#elyon kurae
adastra121 · 1 month
I like these kinds of AUs, so these are my headcanons for an AU where Touchstarved is a show and everyone is an actor playing the main five + DLC!
Casting Call
Ais was the first to be cast, so he had some impact on the actors chosen for the other characters.
For instance, the chemistry readings for Vere and Leander’s parts were extremely important.
Ais and Vere hadn’t met before Touchstarved, but they instantly clicked during their chemistry reading and that cemented Vere in the role. That, and Vere’s ability to capture all of the fox’s complexities, nailing the perfect balance between sexy, funny, asshole-ish, charming and absolutely terrifying.
Ais and Leander have worked together in an underrated TV drama when they were first starting out, before either of them really gained popularity.
Before Touchstarved, Ais acted in various film and TV projects, usually in the action or horror genres.
Vere is mainly a theatre actor, who’s mostly known for his roles in musicals. He’s done some short films, but this would be his first major screen role. He’s a trained vocalist, dancer, pianist, flutist, and cellist. He can also play the lute, having learned for a past role. Went to Juilliard.
Leander is a screen actor known for his lead roles in chick flicks, romcoms and TV dramas. When his casting was announced, a lot of people didn’t think he was the right fit for the gothic horror genre. But his performance blew everyone away.
Mhin is a professional stuntperson, who’s had minor roles in film and television, but their past work is primarily in stunts. Aside from being trained in stage combat, they have a black belt in kung fu and a background in gymnastics. As a lover of horror, Mhin was already a huge fan of Ais’s work before they got cast.
MC had some screen acting experience in minor roles, but they are mainly a voice actor. They did a lot of animation and video game voice acting, as well as mocap, but they’ve always wanted to delve into screen acting.
Kuras is a film and theatre actor. He’s mainly known for his Shakespeare theatre performances. He originally auditioned for Ocudeus — he ended up as the angelic doctor instead.
Although he didn’t initially pursue the role of the doctor, Kuras did a lot of research for the part. He consulted medical experts to prepare and studied historical medical practices alongside the script. He also keeps his accent in between takes so he doesn’t lose it.
Elyon had acted in various TV series, mostly mysteries, thrillers, and period dramas. Outside of acting, he also models. He auditioned for Vere’s role and it was a very close decision. Ultimately, Vere was a better fit. But Elyon did so well in his audition that the casting directors had to ask him to try for the Highborn brothel owner’s role and he was perfect for it. 
Sen is a popular actress known for her roles in sci-fi and fantasy shows and films. Fans were surprised when they learned she was going to star in Touchstarved, since it’s produced by a smaller studio. She got a copy of the script and fell in love with the story and with the character.
Mr. Chokey is actually a childhood friend of MC. They’re working on other projects while filming Touchstarved, but they had a lot of fun in their brief scene with MC. MC kept trying to make them break character during their choking scene, there is at least one part of the mad laughter that is genuine.
On the Set of Touchstarved
Shot during the colder months for the foggy, grey atmosphere. When not shooting, a lot of the cast would be bundled up in their coats, holding hot water packs, and huddling close to the heat lamps. Elyon, Mhin and Ais are the best at handling the cold.
Kuras and Sen are the oldest of the main cast, so the two of them sort of look out for the rest of them, especially the younger actors.
Mhin keeps saying “Zenobium” instead of “Senobium.”
MC swears the most when they mess up or forget a line.
Ais is a menace. Biggest prankster on set and he ad-libs, improvises, and makes faces when the camera isn’t on him to get the others to break character. Leander caught on and now they’re both trying to get each other to break character. Neither have succeeded with Kuras.
Taking off his glove with his teeth, that was Leander improvising. The others tease him about that.
Ais, Mhin, and Sen practise action scenes together, since they all have experience in stage fighting. They’re the ones that do most of their stunt scenes. They often help and offer tips and advice to their castmates for their stunt scenes, too, even though the stunt doubles will do the majority of their stunts.
The cast names Leander as the actor with the most energy for the night scenes. He’s usually keeping everyone’s energy high and cheering the others on.
MC, Vere and Leander film the most TikToks and videos in their downtime of the cast’s shenanigans.
