified of doing that, Ingrid simply never would
How often do they argue/disagree? They only ever argue about not arguing.
Who is the first to apologise? Have you met Ingrid?
Who is on top? Ingrid
Who is on the bottom? Elsa
Who has the strangest desires? Elsa. But Ingrid doesn’t think they’re strange at all.
Any kinks? Yes
Who’s dominant in bed? Switch
Is head ever in the equation? It’s inevitable
If so, who is better at performing it? Ingrid for enthusiasm, Elsa for being able to make the tip of her tongue frosty.
Ever had sex in public? Not exactly. Does a supply closet count?
Who moans the most? Elsa
Who leaves the most marks? Ingrid (spanking counts, right?)
Who screams the loudest? Elsa
Who is the more experienced of the two? Elsa
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Sometimes ‘have sex’. Sometimes ‘make love’. Occasionally ‘fuck’.
Rough or soft? Soft, segueing to rough.
How long do they usually last? Hard to say. Depends on if Elsa has an early meeting the next day
Is protection used? Um, no.
Does it ever get boring? No
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?  Supply closet
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Want to, but it’s complicated
If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Elsa: two. Ingrid: as many as Elsa will agree to.
Who is the favorite parent? Elsa for playing, Ingrid for taking care of stuff without making a big deal about it or letting Elsa know
Who is the authoritative parent? Elsa for long serious speeches, Ingrid for “I’m not angry, just very disappointed”
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Elsa for fun, Ingrid if there’s the slightest indication of illness
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Elsa. Ingrid doesn’t really have a sweet tooth, so she doesn’t see what the fuss is about. But she’ll share her dessert without even thinking about it.
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both
Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both. Elsa takes the lead. Ingrid sits back and observes, and passes what she sees/hears to Elsa
Who changes the diapers? Ingrid.
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Ingrid. She’s a light sleeper anyway.
Who spends the most time with the children? Ingrid, but Elsa wants to
Who packs their lunch boxes? Ingrid. Elsa sneaks in little treats. Ingrid doesn’t, but she does make their favourite foods.
Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Elsa tries to, but the instant she gets flustered Ingrid takes over.
Who cleans up after the kids? Ingrid.
Who worries the most? Elsa. By a little.
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Elsa.
Who likes to cuddle? Both.
Who is the little spoon? Depends. Usually Elsa, because Ingrid is a clingy cuddler.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Elsa
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?   Ingrid
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Experimental protocol has failed to yield results.
Who gives the most kisses? Elsa
What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Relaxing together.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Elsa’s rooms, because Ingrid either has crappy servant’s quarters or is staying with Elsa anyway.
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?  Elsa usually, but when Ingrid does it Elsa is blown away
How often do they get time to themselves? Daily
Who snores? Elsa
If both do, who snores the loudest? N/A
Do they share a bed or sleep separately? It’s complicated
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Ingrid cuddles up to Elsa’s side, her head resting in the hollow of Elsa’s shoulder
Who talks in their sleep? Elsa. “No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.” until Ingrid wakes her up and holds her close
What do they wear to bed? Silk nighties. Ingrid gets a little cold in the winter but doesn’t mention it.
Are either of your muses insomniacs? Ingrid
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Never
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Entangled
Who wakes up with bed hair? Elsa.
Who wakes up first? Ingrid
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Elsa, as a special treat when she feels that Ingrid’s been doing too much for her
What is their favourite sleeping position? All of them
Who hogs the sheets? When it’s cold Ingrid keeps alternating between hogging the blankets and tucking Elsa back in. Elsa doesn’t need the blankets, but even mostly-asleep she likes the feel of being tucked in.
Do they set an alarm each night? They never need one.
Can a television be found in their bedroom? Not in 1840s. Books, though.
Who has nightmares? Elsa. And occasionally Ingrid, but she doesn’t like to talk about it.
Who has ridiculous dreams? Ingrid. They’re filled with sexual symbolism that she doesn’t recognize, and Elsa has to hide her smirk when Ingrid tells her about them.
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?  Neither.
Who makes the bed?  Ingrid.
What time is bed time?  Given that electric lights haven’t been properly invented, pretty early
Any routines/rituals before bed? Unbraiding and brushing hair
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?  Elsa is, but hides it.
