#emi reads sd
the-sun-princess · 8 years
and today’s update, chapter 21 of Secret Dreamer @occasionallydiverting
“Foreboding” oh BOY >U
Severa helpin out and hanging with Lucina more though, yes, good routine.
more recurring appearances from the others, yes good.
oh bah,Valm has bandits
pffff, nobles, amirite
ah trainin flirting
yah Lucina, get some assistants. need you to sleep some more. can’t do everything yourself, as nice as it would be if it was possible
oh Laurent, what do you have to tell us.
Oh? Plegia has a new ruler? Is-.....is it Morgan?
IT IS MORGAN I was wondering if you were ever going to mention him. MY BOY- i have no idea how to feel about this
you were right you tricked me into thinking this was just a love story with fuckin painful kid flashbacks
MORGAN there is not an emoticon to express this well 
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j0hn-deacons-perm · 4 years
I’ve been reading Is This the Real Life: the Untold Story of Queen and some things in this...
-Brian and Roger got into it after a show one time and Roger just went in with hairspray in Bri’s face
-Freddie met with a group of people in tight satin pants and couldn’t sit down so he looked around and tried to not attract attention to himself while undoing them
-Freddie was also so exhausted during their US tour at one point he just completely passed out, face in his breakfast
-Roger chose the shirt Fred wanted to wear for their first Rainbow show so he stormed off during soundcheck and brian begged for him to come back
-Also during their first US tour, Brian got himself a love affair in New Orleans and had to be rushed back to the UK after waking up in New York with full blown hepatitis due to a vaccine he received earlier in the year.. Freddie got herpes apparently? Icons.
-Freddie kept up with visiting Brian in the hospital while they worked on Sheer Heart Attack since homeboy had an operation after he was cleared for his hepatitis bed rest then had an ulcer shortly after.
-Roger didn’t like his hair in the cover photo for Sheer Heart Attack so they added extensions in the final photo. 
-Years after them leaving Trident, John was met with a former employee who recognized him at an airport and just completely shut him down. We love a king who knows his worth.
Edit #1 since I’ve read a bit more...
-Brian would somewhat irritate the person making coffee and tea. “...and then I’d ask Brian what he wanted. Then there’d be this pause and then he’d ask ‘How many teas are you making? How many coffees?...Two?...Three? Is it easier for you to make another coffee or another tea?’ You could spend 10 minutes just doing this. He was trying to make it easier for me, but in the end I’d be like, ‘Brian! Just tell me what you want!’”
-Bri thought Death on Two Legs was too mean and felt bad singing it.
-Freddie shutting down homophobes in the audience by shining the spot light on them and asking them to repeat what they said.
-Freddie didn’t believe the gold disc for a Night at the Opera was the album so he broke it open to play it and it was indeed their album. He was suspicious of EMI after everything at Trident which, I mean, valid.
-Mary out here recognizing her and Fred’s relationship was crumbling, accepted it and hugged him when he came out. We love a good support system.
-When in Australia, they had to go on foot to their venue due to a festival taking place. No cars could pass. But Freddie being extra, he was driven through in a limo while drinking champagne.
Edit #2
-Fred was being driven to the studio and they crashed so he went to a nearby house to use their phone...in a silk kimono with Queen written on the back...almost dressed in full stage attire. They let him in, made him tea and chatted.
-During their show at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, Brian’s amp exploded and he ran over to tell Freddie but it was in his mic pretty much so everyone heard him panicing. Fred waved Bri away saying “Oh, just jump around a bit and the silly bastards won’t know the difference!”
-If Fred walked somewhere, a car would follow him with the door open in case he got tired. This boy is so extra I swear to god....
-I ALMOST FORGOT!! They had clocks as promo items for News of the World and they sounded kind of fancy so I looked it up and.....
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Bitch...I low-key want one.
Edit #3
-That feeling when Roger could not confirm but didn’t doubt there being dwarves with cocaine at the Jazz debut party.
-In Munich recording the Game, the boys would split off to do their own thing after recording for the day. Freddie would explore the gay club scene while the others got drinks, dinner and a club then would meet back up with Freddie at the hotel. Taylor’s suite (not sure if it’s Roger or Crystal tbh) was the HH....the hetero hangout and Freddie’s was the PPP...the Presidential Pouff Parlour.
-John was nicknamed Ostrich because ‘He’s was like a bird who stays quiet until it finally lays a perfect egg.’ Kinda wish there was more about John in this book tbh
-the author really out here typing Deakey....unbelievable. Either Deacy or Deaky, binch. Come on.
-According to Crystal, Roger had his drum case be a close up of his face in case he had amnesia and needed to know what he looked like but we all know the truth, Rog 👀
-During a late night drinking sesh, one of the crew put on the Flash Gordon soundtrack and John, shit faced, asked who it was.
Edit #4
-Apprently Cool Cat was the first song written for/on Hot Space and Brian wasn’t a huge fan of it or Back Chat because it wasn’t heavy enough. Adding onto that, Staying Power and Body Language were thought to be too gay and Bri wanted things to be for everyone of different persuasions. Brian....let the gays have something.
-With the Works and Hot Space being my top two Queen albums...I was disappointed how much was just blown over with the recording process tbh.
-Paul Prenter was a massive cunt but everyone knows that.
-John was busted after a Phil Collins concert because he was drunk driving. He was driving his new Porsche but then got his license suspended for a year. Brian was a guest DJ for a radio show where he played Stevie Wonder’s Don’t Drive Drunk and dedicated the song to “John, whom some of you may know has had a little problem with his car recently.’
-Freddie’s pick up line for Jim was ‘how big is your dick’....I mean, in a way, it worked??? Iconic.
-Roger owned up to having their sound guy set false sound limits for the groups before them during Live Aid so when Queen went on, they were the loudest.
Edit #5, the last one since I finished the book
-Paul Prenter should have had someone kick him in the shins tbh fuck that guy
-Brian met Anita through a Eastenders event and he was gushing about how much he loved the show since Chrissie had him watch it then invited her to Wembley which she turned him down.
-Also fast forward to the later half of the 90′s, Anita helped Brian get into therapy for his depression and other emotional matters. We love a supportive queen.
-When the book finally talks more about John and it’s him saying the We Will Rock You musical sucked and he having an affair with a 25 year old erotic dancer like come on my dude....why couldn’t I be her??? But for real, I looked into it and found an article and wowza. When sd!Deaky be an actual thing????
-The press’ harassment of Freddie and his inner circle during his last years is absolutely horrendous to read about tbh. I think it was Roger (feel free to correct me on that if I’m wrong) who crashed his car because the camera flashes temporarily blinded him when he was trying to visit Freddie.
-Also Freddie was able to see the Bohemian Rhapsody clip from Wanye’s World since Mike Myers sent him a tape. Bri and Fred watched it and according to Brian, Freddie loved it and sent his seal of approval.
There’s the things I found interesting reading this biography. If you’ve read it or have any other fun facts, add them on my dudes!