Everyone in the cast has really good chemistry with each other. When they do group interviews, they laugh and joke and poke fun at each other, too. Actually, I feel like all their group interviews veer into unhinged territory, lowkey.
For the majority of MC’s scenes where their bandages are meant to stay on, their bandages are part linen wrappings and part gloves. The costume design team made 16 versions of the bandage part of MC’s costumes for multiple scenes, since there are some where MC has to unwrap the bandages.
The Touchstarved costumes are very detailed and intentional, but there are a few wardrobe malfunctions sometimes. Mhin’s cloak and hood refusing to cooperate, flying into their face. And sometimes, after a difficult fight scene, Ais is missing a horn by the end of it. Kuras's long sleeves have snagged on a few items on set. Vere's chain sometimes comes undone, "I'm free!" and he pretends to attack.
A lot of the prop malfunctions happen with Leander, like his dagger getting stuck or accidentally breaking the doorknob to MC's room during a tense scene. The blooper showed the door opening with Leander awkwardly holding the loose doorknob, "I won't leave you and you won't leave me."
There are a lot of bloopers where MC’s bandage comes undone and their scene partner just acts like the curse has taken hold.
The majority of the series uses practical effects and real sets. There’s CG used, of course — some examples include special effects for some characters’ eyes, and Vere’s ears and tail — but most of what you see on screen can be touched or felt.
Which means everyone wants to jump into the Seaspring. Everyone.
After the “That’s a wrap,” they were finally able to.
Who’s the most like their character? Most of the cast would say that Kuras feels the most like the angelic doctor, in that he’s playful but hardworking, attentive, and super knowledgeable. Maybe it’s just his mom friend and angelic vibes. Kuras looks out for all of them — reminding the others to hydrate, keeping an eye on them during the more strenuous scenes. But he’s a phenomenal actor, so when he’s in a scene, it’s hard to see him as their castmate — he is the fallen angel.
Second would be Ais, he was first to be cast for a reason. Ais feels like he’s comparatively calmer and secure. They’re both dog lovers, Ais has a few rescues himself.
The rest of the cast share more differences with their characters. Vere is ambitious and creative like the fox, but he sees himself as more serious and reserved. Leander believes he’s friendly and humorous like the leader of the Bloodhounds, but like Ais, he feels like he’s more easygoing and secure in himself. And he describes himself as, despite his experience in romance media, massively bad at flirting. Mhin has the hunter’s dry wit and cynicism, but they describe themselves as more humorous and extroverted, and less emotionally constipated than their character.
The cast would name MC as the least like their character. They are more of a gremlin in real life.
Okay. I have two ideas for this.
Either Leander keeps accidentally spoiling things, it’s partly why there are so many theories about his character before the show even aired. The creators lean into it with all the promo about Leander being “totally normal” and “such a good guy.” Or…
Leander is the anti-spoiler, before Touchstarved’s premiere, he described Leander as the one normal human in the middle of the madness who’s, throughout the season, just trying to figure out where he fits in all of this. In the interviews, he talks about how the series is full of horror — his character gets a few cool moments with his magic here and there, but he was definitely envious of the rest of the cast for some of their truly messed up scenes. He wishes the heroic mage could have had some horrifying moments, too. Man, if only he wasn’t typecast as the good-hearted golden retriever type. But it’s alright, because with all the madness and horror, MC probably needs that normalcy, that unconditional support, and Leander provides that for them. :)
And his castmates who are paired with him for those interviews have varying reactions to those bold-faced lies.
MC and Ais are the kind to smile when it happens. Kuras and Vere keep a good poker face, nodding along to Leander’s statements. Mhin tries to keep a straight face, but you can see them dying inside. Sometimes Ais, MC and Vere will play along (“Yeah, very sad for him.” “Whenever we shoot some of the really scary parts sometimes we can see him watch yearningly on the side, a single tear rolling down his face.” “His jealousy fuels me.”).
Mhin often roasts their co-stars — MC and Leander are frequent targets — but as soon as either of them jokingly talk bad about themselves, they give them the most genuine compliments, for example, how they admire how much heart they both throw into their performances and how they inspire Mhin to make their work better.
