#employment attorney glendale ca
Hire An Employment Lawyer to Represent Your Company Or Yourself
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If you're looking for an employment lawyer in Glendale, California, there's no better place to start than with a firm like the Law Offices of Robert W. Moore, P.C. We have a strong history of helping clients through all aspects of employment law, including discrimination claims and wrongful termination suits. If you've been mistreated at work or if your company has been accused of misconduct by its employees, it's time to talk with one of our experienced attorneys about how we can help protect your interests.
Employment Lawyers Handle Discrimination Cases
Discrimination cases are common. You may hear these referred to as “discrimination claims,” but they are actually legal actions that can be brought by employees or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Discrimination claims can be based on race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or age.
When an employee files a discrimination claim against you as the employer or against another employee who has discriminated against him/her, employment lawyers help you defend yourself.
Employment Lawyers Handle Wrongful Termination Cases
An employment attorney will have the knowledge and experience to help you if you believe that your employer wrongfully terminated you.
Employment lawyers handle a variety of workplace issues, including wrongful termination suits, which are defined as terminations based on discriminatory or retaliatory reasons. For example, an employer cannot fire someone because they have filed a workers' compensation claim or because they blew the whistle on unscrupulous practices at their company.
Employment Lawyers Handle Wages and Hours Cases
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When you are an employee, it is the responsibility of your employer to pay you for all of your work. If they do not, or if they fail to pay you correctly or on time, then this can be grounds for a wage and hour case. Wage and hour cases can be complex depending on the circumstances involved. There are many laws that determine what employers are required to pay their employees and how much in order for them to be considered exempt from overtime laws among other things. An employment lawyer can help explain these laws so that you understand why your employer hasn't paid you correctly or on time.
Employment Lawyers Are Not Just for Workers
Employment lawyers can also aid employers. In fact, they often do so as part of their practice. Employers who fail to understand their legal obligations and how best to minimize the risks of lawsuits and other claims are more likely to suffer financial losses. They may also lose productive employees due to high turnover rates or poor morale caused by unfair treatment that violates the law.
The most common type of employment dispute involves an employee who believes they were wrongfully terminated or otherwise treated unfairly in violation of local or state laws. For example, an employer might be required to pay certain benefits after a separation from service such as unemployment insurance benefits when an employee loses his job through no fault of his own (such as being fired for refusing unsafe working conditions). Failure to do so could result in legal action against both you and your company by a former employee seeking compensation for those funds owed them under applicable law.
An Employment Lawyer Can Help Protect Your Business in California
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As a business owner, you likely have many responsibilities and challenges on your plate. Not only do you have to make sure that your clients are happy with the services they receive, but you also need to make sure that every employee of your company is treated fairly and paid correctly.
Employment law can be complex and confusing—and it’s even more so when dealing with multiple states. An employment lawyer can help ensure that you remain compliant in California, as well as other states where your company operates. Employment lawyers can help protect your business in California by helping ensure that all employees are paid correctly, enforcing non-compete agreements if needed, drafting employment contracts and policies for new hires or promotions within organizations (as well as enforcing those same policies), assisting with ongoing HR issues within companies such as sexual harassment claims from both employees against one another or against supervisors/managers/owners of businesses themselves who may abuse power over others working under them due to seniority positions within different departments within organizations).
You can count on the Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. law firm in Glendale, CA to provide you with experienced legal counsel and representation for your employment law case. We have handled hundreds of state and federal employment cases over the years, representing employees, employers, and third-party witnesses involved in wrongful termination or other disputes that arise from employment relationships.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc.
880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205
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davtyanlawfirminc · 1 year
5 Warning Signs To Avoid Being Wrongfully Terminated
Your boss tells you that your job is being eliminated, and you're being laid off. You're upset and confused, but then he mentions that there's another position available that would be a better fit for you. You start to feel hopeful—until he tells you the salary for that other position is only half of what you were making before. Or maybe it's worse: Your boss has been making sexual advances toward female employees while also refusing to promote them or give them raises on the basis of their gender. The list goes on from there, but no matter what type of wrongful termination scenario you find yourself in, the best thing to do is take action as soon as possible so that your rights are protected during this difficult time.
In this blog post I will walk through five steps you can take if this happens to you:
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Look for Unfair Tactics
Unfair Tactics
Look for unfair tactics. There are many ways employers can fire you unfairly, including:
Discriminatory treatment—If your manager or supervisor seems to be picking on you because of your race, sex, age or disability. For example: a younger female employee was repeatedly asked what she was doing after work by her male boss in front of other employees and customers while they were preparing to close up shop for the day. When she reported it to her supervisor he would not do anything about it and told her that this is how things are done around here and that she should just deal with it because there were no other jobs available at any other company nearby where she lived; which meant losing her job would mean moving away from everything she had ever known before moving there (which also meant leaving behind most of her family members).
Harassment—Unwanted sexual advances made by managers towards subordinates who have rejected them; making offensive comments about someone's religion or race; jokes about someone's physical appearance being overweight or having acne problems as an example (these all fall under what is called "hostile work environment").
Evaluate Your Company's Communication
Communication is one of the most important aspects of any job. It’s how you receive information about new projects, policies, and other changes to the environment in which you work.
If you’re having trouble with your company’s communication practices, there are several questions that can help you evaluate them:
How often do they communicate?
Are they effective?
Are they respectful?
Watch for Unequal Treatment
If you see that your employer is treating other employees differently than they are treating you, it's time to speak up. Don't allow yourself to be the victim of unequal treatment. If the situation continues, report the behavior and ask for help from an attorney who specializes in employment discrimination and wrongful termination cases.