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the-sun-princess · 8 years
“Successor” oh ho? Chapter 19 and two chapters away of you not egging me to read this and I’ll be egging you to write it @occasionallydiverting
now just fuckin confess and break free of ur trepidation sevvy
that is a horrible joke. severa’s, not mine. Mine was great.
lmao Lucina, did you remember to call ahead. Oh....baby girl, you need rest too
writing by hand is so crampy poor thing
accept help lucina
Severa smiled. “I’m going to make sure you get to sleep on time, if I have to throw you into bed myself.”
the sound i made and the image i pictured PFFFFF okay, not maybe the right kind of throwing into bed for this situation . or maybe it is *eyebrow waggle*
Lucina baby, this is why you need sleep. So you remember to call ahead and not freak out recruits.
heeey Owain
fun fun foreign affairs meeting
yeaaah go go beat up Owain wooo
yeah, probbaly good idea not to smash Owains face in
....oh Owain....
oh um hm. if they’re discussing the succession...and huh....and Laurent is the one to bring it up, and Laurent ALSO knows Severa’s situation....hum....
they are currently at peace, so they have time, tho that just might make people more antsy. dumbass nobles
....what does Lucina even want though....
:( Luci....
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aufox46 · 3 years
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Minimum Impedance Zmin Ohms 7.98 7.5% €Moving Mass Mms g 13.7 Voice Coil Inductance Le mH 0.41 €Suspension Compliance Cms um/N 1058.3 Resonant Frequency Fs Hz 41.76 15% €Effective Cone diameter D cm 13.4 Mechanical Q Factor Qms 2.97 €Effective Piston Area Sd cm^2 141 Electrical Q Factor Qes 0.58 €Effective Volume Vas L 29.56. HPPSC1400SERIES22D9 device driver for Windows 7, XP, 10, 8, and 8.1. Stepper Drivers Obviously setting the correct stepper driver that is installed on the SKR V1.4 motherboard is important. While your particular stepper driver may differ, the below example is using TMC2208’s for UART mode, not standalone. Driver Specification Sheet Model No:: TC7FD00-04 Product Line: Tymphany Rev: 1 Last Update: 2017-04-25 21:32:09 Product Description This TC family 2.5 inch 4 ohm full-range driver,with ferrite magnet, paper cone and rubber surround, and steel basket, is designed to be a cost-effective high performance full range driver. Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine.
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Endstops or limit switches are used on every moving axes of a 3D printer. The following chapter will provide information on:
Purpose of the endstop
Types of endstops
Configuring endstops and probes
Electromagnetic Interference / Electric Noise impact on endstops
Endstops fulfill two important functions in a 3D printer: Reference system for the axes system and safety.
Reference for the axes system
After powering up a 3D printer the printer’s controller board does not know at which position its axes are. Marlin indicates this by blinking question-marks in place of X, Y and Z on the LCD screen (v1.1.8 and older) or blinking ‘?’ in place of the coordinates besides X,Y and Z (Marlin v1.1.9 / v2.0.0 and newer).
This means the system needs first to establish its starting point of the physical (machine) coordinate system, a process called Homing. Homing can be initiated either via the G28 G-code or via the LCD controller.
Illustration 1: LCD indication not homed axes (Marlin <= v1.1.8)
The other important aspect of an endstop is protecting the hardware from damage. Should any movement try to exceed the physical limits of the machine, the endstop will cut the movement.
There are two main types of endstops. Hardware endstops and software endstops.
Hardware endstops
Hardware endstops are electrically connected to the endstop ports of the printer control board and will provide a signal when the endstop condition is met.
Illustration 2: Most common endstops (left to right): Micro switch, optical endstop (light barrier), hall sensor (magnetic)
Regardless of the type the basic way of working is the same:
A typically 5 Volt signal (High) drops to 0 Volt (Low): Normally closed (NC) switch
A 0 Volt signal (Low) rises to 5 Volts (High): Normally open (NO) switch
Since endstops are a safety feature NC switches are recommended as they will halt the machine should the switch be damaged, e.g. by a broken cable etc.
Probe as Z-Endstop
Probes can act like an endstop for the minimum Z-axis. While the typical endstop has a fixed position, the probe is mounted on the print-head and can freely move around the bed.
Illustration 3: Common probe types: Inductive (left), solenoid touch probe (right)
Some aspects of probe configuration are considered in this endstop introduction. Further reading is provided in the Chapter Probes Configuration, Auto Bed Leveling and Unified Bed Leveling.
Software Endstops
Typically 3D printers are only equipped with hardware endstops on one side of each axis (Minimum or Maximum of the respective axis). As discussed above this is used to determine the starting point (origin) of the machine coordinate system.
In order to also protect the other side of the axes software endstops should be defined in the firmware via the #define MAX_SOFTWARE_ENDSTOPS / #define MIN_SOFTWARE_ENDSTOPS directive. This then uses the value from #define (XYZ)_MAX_POS / #define (XYZ)_MIN_POS to determine the maximum distance between the physical endstop and the software commanded stop of the axis. Software endstops can be (de-)activated via the M211 G-code.
By default, slicers generate G-code that places the base of a printed model at z=0 and build upwards from there. The result of homing the z-axis should thus place the build surface at the z=0 plane. After homing in z, the hardware z endstop is deactivated (unless you have set ENDSTOPS_ALWAYS_ON_DEFAULT in configuration_adv.h, which can be overridden by M120, M121), but to protect the hardware a software endstop is activated (which in turn can be overridden by M211 S0). This software endstop is located at Z_MIN_POS (defined in configuration.h) . This is normally at z=0 at the nominal location of the bed. Note that when using bed-leveling, this software endstop is applied to the uncorrected slicer generated z-values. This allows printing into the hollows of the bed, where z < 0.
We now describe some common Cartesian printer configurations, with and without bed-leveling probes.
Microswitch endstop - no bed leveling probe.
Here we mechanically adjust the bed and possibly additionally the microswitch trigger point to level the bed surface as close as we can to the z=Z_MIN_POS (normally = 0) plane. The z location of the hardware (microswitch) trigger point defaults to the value of Z_MIN_POS. It is possible however to use a microswitch trigger point above the bed by setting MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS to the z-coordinate of the trigger point. See here. Having the trigger point below the bed makes little sense as the nozzle would crash into the bed before the microswitch triggered on homing.
Probe used for homing and bed-leveling.
The probe should be mounted so that its trigger point lies below the extruder nozzle. Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER (negative!) is this vertical offset. This offset is applied by the firmware when homing in order to properly reference the coordinate system to the nozzle position. To measure this see here. For a mechanical probe like a BL-Touch, this offset is geometrically fixed. For a remote sensing probe (e. g. inductive or capacitive), the offset might vary with bed material. You can tweak it using M851.
Figure 1: Example configuration using BL-Touch for both homing and probing.
The process of bed-leveling generates an array of z-values of the bed heights at the probed points. Marlin interpolates these values to estimate the bed height at any given x/y location. Figure 1 illustrates the situation. While probing, all endstops are turned off so that the probe can reach into the valleys of the bed. To protect the machine in case of the probe failure during probing set Z_PROBE_LOW_POINT to limit the probing depth.
Microswitch used for homing, probe for bed leveling.
When homing, the printer is not protected against hardware endstop failure. This configuration uses a perhaps more reliable microswitch for homing, reserving the probe for bed leveling, where Z_PROBE_LOW_POINT provides failure protection. The configuration is illustrated in Fig. 2, requiring the use of both MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS and Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER Ideally, with an uneven bed, MANUAL_Z_HOME_POS should be adjusted so that z=0 lies halfway between the highest and lowest parts of the bed. This makes the maximum bed correction as small as possible.
Figure 2: Example configuration using a microswitch for homing, BL-Touch for bed-leveling probe.
Measuring offsets.
To measure an offset between a trigger point and the bed, lower the nozzle to the trigger point (by homing, if it’s the homing device), and note the z-value. Now turn off the software endstop temporarily (with M211 S0) to enable lowering the nozzle further down to the bed. Note the z again. The difference is the height of the respective trigger point above the bed.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) or electric noise, is an effect which can ruin the clean signal needed to properly and precisely measure electronically, be it temperature, endstop hits or any other value.