Elyon’s the cryptid. He’s rarely seen in public or in the behind-the-scenes videos and vlogs, though from the cast’s stories, he does regularly hang out with them, there’s just very little photographic evidence of it. And when he does show up, it’s usually unprepared. Like Vere and Ais could be filming a vlog and then suddenly Elyon passes by in the background — he was in the room the whole time?! Vere and Ais don’t seem surprised at all, so he must have been.
He’s just an introvert.
Sen crochets as a hobby. She actually made something small for each cast member. After the show came out, she shares her handmade Princess, with a little mask that matches her character. The cast and fans love it.
Vere and Ais are very physically affectionate with each other both onscreen and offscreen. They call each other pet names and try to outdo one another with increasingly terrible and cringey names.
Leander is the most physically affectionate of the cast — he’ll give everyone hugs quite often. MC and Mhin receive the most physical affection from everyone. Their co-stars describe the two as very huggable. The cast agrees that Ais gives the best hugs.
The cast still keeps in touch with each other after filming. They have their own group chat.
That’s all I can think of for now! Please feel free to add onto these or share your own Actor AU headcanons!
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redspringstudio · 8 months
What info about the characters are you most interested in? We want to share more and are curious what you think… 🤔
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luckyarchivist · 8 months
Touchstarved Voice HCs
Ais - He smokes so I have to give him smoker's rasp b/c it's one of like two things that's sexy about smoking. He doesn't speak loudly —honestly he slurs words and mumble-speaks and cuts off words quite often — but his voice carries surprisingly well. Stays mostly in one pitch. Deeper, more resonant voice with a warm timbre: he talks and it feels like a cozy day in your brain.
Vere - I like to call his voice "mommy voice, for men". Honestly, rather than me explaining it, just listen to Doppio Dropscythe read his lines. The drawl of it and the semi-melodic intonation is everything I'd imagined for Vere!
Mhin - Most clear thing about their voice in my head is this underlying hiss to all of their words, like they're always whispering, even when their volume is normal. It leads to a raspy quality that's different from Ais's rumble. I think they probably have a higher-pitched tone of voice than any of the other LIs, but not by too much.
Leander - Announcer-y quality: you could pick his voice out of a crowd, easy. Plays with his speech: lots of variation in tone, speed, pitch and so on. Some (American) people have made him British, which I could never put onto a man I love (/j, I'm so sorry, British people) but I do think he has some qualities of the stereotypical posh British accent — mainly, the enunciation of every word. He doesn't cut corners when speaking, though not to the point of sounding unnatural.
Kuras - definitely the hardest of the main five for me to hear. I think he has a pretty deep voice, with a soothing cadence to his speech. Like Leander, his words are all enunciated and easy to understand. However, he's kinda the opposite of Ais — the demon says mean things with a warm tone of voice, and the angel says nice things with a cold, even tone. If you manage to surprise him, though, or perhaps get closer to him, you could trip up his normally smooth speaking and make him sound more "human".
BONUS: Of course, these two don't have any lines yet, but just based on looks...
Sen: Personally don't think her voice is super deep, but it is throaty, like she's speaking from the back of her mouth. I think she probably pauses a lot when she talks. IDK why, but she has the energy of someone who takes a while to get through a sentence, so she'd rather just show you without having to tell you.
Elyon: If anyone would have a British accent it would be this guy. He speaks with mostly a teasing-slash-condescending tone of voice, but whether it's intentionally or unintentionally is anyone's guess. I don't think Elyon's voice is as deep as Ais's or Kuras's, but it could still be considered conventionally sexy.
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portsandstars · 8 months
Bad Ending Bingo!
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Any bad endings you anticipate happening?
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eggroll-sama · 4 months
This is purely self-indulgent and just based on stuff that makes me go, “it’s them!” when it’s unrelated to them. But here you go and hope you like it. To make it sound more accurate, I replaced the nouns to fit Touchstarved cast.
Tyler Durban and Edward Norton from the FIGHT CLUB— “How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?” “Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer, maybe self-destruction is the answer,” “Only after you’ve lost everything you’re free to do anything.” “We are the same person.”