You can also ask other employees if they have experienced this kind of unfair treatment as well (or if their supervisors have treated them differently). If so, try speaking with a few different people about what happened and compare notes. Often times there is strength in numbers when it comes to these situations so don't be afraid to reach out for help.
Beware of Discrimination and Harassment
Discrimination is treating someone unfairly because of their race, gender, age, religion or other personal characteristics. Harassment is a form of discrimination that involves unwanted and unwelcome behavior that makes someone feel intimidated or uncomfortable.
You are being treated differently by your employer compared to your co-workers
Your employer has changed their behavior toward you after learning about a protected characteristic (i.e., race, religion)
Your employer treats you differently from other employees in the way they speak to you
Don't Let Improper Documentation Slip By
Your employer has the right to terminate you, but they must do so in accordance with the law. There are several ways they can be held accountable if they try to fire you unfairly or illegally. Make sure that you know what your rights are, and don't let improper documentation slip by.
When it comes to employment documents, there are some common practices that employers use as an excuse for wrongful termination. If an employer asks you to sign any of these documents or anything similar, don't hesitate—find another job instead!
Signing anything that is not in written form: If a supervisor asks you to sign something verbally and then later changes their mind about the agreement, this could become grounds for wrongful termination. If there's no paper trail proving what was discussed between yourself and your higher-ups at work (or if there's one but it doesn't reflect reality), then neither party has any proof of what really happened during those conversations when legal matters arise. It's best practice for both parties involved when signing agreements with each other; it ensures mutual understanding without relying on memory alone which may have faded over time due stressors like unemployment stressors from being wrongfully terminated from work!
Keep an eye out for these warning signs to avoid being wrongfully terminated.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, you may be wrongfully terminated if your employer fired you for any of the following reasons:
You were fired because of your race, color, religion and/or national origin (including accents).
You were fired because of a disability or medical condition.
You were fired because you took time off under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
If you feel like your employer has acted unfairly, don't be afraid to speak up! While it's important not to cause tension in the workplace by complaining about how much better things were before that new guy was hired on as CEO last year or whatever else might come up as an issue in your work environment on a day-to-day basis — if something feels wrong enough for an employee who has been with his company for years at this point to take action against unfair treatment then chances are it really is wrong and worth investigating further (or at least taking into account when considering whether or not those changes will actually improve productivity).
While you can’t always predict or avoid wrongful termination, it’s important to be aware of the signs and what your rights are. If you have been wrongfully terminated, contact an employment attorney as soon as possible so they can help guide you through the process of getting back on track with your career.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. has been protecting the rights of workers, like you, whose employment rights have been violated in California and across the nation for over 15 years by providing representation in wrongful termination California and unfair competition suits, throughout the U.S.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 18552053681 https://www.davtyanlaw.com/
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ryanvego · 6 days
What to Do After a Workplace Injury in Downey
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If you've been injured on the job in Downey, CA, it's important to seek medical attention immediately and report the injury to your employer. You may also be entitled to workers' compensation benefits, which can cover medical expenses and lost wages. Our Downey workers' compensation attorneys can help you understand your rights and options.
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meeksimpactlaw · 1 year
Birmingham Pedestrian Accident Lawyers Serious Harm Law Group
For more info regarding the pedestrian laws in California, speak with a educated Los Angeles pedestrian accident lawyer. It is necessary to understand that those representing the negligent celebration, nearly at all times an insurance company, will be attorneys whose goal is to pay you as little as potential. In many circumstances, insurance corporations will calculate the worth of a claim based mostly on how assertive they consider the injured pedestrian might be. When the opposite aspect pedestrian accident lawyers sees that you've got got retained an attorney to struggle for you, they may know that you just can’t be taken benefit of. If you endure from injuries that were attributable to a pedestrian accident, you should act with a sense of urgency by contacting an experienced private harm attorney. Even in case your injuries cause incredible ache and/or you're feeling emotional misery similar to acute anxiousness, the faster you act, the quicker your declare will get resolved in your favor.
Unfortunately, these accidents are not uncommon in and round this space. At Lever & Ecker, PLLC, we are standing by to assist when you want a New Rochelle pedestrian accident attorney. Our knowledgeable and skilled pedestrian accident attorneys staff will investigate each side of your case to find a way to secure full financial compensation for your accidents and damages.
A New Jersey pedestrian accident lawyer can assist those who have been injured by negligent drivers. If you might be injured in a pedestrian accident, you might be entitled to compensation through a private damage lawsuit. It is significant to behave quickly as you only have a restricted period of time to file a declare for damages.
For instance, kids beneath age 14 account for 12 p.c of all pedestrians killed yearly, making up two % of the inhabitants. Pedestrian accidents are a serious menace to each one that walks round on the streets of Elgin. Injuries from automotive crashes could be life-altering, and lots of victims experience long-term health issues because of their accidents. Driving whereas distracted or intoxicated can considerably pedestrian accident attorney improve the risk that the driving force will cause a severe accident. Speeding can worsen the severity of the collision and the injuries sustained by the pedestrian. The driver may bear legal responsibility for choosing to disregard the rules of the highway, including failing to cease on the intersection or failure to yield to a pedestrian already in a crosswalk.
When a pedestrian accident occurs while the pedestrian was legally using a street or sidewalk. They have the identical right to seek monetary compensation as any motorist involved in an accident would. It is essential pedestrian accident lawyer to hire an experienced and aggressive pedestrian accident attorney acquainted with the unique issues involved in pedestrian accidents and pedestrian injuries.