Sources and effect of EMI
In today’s life an abundance of sources for Electric Noise exists: Mobile phones, microwaves, WIFI, power supplies etc. In a 3D printer itself, there are also some prominent and strong sources of such noise:
Heated beds
Hot ends
Stepper motors
PWM modulation
The Electromagnetic Interference created by these sources are picked up by other components, either because they are directly connected or via radiation. The useful signal needed by the other components will be disturbed or even altered so much that it is no longer useful.
Effect on endstops / limit switches
In the following High = Logic 1 = 5 Volt will be used for a pressed switch and Low = Logic 0 = 0 Volt for a not triggered switch.
Ideal endstop characteristic
Illustration 4: Ideal Endstop
The above Illustration 4 shows an ideal endstop characteristic: Once pressed it jumps from Low to High and the printer control board realizes this in virtually no time.
Real endstop characteristic with low noise
Illustration 5: Real endstop characteristic
Illustration 5 shows:
There is no clean Low or High. Both states are somewhat unclean
Around the trigger point (marked in orange) an effect known as bouncing is shown: Due to mechanical influences the switch bounces between Low and High a few times before settling to High
Bouncing is unwanted but in case of endstops not a show stopper
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Real endstop characteristic with peak noise
Illustration 6: Real endstop with EMI
This Illustration 6 shows:
Same characteristic as above but with a peak caused by EMI (marked in red)
The peak is high enough to be falsely detected by the printer control board as pressed switch, potentially ruining a running print
There are numerous counter measures preventing noise:
Shielded cables / twisted cable pairs
Cable routing (route signal cables away from power cables)
Software filtering
Hardware filtering
In the following the options 3 and 4 will be discussed further.
Software filtering
Beginning with Marlin v1.1.9 and v2.0 the software measures against endstop noise are improved and exposed as a setting. Prior versions already implemented filtering that is permanently active. For the sake of precision, this now has been exposed as a user setting in Configuration.h and deactivated by default.
Activating this option will lead to following endstop characteristics:
Illustration 7: Endstop with software filtering
The yellow marked area in Illustration 7 shows the area where the software compensation is active. The first yellow area is an effect due to noise and the algorithm decides that no endstop is triggered since the signal falls back to a Low state.
The second yellow area marks the spot where a real and wanted endstop triggering has happened. Now the algorithm basically “watches” the situation for some milliseconds until deciding if the endstop really is triggered or if an EMI / Noise effect needs to be compensated. This will lead to delays and finally to a precision loss in the detection of the endstop.
Depending on the printer’s geometry and affected endstop, this precision loss may result in issues especially concerning the bed leveling. Using this feature is not recommended. Implementing some type of hardware filtering is strongly preferred.
Hardware Filtering
Hardware filtering can range from a simple capacitor in parallel to the switch over a resistor / capacitor combination (RC-unit) up to opto-couplers and flip-flops.
Some printer controller boards already contain such filters located at the endstop connectors. Unfortunately the popular RAMPS v1.4 design does not. A deficit that has been corrected with the RAMPS v1.4.2 design:
Illustration 8: RAMPS v1.4 vs v1.4.2
Endstop PCB
For 3D printing ready made filtered endstops are available, e.g. according to the Makerbot design:
Illustration 9: Endstop PCB with RC unit
Endstop with capacitor
A more simple variant, that can easily be fitted to existing endstops is a 100nF capacitor, soldered over the two endstop connector pins (in parallel):
Illustration 10: Endstop with 100nF capacitor
Effect of the hardware filtering
Illustration 11 below shows the effect of such hardware filtering: The noise level is smoothed and peaks will be reduced so much that they no longer will cause false readings. Additionally the fast bouncing at the beginning of the triggering will also be damped.
Illustration 11: Endstop characteristic with hardware filter
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Electrical Noise should not be underestimated. It is invisible but it may lead to strange effects that are very hard to diagnose due to its spurious nature. Simple measures like adding a capacitor will already improve the situation considerably, overall improving reliability of the machine.
6Connection Method
MKS BaseV1.2 3D Printer Controller Board (RAMPS 1.4 + Arduino 2560 remix board)
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The new MKS Base 1.2 3D Printer Controller board combines and improves the assets of the RAMPS 1.4 and Arduino Mega 2560 boards on a fantastic single board solution. The MKS Base 1.2 is an optimal 3D printer controller solution for your Reprap 3D Printer.
Main features
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The MKS Base 1.2 solves interface connection problems between the Arduino Mega 2560 and RAMPS 1.4 boards by having both integrated into a single board
5 Stepper Motor Driver Slots. The boards supports a wide variety of Stepper Motor Drivers - most notably A4988, DRV8825 and Ice-Blue Stepper Motor drivers drive
The MKS Base 1.2 board uses a high quality 4-layer PCB which optimizes heat dissipation
Firmware can use the same configuration as RAMPS 1.4
Easy DISPLAY + SD-CARD connector - compatible pin header on board for 12864 & 2004 LCD Display controller panels.
6x end stop connectors with power supply Xmin/Xmax/Ymin/Ymax/Zmin/Zmax
3 x 5V output, 3 x Power voltage output
Reserve motor pulse and direction output port
Support 12V-24V power input
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MKS BaseV1.2 3D Printer Controller Board
usb cable
Connection Method
A. Mount DRV8825 correctly, don’t mount reversely, or they will be burnt, as shown below:
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B. As for 2004LCD, connect ESP1 to ESP1, ESP2 to ESP2, as shown below:
C. Diagram connection as shown below:
Connection Method
Install Diver Software
A. Connect the main board with computer, and then right click “Computer” to enter “Device Manage”. B. Double click “Other devices”, appearing “USB Serial Port”. Then, right click “USB Serial Port” and select “Update Driver Software” to install driver software. After that, select “Browse my computer for driver software” to find the file. Browse to search for driver software. After your driver software updated, click “Close” to finish.
C. Finally, installation is done, and double click “Ports”in “Device Manager”, you can see “USB Serial Port”.
Install development environment software IDE
Double click arduino-1.5.6-r2-windows to start.Select “I Agree”to accept license agreement. Select components to install and click “Next”. Click “Browse” and select another folder. Click “Install” to start the installation. Finally, wait for a few minutes to finish.
Install Firmware for Main Board
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A. You must close Arduino IDE firstly, and then place three libraries LiquidCrystal, SPI and U8glib from Marlin_Marlin_v1→ArduinoAddons→Arduino_1.x.x→libraries into Arduino/libraries. B. Enter Marlin_Marlin_RAMPS_2004_Ver1 this folder, double click Marlin_Marlin_RAMPS_2004_Ver1.ino this file, finally click “Tools” to set “Board”and “Port”. After verifying, write code. Done uploading.
C. After upload the firmware the LCD will display some parameter as shown below:
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Install Slicer Software Repetier-Host
First, run this application
Click “Next” to continue.
Check “I accept the agreement”, and click “Next” to continue. Select destination location, and click “Next” to continue. Check components that should be installed, and click “Next” to continue.
Select star menu folder, and click “Next” to continue. Click “Next” to continue. Click “Install” to install. Click “Finish” to exit Setup.