The song, ‘I Remember You’ from ADVENTURE TIME— “I can feel myself slipping away, I can’t remember what it made me say, but I remember that I saw you frown, I swear it wasn’t me…And I need to save you, but who's going to save me? Please forgive me for whatever I do, when I don’t remember you.”
The punk from FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF. I can just see Ais at a police station, giving advice to a pretty stranger, and end up making out with them.
This scene (warning: graphic violence and gore) from ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD. It’s just so Ais and Princess-coded
VENOM, enough said.
The murder-mystery film, THE DA VINCI CODE. I feel like Kuras would love the movie if it existed in his world since it’s canon that he likes trashy murder mysteries.
The song, ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished’ from WICKED— “[MC] where are you? Already dead, or bleeding? One more disaster I can add to my Generous supply…No good deed goes unpunished. No act of charity goes unresented. No good deed goes unpunished. That’s my new creed.”
GONE WITH THE WIND— “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” This line was controversial when released in 1939 because swear words weren’t normalized. I feel like Kuras, like this movie, rarely swears but when he does, the whole room goes silent and you know shit’s about to go down. Also according to the RSS radial chart, Kuras has low empathy plus maxed out strength high wisdom, damn at some point that man might legit not give a damn-
MAQUIA: WHEN THE PROMISED FLOWER BLOOMS— “you smell weird, you smell like the sun;” “If you fall in love, you will truly become alone.” Contextually the line is about how an immortal should never get too close with mortals because they'll one day they’ll die, and it fits Kuras a lot.
HUNTER X HUNTER 2011—“[MC] you are light. Sometimes, you shine so brightly, I must look away. But even so, is it still ok to stay by your side?” I love the idea of an angel heavily associated with the sun (Prometheus, likes sunny days, radiates heat), finds someone that is the light of their life.
ONE PIECE— “I have seen the future of this country. And it is destruction. As long as [the Senobium] remains here, this country can never be cured, because even if medical technology progresses, even if [alchemical] research continues… there is no cure for stupidity.”
OPPENHEIMER. After I watched the movie all I could think about was Kuras doing the blank eye stare at the end of the movie.
Goob from MEET THE ROBINSONS (he’s literally just child Leander in the modern world ;o;)
Michael Scott from THE OFFICE— “I wanna be married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends and no one can say no to being my friend,” “it’s not about the horniness, it’s about the loneliness”
The painting, Death of Sardanapalus, by Eugene Delacroix. King Sardanapalus palace is besieged by enemies and he decides to commit suicide after he learns of the army’s defeat, but not before ordering his men to destroy all his favorite possessions- wives, horses, pages, and dogs. He’d rather his valuables all be destroyed than his enemies own them. King Sardanapulus selfishness is humane, but the extremity’s he would go to keep what is his is monstrous.
GASTON from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST— Gaston and Leander both have similar vibes. They’re both trusted and well-liked by most people, viewed as heroes, are human but are monsters on the inside, overconfident, attractive, has a possessive streak, hangs out in bars, nice singing voice. The main difference is that Gaston doesn’t try to act like a nice guy like Leander Fake ahhh
The song ‘Burn’ from HAMILTON— “Do you know what [Vere] said when we saw your first letter arrive? [He] said, be careful with that one, love, he will do what it takes to survive…Do you know what [Kuras] said when [he] read what you’d done? [He] said, you’ve married an Icarus, he has flown too close to the sun.”
Michael Corleone from the GODFATHER.
Sampo from HONKAI STAR RAIL— I barely know anything about Honkai Starrail, but I was going to an anime goods store with my friend and one look at him made me think of Leander. My friend gave me a run down that he betrays you for money and runs away and unironically I could see Leander throwing us under the bus.
This scene from the movie, MALENA. Vere is heavily desired by men and women alike, but his flirty and fickle personality is just a front to protect himself. And he hates how people see him as a pretty face or someone who needs saving from the Senobium. Tbh Malena herself just reminds me of Vere’s problem of how being pretty is a double edged sword. People see you’re pretty, so they feel threatened or idealize you. You feel extremely lonely bc people are distracted by your beauty and won’t try to understand you intimately. So you either own it and be alone OR assimilate and have friends. Vere is the former.
