#elu delouche
elu-delouche-wow · 4 years
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Just a bit of Sinday Sunday
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darkartofseduction · 4 years
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The Crimson Rose “Heavenly Nights”
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phoebe-of-ivalice · 3 years
🔌 - do they own any sexual toys? 💤 - how much do they usually sleep?
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Phoebe smiles at the asker, “just jumping right in and asking a girl her dirty little secrets, eh? Can’t deny I have my own collection of course, all fairly discreet. I travel a lot so that often leaves a girl to taking care of her own needs. Sure sometimes company is nice, but this way being alone isn’t half bad either.”
“As far as my sleep patterns, I get enough to get me by. If I have the luxury of being able to sleep in once in awhile, I’ll take it. Especially if I’ve been drinking the night before. If I need to do a night stake out, I compensate by sleeping in. Either way, sleeping longer than needed is an indulgence.”
@elu-delouche-ffxiv thanks for the ask 😊
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dawning-star · 4 years
✿ Is it better to be oblivious or is it better to know the truth?
✿ Is it better to be oblivious or is it better to know the truth?
“Know the truth isn’t it?” Her head would cant with the start of her reply, looking as though that was almost the silliest question. “Even if it hurts, sometimes it’s better just to know. So that you can deal with it.”
Nevermind that she had no awareness to the fact that in most cases she was really on the oblivious side of things.
{Is it better to . . . }
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mai-takeda · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. ❤
THANKIES! You are a sweetie and don’t ever change for nothing! Keep rocking and keep shining! 
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syerraffxiv · 4 years
♪: Do you find yourself singing or humming to yourself sometimes?
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Hahaha... Only all the time. If a song is stuck in my head (which is pretty much constantly), I will sing or hum it for days. I even get called out in voice chat occasionally for doing it without realizing.
Current ear worm: The Fishmonger’s Daughter, from the Witcher Netflix series.
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Thanks for the question, @elu-delouche-ffxiv! Oh wow! It’s Munday already!
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zhauric · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. ❤
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My thanks and have yourself a great one.
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ishgard · 6 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
Ahhh, this is so sweet!!!! Thank you so, so much!! \o/
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ceol-aen · 5 years
The Jesus and Mary Chain - The Two of Us 
Well, I was born the day that I met youI couldn’t leave you if I triedIn a thousand years, I couldn’t forget you‘Cause you’re the reason I’m alive
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grantffxiv · 6 years
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
Definitely! Though at the moment they’re more ideas rather than a solid character or concept. I really wish FF14 was more alt friendly as well, as that’s what’s mostly been stopping me from making more characters (THOSE SKIPS ARE SO EXPENSIVE). One idea I definitely wouldn’t mind trying is someone who has sociopathic tendencies who was taught morals and struggles between trying to do the right thing and their own invading thoughts.
((Thank you for the ask! @elu-delouche-ffxiv ))
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elu-delouche-wow · 4 years
Elu Delouche
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy  / moderate / poor / in poverty ✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / deceased ✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure ✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered /  / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated ✖ CHILDREN – has children (estranged) / no children / wants children / adopted children ✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated ✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
✖ disorganised / organised / in between ✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between ✖ cautious / reckless / in between ✖ patient / impatient / in between ✖ outspoken / reserved / in between ✖ leader / follower / in between ✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ✖ hardworking / lazy / in between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in between ✖ loyal / disloyal / in between ✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual ✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable ✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Tagged By: @korvas-blxxdthorn​ (Thank you for the tag!) Tagging: Feel free to steal it from me and say I tagged you!
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darkartofseduction · 4 years
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The Crimson Rose “Black Lace”
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renardsnoir · 2 years
Drinks & Compagny.
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Following this RP. @elu-delouche
In one gulp he drinks what is left of his drink, before making a sign to the bartender to serve him again.
"You sing too? It might be nice to go with you for a night out." The last time he had done this was for a close friend and it had been much more fun. "I'm a bounty hunter." He has no problem changing the subject. "I deal with criminals as well, but also track down other problems like beasts and monsters. I either team up with my brother Samuel or Iseult, or all three at the same time. It kind of depends on what you're tracking."
The bartender returns with the bottle and fills his glass, Maxwell thanks him with a nod.
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mai-takeda · 6 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
THANK YOU! You’re such a sweetheart and love when I see you on the dash! Plus you like Vampire Diaries so that is a plus too! ;-) Keep being the sweety you are! Definitely a benefit to the community, hun!
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asharinhun · 2 years
Truth + What is a guilty pleasure of yours that you would normally never share? for Asharinhun
"Ugh. I knew drinking that was a bad idea..." The druid exhaled slowly. "My wife Serena is really ticklish if you know the right spots. I love catching her by surprise and tickle her when it's just the two of us."
Thanks @elu-delouche
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zhauric · 6 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿
My thanks to you. Always a bright star on the dash and one to look forward to seeing post.
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