Application of Slicer Software
A. Run Repiter-Host,click Load to open a printing model.
B. Click Printer Settings to complete some setup, referring to below figure.
C. Enter Object Placement to set placing position, printing size and so on.
D. Click Slicer to set slicer, like printing speed. After setting slicer, click Start Slicing to begin slicing.
E. After slicing, go to Preview→G-Code Editor, copy G-Code to SD card, and then insert the card into the main board. It is time to kick off the print! Though the LCD screen go to : Print from SD→Desired File. Or you can connect your 3D printer to computer using a USB cable to start the print.
F. Click “Connect”and then click “Start Print” to begin the print. After some time, your printer gets ready and the buzzer rings, then you should press the button on LCD to start.
G. We just introduce a simple method about printing. Thanks to selling only main board by us, you should design your own structure and outlook of your 3D printer, and you should also set your own configuration to meet your need. After you assembling your printer, the printer need to be leveled, so you can make some setup in Preview and Manual Control, and surf the internet for further information.
H. We have a G-Code to test the main board. Power it on, open limit switch and stepper motor, drive three motors; put a Fnbduino.gco file to Preview, click Start Print, if the motors rotate, X/Y/Z value in Manual Control changes, the main board works as shown below:
Repetier-Host Download https://www.repetier.com/download-now/
Arduino IDE Download https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
Firmware, Driver Software, Testing G-Code and Mask Printing Model Download https://fs.keyestudio.com/KS0089
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Jio offer Janmashtami | Now Buy JioPhone 2 for only 141 rs
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Reliance jio offer made an impressive presentation considering Janmashtami's special occasion. Under this offer, customers can take home a JioPhone 2 with an EMI price of 141. Let us tell you that the price of this phone is Rs 2,999 and it was launched in 2018. Earlier in 2017, the company launched its first feature phone, JioPhone, in the domestic market. JioPhone 2 price and offer The JioPhone 2 is priced at Rs 2,999. This smartphone can now be purchased from the company's official website with an EMI of Rs 141. JioPhone 2 specifications Speaking of specifications, this phone has a 2.4-inch display, 2000mAh battery, 4G, and Qwerty keyboard support. Besides, this phone supports 512MB RAM and 4GB storage memory, which can be expanded to 128GB with the help of an SD card. JioPhone 2 camera The JioPhone 2 has a 2MP camera on the back panel and a 0.3MP selfie camera on the front. Apart from this, connectivity features like Wi-Fi, GPS, and NFC have been provided on this phone. Meanwhile, this phone supports WhatsApp, YouTube, Google Assistant, and Facebook. The possible information about the JioPhone 5 Let us know the news has been coming about jio offer flagship JioPhone 5 for a long time. At the same time, many leaks related to this feature phone have been shared on social media platforms. According to these reports, the company could introduce JioPhone 5 in the domestic market. It will cost less than 500 rupees. Read the full article
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buynearme-us · 3 years
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Best Phones under 10000
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    Best Phone under 10000 (Gaming) Realme Narzo 30A
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- 4 GB RAM, 64 GB ROM, Expandable Upto 256 GB - 16.56 cm (6.52 inch) HD+ Display - 48MP + 8MP + 2MP, 8MP Front Camera - 6000 mAh Lithium-polymer Battery - Mediatek Helio G85 Processor - Click here to buy:-
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- 16.59 cm (6.53 inch) HD+ Display - 13MP Rear Camera | 5MP Front Camera - 5000 mAh Lithium Polymer Battery - MediaTek Helio G25 Processor - In The Box Handset, Power Adapter (5V/2A), Micro USB Cable, SIM Eject Tool, Warranty Card, User Guide - Click here to buy:-
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-   Best Phone Under 10000 (Battery Backup) Realme C3
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- 12+2MP double back camera with principle 12MP + picture 2MP, sensor sizes/pixel information: back fundamental 1/2.8 1.25micrometer, representation 1/5 1.75micrometer, sensor type: - CMOS, centering technique: back primary PDAF, representation FF, most extreme zoom products: 4X computerized zoom wide point of back camera | 5MP front camera - 16.56 centimeters (6.52-inch) HD+ show with 720 x 1600 pixels goal, 269 PPI pixel thickness - Memory, Storage, and SIM: 3GB RAM | 32GB inner memory expandable up to 256GB | Dual SIM (nano+nano) double reserve (4G+4G) - Android v10 working framework with 2GHz Helio G70 processor, Mali G52 - 5000mAH lithium-particle battery - 1-year maker guarantee for gadget and a half year producer guarantee for in-box frill including batteries from the date of procurement - Box likewise incorporates: Adapter 5V/2A, significant information book with guarantee card, speedy guide, SIM card apparatus, screen secure film (2D TP film) - Click here to buy:-
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karingottschalk · 6 years
PV: Many members of the ‘Personal View’ community are shooting with the Micro Four Thirds (MFT) system digital cameras including many of the Panasonic MFT system products. Therefore when during the Leica and then Panasonic press conferences prior to the opening of Photokina 2018 we have learned about new L-mount alliance, many of our community members become concern that MFT system is in danger because of these new series of L-mount cameras. Can you give us some insight on the destiny of the Panasonic MFT products?…
… PV: Will the new L-mount system affect the Panasonic development of new MFT products, for example will some of the proposed MFT lenses be delayed? Another concern is that the MFT could be refocused primarily towards the basic entry-level of cameras, eliminating the semi-professional MFT category of products. Will the MFT cameras have the same attention from the best Panasonic engineers and designers, or it will suffer from lack of resources?…
… PV: How do you see the future development of the MFT cameras? For example, one of my favorite MFT camera series is a rangefinder-style GX line, such as GX8. I have noticed that in latest GX-series release, the Lumix GX9 camera is more GX7-alike than GX8, similar to GX7 in size and less advanced in some of its features than GX8, such as weather-sealing, OLED viewfinder, fully articulated display, or availability of external microphone port. Can we expect another series of the compact rangefinder style MFT camera with more advanced features, or all future MFT cameras with advanced features will be solely designed in GH5-style of camera bodies?…”
Panasonic Lumix DC-GX9 with optional screw-attached hand grip that must be removed to access SD cards and batteries. The DC-GX9 reportedly has short battery life so you may well be unscrewing this hand grip many times throughout the day.
Optional normal-sized eye-cup for Panasonic Lumix DC-GX9 on tilting EVF is a must the shooting in daylight outdoors.
Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX8 professional rangefinder-style camera with Panasonic Lumix G X Vario 12-35mm f/2.8 Aspheric Power OIS lens.
The Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 12mm f/1.4 Aspheric prime lens is also well-balanced on the GX8.
The Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX8’s fully articulated monitor beats any tilting or fixed LCD monitor screen especially in combination with its tilting EVF.
There is much more to the conversation between Personal View’s Igor Drozdovsky and Panasonic’s Adviser for Technical PR Mr Michiharu Uematsu, the Imaging Section’s Ms Emi Fujiwara and Engineer Mr Taku Kariyazaki than the questions above of whether Panasonic will be dropping development of the professional cameras in the GX series and whether the company will also cease development of its Micro Four Thirds cameras and lenses in favour of the 35mm sensor cameras and lenses of the recently announced S Series.
I recommend reading the interview in full for those of us with the same questions as asked by Mr Drozdovsky, and I hope that answers about the future of pro-quality rangefinder-style GX cameras will soon be provided by Panasonic.
I seriously hope that Panasonic will not be trying to tell us that pro-quality DSLR-style cameras must now somehow replace pro-quality tilting EVF rangefinder-style cameras just as I hope the company will not try to convince us that 3-way tilting monitors must now always replace fully articulated monitors.