Madonna-Whore Complex. This article explains it pretty well, “The Madonna Whore Complex (MWC) is a psychological complex often perpetuated by heterosexual, cisgender males which places women into two categories the “Madonna, a woman who is pure, virtuous, and nurturing, or a “Whore,” a woman who is deemed as overly sexual, manipulating, and promiscuous. The dichotomy of MWC creates a rigidity that limits women’s sexual expression, agency, and freedom by defining their sexuality into one of two categories.” Vere is the latter.
Ymir from ATTACK ON TITAN. Both of them were self-proclaimed deity, was caught lying (presumably), and paid for it. Their personalities are similar too except Vere masks himself through innuendos.
The song, ‘The Red Means I Love You’ by Madds Buckley— “The red on my face is matching you. And goodness, you're bleeding, what a wonderful feeling. You're down and you're pleading, my head is just reeling. The red means I love you. Tasting your blood means I love you.” (I can’t see Vere becoming a yandere because he’s already deranged)
Another line from ONE PIECE —“Someday I will become too much of a burden. Someday you’ll betray me and cast me aside.”
SHUTTER ISLAND— “What would be worse, to live as a monster or die as a good [person]?” Mhin hates monsters ironically since they are one, and I could see them nearing the time limit where their curse becomes permanent and decides that maybe it’s better to die with their humanity than live forever as a monster.
The Beast from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. I already said this in another post but like IMAGINE THE AU. AHHHHHH
Felix from LAST LEGACY but more depressed.
Disclaimer: we don’t know much about Sen or Elyon yet so I don’t have much.
THE GREAT GATSBY— “…can't you see who this guy is, with his house and his parties and his fancy clothes? He is just a front, a gangster, to get his claws into respectable folk…(to Elyon) We're all different from you. You see, we were born different. It's in our blood. And nothing that you do or say or steal... or dream up can ever change that.”
Unfortunately I don’t have any for Sen. Her design reminds me of Frankenstein’s creature tho.
This scene from SHAPE OF WATER. MC falls in love with a monster and trying to save them from danger. MC knows that they are also an outsider, a monster. Being with the LI’s feels like they were finally accepted for who they are, regardless of their curse, so they can’t abandon them— “When they looks at me…the way they looks at me, they don’t know what I lack. How I am incomplete...and now I can either save them or let them die.” I think this quote can also be interpreted as the players choosing a route, essentially dooming the other players if we don’t choose them.
Famous line from 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU— “but mostly I hate how I don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” The fact that us as players will keep coming back to them, replaying their routes even though they killed us, and obsessing over them. Yes they suck but we still love them.
This quote from Green Mile— “ I’m tired…I'm tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with.” I think this quote really emphasizes how touch-starved MC is, and how alone they feel from being betrayed by people they cared about in the past (also sparrow name drop ^-^)
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tomato-arts · 11 months
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Rumi being a menace that she is and i love her for it
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3v3rl4stingbr4in · 5 months
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Beautiful angel...
( Screenshot redraw + ss under the cut )
I got inspired by oomf's post and I still have been thinking about it ever since now. I love these divorced hags. I still wonder what the fuck happened between the two.
Screenshot is from HSR.
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mhin-t · 4 months
what the touchstarved cast would be named if they were plants
ais - daisy ('nuff said)
kuras - kurrants (currants)
mhin - obviously mhint (mint)
leander - corleander (coriander)
vere - verevain (vervain)
and for shits and giggles, sen would be senlantro (cilantro) and elyon would be elderberryon (elderberry)
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mawrrbid · 5 months
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Found this template and thought it would be fun to do. <3 Can you tell I tried REALLY hard to replicate the game art style (and failed miserably but oh well), but yeah, hope you guys like my boy.
Template by @popcornaddict500
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lu-dao-writes · 4 months
— 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞 (𝙇𝙤𝙧𝙚)
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Summary: An oracle unknowingly lived in a cult their entire life, cursed with a touch that sends people into madness and elation. The cult’s goal was to resurrect the demon, Māra, but thanks to being enlightened with the truth, the oracle destroys the cult and flees in search of the Senobium, desperate for a cure; and if no cure was possible then they’d open themself into death’s arms. They had no idea of the dangerous people they’d encounter in the downtrodden and shady city that is Eridia.