Michigan Auto Law is the main and largest law firm in Michigan exclusively dealing with auto accident circumstances for more than 50 years. By answering a few easy questions we may help you establish how much your accident case could probably be price. Be positive to include photographs of any visible accidents you sustained, the accident scene and surrounding area, in addition to any property harm. Photos are the best way to color an correct image of how the accident occurred and who was at fault. Walking around in sunny West Palm Beach is an enjoyable method to train and commute for so much of native residents. With such a beautiful local weather, Florida is good for pedestrians to step out and about regularly.
Our experience has taught us tips on how to find choices and opportunities even in essentially the most difficult and complex pedestrian accident circumstances. Our law firm in Glendale, CA advocates for victims of sexual assault, damage, employment disputes, and private injury concerns. If you’ve been concerned pedestrian accidents attorney georgia in a pedestrian accident, you may be feeling hopeless. You may suppose that lawsuits are one thing that other people do, not you. But the reality is that all of our satisfied clients have been in a similar place to you.
Past success in litigation doesn't guarantee success in any new or future lawsuit. The info contained inside this web site does not constitute a guarantee, guarantee or prediction concerning the result of your authorized matter. Loss of enjoyment of life – Pedestrian accident victims typically lose the power to enjoy activities that they as soon as enjoyed.
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shinycandycycle · 3 years
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc.
Business Address:
880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205
Phone number:
Davtyan Law Firm is a law firm focusing on employment law cases in the Fontana metro. The firm was established by Emil Davtyan who earned a Juris Doctor degree and became the first graduate of Woodbury University to be awarded summa cum laude and attain a perfect GPA. He uses this knowledge in helping individuals through the Davtyan Law Firm to get legal representation in cases of wrongful termination, protected leaves, workplace retaliation, discrimination and harassment, and wage and hour concerns.
wrongful termination California, Employment lawyer California, employment attorney glendale ca, wrongful termination Glendale, wrongful termination California
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Visit and Check Out Law Offices of Thomas W Falvey- Your Best Local Partner in Glendale ca California Today!
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miartieros · 5 years
Meet the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Attorney at JLG Lawyers Today for a Promising Filing
GLENDALE, CA - 8th August 2019 – JLG Lawyers, a prestigious law firm in Glendale, CA is here to assist their clients with a whole lot of legal issues. The firm that specializes in different legal services also offers the best Los Angeles Chapter 11 Bankruptcy services. Chapter 11 is the most complicated of all and not all firms can handle all kinds of cases. Here at JLG, there are exclusive Chapter 11 bankruptcy attorneys who are highly knowledgeable and have immense experience handling different types of cases. The attorneys start by consultation, document gathering, pre-filing, strategizing, petitioning and a whole lot of other tasks prior to filing and post filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Hiring a professional is deemed important especially in these cases. As they will help the clients get feasible and favorable results. A successful filing of Chapter 11 allows the individuals to reschedule their debts, cancel any leases or executory contracts, and sell their non-productive assets if any under the protection of bankruptcy law. To know more visit https://jlglawyers.com About JLG Lawyers JLG Lawyers based at Glendale, California is a law firm that specializes in all kinds of bankruptcy cases. The firm also specializes in Labor and Employment Law, Litigation, Real Estate, Tax Resolution and Estate Planning.  Contact JLG Lawyers Address: 300 W. Glenoaks Boulevard, Suite 300 Glendale, CA 91202 Phone: 818-630-7280 Website: https://jlglawyers.com
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gomezsimonelaw · 6 years
Contact Family Law Attorney Los Angeles Free Consultation
Every family has some issues, people try to resolve the family conflicts at their own home, but when the dispute becomes complex then the people knock the door of a lawyer. There are many kinds of lawyers, but it would be good to contact the lawyer who is specialized in a specific sector. If you have the family issue, then you can contact the family law attorney or if a problem is not too complex, then you may contact the professional mediator. The third party will sit along with both parties and listen to everything carefully, and at the last, a mediator will find the best solution which is helpful and convenient for both parties. Moreover, if you feel that the issue is complex, then you can contact the family law attorney Los Angeles free consultation. There are many firms that offer free consultation to the people who are facing some issues in their life. The attorney will also understand the complex level of the case, and according to the issues, they suggest the legal advice as well as help you to come out from the issues in a legal manner. Family law attorney understands that every family has some conflicts, so they are ready to provide support to their client in all possible ways. Most of the people have bad debt issues, whether a person is a business owner, employer or employee. There are many reasons for the bad debt and to deal with it, a person leads to the worst situation, sometimes to the depression and some time to the suicide. Most of the people think that there are no options for dealing with the bad debt or bankruptcy, but they are thinking wrong because there are ways to come out of it and in a legal way. For the legal assistance, you can contact the bankruptcy attorney Glendale CA, the law firm has the trained and experienced attorneys who know very well that how to deal with the bankruptcy matters. They will study all the debts related issues and according to your problems, they will provide you with the solution. They resolve the bad debt problem in a legal way, they will divide the debt amount in a form of installment and decide the tenure for that. The installment and tenure are decided according to a person’s source of income. If you have any bad debt and if you feel that you have lost and can’t do anything, you no need to give up, just contact the bankruptcy attorney. The attorney will help you with all the legal procedure and when you contact the attorney, then no one can harass you or pressurized you for the payment. The attorney will do everything in a legal way and assist you in all possible ways. There are many attorneys who are working in the same field, but it would be good to contact the experienced attorney or you can just contact the law firm for further information.
