#empires oc (fanmade children count as oc's right?)
khyann · 2 years
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Bringing you an art collab with my dear friend @lunarsands and xer lovely s1 scosage fic “Night of the Winter Stars“, about an ever-growing family celebrating the winter festivities with their newest member😊
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khyann · 2 years
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Sausage bolted upright and reached out with his right hand, grabbing onto empty air—
—But he had no right hand, barely had much of an arm remaining at all on that side, yet he could swear he felt it…
Darting a glance over at the still-sleeping Scott to make sure he hadn’t disturbed him, and being careful to make sure he continued not to, he left the bed and slipped out of the room, silently making his way to the library where the layers of books would dampen sounds like whispers from echoing off stone walls. He stoked up a flame in the fireplace, the memories of ice making him feel cold.
He sat down in an armchair facing the fire and undid the buttons on one side of the cuff covering the remaining part of his arm, rubbing his thumb over the scar from where skin had been magically sealed over the severed portion of humerus bone; he used the change in texture as a reminder that the arm was, in fact, gone. He was only imagining that he was getting a sensation from it, that his hand—
No, that hand was gone.
He pressed his fingertips in closer to his shoulder; that was a real feeling. But the mix of memory and nightmare played again through his head, continuing to haunt him.
Then the impression of a small hand on his knee brought him back to the present. Indigo eyes under sapphire hair looked up at him in concern. “Papa, are you okay? I was getting water an’ I saw the fire in here. You’re not sleepy?”
“Oh, Liana, hello… I just wanted to sit for a while. Yes, I’m okay, sweetie. You should get back to bed, though. Little girls need their rest.”
Her gaze drifted to the loosened cuff. He wasn’t afraid to let the children see the scar there since they were used to the one over his eye, but the stub itself still sometimes made him a bit self-conscious around them, especially right now after the nightmare. But then she held her arms out, indicating she wanted to be picked up. Sausage smiled patiently and scooped her up with his left arm, sitting back in the chair with her on his lap. She hugged him with all her tiny might, then crawled to the side and placed a little kiss against the scar on the end of his arm. “I kiss it and make it all better, okay, Papa?”
“Th-Thanks, sweetie. I think that’s just what I needed.” He gently hugged her, and was about to get up to bring her back to her room but she giggled then clung to his left arm, so he settled back and let her snuggle up to his chest for a little bit, although eventually they both fell asleep where they were.
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Blurb of story by my friend @lunarsands and art by me :p
Needed a distraction and lunar told me i could redraw something xe had sketched before based of an idea we brainstormed about a while ago. So have Sausage finding comfort in the innocent hug and love of his daughter ^///^
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