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— 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐬
(So that I don’t repeat myself too much, I had my friend, who is very knowledgeable in tarot, help me understand the cards when trying to figure out how this bunch feels about me. Please don’t take these as canon.)
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Leander: two of cups, the lovers, wheel of fortune reversed, eight of cups reversed, knight of swords, and knight of wands.
I thought right away that with my background in mind, I’d be the perfect victim for Leander. In desperate need of help, and nowhere to go and no one to trust.
My friend pretty much said he thinks we’re made for each other even though it’s utterly toxic. He knows what he feels and wants to do is bad, but he doesn’t care and is willing to continue a toxic cycle.
All in all, scary stuff, and I’ve all but walked into the trap he laid out.
Vere: the magician, judgment, king of coins, king of swords
When I first went over it, I was puzzled because to me it seemed too positive, because it’s Vere we’re talking about. Overall I thought that Vere could see that I’ve been dealt a bad hand in life, but I have the tools to avoid that again if I’m smart enough to not let it happen.
My friend sums it up to Vere thinks I’m capable enough to hurt him. He doesn’t underestimate me because he believes if he slips up, I can get him. If I act clueless (when I truly am just clueless), he doesn’t believe me. But our relationship overall can end up a bit positively as long as I continue to treat him like a person rather than a pet.
And apparently he’s willing to be my pet😅😳🫣… (y’all when I was told that I was wheezing. Honestly thought he’d hate my guts fr.)
Mhin: Ace of coins reversed, king of cups, the high priestess, three of coins
In short of Mhin and I’s relationship: “Don’t wanna fuck with you, but I still care a little.”
Much like how they pay attention to Ais, they pay attention to me, but they aren’t keen on getting close. Our overall relationship can be very sweet though because we can grow from one another and lean on each other strengths. “Where you fall short, Mhin can help, and where they fall short, you can assist.”
Ais: Four of Wands reversed, Ace of cups, two of cups, nine of wands reversed, four of coins, the fool reversed, ten of cups.
Wooo I tell you-.
Ais and I are quite alike, and we both draw each other in. But overall we’re fantasizing the impossible. If Ais and I were to get together, to cross the line where it’s no longer platonic, things can and will become more complicated and hard for us. We’re both too different that we’d never have much progress.
We looked more into it and it seems that arguments are frequent to happen, mainly due to Ais not wanting to change.
Bonus: Ocudeus: Three of Coins, Magician (sideways), knight of wands reversed
I forgot to write the notes down, but I believe Ocudeus has almost the same mindset as Vere with not wanting to underestimate me. Mainly just lurking I believe.
Kuras: Queen of cups reversed, the lovers, the tower reversed, ten of wands.
I think this one’s almost as bittersweet- maybe if not more- as Ais’s and I’s relationship.
My friend got orpheus and eurydice vibes. Our story is supposed to end in tragedy and he can only watch it happen. I’m supposed to be his, but it doesn’t work. We’re both shouldered with burden. Definitely also some reincarnation vibes which is a theory I’ve seen mentioned and can get behind due to the demo.
Elyon: three of cups, eight of swords reversed, The World, Seven of wands, Five of swords reversed, and Four or wands reversed.
Y’all don’t know how stunned I was at this one lol.
So my friend said that we’re close friends, and him being protective. It could be for his own benefit but he’s also genuine in wanting to keep me safe at the same time.
When I asked how we even became close because of our clear differences (him being a wealthy businessman and me a random poor individual), I got page of cups reversed, empress reversed, and queen of coins reversed.
Initially I thought I went to his brothel to feel less insecure, but my friend said he saw it more as he gives me compliments or something because he can tell I’m insecure. Maybe even offered the brothel to help with that because I need money.
Sen: Temperance reversed, six of swords reversed, ten of swords reversed, and five of swords reversed.
To put it simply, Sen is obsessed with the idea that I can possibly kill her, but I refuse to do so.
I asked my deck which love interest is best suited for me and Mhin takes the cake; and I found it very interesting because in my deck the card I got was the three of swords and the story chosen for the card is “The Crane Wife”.