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investmart007 · 6 years
California News: Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/wwepbM
California News: Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update
SACRAMENTO, CA – California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has signed the following bills:
AB 347 by Assemblymember Ed Chau (D-Arcadia) – Weights and measures: inspection: fees.
AB 709 by Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) – Sacramento Regional Transit District.
AB 865 by Assemblymember Marc Levine (D-Marin County) – Military personnel: veterans: resentencing: mitigating circumstances.
AB 1062 by Assemblymember Marc Levine (D-Marin County) – Postsecondary education: cross-enrollment: online education at the California State University.
AB 1092 by Assemblymember Ken Cooley (D-Rancho Cordova) – Health care service plans: vision care services: provider claims: fraud.
AB 1423 by Assemblymember David Chiu (D-San Francisco) – Tidelands and submerged lands: City and County of San Francisco: seawall lots: affordable housing.
AB 1436 by Assemblymember Marc Levine (D-Marin County) – Board of Behavioral Sciences: licensees: suicide prevention training.
AB 1565 by Assemblymember Tony Thurmond (D-Richmond) – Labor-related liabilities: direct contractor.
AB 1654 by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) – Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act of 2004: construction industry.
AB 1786 by Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes (D-Riverside) – Community colleges: academic credit for prior military experience.
AB 1805 by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) – Community colleges: Student Equity and Achievement Program.
AB 1859 by Assemblymember Ed Chau (D-Arcadia) – Customer records.
AB 2015 by Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes (D-Grand Terrace) – Pupil instruction: information about completion of applications for student financial aid.
AB 2031 by Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell (D-Long Beach) – Public contracts: school facility projects: bidding requirements.
AB 2225 by Assemblymember Monique Limόn (D-Goleta) – State government: storing and recording: public records.
AB 2309 by Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) – Sale of the West Los Angeles Courthouse.
AB 2330 by Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (R-O’Neals) – Recreational vehicle dealers: temporary branch licenses.
AB 2334 by Assemblymember Tony Thurmond (D-Richmond) – Occupational injuries and illness: employer reporting requirements: electronic submission.
AB 2337 by Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson) – Nonminor dependents.
AB 2441 by Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Discovery Bay) – Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: removal of abandoned commercial vessels.
AB 2490 by Assemblymember David Chiu (D-San Francisco) – Vital records: homeless persons.
AB 2505 by Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) – California State University: budget oversight policies.
AB 2516 by Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) – Dams: reservoir restrictions.
AB 2632 by Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) – Packaging and labeling: containers: slack fill.
AB 2634 by Assemblymember Ed Chau (D-Arcadia) – Life insurance.
AB 2721 by Assemblymember Bill Quirk (D-Hayward) – Cannabis: testing laboratories.
AB 2722 by Assemblymember Jose Medina (D-Riverside) – Student financial aid: California Military Department GI Bill Award Program.
AB 2769 by Assemblymember Jim Cooper (D-Elk Grove) – Privacy: driver’s license information.
AB 2801 by Assemblymember Rudy Salas (D-Bakersfield) – Crimes: memorials: veterans and law enforcement.
AB 2826 by Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) – Pupil enrollment: interdistrict attendance.
AB 2967 by Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton) – Foster care: certified record of live birth.
AB 2989 by Assemblymember Heath Flora (R-Ripon) – Motorized scooter: use of helmet: maximum speed.
AB 3101 by Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo (D-Los Angeles) – Community colleges.
AB 3177 by Assemblymember Rocky Chávez (R-Oceanside) – North County Transit District: contracting.
AB 3212 by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) – Service member protections.
SB 311 by Senator Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) – Commercial cannabis activity: licensed distributors.
SB 532 by Senator Bill Dodd (D-Napa) – Emergency services: state of emergency: cyberterrorism.
SB 790 by Senator Mike McGuire (D-Healdsburg) – Dreissenid mussel infestation prevention: grants.
SB 961 by Senator Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica) – Enhanced infrastructure financing districts.
SB 1071 by Senator Richard Roth (D-Riverside) – Public postsecondary education: Chancellor of the California Community Colleges: policy to award course credit for prior military education, training, and service.
SB 1090 by Senator Bill Monning (D-Carmel) – Diablo Canyon nuclear powerplant.
SB 1131 by Senator Robert Hertzberg (D-Los Angeles) – Electrical and gas corporations: energy efficiency: financing options: industrial and agricultural processes: custom projects.
SB 1145 by Senator Connie Leyva (D-Chino) – Enhanced infrastructure financing districts: maintenance.
SB 1151 by Senator Patricia Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) – Neighborhood electric vehicles: County of San Diego.
SB 1248 by Senator Ted Gaines (R-El Dorado Hills) – California Partnership for Long-Term Care Program.
SB 1339 by Senator Henry Stern (D-Canoga Park) – Electricity: microgrids: tariffs.
SB 1369 by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) – Energy: green electrolytic hydrogen.
SB 1423 by Senator Ed Hernandez (D-Azusa) – Medi-Cal: oral interpretation services.
SB 1442 by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) – Community pharmacies: staffing.
SB 1448 by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) – Healing arts licensees: probation status: disclosure.
SB 1480 by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) – Professions and vocations.
SB 1481 by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) – Structural pest control: certification: fumigation: penalties.
The Governor also announced that he has vetoed the following bills:
AB 1529 by Assemblymember Tony Thurmond (D-Richmond) – Drinking water: cross-connection or backflow prevention device inspectors: certification. 
AB 1863 by Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles) – Personal income tax: deduction: commercial cannabis activity.
