insoucicnce-aa · 5 years
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silently stalks after him. waits until he’s thoroughly distracted then pounces right on his back ! / @empathcrowned​
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soratia · 5 years
   time is a concept irrelevant to her, a bearer of immortality. a blink of eyes to her can equal a century to humanity. yes, her notion of it is warped but she senses how it changes her surroundings — a utopia that once towered all, that was once known by all — a memory; one that fades each year, each decade, each century until it’s tales are completely forgotten.
   she hasn’t forgotten, though. rather, it’s the memories from that time that imprisons mind while body supports itself at a light post, coal eyes absentmindedly watching cars go by. one wonders, why mind keeps coming back and forth towards that. one asks — why, after so long? yes, memories are pleasant, funny even. but a, what a bittersweet taste. even remembering his title was — 
   a car’s honk nearby is what awakens demoness from nostalgia, blinking rapidly, almost forgetting where she was. “ what stupidity... ” whisper given to mind, shaking head left and right. if it only serves to sadden her, why remember at all? a sigh from plump lips before finally leaving spot, heels starting to clack along sidewalk while eyes follow feet around.
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   however, it’s the occasional peek of what is in front of her that catches him. a glimpse of what could possibly be a random passerby going in the opposite direction and yet — her memories are yet so vivid, his appearance so crystal clear. surely, she looks like the image of stupidity: mouth and eyes open wide, movements paralyzed midstep. and surely, she’d look even more stupid if they were just that, a random passerby that she had just called out by the most outrageous of titles and yet, heels still turn and demoness still rushes towards figure, hand reaching and grabbing arm o so suddenly. a dry swallow and an open mouth that whispers something that creature thought they’d never say again but alas, in a mix of hope and fear:
      “ your... highness...? ”
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seranen-blog · 6 years
@empathcrowned ; cont. from here x 
      “ such rudeness to this poor little maiden, my king. ” with hand on left portion of chest and another on forehead, her act is far from perfect — a jester she was at the moment, gestures coming to a halt a few moments later, coal colored eyes being placed on figure next to her when his reason is made clear: “ a family reunion? what an honor to be able to stand beside royalty ~ . ” comment is made nonchalantly, creature bowing again — though this one is much quicker than the last.
      “ a — but would your Highness need such a person? I’m sure you’ll reach them safely even without my being there. ” Nyx responds, though she’s aware of her role — and that refusing so wouldn’t be taken lightly.
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   in the end, demoness shrugs shoulders, hands being hidden behind voluptuous figure. “ is our departure immediate? if so, we should hurry — ” faint smile appearing on lips, “ I’m sure you’ve much to talk to them. ” a final bow given along last statement, legs quick to turn body away and walk towards door, where she shall wait for him, hands finding an old habit to keep themselves occupied; mindlessly playing with the end of long strands of hair.
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tearabundant-blog · 6 years
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        ❛ I don’t wanna. ❜ And that was his ultimatum; while he was STELLAR in the English language, he simply won’t start doing his homework anytime soon. Best to play dumb instead of attracting too much attention; besides, he’s gotten away with not doing his English homework for six months straight. And besides, there was something about his English teacher that he just couldn’t put his finger on, something oddly familiar.
@empathcrowned / starter call
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wifeoflegend · 6 years
i imagined him drawing a dickbutt n died a little from laughing gg wp
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❝     IM TIRED OF YOUR DICKBUTT PICTURES !!! IM FILING FOR       SEXUAL HARASSMENT WITH HR IF YOU DONT STOP!!!        ❞   Her voice yelled rather loudly, crumpling up the paper and throwing it in his face once it were he saw him possibly snickering.
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hypoccrtic-blog · 6 years
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        ❛ i’d love to meet someone who says anything along the lines of loving their job ; when I said I wanted to be a doctor , I really didn’t expect MASSIVE interruptions when being on call....❜ but really , she ought not to complain at times like these , and she leans back against the bench feeling SORRY for herself.  ❛ at least you work an 8 to 4. ❜
@empathcrowned / starter call
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noircisaint · 6 years
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Jeanne can actually sing. But dance far better.
Anything related to Dragons appeals to her.
She can surprisingly lazy at times.
Useless headcanons | @empathcrowned
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burdensword · 6 years
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     【♛】——     ❝  ARE WE … WE ARE FATED FOR EACH OTHER IN THE END?     Forgive me if I am not displaying a joyous face as I truly have warmth in my heart. You may rest a hand over my chest to hear its pulse steadily quickening though it …     also beats from fear. Never will I imagine for you to betray me though I have a history where those ‘ close to me ’ have left me alone, torn apart my kingdom, and were mostly forgiven no matter how it hurt me. I do not possess a crown any longer nor do you, for our time as rulers have ended. But there is still that side of me ——— my maiden self who wishes to obey these results. Do you …     seek love with someone like me, LANCER?  ❞
♛  //  THE LOVE CALCULATOR. M. ( accepting ) @empathcrowned .
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frailesea · 6 years
❁.   @empathcrowned.     /     hinaki.