— 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐲𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐦
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𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧/𝐃𝐚𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐧
𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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⟡ 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 & 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
⟡ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 & 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐥
⟡ 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲 & 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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adastra121 · 4 months
Hm. Okay, I'm just gonna ask:
And please do share why. :3
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redspringstudio · 8 months
Who in the cast is most likely to have lactose intolerance?
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luckyarchivist · 7 months
Touchstarved LIs and Fanfiction AUs They Should Be In
Haven't been able to stop thinking about the people who said Ais is "always the tattoo artist in tattoo shop/flower shop AU". I don't even like tattoo shop/flower shop like that but it was such a correct thing to say and I have to acknowledge that. So here's that plus AUs I've seen that I think the LIs should be in.
Flower shop/tattoo shop, as mentioned. This one is TOO good. Come ON. Ais as the hot-ass owner of the local tattoo shop? Him listening to your idea for a tattoo and then smoothly and easily inking it into your skin and telling you you're good when you don't cry? I don't even need to explain this one. It makes sense in like every way.
NASCAR/Formula One AU. The idea of him getting out of that car sweaty as hell in the full racing suit after crushing a track record? Like, taking off the helmet and shaking his hair out and looking like he couldn't give less of a shit about winning first place? Yeah. I am not immune to vroom vroom
Mermaid AU but he's a bull shark or an octopus, not a fish. IDK if I want his claspers or his tentacles more, but either way he should be lurking in the briny deep and protecting me from the real ocean monsters and threatening to eat me even though he probably doesn't mean it, probably.
Magic/Witches AU. - C'monnnn, he's already so witchy! He's got the sleeves and everything. And yes I know TS already has magic in it, but you know what I mean. He, like, lives in the spooky forest and the people of the village are deathly afraid of him, but you need his magical help, so against the wishes of family and friends you seek him out. And he forces you through a series of dangerous illusions as a trial and, when you successfully pass them, finally agrees to help you for a price...
Royalty AU as either the capricious king of a powerful nation or that king's advisor, formal or informal (smart concubine). I've never seen Game of Thrones but that kind of castle politics, shadowy backstabbing shit seems right up his alley.
Modern AU as an artist: I already talked about this with Vere as an artist and game dev, but I think it'd be so funny if Vere was just sitting in a coffee shop (local, Starbucks is below him) trying to finish his commissions in peace because his roommate(s) are annoying and/or distracting. Honestly, Vere would also rock as a modern AU witch, like urban fantasy type.
Barista/Bartender AU. He's so extroverted and congenial I have to put him in a drink service AU. He definitely has a "time to mix drinks and save lives" type of work ethic behind the counter. He remembers regular customers and their drink orders, he is LIBERAL with discounts, and he leaves little notes to the people he thinks are cute.
Serial killer AU. I am so basic and even though I have no desire to watch or listen to true crime now, I was raised on the Investigation Discovery Channel and I've never lost that. Look at his fucking face. He's asking for it to be covered in blood. Even better if this is combined with the above AU and he's a sweet server by day and a ruthless murderer by night but he keeps the same wide, pleasant, and genuine smile on because both things are things he loves to do. Even BETTER if he has an obsession with one of his regulars and starts killing people around them in an attempt to get closer with them.
Theatre AU. Siiiighs. Yeah, I'm a theatre kid. And I just know this guy would be one of those actors who wants to be a mentor/older brother figure for any new troupe-members. He's walking you through all the vocal warmups. He's offering to help you run lines. He's driving you home after rehearsals. He is a triple threat, but he doesn't prefer musicals because he doesn't like singing in front of an audience (even though he's an amazing singer). And I just know props absolutely hates him because he keeps touching shit that isn't his.
Hospital AU and Angels/Demons AU is too easy. Instead, I'm giving him the flower shop owner in flower shop/tattoo shop AU. Anyone here like KurAis? Anyways, I think it would be sweet to have him be the super-tall, kind but a little awkward and very knowledgeable owner of a flower shop. He probably enjoys crafting bouquets that have meaning in flower language. And yes, he knows about the nice meanings and the rude meanings, so you can get a "fuck you" bouquet from Kuras.
