#embarrassing apps like tumblr and that fucking farm game i keep playing belong hidden in pages 2 and 3 where no daylight can reach them
novakstiel · 6 years
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@nneilghostenn tagged me to share my home & lock screen, and if you think them both being the same is boring, then wait until you hear that this exact same drawing has been my bg for more than 2 years
this just happens to be one of my favourite art pieces ever, by one of my favourite artists ever, and even after years i’m not tired of it. i mean yeh, it’s originally supernatural fanart, which i’m not too much into anymore these days, but .. . .. every time i open my phone i see this and go :’) so !!!!! that’s the tea
also to give credit where it’s due, the artist is @archiought and u should rly check them out!!! i love everything they do (i hope it’s okay to post these screenshots of your art. if not let me know and i’ll delete them.) the original art is here
i’m tagging @minyxrd-03, @hemminicky and @jeanmmoreau if u want 
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