silverwingborn · 3 months
[ @empyreanwings liked for a starter! ]
To say the Nephilim was taken aback by the sight of a fallen angel in Hell would be an understatement. It’s not like they’re a dime-a-dozen down here. Silver’s felt the rush of adrenaline seize upon her entire being, that knee-jerk reaction to pick fight or flight. And yet, morbid curiosity persisted. How and why has this fallen angel ended up here?
Silver’s eyes narrowed with conflicting emotions. It’s not exactly kosher to go up to a stranger demanding their life story, but this was Hell. She’d had her own fair share of vexatious encounters with sinners prying about the “new birdie on the block”. Sighing heavily, Silver decided to approach indirectly, forcing her wings to remain retracted despite the anxious desire to simply book it out of there. They were both in a public grocer so it’s not like the citizens aren’t in close proximity. Besides, there were products on the upper shelf she needed that just so happen to be next to this fallen angel.
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xluciifer · 4 months
|| // @empyreanwings
All angels of high and low status had purpose and a position to uphold. They lived blissfully ignorant under the protection of Him and His sayings. When created, your name had value and made you who you were - but the meaning of the title was never disclosed; never important to know. Why question God's authority? His word was law and law alone. Samael found it ... odd, but said nothing upon it once Michael was gifted an army of angels from the selected few groups of youthful newcomers into Heaven.
God had told Samael that there was a purpose to needing an army of angelics, and it was to fight the evil that was to come. Whatever evil He mentioned was never further detailed nor explained. At this point, silently, he had ... his doubts and worries. But before he could settle in more on the uncertainties, a young soldier from his twin brother's clad of angels greeted him. He shook off the sparing thoughts and gave his usual smile.
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⸺ ❝ Brother Michael is really putting you to work, huh, Sister Lute? You might just be one of his favorites. ❞
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thehazbins · 3 months
Starter for @empyreanwings from Lilith!
Lilith had left heaven after hearing that Lute was now in charge, at her request. It seemed the options were leave for good, or leave and betray her own daughter. Something Lilith was not keen on doing. However she hadn't really given much of an answer when she'd left. She's simply stood up and willed herself home. The smoke that engulfed her bringing her home and away from the angel. However, she was surprised to run into the angel again so soon.
"And what can I help you with now, Lute?" Her name was said in a similar tone to when Lute had addressed Lilith on the beach. A lack of fear and general distaste left it feeling somewhat spat rather than spoken. The demonic queen subtly let her more demonic looking features shine through. Her horns creeping up through her hair and a tail flicking behind her in annoyance. Neither were entirely intentional. She didn't reign them in like usual but they tended to pop up when she was annoyed and she often found herself more demonic looking than anything else when she was angry. When the anger hit it was hard to control the way her appearance shifted.
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sixwingedmercy · 4 months
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The seraphim carefully landed next to her exterminator counterpart, folding her three sets of wings gently against her back. "Lute?" She spoke gently, trying not to startle her as she made her ways towards the woman. "How are you doing? I haven't seen you in a while."
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jabbers-wild-world · 3 months
@empyreanwings | for Emily!
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Well, this was certainly an unexpected occurrence. Ears twitching ever so slightly, perking forward in his curiosity, Alastor was quick to set himself before this rather unusual guest.
“Well now! I can’t say I would have expected someone like yourself to grace these halls. To what do humble sinners like us owe this honor?” This was an exceptional opportunity, to be sure. Something perhaps he could manipulate to his advantage. Perhaps. If he played things well enough.
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originemesis · 3 months
@empyreanwings is perceiving- xxx
Emily VC: "Oh wow you really.... fill it out well... (: "
Aggressively pulling the skirt down more now.
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"Don't you have like seraphim pre-school or something to get to? LIKE FUCK-"
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mghtfall · 3 months
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@empyreanwings asked:
Lute locks eyes with some beauty parked near the drum set on the venue stage. Guitarists were a dime a dozen, but a drummer? A blessing — if her assumptions were correct.
"You play?" she calls to Eve over the loud bass-heavy club music, head nodding towards the instrument.
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She had definitely had gotten Eve's attention, her head cocking to the side as she tried to process the question she'd been asked.
"Yeah." there was a small pause, "Who's asking?" she called back, a small smirk pulling at her lips, as she stood up and stretched a bit.
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velvetwarfare · 3 months
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“ — Wait, “
A clawed hand shot out to grasp onto Lute’s arm, pulling the other back before monochrome wings could take flight,
“ You uh…You do not need to go, you know that, da? You could stay here for a bit longer — not like as in redemption or anything because you ARE already an angel, I mean like…crash in my room again? I do not know, make up a schedule between Heaven and Hell! Daytime heavenly hours or some shit, nighttime hell hours and we can go out and grab a few drinks and watch the red moon?
You…You are staying for that, right? The red moon? “
Long ears begin to flatten, a rare expression of hurt beginning to expose itself on normally cocky features.
“ The red moon is special to me. I used to see it all the time when I was on the surface — now, it is some weird fucking pentagram moon thing here, but…the skies are supposed to be REALLY clear tonight, so it should be easier to see all of it… “
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hclluvahctel · 3 months
"Don't get it twisted. I'm just browsing," Lute snaps at Vaggie, threading malice where there was none previously. The newly Fallen walked herself up to the embossed metal gates of the hotel, standing on the outside like some alley cat with false hope that no hotel management would have been around. What luck she has.
