#emercury hug save me ..
shotgun-boots · 4 years
Emercury Week Day 2: Freedom
It was done, Salem was finally defeated with all of Remnant united to stop her, and her forces. Surprisingly, to the people who knew them, Mercury and Emerald had fought against Salem’s forces in the final battle to decide Remnant’s fate. Once everything was said, and done many tried to decide the two’s fates as well since they’d played a large part already in everything Salem had done.
Luckily for Emerald, and Mercury, Hazel distracted the few huntsmen and huntresses that could still stand long enough for Mercury, and Emerald to get away. He’d been detained, and was currently living out a twenty year long sentence in Atlas with some eligibility for parole. No one had seen neither hide nor hair of Mercury or Emerald for years, some thought they’d died fighting their way pass the Grimm who’d reverted to even more savage animals without Salem to influence them. That was a long six years ago, and a lot of people thought that was the end of it.
That was until one Ruby Rose saw that Mercury Black was leaving a train in Saunus to an Oasis town, she’d only been there for a small reunion between her friends and family at a resort closer to Vacuo. She’d only stopped there to assist local huntsmen with a giant SandCrawler colony not too far from the town.
The only thing that had stopped her from calling her friends about who she’s found was a little pale girl with green hair running into Mercury screaming daddy. Mercury seemed to just smile and pick her up, while Emerald,sporting a small baby bump, came over to kiss his cheek. From what she could tell she must have said something sassy at Mercury’s expense because he was pouting while the two women were laughing.
Ruby had decided to put her scroll away...the past was the past, and she couldn’t ruin some kid’s life like this. They had their freedom, and she couldn’t help but smile at that. She just stepped back on her train so she could enjoy her vacation, though she did sneak a picture of the happy family.
Unbeknownst to Ruby Emerald has noticed her, and was surprised when Ruby made a motion that told her ‘My lips are sealed.’ Emerald let out an internal sigh of relief before she led Mercury and Peridot away. She just wanted to get back to loving her family.
Some months later Ruby had gone to visit Weiss in Atlas, but decided to see Hazel while she was there. The large man was surprised to see her visiting him, but stopped dead in his tracks to see the picture of Mercury, Emerald, and Peridot. That had done it for the older man as he started to shed a few tears before looking Ruby in her eyes.
“Thank you.” Was all he said to her; he gave up his own freedom to make sure those two had a good life. He was happy to see that he’d made the right call that day, and would gladly make it again. Who knows maybe if he ever gets paroled, he can see them both.
Hazel’s wish came sooner than he’d have thought, he’d been allowed parole 4 years earlier than expected. Apparently councilwoman Schnee argued that he’d been a model prisoner, and his actions in helping stop Salem gave her plenty of leeway. That was unexpected for him, but when Weiss gave him a manila folder that had pictures of Mercury, Emerald, and their kids enjoying life in Vacuo, his heart skipped a beat.
“Why are you giving me this?” He asked her, he couldn’t comprehend the reasoning behind her actions.
“You deserve to spend the rest of your days with your family.” Was all Weiss told him. The next thing he knew he was on a bullhead, then a train, and finally outside the door of the address Weiss had given him, knocking in anticipation of seeing them.
When the door opened Emerald had been ready to give whoever was knocking a piece of her mind, but stopped when she saw who it was. Without missing a beat she’d thrown her arms around the large man as she felt tears fall from her eyes, and Hazel had returned the hug as well just happy to see her again.
“Emerald, who’s that at the door.” Mercury said walking up holding a little girl that may as well have been a clone of Emerald, save for the steel gray eyes she’d inherited from her father. He stopped once he saw who it was, and didn’t even question why Emerald was hugging him.
“Daddy, who’s that mommy is hugging?” The little girl asked Mercury.
“Gretchen, that’s your grandpa Hazel.” Mercury answered her, causing Hazel’s eyes to widen. He felt tears going down his face now….he was free, he was with his family again, and he didn’t want that to change anytime soon.
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Ta-Da! Here’s my updated RWBY Shipping Chart
Instead of having a bunch of characters I don’t have a ship for, I instead have only characters I have ships for!
**Look under cut for details**
• BlackSun -Sun makes her so happy, and when she’s upset she runs to him. He brings out the best in her.
• Freezerburn -These two are great for each other. Yang needs someone she can relate to and who can help her with her abandonment issues.
• Arkos -I’m still on this sunken ship and I plan to stay here. That statue scene destroyed me.
• Renora -Been here since Vol 1 and not going no where.
• Hummingbird -Yeah yeah Qrow isn’t Ruby’s dad but I still feel like there’s a stronger connection between these two so bite me.
• Emercury -Save these kids. Please. Let them be actually happy.
• Rosegarden -Oz is there and makes it kinda weird but Ruby and Oscar are cute.
• White Rose -I prefer Freezerburn but White Rose is also cute. "Thank me later" adorable
• Nuts and Dolts -PENNNNYYYYYY COME BAAACK (so I can have my heart ripped to pieces when she comes back in Vol 7 and Ruby hugs her and Penny goes “who are you?” I will be deceased. I guarantee it.)
• Iceberg -Kinda dead now but still cute in thought.
• Gelato -Used to think it was weird but I’m over that, they’re also cute in thought.
• Crimsun -OKAY WAIT HOLD ON. IT STARTED OUT AS A JOKE BUT THE MORE I THOUGHT ABOUT IT I STARTED TO LIKE IT. Like think about it, Sun is great at bringing out the best in people. In a different time when Adam didn’t lose his fucking mind entirely, I can see them in a relationship where Sun is the one to calm him down and just be like “dude chill you’re fine breathe” I DUNNO MAN IT JUST SORTA HAPPENED. I CANT EXPLAIN IT WELL.
• Raging Bull -AGAIN HEAR ME OUT. (REMEMBER THESE ARE SHIPPED IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE AND NOT IN CANON FOR FUCKS SAKE CALM DOWN) It started as a crack ship but I slowly became more and more serious about it. Because of how similar they are. If some events had happened differently, I could see these two getting along fairly well. Judge all you want this is my guilty pleasure ship. Both are hot headed and aggressive when agitated past a point. ONCE MORE ITS NOT IN CANON. LITERALLY THE ONLY THING THATS CANON IS THEIR PERSONALITIES.
•Seamonkeys -Just. Go watch any Chibi episode with them in it. Just. Absolute bromance.
• Lancaster -Still dont ship it romantically. Platonically yes!
• Rosewick -Why is this still a thing I don’t understand. Put this one here just because it still baffles me.
• Bumble/by - …I mean doesn’t really need an explanation. Main reason now is because of how forced it is.
It’s Complicated
• Tauradonna -This one’s complicated because there is a time in canon where I shipped it. Pre-Black Trailer. Before shit hit the fan, before Blake left. Hell, even a bit into Vol 2 I still shipped it. But then the Fall of Beacon happened and Adam absolutely lost his goddam mind (and didn’t even seem like the same fucking character but ya know whatever) I ship it in the periods before the show. Their past intrigues me. Because clearly there was a time when things were different. And there’s still more that we don’t know AND PROBABLY WONT KNOW NOW. still pissed if ya couldn’t tell Like I have so many questions. Did Blake always know about his scar? It sorta seemed like she did? But if she did why didn’t she bitch Weiss out back in Vol 1-2 about the company literally fucking branding people?!
Anyway so yeah here’s the updated chart Sorry explanations are shit my brain is mush and I haven’t watched rwby since Vol 6 ended so it’s not so fresh in my head
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