Detroit Become Human AU as an android. I barely remember D:BH but it was one of the first things that occurred to me when thinking about AUs for Kuras. Maybe because he'd be the kind of android who was like, "Don't worry, I'm not a real person, it's okay if I get shot repeatedly," and wouldn't understand why someone would be concerned about him anyways.
Elementary school teacher/single parent AU but I don't know if I want him to be the teacher or the parent. Do I want him to look after a group of children, making efforts to understand their silly little words and communicate with them so they learn and feel cared for? Or do I want him to be the struggling single parent who is so happy to see their child finally getting the attention they deserve outside the house? IDK, but I'd be happy either way.
Superhero AU. They're kinda already halfway to superhero gear with the hood and the cape and the tight pants, but I think it be cool for them to dart from rooftop to rooftop, saving civilians and fighting crime. IDK if it'd be cooler if they were half-hero half-villain (controlled by their bird-monster side and wreaking havoc) or if it'd just be nice to have a crow hero motif. Anyway they save me and I'm a reporter who uses my reporter contacts to try and track them down not knowing they're actually my upstairs neighbor who I bring shepherd's pie and strawberry cupcakes to sometimes.
The other tattoo artist in tattoo shop/flower shop. You know how there's always some other character working in one or both of the shops? Ayeah that's Mhin. Number one, I think it'd be hot if they had tattoos. But even if they don't they're still hot when they give the tattoo because focus and skill are attractive. They're talented enough that Ais keeps them around even though they hate him. They never talk to him even though he's their boss. Over the course of the fic Mhin and Ais get closer b/c Kuras is friends with both of them and he wants them to like each other.
Angel/Demon AU as an angel because I want them to be corrupted :) I want them to be forced to submit to their own worst impulses :) and eventually realize that being evil makes them feel good and more importantly liberated and in control :) also maybe they can get wrecked by a demon please :)
Aaaand the DLC cast gets one as a treat!
Pacific Rim AU but PLEASE don't ask me why. I don't even REMEMBER Pacific Rim. But the clarity with which I could imagine Sen in a Pacific Rim AU is startling. She's gruff and she doesn't want to partner up with you, a rookie, but somehow you have perfect chemistry in the mech she doesn't want to acknowledge. She's too reckless out of disregard for her life, and you reel her in; you're inexperienced, and she fixes your mistakes. Then one day she starts to notice that she's guarding her own life more fiercely than ever before...because of you.
If that's not what Pacific Rim is about shhhh don't correct me /j
Easy answer is pornstar/industry AU or camming AU but I'll never take the easy way out. And I know we don't know shit about the guy but I think reincarnation AU would kinda hit with him. His promo talks about wanting things money can't buy? Like possibly the ability to save his soulmate from dying and forgetting him over and over while he retains the memories of every life they've both shared and lived separately, as friends, lovers, enemies, and strangers? That would go hard imo.
If you read all of that, thanks! I hope you enjoyed~
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hollana · 1 year
Attention Touchstarved Fans…
Allow me to persuade your vote in the current costume poll with a few simple drawings that I have spent tireless hours upon (It took 1 hour)
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Also pls don’t take this seriously
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justcallmecj · 25 days
you should draw e1 as Vere
And I'm back with another art! I know I usually post these in sets of twos but this is the only commission I had for a while. Dearest Anon here wanted an E1 Vere and I delivered! I know it's been a while since I last posted one of these and I'm sorry I kept you waiting, Anon. Motivation is fickle and I wanted to wait and see if another commission would come in, but it didn't. Anyway, here!
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This Vere was kinda fun to draw. I love this little self-satisfied look on his face. He looks genuinely proud of himself for something and I love that for him.
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nirrvana · 9 months
kuras - some kind of twisted/reverse eros (instead of being betrayed by psyche he betrays her out of loyalty to his mother aphrodite)
leander - narcissus (self-explanatory)
vere - medusa (forced/"cursed" to kill by a god/the senobium and consequently never be truly loved)
ais - hades (lonesome "god" of the dead, falls in love with someone who becomes neither from earth nor the underworld, like the cursed mc who is a human with strange powers + would become something else entirely by drinking from the seaspring
mhin - harpie (bird body + human head, vengeful creatures who punished law-breakers by taking them to the underworld)
is this anything
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