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VAGGIE HAD BEEN THE FIRST TO NOTICE THE UNWANTED GUEST, wasting no time in grabbing her spear and flying over to the front gates of the hotel. Seeing Lute in such a state, she couldn't help the mocking smirk that appeared on her lips.
"Browsing, huh?" She replied, lightly leaning against her staff pressed firmly to the ground. "So, still believe that angel's don't make mistakes, huh?" She asks, barely hiding the amusement in her tone.
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dangert1ts-archived · 3 months
@empyreanwings | closed starter
Lute was... confused, to say the least. She had only just barely gotten used to being stuck down in this disgusting pit, the former Exorcist having carved out a bit of a reputation for herself even as she kept her old one hidden as best as she could. Something was obviously off this day, though, the very air surrounding her feeling just a bit too different from what she'd gotten accustomed to over the past several weeks.
Oh, and there was an Extermination about to begin, impossibly. The fallen angel was swiftly heading back towards the old building she'd been staying in, not wanting to take any chances with how differently she now appeared. Glancing back for a moment to watch as the portal opened, she felt her mask-like face twist into an expression of dark amusement with just barely a hint of worry.
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sainticidal · 4 months
‘ thought i’d try punching my way out. mix things up a little. ‘ — Lute
night in the woods. accepting.
michael heaves out a heavy sigh, a hand on the curve of her hip and another pinching the bridge of her nose. she should have expected this, working so closely with angels again. pent up violence, violent thoughts, an unsated need for chaos. the angels thrive in it, much like humanity, though none of the higher ups would ever admit to it. she exasperates, looks to lute, and hangs her head to the side.
" what in our Fathers great name told you that was such a stellar idea? "
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helluvah0tel-a · 4 months
@empyreanwings liked for a starter
Vixy looked at the mask angel in shock, her eyes eyeing the blade as she took a step. She had been told of these days, the days the angels came down to exterminate the sinner demons. She would be safe in the V Tower and that's where she stayed until her curiosity got the better of her and she stepped out onto the roof of the tower to watch the battle below. She didn't think that an angel would come here to kill her.
"You don't look like an angel." She said taking a step back, knowing she should just shut up and run inside but the journalist in her fronted and she couldnt help the words that spilled out of her mouth. "I mean aren't angel meant to be all white and spread love? You're meant to be the good guys right? Good guys don't kill, so does that mean your actually the bad guys?"
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demondads · 3 months
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Cue the immediate yelp and panicked slithering away. Can't just touch a guy's tail like that, Lute. Especially when you're an Exorcist angel.
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thehazbins · 3 months
🎶 from Luxury for Lute or Emily?
Send 🎶 for me to use song lyrics as a starter - @empyreanwings
"Oh little angel, you got to learn to fly, Get up and earn your wings tonight... Little angel, just look in my eyesm Get up and earn your wings tonight."
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originemesis · 4 months
@empyreanwings cont. from xxx
❛ yknow my door is always open to you. ❜ — @originemesis
Cain smiles, well, the harrowing expression was implied given that his face faded so many centuries ago. "I almost didn't recognize you," he had the mind to laugh, but nothing came from the intention," but- is that so? Funny, I thought I wasn't allowed to walk myself up into Paradise. Big man's rules, after all." He was questioning it though. It being Adam's appearance before him. Never mind it being possible. Did he want something? Cain had nothing to give ( nothing that he personally deemed important ), but who knows what he wants anymore? Hell, it's been since almost the creation of time since he last saw daddy dearest, making him a near stranger after it all. "Not many people walk themselves through the sludge and bodies to get here, so you must want something. What is it?"
Ah, leave it to his mom's side to rub in that insufferable amount of quite literally taking things- well...a bit too literally? He could have sworn he'd told the kiddo the difference between words and actions, and although words could be pretty and perfectly well-intentioned, it didn't mean they were stone-carved into law or something until they were quite literally carved into a tablet. Nah, they'd had to nip that little nuance in the bud later...much later on his account, and since he wasn't around for it- he didn't care all too much.
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"...it's a metaphor, champ." Oh well, might as well just spell it out for the guy. Not like he had much time to waste coddling him now when he had some matters to tie up at the embassy before heading back to heaven, flecks of steaming scarlet still spattered across the span of his mask's visor.
"Yeah, so like ~ whenever I'm down here on business, shit just means I'm down to shoot the shit. And don't act like that doesn't just warm up your black little heart, bitch. I know you're a real attention whore- no IDEA where you get it." He had taken to examining his talon tips with subdued interest, though it was a lot more attention paid to anything around the lair-Cain included.
"And c'moooon, it hasn't been THAT long. It's just tough wading through all the syphilis infested streets to make it to your wittle baby bachelor pad. You got food around here by the way? Buddy, I could hit the lamb kabobs right now like nobody's fuckin' business."
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mghtfall · 3 months
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@empyreanwings asked:
☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up — Lute to Adam
Manhandling symbol starters (Accepting)
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What had he said this time to get her to shush him like this, he fucking hated it when people did that. Though he was a little more tolerant of it when it was Lute, you know the friends pass? Still irritated him.
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"Why are you shushing me, Bitch?" He was actually keeping his voice down for once.
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