          SHE’S  PEERING  AT     the produce dubiously with orbs that glitter in suspicious gleam,   lips pursing at the darkened marks along the skin.     a sag of her shoulders before audible frustration leaves her lips.     finger skims along the tips of green,   narrowed  trance   lingering upon ingredients as if she graced her own fingertips to pick at perfectly.     dusk on her tongue,   dawn in her skin   &   drawn at the sky,   &   she smiles over at the owner of the stand.     /     she turns without offering attention to taken steps,   &   heart takes a moment to drop   &   pause while eyes peer up in startled alignment.     &   then she smiles,   lips passing a noise of laughter to gain his attention,   hands waving up to the other.     ❝   are you having a day out,   or are you   actually   taking a look at the market     ?   ❞
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agonizier · 6 years
'you're just as lovely as ever,' though just as quick to keep herself hidden. 'you've been ignoring me, haven't you?' but he knew better than to control her, she's unpredictable, wild. amused for a moment before raving again. he watched her lashers twitch, eyes drawn to them. their fingers twitched, nodding to themselves. 'I'll have them fetch you something ---- but can I... touch those, please?'
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          Ignoring? Such an unpleasant word. Avoiding, perhaps?  No, no; that felt far too premeditated. Enjoying life in her own time?  Yes, that was it.  Did this one really crave her attention so badly that the thought of her gone for so long drove him MAD?  A musical hum could be heard as she mused to herself, standing with extended claws resting on voluptuous hips.  Then, the promise of a meal sent a ripple of excitement through her.  She rolled her hips, switching which leg she held her weight on and clapped her hands together.  Her lips curled into a bright smile.
          The enthusiasm halted quite suddenly, however.  Golden eyes followed his gaze, her lashers twitched a second time.  She hadn’t bothered keeping up a humanoid disguise around him --- for he was as ANCIENT as she --- so the shadowflesh that covered her extra limbs was shown freely.  It wrinkled and stretched like loose skin as she moved her lashers closer to her body.  They had an unusual shine to them as if that inky black flesh was constantly wet.
          She ran a hand along the length of the right limb, fingers coiling as soon as she reached the bright magenta blade toward the end.  Her claws tap-tap-tapped and a few soft clinks could be heard.  This was STRANGE.  No one had ever asked to touch them before, not in their natural state.  Normally, the answer would be a flat no, but his expression was curious rather than malicious, and quite innocent to boot.  He honestly wanted to know what they felt like.  She stayed silent for a moment before finally letting go and allowing the lasher to extend toward him with a flourish that cut through the tension in the air.
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                    “ Just this once, because you asked so nicely. Then, the meal I’ve been promised. I’m STARVING. ”
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insoucicnce-aa · 5 years
He combs his fingers through her hair; his eyes trained on the book in his hand despite her efforts to conceal it. Hours ago, he set about clearing his schedule until there was nothing left to do or at least nothing hard pressed. His responsibilities never ended. When she finally knocks the book from his hands, it causes him to sigh, looking down at her grinning in his lap. “I was reading that.”
she wants little prince & princesses | @empathcrowned
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having finished her snack for the day, she’s a little annoyed that she doesn’t have her king’s complete attention. did he not know she was his queen? but thane does work hard, going through the motions of not being busy at the moment. she knows she should cut him a little slack but that book couldn’t possibly be more interesting than her. atleast he was playing in her hair, that was important too.
she grins up at him, forgetting the book entirely as she shifts to sit up beside him, leaning close to nuzzle her features into the crook of his neck.  ❝  were you really? ❞ not that she cares in the slightest but hey it was the thought that count wasn’t it? crawling into his lap, her arms curl around his shoulders, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. ❝ you didn’ seem all that immersed. wouldn’ ya rather be doin’ somethin’ else? ❞ fingers ruffle through his hair, gently tugging so he can look up at her, ❝ it’s gettin’ cold, let’s go cuddle, and talk about our future. maybe makeout a little? ❞
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rianaithe · 6 years
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    ‘ To what do I owe this pleasure o’ young king? What does a once and proud warrior do to present himself to one such as myself? ‘ / @empathcrowned
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seranen-blog · 6 years
@empathcrowned ; somewhat plotted?
   hooves known so well for their power finally give in, it’s as if she carried Atlas’ weight on her shoulders. she had been careless — stupid even. an easy kill turned into a full-on combat, it seems even her judgement couldn’t be trusted. a one on one turned into an army against her. she should have known better. she pays the price: healed but weakened and defeated. another attack would surely lead her to damnation.
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   her resignation for fate is almost complete if not for the screams of her attackers, vision hazy but enough to distinguish his features — she had lived with them for months, it’d be impossible for her not to know, by heart even. “ your... highness... ” her voice falls short, stuck in her throat. she had failed him, for the first time. she felt small, useless even.
    USELESS... would she be thrown away again? thrown to the wolves, discarded and abandoned. her purpose lost, her role over. footsteps closing in, she’ll look up and scratch with ever so sharp nails any incoming attempt of contact.
