#emerie of illyra
not-sjm · 7 months
who's your favorite acotar woman?
i don't think i forgot anyone, but tell me if i did!
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nikethestatue · 2 years
So is EVERYBODY going to Illyria?
Who is NOT going to Illyria at this point? Cassian, Azriel, Gwyn and Nesta, and Emerie--all in Illyria.
If Mor and Emerie are getting together is Mor ALSO going to Illyria? (She seems like she would totally just LOVE it there. Her kinda scene. Violent, homophobic and misogynistic)
So Rhys is left with NO Inner Circle, right? Because it’s just Amren, who has no powers. And Rhys is just running around changing nappies for the duration of the book?
or is Elain taking it one for the team and singlehandedly finding troves, scrying, defeating Koschei, breaking bonds? While the gang is happily sitting around the campfire in Illyria roasting goats and redeeming it?
Also, is everybody getting mated? Because obviously Gwyn and shadows and breath and songs and Az are getting mated. So it would only makes sense that Mor and Emerie are getting mated too.
Are they bringing the House to Illyra too??? Because who is making spag bols and choc cakes?
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I'm so tired of el/riels shaming us, Gwynriels ans Eluciens, for simply liking these ships. They come up with so much bs like "Gwynriels have no respect for SA survivors" "Eluciens support abuse" "Eluciens and Gwynriels support rape culture"
Gwynriels were called ped*philes because some stupid el/riel created a crack theory that says Gwyn is a child and that side of the fandom believed it and saw fit to shame Gwynriels. Sarah literally laughed at that theory and confirmed that Gwyn is an adult, yet there are still some people who shame Gwynriels and pull out the dog age card.
El/riels are ready to wear the red cape and come into the Gwynriel and Gwyn tag to shame us for "stealing" Emerie's role and give it to Gwyn, which is false. No one ever said that Gwyn will lead the Illyrian females and "reform" Illyra with Azriel and I'm 100 % sure that every Gwyn stan is against that. But like it or not, since Gwyn won the blood rite and is wearing an Illyrian title the Illyrian males will not just leave Gwyn and Nesta alone and go only after Emerie just because she's the only Illyrian. Gwyn and Nesta are connected to the Illyrian plot, not like Emerie but they are. Saying that Gwyn is connected to Illyria is not saying "Gwyn will reform Illyria and lead the Illyrian females". It provokes me so much, because they only every bring up Emerie when they want to shame Gwynriels. NONE of them took part for Emerie's week. Remember the artist who drew the inner circle, Lucien, Elain, Nesta and Gwyn? She explained that the artwork isn't exactly the 'inner circle" and the reason Emerie wasn't there was because she hadn't drawn Emerie at that time. El/riels just came in and shamed the artist. The artist isn't a Gwynriel stan, nor is she in the acotar fandom! What made me so angry is that none of them said "Oh where is Emerie?" but said crap like "Uhm?? Why is Gwyn her and not Emerie", which shows that it was not at all about Emerie.
Then we have el/riel constantly disrespecting SA survivors by saying Gwyn shouldn't have sex, suggesting that a SA survivor is evil and lures man and more crap and then shame us for shipping her with Azriel. As if they care about Gwyn. Where was this protective energy for Rhys, Feyre, Nesta and Lucien? Lucien is a SA survivor and yet they want him to bang Vassa. It was never about Gwyn, they just love to make us feel bad- putting us in a bad light. Again: it is up to Gwyn if she wants to heal and have a sexual relationship with someone. It is up to her if she wants to take her choice back, which was stolen from her. Same thing goes to every SA survivor in a fantasy world and in the real world.
Then they shame Eluciens and claim that we are supporting an "abuser", just because Elain felt uncomfy beside Lucien. Either they really don't know what abusive relationships actually are or they refuse to know. Lucien has been nothing but patient with Elain. Not once had he forced her to anything. He's staying far away from her. Even when the mating bond screamed at him to kill or at least hurt Grayson for hurting Elain, he didn't and rather left him alone, exactly like Cassian left Thomas alone and Rhys left Tamlin alone. Elain has already stated that she does not want a male nor a mating bond. If the cauldron chose Azriel, like it or not, she would have ignored his existence. Elain doesn't know Lucien, why would she hate him? Her problem is the mating bond! She had the chance to say "I don't want him and I can't stand to be anywhere near him" or something similar, but she said "I don't want a mating bond. I don't want a male". Besides, we do not have her PoV. Many people assumed that Azriel has some deep feelings for Elain and then when we finally got his PoV, he showed as that there are no deep feelings for her. So, we cannot just assume that Elain hates Lucien. It is also not Lucien's fault that Elain shows discomfort. He already lets her have all the freedom and time she wants and needs, he gives her the choice to reject the mating bond or accept... he does bring her gifts that is on winter solstice, where he brings gifts for EVERYONE. Elain being uncomfortable is on Elain. Also, how can you accuse us for "supporting" an "abuser" and then the next day say that Lucien (the one you call an abuser) will bang Vassa. Hypocrisy at its finest.