AB 2299 by Assemblymember Kansen Chu (D-San Jose) – Medi-Cal: managed care plans: informational materials.
AB 2317 by Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) – Whistleblower protection: county patients’ rights advocates.
AB 2838 by Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Campbell) – Gambling: local ordinances.
AB 3135 by Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Discovery Bay) – Traffic safety: state funding.
For full text of the bills, visit: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
SOURCE: news provided by GOV.CA.GOV
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rolandfontana · 6 years
How to Get Out of Your Marketing Rut & Grow Your Law Firm
There aren’t too many excuses I haven’t heard from lawyers who won’t do what it takes to market their law firm effectively:
I don’t have the time.
I don’t have the money.
I don’t know how.
My clients aren’t on social media.
My practice is highly specialized so I don’t need to market it.
All of them are really saying the same thing: I’m scared. Because who will handle all those new leads? Who will do the work? If I grow my law firm, I’ll have to hire more people. I like things the way they are now.
People who are comfortable in their rut will find any excuse to grab on to in order to stay where they are. There’s not much I can do about that and I frankly have no interest in trying.
What I am interested in — what makes me get up every morning excited about going to work — is helping those attorneys who truly do want to learn how to grow their law firms.
The quickest way to climb out of a no-growth rut is to attend our Rainmaker Retreat. And you don’t have to take my word for it — here are some actual quotes from lawyers who attended recent sessions:
Las Vegas, August 17-18, 2018
“I learned the importance of the client experience and the impact it has on conversions and the importance of having one person dedicated solely to intakes.”- Janet R., Staff, Criminal Law/Immigration, Phoenix, AZ
“My fourth Rainmaker Retreat and I am still benefiting from attending because my perspective and needs change every year as my business grows.”- Michael L., Solo, Corporate, San Diego, CA
Los Angeles, July 20-21, 2018
“We had lost our passion for helping people, work had become mundane. Within three minutes of listening to the Rainmaker speakers, I felt re-energized about what we do.” – Steve M., Office Manager, Bankruptcy, Pinellas Park, FL
“The Rainmaker Institute obviously has the magic formula for law firm success. Their suggestions are invaluable and should be implemented by every firm to attract and retain clients. I can’t wait to implement new systems to make my staff more efficient.” – D. Karapetian, Solo, Immigration, Glendale, CA
Chicago, June 22-23, 2018
“The professionals at TRI have invigorated my interest in the business of my law practice. I will immediately outline an action plan for introducing TRI’s solutions and enjoy the growth.” – R. Middleton, Tax/Estate Planning, Chicago, IL
“I really appreciated Donovan and Adam sitting down with me to look over what I currently have, where I want to go, and then help me figure out what services are best for me right now.” – M. Emery, Solo, PI/MVA, Louisville, KY
Atlanta, May 19-20, 2018
“LCS software can’t be beat. We love available statistics!”- K. Forward, Family/Criminal, Asheville, NC
“I found your program to be highly informative and useful. I wish I had attended your seminar decades ago.” – M. Conway, Partner, Bankruptcy, Fairfax, VA
San Francisco, April 27-28, 2018
“Very informative! Our office completed an 8-week training and I found the seminar just as useful. I would like our intake staff to come to a live seminar down the line.” – K. Ortega, Office Manager, Workers Comp, Oakland, CA
“Eye opening experience and insightful. Dad taught me how to practice, you taught me how to run a practice.”- M. Belli, Solo, PI/Employment, Mill Valley, CA
Philadelphia, March 23-24, 2018
“This program was absolutely what I needed. I’m leaving with a marketing plan that I can begin implementing immediately. I have been at a loss when it comes to generating leads with only two tools in my kit. I’m happy to say this is no longer the case. I would highly recommend Rainmaker Retreat to any attorney looking to grow their business.”- G. Franklin, Marketing Director, Employment/Small Business, Voorhees, NJ
“The seminar was an impressive and well-organized presentation of both practical and technical tools and suggestions which provide obvious, immediate and quantifiable benefits.” – D. Nesbit, Partner, Elder Law, Mechanicsburg, PA
If you’ve found yourself using any of the excuses I listed above, let me tell you why a Rainmaker Retreat is for you:
Time: It’s only 2 days, a Friday and a Saturday.
Money: The cost is only $697 if you register early enough, 30% off the regular price.
Don’t know how: You will learn how in these two days by creating an actual plan you can put into place the day you get home.
Clients not on social media: 76% of adult Internet users are on social media and you can bet your clients are there.
Highly specialized practice: You may have a niche, but do you own that niche? You’ll learn how in two days.
We have sessions scheduled for the rest of this year, and they are filling up fast:
September 14-15, 2018 — Atlanta, GA/The Ritz-Carlton Atlanta (special offer: $497 until 9/12)
October 12-13, 2018 — New Orleans, LA/The Roosevelt New Orleans
November 9-10, 2018 — Miami, FL/The Ritz Carlton Fort Lauderdale
December 7-8, 2018 — Los Angeles, CA/The Ritz-Carlton Marina del Rey
Plan ahead and take advantage of the Early Bird pricing, where you can save 30% off the regular price.  You can register here now.
    How to Get Out of Your Marketing Rut & Grow Your Law Firm syndicated from https://immigrationattorneyto.wordpress.com/
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davtyanlawfirminc · 2 years
Best Supermarkets in Glendale, CA
Glendale, CA  is a city with many great supermarkets. Here are the best ones:
Vons is a well-known supermarket chain that has locations throughout Southern California, including Glendale. If you're looking to buy groceries or get something to eat while in Glendale, Vons is definitely worth checking out.