      “ NO! ” even her voice shows her exhaustion; hoarse but booming. her fear clouding any memory of kindness they both shared, “ I — I didn’t mean to — I —  I tried — ” but trying was never good enough for Him. there was no second chances, no retakes in His kingdom.
   tears downpour from coal eyes, she’s a mess. a damaged one, a broken one. “ again, I —  ” her scars burned, wings protecting their owner, enclosing them tightly in a shell of self-preservation. “ i — it hurts — ” a ghost pain haunting her, that day being replayed countless time inside tired mind.
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tearabundant-blog · 6 years
what's something they're known for? is it something good or bad? how do they react to being known for it?
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       SINCE young, Tomoyuki was well known for being a violin and piano prodigy, as well as a genius in his own right. While it was a good thing for his family, as well as for his own reputation, he grew HORRIFIED at the fact that it was only something that most trained experts wanted to pick at; the more they tested at him, the more they wanted to see him crumble, fail even. Since then, he’s subjected himself to playing dumb, especially in school, so as to not attract so much attention, and yet, music is the one thing that he cannot tear himself away from.
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dxrkestcamelot-blog · 6 years
@empathcrowned Meets the King
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The female shifts with the blade still drawn. Well. At least she can say this went...surprisjngly well. She expected a bit more resistance in this particular fight. It’s a bit of a disappointment, but she looks to the other servant present within the range of her vision. Nobunaga, the third servant with them, seemed absent at the moment. Well, it does not matter as long as she does not cause any trouble. The former King of Knights approaches the fellow servant and lets out a small sigh. 
“I expected it to be a bit more eventful than that. Saving the world can sometimes be a little bit of an underwhelming task.” She was joking of course and anyone who would know her for a little while would be able to guess that since it was very rare for her to do so. The fight is over, so now is the time for a little banter. 
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noircisaint · 6 years
is there some figure in mythology that you think personifies them? and what connects could you see between the two?
Nemesis (Νέμεσις), goddess of revenge, balance, righteous indignation, and retribution
I have been keeping this headcanon underwraps for ages now but I guess it is the time that it finally comes out. Strap in cuss you’re gonna be here for awhile. 
So both @soleivagant & @urnaithi. Better pay attention to this.
@empathcrowned | Unprompted.
To anyone who know Jeanne Alter we all know she had but one goal. For the death of Jeanne d’Arc she was created to execute revenge, retribution for an untimely death after being capture by her own countrymen and handed over to the English. They chose their own safety and lives over those of the girl that risked her own life for them all. 
A grueling betrayal that would have her convicted and burned at the stake as punishment. Anyone would believe that Jeanne d’Arc would be angered if she would return to life. To want retribution for her death, yet even as her own flesh seared and blacked she prayed as faithfully to God as she has done all her life. 
Even resurrected as a heroic spirit she still holds faith and believe that it was her destiny to die there. She came to peace with it and accepted death. 
Jeanne Alter is the inflexible contrast to that believe. Jeanne Alter believe God abandoned her. When she need His guidance the most He was not there to answer her. The death she suffered was the cause of His negligence or reluctance. Jeanne Alter believes that Jeanne d’Arc was simply but a pawn, a toy, and when He lost His intrest in Jeanne d’Arc He promptly let her die for His own amusement. 
Faith in Him is lost in Jeanne Alter. Anyone of divine nature or what holds supermancy above humans is evil to her. Not to be trusted and to be overthrown, destroyed. She laughs at those who believe and that their Gods shall one day turn on them by their own convenience. Many stories in history speak about how wrathful Gods can be for something as not having enough reverence. 
When it comes to Jeanne d’Arc herself, Jeanne Alter hates how blind she is to her own situation. No person could die as she did and simply accept it and remain to believe. Yet it is also not just her ignorance that drives the hatred for her other side. It is the image of a young 19 year old girl that had her entire life ahead of her, had it snatched away and accepting it. 
If there truly was a God, if He is as benevolent as they say, then why? Why was this young girl allowed to die as she did?
Jeanne d’Arc was a faithful believer.Jeanne d’Arc prayed everyday to the heavens.Jeanne d’Arc endangered her own life and future for people that owned her nothing.Jeanne d’Arc died for the people she wished to protect and save out of her own will.
She should not have died as she did. 
Jeanne Alter originally wished to destroy France simply out of a lust for retribution, to have them suffer as Jeanne d’Arc did. To let them know how they wasted a pure and innocent life for their own gain. Have them feel hopeless, knowing that there shall be no salvation for their lives and that death would come for them. 
At this point within Chaldea, Alter is not so fixated on eradicating France anyone. Yet she wished to prove to Jeanne d’Arc that her death was undignified, that God does not exist and that she should be vexed for her own death.
Ruler will deny the truth each and every single time. To uphold what she always believed in. 
There shall be one with lost faith that can never be restored and one with faith that can never be shattered. 
Ruler and Alter will be what the other is not. The brightest light casts the biggest shadow.
Where one shall save, the other shall abandon. 
This is the their struggle. Either wants to convince the other to their side. To see their perspective and the truth of it. 
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