coldguard · 4 years
( kiernan shipka. nineteen. she/her. ) WINTER ANDERSON, or WINNIE, has been at THE MIDDLE SCHOOL for SEVEN MONTHS and is currently a GUARD. their fellow survivors say they’re quite QUICK-WITTED, DEVOTED but i’ve heard whispers that they’re also FIERY, GUARDED. but, one thing is certain, they’ve survived this long for a reason. ( queenie. 19. est. she/her. )
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Hello! The name’s Queenie and this sweet but chaotic bean is my daughter, Winter Anderson aka Winnie! Now, let’s jump in, shall we?
Before the apocalypse - Trigger warning for robbery
Winter Genevieve Anderson was the youngest daughter, but second child overall to a dad who owned a locally famous diner (Luke Danes from Gilmore Girls vibes) and a prominent psychiatrist mother. She had an older sister named Briar as well as a younger twin brother named Miles.
She had a fan-fucking-tastic childhood as this gal herself will tell you. Whenever she wasn’t in school, her time was split between the diner and the homes of her best friends. She’d either be helping her dad out however she could or just simply having a grand time with her friends, goofing off.
Of course, Winter could be serious when it was time to get serious. Her parents taught her to always be an advocate for the little guy and legend has it that an Anderson’s temper runs hotter than the fires of hell whenever injustice is at play. Bullies on the playground were no match for her sharp tongue. If that failed? Then resolving things with a round of fisticuffs never hurt.
Winnie was fairly popular in school, high school especially. She was a cheerleader and class president after all. But she also enjoyed her fair amount of nerdy things, such as being on the academic team and made so many bad archery puns during practice. Plus, her sweetheart reputation preceded her which made sure that she never knew a stranger.
So, she graduated from high school and decided to take Briar up on her offer of sharing a place. By the time fall rolled around, Winter had enrolled at a nearby college with a double major in business administration and culinary arts. She always had a love for food and cooking, plus she figured that it couldn’t hurt to have some professional training under her belt. Then who knew where fate would take her? Either she’d take over her dad’s diner or she’d go on to open her own restaurants.
Robbery TW - Just before Thanksgiving break however, she went out to celebrate Friendsgiving with her inner circle. They decided to head for the Anderson sisters’ apartment to continue the party and that was when things took a turn. During the walk back, someone attempted to rob the group. Keyword being attempted because Winter kept the would be assailant distracted while a friend called the cops.
Even though there was a moderately happy ending, the event shook her up. And she may or may not have taken up archery again. Other than that, life was quiet.
Then the apocalypse hit... Trigger Warnings for mentions of weapons & death
To say things went to hell in a handbasket would be an understatement. One moment, everything seemed fine. But next thing anybody knew, chaos was the new sheriff in town.
At the insistence of their parents, Briar and Winter started packing to return home to their hometown. “We should all be together. There’s safety in numbers,” their mom had said and dad echoed her sentiment without hesitation.
So, they returned home to be together as a family unit. And it turned out that Mr. and Mrs. Anderson had taken in some neighbors as well, ever the hospitable sweethearts. They’d all banded together...for the time being.
The looters and rioters that ran rampant in the beginning eventually came knocking. The adults remained behind in an attempt to hold them off while the Anderson sibling trio helped the older kids get out with the youngers. While she did her best to keep other groups of siblings together, Winter ended up separated from her own.
She made her way to the middle school and she’s been there ever since. Armed with a knife when she first arrived, someone gave her a pistol crossbow along with some bolts when Winnie signed on to become a guard.
Why a guard instead of a cook, one might ask? After all, she does have that love for food and was majoring in culinary arts before the apocalypse. Well, it all goes back to that sense of justice along with that classic Anderson family desire to advocate for the little guy.
With that, I believe we’re all caught up! If there’s anything else you’d like to know about my gal or you want to do some plotting, please feel free to slide into my tumblr messages or add me (Queenie#6441) on Discord!
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elihq · 4 years
(  harry styles.  26.  he/him.  )  ELIAS  SLATER,  or  ELI,  has  been  at  THE MIDDLE SCHOOL  for  THREE WEEKS  and  is  currently  a  MEDIC.  their  fellow  survivors  say  they’re  quite  LOYAL,  CARING  but  i’ve  heard  whispers  that  they’re  also  SELFISH,  GUARDED.  but,  one  thing  is  certain,  they’ve  survived  this  long  for  a  reason.  (  t.  21.  est.  she/her.  )
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hey everyone i’m super late with this bc unlike every normal functioning person i did not prepare this beforehand :)))) enjoy and feel free to like this post if u wanna plot && i’ll slide into ur dms
first name : elias ‘eli’ slater d.o.b : april 1st zodiac sign : aries sexual orientation : bisexual
okay so about my baby eli
he never knew his biological parents, his mother gave him up when he was a baby
he grew up in foster care, had a real passion the sciences ( whip-smart, excelled at every subject but specifically those ) but always felt a bit lost because he never had anyone stable in his life or anyone to look out for him
when he turned 18 his life really began, he was no longer trapped in foster care and could live the way he wanted to ( unfortunately this meant dirt poor and struggling )
he actually managed to go to an ivy league school off a scholarship
after that he went to med school ( age 22 ), using a loan
he’d just graduated when this all happened naturally he took it as a sign from the universe that nothing can ever go right in his life
he kinda has a chip on his shoulder, is also super arrogant/narcissistic & cocky. lowkey thinks the whole world revolves around him
despite that he went in to medicine ( specifically to be a surgeon ) ultimately because he wants to help people
he’s been in a few long term relationships all of them have ended because he’s super emotionally distant and won’t talk about his childhood or anything relating to how he grew up ( foster care etc. )
he’s also extremely flighty he finds it really hard to commit
now he’s been staying at the middle school trying to help people as best he can
to summarize his confusing personality up: he rlly wants to help people up until they try and get close to him then he can be a real dick and be super toxic/manipulative/calculated & a cheater :(
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