Personal View – Destiny of m43 mount cameras, how soon production will stop
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Olympus M43 lenses – B&H
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Panasonic DMW-BGGH5 Battery Grip – B&H
Panasonic M43 lenses – B&H
Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5 Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Digital Camera– B&H
Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5S Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Digital Camera– B&H
Panasonic Lumix DC-GX9 Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Digital Camera with 12-60mm Lens – B&H
Panasonic V-Log L Function Activation Code for DMC-GH4, DC-GH5, and DMC-FZ2500 – B&H
Personal View: Destiny of [Panasonic] m43 mount cameras, how soon production will stop PV: Many members of the ‘Personal View’ community are shooting with the Micro Four Thirds (MFT) system digital cameras including many of the Panasonic MFT system products.
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dsrajawat · 6 years
भारत में अभी अपने पैर जमाने के लिए Realme ने अपने छोटे से समय में काफी बेहतरीन प्रदर्शन करके दिखाया है। अभी तक यह ब्रांड अपने स्मार्टफोनों के द्वारा मार्किट में सभी को आकर्षित किया है जिसका प्रमुख कारण है कंपनी द्वारा काफी किफायती कीमत पर उम्मीद से बेहतर स्पेसिफिकेशन प्रदान करना। (Realme C1 Vs Redmi 6A comparison Read in English)
लेकिन एंट्री-लेवल सेगमेंट में जब बात आती है तो यहाँ पर कहानी थोडा अलग हो जाती है क्योकि सभी विकल्प काफी कड़ा मुकाबला पेश करते है। हाल ही में Realme C1 को एंट्री लेवल स्मार्टफोन के रूप में लांच किया गया है जो सीधे रूप से शाओमी के काफी लोकप्रिय स्मार्टफोन Redmi 5A के अपग्रेड Redmi 6A को सीढ़ी टक्कर देता है।
Reaalme C1 उसी कीमत में पेश किया गया है जिस कीमत में Redmi 6A उपलब्ध है। क्या Redmi 6A सही रूप से अपग्रेड कहा जा सकता है? इसी सवाल का जवाब लेने के लिए शुरू करते है Realme C1 और Redmi 6A स्मार्टफोनों की तुलना:
Realme C1 बनाम Redmi 6A : स्पेसिफिकेशन
मॉडल Realme C1 Redmi 6A डिस्प्ले 6.2-इंच HD+ IPS 19:9 आस्पेक्ट रेश्यो 5.45-इंच HD+ IPS डिस्प्ले 18:9 आस्पेक्ट रेश्यो प्रोसेसर स्नैपड्रैगन 450 मीडियाटेक हेलिओ A22 रैम 2GB 2GB इंटरनल स्टोरेज 16GB 16GB/32GB सॉफ्टवेयर Color OS 5.1 MIUI 9.6 रियर कैमरा 13MP+2MP (f/2.2 / f/2.4) 13MP, f/2.2 अपर्चर फ्रंट कैमरा 5MP (f/2.2) 5MP (f/2.2) माप और वजन 156.2 x 75.6 x 8.2mm; 168ग्राम 147.5 x 71.5 x 8.3 mm; 145 ग्राम बैटरी 4,230mAh 3,000mAh कनेक्टिविटी Wi-Fi, GPS,ब्लूटूथ, USB 2.0, 3G/4G,DSDV WiFi, ब्लूटूथ, GPS, USB 2.0, ड्यूल सिम, 4G, VoLTE, कीमत 6,999 रुपए 5,999 रुपए / 6,999 रुपए
Realme C1 बनाम Redmi 6A: डिजाईन और बिल्ड क्वालिटी
शाओमी अपनी बजट श्रेणी में पेश किये गये स्मार्टफोनों के डिजाईन पर कुछ ख़ास ध्यान नहीं देता है और यही Redmi 6A के मामले में भी ऐसा ही है। लगभग 3 साल से इस्तेमाल किये जा रहे पैटर्न पर ही शाओमी ने यहाँ ट्रिपल-लेयर वाला बैक पैनल दिया है। सामने की तरफ पर्याप्त बेज़ेल भी देखने को मिलते है और लाउडस्पीकर को भी पीछे बैक पैनल पर नीचे की तरफ जगह दी गयी है जिस कारण टेबल पर रखने पर फ़ोन की आवाज काफी प्रभावित होती है।
Realme C1 में आपको मॉडर्न डिजाईन को ध्यान में रखा गया है। सामने की तरफ नौच डिस्प्ले, 2.5D कर्व डिस्प्ले, और पीछे की तरफ ग्लास-फिनिश वाला बैक-पैनल मिलता है जो इसको नौचवाला सबसे किफायती स्मार्टफोन बनाता है।
Realme 2 डिजाईन के मामले में काफी स्टाइलिश और प्रीमियम लगता है। यहाँ पर आपको Ocean Blue और Deep Black रंग विकल्प दिए है और बैक पैनल पर डायमंड कट पैटर्न की वजह से आपको काफी काफी आकर्षक 3D इफ़ेक्ट प्राप्त होता है।
इसके अलावा Realme C1 में बॉक्स के साथ एक ट्रांसपेरेंट बैक-कवर भी दिया गया है जो एक किफायती फोन के रूप में यूजर को काफी पसंद आ सकता है।
Realme C1 बनाम Redmi 6A: डिस्प्ले
Realme C1 डिस्प्ले के हिसाब से भी Redmi 6A से बेहतर साबित होता है. शाओमी के इस फोन में सामने की तरफ 5.45-इंच HD+ (1440×720 पिक्सेल) डिस्प्ले 18:9 रेश्यो के साथ मिलती है। यहाँ 72.7% स्क्रीन-टू-बॉडी रेश्यो मिलता है। डिस्प्ले पर गोरिल्ला ग्लास प्रोटेक्शन नहीं दी गयी है जिस कारण आपको यहाँ पर एकाच्ची क्वालिटी के टेम्पर्ड ग्लास का इस्तेमाल करना पड़ेगा।
दूसरी तरफ Realme C1 में आपको 6.2-इंच की बड़ी डिस्प्ले मिलती है जिसका आस्पेक्ट रेश्यो 19:9 रखा गया है ताकि 88.8% स्क्रीन-टू-बॉडी रेश्यो प्राप्त हो सके। Realme ने मुकाबले को देखते हुए कहा कोई समझौता ना करते हुए आपको नौच डिस्प्ले के साथ गोरिल्ला ग्लास 3 प्रोटेक्शन भी दी है।
कलर-रिप्रोडक्शन और क्वालिटी के मामले में Realme C1 की डिस्प्ले Redmi 6A की तुलना में बेहतर और चमकदार कलर, ज्यादा अच्छा कंट्रास्ट और अच्छी डायनामिक रेंज देती है।
Realme C1 बनाम Redmi 6A: प्रदर्शन
जहाँ तक प्रदर्शन की बात है, Rdmi 6A में आपको एंट्री लेवल MediaTek Helio A22 (MT6762) चिपसेट दी गयी है। यह Cortex-A53 कोर पर आधारित होने के साथ 12nm मैन्युफैक्चरिंग प्रोसेस पर बनी हुई है।
Realme C1 में आपको किफायती स्नैपड्रैगन 450 चिपसेट दी गयी है जो इसको सबसे किफायती SD 450 युक्त स्मार्टफोन बनाती है। ओक्टा-कोर SD450 चिपसेट यहाँ पर साफ़ तौर पर दोनों चिपसेटो में से अधिक विश्वसनीय और ज्यादा सक्षम है।
जब हम दोनों स्मार्टफोनों के 2GB/16GB वरिएन्त की तुलना करते है तो स्नैपड्रैगन युक्त C1 यहाँ एप्लीकेशन को ओपन करने और मल्टी टास्किंग में बेहतर साबित होता है। दोनों ही फ़ोनों में आपको हाई-एंड गेमिंग का अनुभव ज्यादा ख़ास प्राप्त नहीं होगा लेकिन नार्मल गेमिंग एक्सपीरियंस अच्छा है।