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In terms of what they have to offer, Vons' website states that they carry everything from fresh produce and meat to packaged goods such as canned goods and frozen dinners. Their deli counter offers salads, hot sandwiches, pizza slices and more; there's also an assortment of bakery items available for sale as well as household cleaning supplies like dish soap or laundry detergent if you need some at home (and who doesn't?).
In terms of location specifics: Vons is located at 8801 West Glenoaks Boulevard #100 in Glendale, California 91201. They're open Monday through Saturday from 8 am until 10 pm; on Sundays the store opens at 7 am instead but closes at 9 pm instead due to religious reasons—since this may differ depending on where else you live in California it's always worth double checking all hours before heading over!
Whole Foods Market
Whole Foods Market is a chain of supermarkets in the US and Canada. It is owned by Amazon, so you can expect plenty of fresh and organic food options. They have an extensive selection of fruits, vegetables and meats. The store also has a cafe, bakery and juice bar where you can enjoy healthy meals at reasonable prices. If you're looking for gourmet fare like sushi or artisanal cheese, this supermarket won't disappoint either!
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Ralphs has been around since 1873 and is a subsidiary of the Kroger Company. It's one of the most recognized names in Southern California supermarkets, with locations throughout Los Angeles County.
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Ralphs is known for its loyalty program, which rewards customers with points they can redeem at any Ralphs store (as well as through their mobile app). The loyalty program has three levels: Bluebird Rewards, Plus Rewards and Prime Rewards. Bluebird members receive 10-20% off on certain products; Plus members get 20-30% off select items; Prime members get 30% off every day.
Customers who sign up for a Ralphs credit card also earn extra points for their purchases!
Super King Markets | Glendale
Super King Markets is a family-owned grocery store that's been in business since 1977. The location is just off Colorado Boulevard and looks like many other local markets, with its wide range of products and service that caters to everyone from the busy professional to families on a budget.
If fresh produce is your thing, you'll love Super King Markets' selection: they've got everything from apples to zucchini—and everything in between. If you're looking for something specific, ask an employee who will help guide you through their wide array of options; they're happy to help! And if they don't have what you need? Just make a note so they can add it next time around!
This one has parking at the front door as well as additional spaces out back near their delivery area which makes loading up your car easy peasy lemon squeezy (but please watch out for pedestrians when backing up).
Wide variety of choices that are not too far apart.
In Glendale, CA there are a wide variety of choices for supermarkets. You can find these stores in the city and not too far away. For those who live in Glendale, this is great because it means you have a lot of options nearby. The supermarkets are all small to medium size businesses that offer a variety of products at reasonable prices.
Some examples include:
Vons Ralphs Whole Foods Market
We hope this list helps you make an informed decision on where to go grocery shopping in Glendale, CA. If none of these stores seems like a good fit for you at this time, then we encourage you to find the store that does! The key is finding one that fits your needs.
If you have been injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. is a Los Angeles employment lawyer who works with individuals and businesses facing all kinds of legal issues. We handle cases involving:
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Our team of experienced employment attorneys have years of experience in the legal field, and we know how to help you when you're dealing with any type of employment dispute. We will fight for your right to be compensated fairly, whether that means getting you back on the job or protecting your rights during negotiations with your employer.
Our lawyers are committed to helping our clients resolve their disputes quickly while minimizing any financial impact. We understand that having an attorney can be stressful and expensive — but we also know that being able to focus on your life without worrying about your job situation is priceless!
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 18552053681  https://www.davtyanlaw.com/  https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1030395778475401248
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davtyanlawfirminc · 2 years
One Day Guide to Spend in Glendale, California
If you're looking for a day trip that's near Los Angeles, but without all the hustle and bustle, consider spending a day in Glendale, CA. This city boasts museums, outdoor spaces and more—all within walking distance from one another. Here are some of our favorite spots to visit on your next trip!
Glendale Galleria
Glendale Galleria is located at 100 West Broadway, Glendale, CA 91210.
The mall is open daily from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., except on Thanksgiving and Christmas when they are closed.
The cost of admission per person is $2 with your First Fridays Pass or $5 without one. If you're unsure whether you have a pass or not, ask at the gate!
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There are many activities to enjoy at the Galleria: visit Santa's Workshop (free all month), see an ice sculptor in action ($5 per person), ride in a horse-drawn carriage ($15 for five minutes), shop for gifts at Macy's and other stores, dine with friends at one of several restaurants that line the walkways—and more! Here's a complete list of things you can do here!
Museum of Neon Art
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Museum of Neon Art is small but mighty, with a collection of neon art from artists around the world. It’s open daily, and admission is free. Kids and adults alike will enjoy this place, with its classic signs and colorful displays that are sure to inspire plenty of photos. Located right in downtown Glendale, it’s a great stop on your way out of or into town!
Moonlight Rollerway, Inc
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The Moonlight Rollerway, Inc is a roller skating rink located in the Glendale Galleria. This rink is open year-round and it's open until 10pm on weekdays and 11pm on weekends. Prices range from $7-$13 per person.
The Moonlight Rollerway, Inc offers great deals for special events like their Thursday Night Specials! Get two hours of skate time for only $10! It's perfect for birthday parties or just a night out with friends!
Autry Museum of the American West
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The Autry Museum of the American West is a museum in Los Angeles, California, dedicated to the celebration of the diverse people and cultures of the American West. It is located in Griffith Park, near the Los Angeles Zoo.