I won't even talk about the "Gwyn is a child and Gwynriels are ped*philes" crap. If they want to pretend like Sarah didn't confirm this theory is not true then that's their problem.
And then claiming that Gwynriels and Eluciens are supporting rape culture for "romantizing" the day Gwyn was raped and the day Elain's life was taking away from her. I have no words for this. I really want to know which Gwynriel or Elucien ever romantizes their trauma... I have yet to see one doing that. But if they have seen one doing that, why are they going at the entire Gwynriel and Elucien fandom?! We are not related or something and we cannot control what others say! Why shame everyone and make everyone feel bad for shipping Gwynriel and Elucien? But I swear- if this was just a lie told by an El/riel to make us look bad I'm going mad.
Don't even get me started on them playing the goddamn victim and cry whenever an Elucien stan gets mad, when they bullied off so many Elucien stans from literally every plattform before acosf. Creators left the fandom because they couldn't stand the bullying. They came back after acosf.
And the fact that I haven't seen at least one of them calling the el/riels from Twitter out. They are really THE WORST. I have seen Gwynriels calling them out and then el/riels in the comments defend themselves by saying "it's not only El/riels and Gwynriels have said worse things 🙄"
I'm so tired, so tired. Just let me enjoy my ship in peace.
This was long, but every single thing was on point. One of my favourite things you wrote was:
Elain has already stated that she does not want a male nor a mating bond. If the cauldron chose Azriel, like it or not, she would have ignored his existence.
They ignore this aspect and claim Azriel is her true mate. How can they not see that, if the Cauldron paired El/riel as mates, she would've had the same reaction? That the problem is not the person she is mated with, but the freaking bond itself? At this point, it's obvious those toxic El/riels only care about their ship. They don't even care about Elain or Azriel as individuals. They just love the aesthetics they got from the max. 10 pages they've read in 4 books worth of build-up. All they can do is shame other characters and people. They don't have enough or strong enough arguments to support their ship, so they go for bullying. Shipping is something that should be fun and a great experience. It used to be, for me, in other fandoms. But in here, I constantly have to defend the ship I support, the character I freaking adore, and even myself. I don't have to justify why I love Gwynriel. I don't have to sit and read vile things said about something I love just because some people who lack a certain level of maturity and common sense can't support their ship with solid arguments. If their ship was as strong as they claim, they wouldn't have those aggressive reactions and would've ignored people who ship Gwynriel and Elucien.
I ship whoever I want to, because of how they make me feel. I am staying respectful towards the characters and other people. Why can't those toxic El/riels do the same? Oh, I already answered. :)
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nikethestatue · 3 years
What is SJM take the Celaena/Chaol/Yarne/Rowan route. She's changed love interests before. Even in ACOTAR with Feyre and Tamlin and Rhys. What if she does it again with Elain and Azriel?
Yeah, it's a pretty common argument and it's been brought up before many times, however, if's a false equivalency.
here is the thing: by the time Yrene or Rowan arrived on the scene, Aelin and Chaol were long done and the relationship between the two of them was irreversibly broken. She attempted to kill him. And even when they patched things up before she left, it was pretty clear that it was over between them. So when her relationship with Rowan began, however badly, she and he were free of anyone else, and she certainly wasn't pining for Chaol.
Same with Chaol and Yrene--his relationship with Nesryn was really nothing to write home about, and it wasn't much more than sex and her sense of obligation to help him out. Yrene was available, and Chaol too.
The difference between Aelin/Chaol and Elain/Azriel is that one relationship happened and ended, and one hasnt even started yet.
A much better comparison would actually be this:
In ACOSAF, Cassian and Nesta are in a bad place, and Emerie gets introduced. Nothing is resolved with Nessian, Emerie takes center stage, and then,
ACOSF--the book is about Cassian and Emerie's relationship. They are saving Illyra together, or training, or whatever.
See how it makes NO SENSE?
The situation right now is the same with Elain and Azriel. They are clearly interested in each other, but in a bad place now due to external factors. They haven't even discussed their feelings. Nothing is resolved. But he takes off with Gwyn?
I think not.
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