Realme C1 बनाम Redmi 6A: कैमरा
जब भी नया स्मार्टफोन खरीदने की बात आती है तो कैमरा परफॉरमेंस अभी भी यूजर के लिए सबसे प्रमुख बिंदु बना हुआ है। जहाँ तक बात है इन बजट स्मार्टफोनों की तो Realme C1 में आपको 13MP + 2MP (डेप्थ सेंसर)का ड्यूल रियर कैमरा कॉम्बिनेशन दिया गया है। दूसरी तरफ Redmi 6A में आपको सिर्फ 13MP का रियर कैमरा दिया गया है।
कैमरा सैंपल को देखते है अंतर साफ़-साफ़ पता चलता है। डे-लाइट में Realme C1 द्वारा ली गयी इमेज में ज्यादा डिटेल्स मिलती है। कैमरा काफी तेज़ी से फोकस करता है और जटिल लाइटिंग में भी आपको काफी अच्छी मीटरिंग मिलती है।
Redmi 6A भी संतोषजनक इमेज आउटपुट मिल जाता है लेकिन यहाँ पर रियर कैमरा में पोर्ट्रेट मोड तथा 2X ज़ूम का सपोर्ट नहीं है जो इसको Realme C1 से पीछे रखता है। सामने की तरफ दोनों ही फ़ोनों में आपको 5MP का सेंसर मिलता है लेकिन Redmi 6A द्वारा ली गयी सेल्फी थोडा सा अप्राकृतिक लगती है।
कैमरा सैंपल
Realme C1 कैमरा सैंपल
Xiaomi Redmi 6A कैमरा सैंपल
Realme C1 बनाम Redmi 6A: सॉफ्टवेयर और फेस अनलॉक
अब बात करते है सॉफ्टवेयर की। Realme C1 में आपको Color OS तथा Redmi 6A में MIUI 9.6 मिलता है। दोनो ही कस्टम स्किन एंड्राइड ओरियो आधारित है और फीचर के मामले में भी काफी कुछ एकसमान है। Redmi 6A में आपको काफी प्री-इन्सटाल्ड मिलती है जिसमे द्वारा आपको बीच-बीच में ऐड देखने पड़ते है जो थोडा परेशानी वाला काम है।
दोनों ही फ़ोनों में आपको फिंगरप्रिंट सेंसर की सुविधा नहीं दी गयी है तो दोनों डिवाइस फेस-अनलॉक पर निर्भर करती है। हमारे अनुभव के आधार पर फेस अनलॉक दोनों ही फ़ोनों में समान रूप से तेज़ है।
Ralme C1 बनाम Redmi 6A: बैटरी, कनेक्टिविटी, और लाउडस्पीकर
Realme C1 में आपको 4,320mAh की बैटरी दी गयी है जो Redmi 6A की तुलना में 1230mAh ज्यादा है। अपनी AI पॉवर मास्टर की खासियत के साथ Realme C1 आपको लगभग 1 दिन का बैकअप देने में सक्षम है। और दूसरी तरफ Redmi 6A में आपको उतने ही इस्तेमाल पर सिर्फ 11 घंटे का बैकअप मिलता है। ख़ैर, दोनों ही फ़ोनों में आपको फ़ास्ट चार्जिंग सपोर्ट नहीं दिया गया है।
शाओमी Redmi 6A कनेक्टिविटी के मामले में भी पीछे ही रह जाता है। यहाँ पर आपको ड्यूल सिम ड्यूल VoLTE सपोर्ट नहीं मिलता है जो इंडिया में आज की सबसे बड़ी जरूरत है।
Realme C1 में नीचे की तरफ लाउडस्पीकर दिया गया है जो काफी तेज़ और साफ़ है। जबकि Redmi 6A में आउटपुट तो काफी अच्छा है लेकिन स्पीकर को पीछे की तरफ जगह देना हमको पसंद नहीं आया।
Realme C1 बनाम Redmi 6A: निष्कर्ष
Redmi 5A पिछले साल लांच किया गया था और काफी लोकप्रिय भी साबित हुआ तथा लेकिन Redmi 6A को काफी बेहतर टक्कर मिल रही है जबकि Realme C1 ने तो स्तर को बढ़ा दिया है। Redmi 6A कोई खराब स्मार्टफोन नहीं है लेकिन Realme C1 से तुलना करने पर कहानी कुछ और ही प्राप्त होती है।
अगर आप यह पद रहे है तो आपने यही निष्कर्ष निकाला होगा की Realme C1 एक अच्छा विकल्प है जो काफी बेहतर साबित होता है। बिल्ड क्वालिटी, डिजाईन , कैमरा सेटअप और परफॉरमेंस को देखते हुए यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा की Realme C1 7000 रुपए से कम कीमत का सबसे आकर्षक स्मार्टफोन है।
अगर आप नया स्मार्टफोन खरीदने की सोच रहे है तो 11 अक्टूबर को Realme C1 की पहली सेल शुरू होगी। बिग-बिलियन डे सेल के तहत आपको एक्स्ट्रा 10% डिस्काउंट भी HDFC कार्ड के माध्यम से प्राप्त होगा। शुरूआती ऑफर के रूप में नो-कास्ट EMI और प्रोटेक्शन प्लान की सुविधा भी दी गयी है।
क्यों खरीदे Realme C1 ?
आकर्षक डिजाईन
बेहतर डिस्प्ले
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the-sun-princess · 8 years
oh boy chapter 18 is called “longing” as if that isn’t what Severa’s been doing for the past fucking 18 chapters get it together already of Secret Dreamer @occasionallydiverting
Awww, Sevvy being a mother hen about her trainees going off. it’s cute
i don’t know if I’ll ever be able to read “Azure” without automatically thinking of Azura ever again tbh. It took me three reads of this sentence before realizing I wrote Azura in the quotes and fixing it
pffff, oh Owain
....they’ll be fine. I hope. it’d be mean if I read this far and u just kill someone van, you know i don’t like that kinda angst :(
eavesdroppin on her knights oooo
pfffff, PFFFFFFF i mean, you could consider Severa and Luci’s days at the festival a date. She’s also a gay lmao, but Luci’s androgyny strikes again
oh oh sevvy
oh hey Laurent you are not who i was expecting to interrupt
damn, Laurent cutting to the heart of the problem. Thanks boi
yeah Gerome and Laurent won’t tell, they’re....them.
oh Severa. at least she’s finally telling someone. and aw, Laurent and Gerome.
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batexamin · 7 years
ICICI Bank Careers 2018 Latest ICICI Bank Recruitment Job Openings
ICICI Bank PO Recruitment 2018 - Eligibility, application, dates
  ICICI Bank Recruitment 2018 : ICICI Bank Invites Online application from the eligible interested applicants for the appointment of various posts Such as Probationary Officers (PO), Clerk, Specialist Officers (SO), Officers Scale, Office Assistant, Attender e.t.c through their official website www.icicibank.com . Interested candidates need to apply by filling online application in the prescribed mentioned dates in the ICICI Bank recruitment 2018-19 Notification.  