Who is the busiest? Elsa
Who rakes in the highest income? Elsa
Are any of your muses unemployed? No
Who takes the most sick days? Elsa, but only because Ingrid forces her to take them
Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Inconceivable!
Who sucks up to their boss? Ingrid
What are their jobs? Queen and whatever Ingrid’s title is at the time.
Who stresses the most? Elsa stresses over everything. Ingrid copes with stress by working.
Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Enjoy
Are your muses financially stable?  Like a rock
Who does the washing? Who takes out the trash? Who does the ironing? Who does the cooking? All of the above: Ingrid. And the staff, of course.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Elsa, if by “burn” you mean “freeze”
Who is messier?  Elsa, by a tiny fraction.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Neither. Although it’s just possible that Elsa may get so used to Ingrid picking up after her that she simply forgets.
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? What????
Who forgets to flush the toilet? I beg your pardon??????
Who is the prankster around the house? Ingrid, with help from Anna. Anna’s the plotter, Ingrid carries it out. And they both give Elsa a big “We didn’t mean it” hug immediately after.
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? See “toilet paper” above
Who mows the lawn? The staff
Who answers the telephone? Ingrid
Who does the vacuuming? Staff
Who does the groceries? Staff
Who takes the longest to shower? Elsa. Unless Ingrid’s expecting Elsa’s mouth to be...um...
Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Elsa.
Is money a problem? No
How many cars do they own? Staff keeps track of that
Do they own their home or do they rent? Own, although Elsa thinks of it as belonging to Arendelle, not them
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Right next to the fjord. (Remember Elsa running away from the ball?)
Do they live in the city or in the country?  City
Do they enjoy their surroundings? Love them
What’s their song? The folk tune that Ingrid sings to herself without realizing it, that Elsa adores.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Pine
Where did they first meet? In Elsa’s study.
How did they first meet? Ingrid heard Elsa was sad and lonely, and couldn’t let that happen.
Who spends the most money when out shopping? Elsa keeps buying stuff for Ingrid because Ingrid won’t buy it for herself.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Elsa by accident, by being a little oblivious
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Not amusing, but Elsa finds it cute and adorable
Any mental issues? Don’t ask
Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither. Maybe Elsa a little.
Who kills the spiders around the house? Elsa might be a little squeamish about particularly large or weird bugs, but Ingrid just takes care of it likes it’s nothing.
Their favourite place? Anywhere private and cozy.
Who pays the bills? Councillor of the Exchequer
Do they have any fears for their future? Ingrid sometimes worries that Elsa will finally realize Ingrid’s not good enough for her, but she tries not to think about it.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Elsa. See “breakfast in bed” above.
Who uses up all of the hot water?  Elsa. As much as the cold doesn’t bother her, she loves a long hot soak
Who’s the tallest? Elsa
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Elsa. Ingrid would always ask first.
Who wanders around in their underwear? Elsa, occasionally, to tease Ingrid. Then she makes up for it by following through.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Elsa
What do they tease each other about? Just nonsense and silly stuff. Ingrid would never dare to really tease Elsa, and Elsa is too careful around Ingrid to really tease her.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Elsa. Well, not cringe so much as tsk.
Do they have mutual friends? Anna
Who crushed first?  Ingrid. HARD.
Any alcohol or substance related problems? Ingrid cannot hold her liquor
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Ingrid, but only because Anna insisted she have just one more little drink
Who swears the most? Elsa. Ingrid doesn’t handle anger well, so if she ever tries to swear she reverts to childish vocabulary. “You...you...poopfaced bum-wiper! Oh dear, I do apologize for my strong language.”
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ingridverse · 9 years
Take two! A fanfic discussion of Anywhere Her Heart May Lead - To Her Heart's Content, on r/Elsanna. But this time there shouldn't be the same unpleasantness (knock wood).
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ingridverse · 9 years
There's a weekly fanfic discussion in the /r/Elsanna subreddit, and this week it's my Anything Her Heart Desires. Anyone want to drop in and join the fun? Maybe talk about something *other than* if AHHD should be in /r/Elsanna at all or if it's all a horrible prank I'm playing on Elsanna shippers? (Next week it's AHHML/THHC. 😰)
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