The museum was founded by Gene Autry. He originally wanted to create it as an arena for all things Western: rodeo events and concerts, horse shows and other competitions. But after he saw some artifacts from his own collection being auctioned off at Sotheby's, he decided that instead of selling them off for money he would create a permanent home where people could enjoy them for free!
Fremont Park
Fremont Park is a park located in the city of Glendale, California. It is the largest park in Glendale, covering an area of approximately 19 acres (77,000 m2). The park's boundaries are Lake Street to the west, Brand Boulevard to the south and east, and Beverly Boulevard to the north.
The park was created during the 1930s depression by James W. Mackey and his son-in-law George A. Hormel (of Hormel Foods) as part of their long-term vision for a large public space that would serve as central plaza for all residents of Glendale.[1] The land was purchased from several landowners including Caroline Atherton Smith (through her estate), who also owned much of modern day downtown Glendale.
Glendale is a great city to spend the day exploring. You can get around simply by walking, or you can go for a ride on the Red Line Metro bus. There are so many things to do in Glendale that it’s impossible to list them all here! The best way would be just go and have fun out there!"
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. is a Los Angeles employment lawyer that provides legal services to clients throughout California. Our firm specializes in litigating cases involving employee rights, discrimination, harassment and retaliation. The firm also handles cases involving wage and hour violations, wrongful termination, and other workplace issues.
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We are dedicated to helping employees who have been wronged by their employers or former employers recover the compensation they deserve. We offer free consultations so you can learn more about your legal options before deciding whether you need to hire an attorney.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 18552053681 https://www.davtyanlaw.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1030395778475401248
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davtyanlawfirminc · 2 years
Interesting Things To Do In Glendale, CA
So you're in Glendale, CA and looking for something to do? We're here to help. Here are some of our favorite spots around town that won't disappoint!
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Thai Town
Thai Town is a district in Los Angeles, California that has been described as the largest Thai community outside of Thailand. It covers several blocks in the heart of Los Angeles and is home to an array of Thai restaurants serving up authentic cuisine. This area has become so popular that it's one of the most visited places in Los Angeles, with many tourists flocking here for authentic Thai food and culture.
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Echo Park
Echo Park is located in Los Angeles, California. It's one of the city's most diverse neighborhoods and is known for its laid-back vibe. The area is home to a number of popular bars, restaurants and shops that you should definitely check out while you're there.
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You'll find Echo Park nestled between Downtown Los Angeles, Chinatown and Silver Lake on the east side of the L.A. River. There are also several attractions listed below for those who want something more active!
Echo Park has all sorts of great things to do, including:
Melrose Hill
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Melrose Hill is a great place to visit. There are excellent restaurants, shops, and people-watching. You can walk here or bike here or run there if you're feeling fit! It's a perfect place for picnicking too, with grassy areas that are ideal for laying out your blanket and watching the clouds drift by. If climbing a mountain sounds like fun to you (and it should!), then Melrose Hill might be the place for you: there are plenty of opportunities to scale rocks and boulders at this spot in Glendale!
If swimming is more up your alley than rock climbing, Melrose hill has got you covered on that front as well: there are places where it's safe enough to cool off in the water here—but please beware of alligators."
Silver Lake
Silver Lake is a neighborhood in Los Angeles, California. It's also the name of a small shopping center featuring restaurants and boutiques on Sunset Boulevard.
If you're looking for some interesting things to do in Glendale, take a stroll through Silver Lake.
Angels Point
Angels Point is a great place to watch the sunset. It's also a pretty good spot to see the city lights, and if you're lucky, you might be able to catch one of the planes flying overhead. If you're interested in taking pictures of sunsets or sunrises, this is definitely the place for you.
Glendale Galleria
Glendale Galleria is a shopping mall in Glendale, California. It is located in the Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area and is one of the top 10 largest malls in the United States by gross leasable area. The mall contains over 230 stores, including four anchors (Macy's, JCPenney, Sears and Nordstrom), a food court and an ice rink.
The Glendale Galleria was built on land purchased from the Ralphs Grocery Company as part of its nearby supermarket development project; it opened on August 6th 1976 with approximately 80 stores as well as free parking for 3,000 cars. The original anchor tenants were JCPenney (150,000 sq ft.), Saks Fifth Avenue (125,000 sq ft.) and May Company California (110 000 sq ft.). In 1980 Montgomery Ward closed its store at the Galleria after only one year due to declining sales; shortly thereafter Federated Department Stores acquired both Wards retail divisions which resulted in a nationwide consolidation effort resulting in several store closures such as this particular location here at Glendale Galleria."
Griffith Park & Autry Museum of the American West
The Autry Museum of the American West is located in Griffith Park. The museum hosts a variety of exhibits that focus on the history of the American West and its wildlife, with a special emphasis on Native Americans and their cultures. The museum has a large collection of artifacts from different eras, including buffalo robes worn by Native Americans (which can be viewed through an interactive display), 19th century guns owned by famous outlaws such as Jesse James and Billy the Kid, and even a wagon used for cattle drives along America's western frontier.
Another interesting place to visit in Glendale is the Farmers Market at Brand Library & Art Center. It's held every Saturday morning from 9am-1pm at 5730 W Van Buren St., offering local produce grown by farmers near Los Angeles! You'll also find other vendors selling food items like sandwiches or desserts made with fresh ingredients straight outta California farms!
Glendale is an awesome place to visit or live.