ICICI Bank Recruitment 2018, ICICI PO Clerk Vacancy 2018 Notification Apply Online
ICICI Bank Recruitment: Important Information Bank Name ICICI Bank No of Vacancies Multiple Location Across India Function Name Retail Branch Banking and Sales, Relationship Official Website www.icicibank.com  
ICICI Bank Probationary Officer Recruitment 2018 Apply for Various Post
  ICICI Bank Recruitment : Eligibility There are not many conditions to apply for this ICICI bank 2018 PO recruitment. Just a few but all are very important a) Applicant should be within 25 years of age, as on 30th December 2017 b) Those born before 30th December 1991 cannot register c) Must have a degree with minimum 55% marks aggregate d) Fresher graduates also eligible   If any of your directly family members (father, mother, brother and sister) is an employee of ICICI bank currently, you are not allowed to apply  
ICICI Bank Recruitment 2018: Apply Now For New Vacancies
  ICICI Bank Recruitment : Programme Structure The programme structure is as follows: Term 1 (4 months) - Classroom training at IMA, Bengaluru Term 2 (2 months) - Internship at ICICI Bank Term 3 (2 months) - Classroom training at IMA, Bengaluru Term 4 (4 months) - On-the-job training at ICICI Bank  
ICICI Bank Probationary Officers (PO) Recruitment 2018
  ICICI Bank Recruitment: Available Now Vacancies in Retail Branch Banking & Sales, Relationship Function: Click on the red links for applying online and view complete details   Job Title Required Experience (Years) Technical Officer 2 – 4 Years Technical Manager 4 – 8 Years ICICI Business Leadership Programme 2018 3 – 3 Years Sales Officer 0-4 Years Treasury Control & Services Group 6 – 10 Years Probationary Officer Batch 44 & 45 0 – 0 Years Branch Credit Manager 0 – 5 Years Chartered Accountant 0 – 5 Years Phone Banking Officer 0 – 4 Years Relationship Manager – Auto 4 – 8 Years Deputy Branch Manager 5 – 10 Years Relationship Manager – Private Banking Group 6 – 14 Years Branch Sales Manager – Mortgage 3 – 6 Years Branch Manager 6 – 12 Years  
ICICI Bank Recruitment 2018-2019 | Clerk PO and SO Vacancies
  How to apply for ICICI Bank Recruitment 2018 All candidates should log on to the official website at icicicareers.com Search the link Official Link for ICICI Career 2018 on the home page & click on it. Enter your personal & academic details in the given text field. Upload your recent photo & signature. Click on the submit button. Take a printout copy of the application form for future use.  
ICICI Bank Recruitment 2018-19 PO,Clerk,SO,Managers Careers Jobs
  ICICI Bank Recruitment : Selection Process Based on the given qualifications, applicants shall be shortlisted and intimated about next course of process. The selection process for Probationary Officer will consist of: Online Aptitude test Online Psychometric Assessment Case-based Group Discussion (GD) Personal Interview (PI) Merit List *The GD & the PI (only for applicants who successfully clear the GD) will be concluded on the same day The training programme will be held in Bengaluru our any other location in India as decided by ICICI Bank Test Dates and Locations will be announced at a later date for which you will get an e-mail/SMS. Short listed applicants will be intimated by email and SMS. A call letter informing about the venue and date of the process will also be sent through an e-mail Selected candidates will undergo 7-months of intensive residential classroom training and 5-months of internship with a stipend  
ICICI Bank Probationary Officers Recruitment May 2018 / August 2018
  ICICI Bank Recruitment : Fees of the Training Program: You will undergo six months of intensive residential classroom and online training at ICICI Manipal Academy (IMA), two months of internship and four months of On-the-Job training with the Bank   To pursue the Probationary Officers’ Training Programme, interested students will have to invest a) Rs.371750/- (Loan amount of Rs.315000/- Plus applicable Goods and Service Tax, which is presently at 18%)   b) Rs.16800/- (Cost of Tablet + Cover + SD Card + VAT) Total amount: Rs.388500/- which can be self-funded by the student or can be availed from ICICI Bank as an education loan   For undergoing this training, Rs.3.88 lakhs that you can pay yourself OR avail a educational loan from ICICI bank itself.   ICICI Bank Recruitment : Repayment Terms After joining the bank as deputy manger, the loan EMI (approx. Rs.6000/ month) should be paid for 60 months. It would be automatically be recovered from your salary.   If a candidate discontinues training or quits the company within 3 years after joining, they must pay the total loan amount of Rs.378000/- along with interest to ICICI Bank   ICICI Admit card 2018: The admit card will be uploaded before the exam on the official website. All the applicants can easily download their admit card from the official website of the ICICI Bank.The admit card is a very necessary document for all applicants because the admit card contains all information about the candidates such as roll no, application no, exam date & time, exam center, photo & signature, Postal address etc. So every applicant must bring their admit card on  the day of the exam.   Document Required (Original and Photocopies): SSC Mark sheet HSC/Diploma Mark sheet Graduation & Post Graduation all years’ mark sheets Photo ID proof (Pan Card/ Passport / Driving License / College ID) Photograph Resume
ICICI Bank Recruitment 2018 PO Clerk, SO Careers Notification
ICICI Bank Recruitment :   Company Address: ICICI Bank Towers, Bandra-Kurla Complex,  Mumbai 400 051   Read the full article
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the-sun-princess · 8 years
OKAY i ate dinner so back at the story (cant really eat, read, and type at the same time without crumbs going everywhere)
Chapter 16 of Secret Dreamer, @occasionallydiverting
“Downhearted” oh boy
aa costumes. Severa IS  a mythical hero now she doesn’t need to dress up
Oh sevvy, lost in the path again.
it’s not fair youur parents, died, but they’d want you to be happy
poor babies, all of them :(
Severa goddammit just talk to Lucina about that one thing already
well that was short 
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the-sun-princess · 8 years
Chapter 15 of Secret Dreamer by @occasionallydiverting
got the stage donee
awahahaah, Laurent is neeervoouussss
and some peg knights being assigned guard duty and being bit less formal than they should be. huff
pfeh, Laurent turning the teasing about nervousness back to Sevvy. 
oh what was he gonna say before Geromey interrupted
Severa, I was on a film set for a very long time. shit takes FOREVER to get properly set up. Two hours is like, cutting it close.
please, as fearsome a figher and capable a ruler Lucina is, she’s always pretty darn cute.
Severa don’t go chucking hazelnuts at Owain. PFFFFF LUCI’LL JOIN IN THO IF IT’S BAD
aw Luci grabbing Sev’s hand awwwwwwwwwww
goddammit Severa just kiss her already.
Severa it’s a play it’s supposed to be dramatic you gotta give him a sec.
...this description is giving me chills
well better angelic metaphor over the truth. 
oh Luci dear :(
pfeh, and brief break from seriousness for the gay trainees
oh boy now for the Severa part
it was very incredible jesus van I had chills the same as Severa reading this bit
snort, Severa you don’t want your heroic defense of Lucina. Ya gay bean.
ya zoning out gay bean
aw baby you are a hero
Severa blushed, letting out a somewhat derisive laugh. “You sound like Cynthia trying to flirt.” She regretted her choice of words immediately. Flirt? Idiot! Why did I say that?
Lucina went crimson as well. “I… I assure you, that’s not what I was trying to—”
FLIRT. WITH. EACH. OTHER. nvjdvhewirukgwh
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihg aaauuuugh. if ur gonna fuckin hold hands tonight fuckin flirt just go just DO IT THROW CAUTION TO THE WIND, BOTH OF YOU
mrr i’m curious for Lucina’s side for all of this now
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the-sun-princess · 8 years
chappa 14: curiosity oohoo of secret dreamer @occasionallydiverting
“i suppose it went acceptably” :P oh sevvy you grump
aw wait did Luci not make it down at all.
pffff, of course Severa always worked well with Lucina
goin a bit slower is usually better so you don’t all die
and please, Lucina, of course Severa is willing to risk her life for you
and everyone is alive, no need to dwell on ifs
and she didn’t go yesterday. aw, but luci is so approachable, BUT FESTIVAL TIME WITH SEVVY
yes, please Lucina, let Cynthia or Severa pick something out for you. “quite eyec-atching” is ONE way to put your fashion sense....
sounds like a cute outfit for sevvy 
Severa tsk tsk stop those naughty thoughts.
though thigh-highs are not gonna help in this case are they van. nope. tsk Sevv tsk
oh freddy
“If you’re sure that you won’t get cold in that outfit,” said Severa, letting herself believe that her second glance down at Lucina’s legs was pointed rather than appraising. “I’d bring a cloak, just in case.”
just fooling yourself there Severa, you’re too gay for that to be pointed
aw Severa, cmon, walk beside Lucina and be buddy buddy. HAHA loser, you were gonna give it to Lucina. Gaaaaaay
i also don’t like crowds
oooo pfffff, right, she becomes the Voice of Naga (or, voice of Tiki, I suppose. The Voice. she now runs a singing competition)
pfff yes, a long way to go in the art of frilly dress-wearing
At recitial oooohaha. 
i suppose her presence would be a distraction.  Who pays attention to Laurent tho
She waved a hand toward Lucina and Severa, somewhat dismissively. “You can introduce yourselves, people.”
so kind, Nah.
Poor Jun.
oh Sevvy, grumpy about being kept out of the loop.
i can’t blame Nah for being short (heh) with them anymore tho, if that’s the kinda nonsense her guards do.
oh Severa you and your lesbian dilemma
treasuring her memories of Luci being Lucina. you gay sweetie you
i also never know what to do with a menu.
ey mattie’s back. gotta chill boy, Lucina is just lucina
pfeh, can Luci truly hold her alcohol better than Severa or is she just better at hiding it.
Severa looked up, smiling faintly. “Thanks for letting me come out here with you. Well, at least…” She shook her head. “You know what I mean.”
“Thank you for coming with me,” said Lucina. “No matter what the situation is, you’re always by my side.” Her smile was radiant.
And by your side is where I want to remain for the rest of my life.
that’s some choice gay, severa
Somewhat embarrassed, Severa looked away, staring into her mug. Her thoughts went once again to the pendant. I need to give it to her. Now, before I lose my nerve.
Severa managed to tear her eyes away from the few sips of ale left in her mug for long enough to make eye contact. “Um, Lucina…”
Lucina smiled at her. “Yes?”
“I had… I mean, that is… I… um…” Severa found herself completely tongue-tied. I should have thought over what I was going to say… oh gods, I’m going to make a complete idiot of myself.
Lucina’s smile took on a puzzled cast. “You…?”
Just get it over with! Severa’s hand went jerkily down to her pouch to pull out the pendant. “I bought this.” When Lucina didn’t respond, Severa plunged on with as much delicate consideration as Cynthia tripping into a hedge. “What I mean to say is that I saw this in the market and thought of you. So I bought it. As a gift. For you.” Yep, there it is. Gods, I couldn’t sound like more of an idiot if I tried…
aw pff it’s sparkling yellow OH WOW SEVERA “IT MEANS LONGING”
SWEETHEART na.fkrewhlgui and throwing out the better future uh huh just FUCKIN ADMIT THE GAY U IDIOT DO IT
oh Lucina and your obliviousness over fashion.
you mention a wide-brimmed hat and i’m thinkin of a hay-seed farmer with a sunhat before i hit the black wizard hat
Gerome u butt
really, Laurent, you couldn’t have just said “putting on a play” (well you’re you, so i suppose not)
“Since my raging quill hand“ fuckin Owain 
wow how weird would it be to see a play about yourself.
awwwwww brief serious moment and consolation.Oh pff, Luci, selfish reasons. HOLD HER HAND DAMMIT SEVERA MAKE YOURSELF HAPPYYYYY. MAKE YOU BOTH HAPPY
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the-sun-princess · 8 years
okay since @occasionallydiverting just HAD to go and update or something I’m gonna try and catch back up again :P
Ch 13 of Secret Dreamer
harvest festivaaaaallll
aw yay, Noire is a bit more chill. and Cynthia is just as childish as ever
pffff jellyfish
and say it and it shall be so, or it would if Severa hadn’t grabbed Cynthia (yes. i am definitely talking about Cynthia turning into a jellyfish and not something else that happened)
Sevvy not gettin fancied up nice. Glad it’s not as important anymore. Although Cynthia dragging Severa out to play dress up is still silly hehe
traffic. oh boy. Noire roadrage. EY DONNEL NEPHEW. pfff, at least it’s getting them through
aw it’s okay Noire, you are getting better.
hehe Kjelle the drill master. newbie sheps. Pfffffff getting them to do her chores.
nice crack at the washboard abs lmao pfff. ah friendship. 
festival shopping is always fun, even just browsing for cool things.
of course she picks up a tsubaki. >.> i noticed you didn’t mention the color of the pendant, in so many words, after describing the different color meanings. though comparing it to a rose implies it’s red.
bah, thief
nosy newbies
oh Yarney boy, hidin from the, whatever it was. conservationists
cmon Yarne go say hi to your gf
snoooooooooooooort Yarne is not dark and mysterious.
aw Lily
Noire, as tiring it can be to man a stall, it’s still not exactly hard work. Enjoy yourself
aw yeah, arm wrestling from fun money
Laurent and Owain working on something, that’ll be interesting
Severa blushing doesn’t make you seem very truthful about not buying it for a special someone
...oh Kjelle....
yeah, true. what DOES happen next after a war. not something you ever give much thought to.
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the-sun-princess · 8 years
Chapter 20 of Secret Dreamer @occasionallydiverting
oh darling stop pushing down your feelings. 
D: ow at baby Severa and Cordelia
i’m glad that happened though, Severa deserves Cordelia to be there as a mom in the time she has. Still doesn’t seem to be enough
although ow, Cordelia not being there for Severa’s birthday
going fucking see your mother off, Severa. Wow she’s gonna feel guilty as shit for this for the rest of her life
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the-sun-princess · 8 years
Okay @occasionallydiverting u asked for a liveblog of Secret Dreamer once upon ago and i actually feel like reading it rn so IN WE GO 
(i think I’ll do a post per chapter??? i’ll just tag it with ‘emi reads sd’ unless u want me to @ you in every one)
do u ever forget that pulling weapons out of your enemy is a thing that has to happen in battle because I do. so much effort. I would die on the battlefield
yeesh off with the Severa angst right from the beginning (u don’t need to be the equal of your mom sev) this is just angst-fest the fic isn’t it why do all my writer friends like angst
ah, yes, you and your mother both have a taste for blue-haired royalty don’t you. 
eeey Cynthia. I haven’t played Awakening in ages gods I forgot she was a pegasus knight too. Nor have I played Future Past so I am going to be confused by any references WHOO. Anyway ouch that must hurt though seeing spitting images of you long dead parents show up to save you but they aren’t really your parents and then they disappear again.
oh yikes does Tiki get dead in the Future Past??? This shouldn’t surprise me but still owwww
Sevvy u got it bad for Lucina silly. 
speak of the devil EY LUCINA bath timefun/awkward
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