Glendale is a great place to visit or live. With its many different neighborhoods and close proximity to Los Angeles and Burbank, Glendale has something for everyone. There are also many things to do in Glendale such as visiting the Autry Museum of the American West in Griffith Park, which can be accessed by driving up Western Avenue or taking the Gold Line from Union Station Downtown L.A., or visiting Melrose Hill which offers panoramic views of Downtown L.A., Hollywood Hills, Santa Monica Bay and Catalina Island from atop Mt Washington Drive where there is also a park with picnic tables (simply look for an area designated by painted white lines).
Glendale is a city that has a lot to offer. Whether you’re looking to visit the place or live here, there are many attractions that can appeal to everyone in your family. If you want some quiet time away from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles without having to drive too far out of town, Glendale is definitely worth checking out!
We are Davtyan Law Firm, Inc.
We are a law firm that helps employees with their employment issues. We are located in Los Angeles and provide legal services for employees who have been wronged by their employers.
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Our team of Employment lawyer California has over 20 years of experience and we will work hard to help you get what you deserve from your employer. We specialize in wrongful termination, sexual harassment, wage and hour violations, discrimination claims (race, sex & disability), retaliation claims and more.
If you need help with a claim against your employer or want to learn more about our services, please contact us today at 18552053681.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 18552053681 https://www.davtyanlaw.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1030395778475401248
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davtyanlawfirminc · 2 years
5 Reasons to Visit Glendale, CA
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Do you live in the Los Angeles area? If so, then you should definitely check out Glendale, CA! This city has a lot to offer tourists and residents alike. Here are 5 reasons why you should visit Glendale:
1. The weather is perfect year-round.
2. There are plenty of things to do, including shopping, dining, and sightseeing.
3. The city is centrally located and easy to get to from anywhere in LA.
4. It's a great place to raise a family or retire.
5. Glendale is home to some of the best hospitals in the country
If you're looking for a great place to vacation or live, Glendale, CA should be at the top of your list! The weather is perfect year-round, and there's always something to do. The city is centrally located and easy to get to from anywhere in LA. It's also a great place to raise a family or retire. Glendale is home to some of the best hospitals in the country, so you know you're in good hands.
If you’re in need of Employment attorney in Glendale, CA we got just the right place for you!
No one ever wants to think about being wrongfully terminated, but the unfortunate fact is that it happens all too often. If you've been fired from your job and don't know where to turn, it's time to call a lawyer. Employment attorneys like those at Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. have the experience and knowledge necessary to help you fight for justice. We understand how difficult it can be to face wrongful termination, and we're here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation!
Contact Us: Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 855–205–3681 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 https://www.davtyanlaw.com/
Find Us: https://g.page/DavtyanEmploymentLaw?share
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davtyanlawfirminc · 2 years
5 Tips for Choosing the Right Legal Team
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When you are dealing with a legal issue, it is important to choose the right legal team to represent you. There are many lawyers out there who claim to be experts in a certain field, but not all of them are actually good at what they do. If you are looking for an employment lawyer, here are five tips that will help you choose the right one:
Look for experience: The best way to find a good lawyer is to look for someone who has experience in the area of law that you need help with. An employment attorney will have experience dealing with wrongful termination cases, for example.
Ask around: Another great way to find a good lawyer is by asking around. Friends and family members who have dealt with legal issues in the past may be able to recommend a good lawyer to you.
Check credentials: When you are looking for a lawyer, it is important to check their credentials. Make sure that they have gone to a good law school and that they are licensed to practice law in your state.
Look for reviews: Another great way to find a good lawyer is by reading online reviews. There are many websites where people can leave reviews of lawyers, so you should be able to find some helpful information this way.
Get a consultation: Once you have found a few potential lawyers, the best thing to do is to schedule a consultation with each one. This will give you an opportunity to meet with the lawyer and get a feel for whether or not they would be a good fit for you.
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When wrongful termination occurs, it is important to have an employment lawyer on your side who can help you navigate the legal process. There are many different factors that need to be considered in a wrongful termination case, and an experienced lawyer will know how to handle all of them. If you have been wrongfully terminated from your job, contact an employment lawyer today to schedule a consultation.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc.
880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205
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davtyanlawfirminc · 2 years
Glendale, CA: A Hub of Entertainment and Culture
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Glendale, CA is a city that is known for its vast array of entertainment and cultural attractions. From the Americana at Brand, which features high-end retail shops and restaurants, to the stunning Glendale Galleria, there is something for everyone in this vibrant city. In addition to its incredible shopping options, Glendale also boasts a wide variety of museums, parks, and other attractions. Whether you are looking for a fun day out with your family or a romantic evening with your significant other, Glendale has something to offer you!
Glendale is also home to a number of professional sports teams, including the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Los Angeles Kings. If you are a fan of either team, or simply enjoy watching sports, you will be sure to find something to your liking in Glendale. In addition to its many professional sports teams, Glendale is also home to a variety of college and university campuses. Whether you are looking for an education or simply want to experience the vibrant campus life, Glendale has something to offer you!
If you are looking for a city that has it all, look no further than Glendale, CA! From its incredible shopping and dining options to its many museums and parks, there is something for everyone in this vibrant city. So what are you waiting for? Come and experience all that Glendale has to offer!
Whether you are looking for a fun-filled day or a romantic evening, Glendale, CA is the perfect place for you! With its many entertainment and cultural attractions, there is something for everyone in this vibrant city. So, what are you waiting for? Plan your trip to Glendale today!
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If you have been wrongfully terminated, you need to speak with a Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney as soon as possible. 
There are laws in place to protect employees from being wrongfully terminated, and those laws can be very complex. An experienced employment attorney will be able to guide you through the process and help you get the compensation that you deserve.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 18552053681 https://www.davtyanlaw.com/
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