#endocrine promenade is frankly the best one of these I'm not topping that
taliadoesrpgs · 2 years
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all of the cool kids are doing Disco Elysium skill-sets so I’m making one for Deedee and got @quantumvaudeville to illustrate it
she’s a Valor character originally so it’s going to be 5 sets of 5 skills across Vigor, Agility, Spirit, Mind and Resolve anyway I call it No Truce With The Furries.  enjoy.
Pain Threshold: You can take it!  They’ll have to hurt you more!
Great for: Adventurers; Martial Artists; Clerics of cruel Gods; Masochists.
Pain Threshold is your capacity to endure, even enjoy, pain; your ability to push past the limits of your body when you need to push on.  At high levels, you can laugh past almost any amount of pain and turn it to an endorphin high - which can be a problem if it’s the kind of thing you seek out.  With a low Pain Threshold, though, you won’t be able to fight alongside your party, and the adventuring life will be almost unbearable. 
Half-Light: Listen for bumps in the night, and bump back.
Great for: Whoever is on guard duty; Scouts; Sylphanites; Paranoids
Half-Light is your ability to choose Fight or Flight over frozen terror, your attunement to danger and to the things that lurk between dusk and dawn on Mundus.  It’s your mousehunting ears, your ability to make your problems have problems with you.  With high Half-Light, no monstrous growl will go unanswered and you won’t hesitate in the face of a threat... real or imagined.  But with low Half-Light, when it is dark out and no one is around to help, you are likely to walk right into the slavering jaws of some grue or another.
Endocrine Promenade: Take back the fantasies you were denied.  Love and be loved.
Great for: Courtesans, Queers, Inquisitives, Bicycles 
Endocrine Promenade is your id, long repressed, finally off the leash; the beast within unchained; an estrogen-soaked second puberty ready to make up for losing the first one to excessive testosterone.  Promgirl is back at high school homecoming, ready to dance and damn the consequences; it knows how to flirt and all the punchbowl gossip.  With high Endocrine Promenade, you’ll have a finger on the pulse of every scandal and romance in the village - but you’ll also throw yourself into the deep end of the gossip pool, becoming the good time had by everyone but those who’d resent you for it.  Without Promgirl, though, you’ll be too innocent to understand love and vice on Mundus, and you will miss clear signs of relationships vital to completing your quests. 
Physical Instrument: Flex powerful muscles.  Enjoy healthy organs.
Great for: Warriors, Punchwizards, Laborers, Muscleheads
Sifu Physical Instrument is here to pump you up, to put muscles on your muscles and take cholesterol from out of your veins.  She’s your ability to precisely control each tendon of your body to effects both artistic and forceful; a dance of the body electric.  With high Physical Instrument, you’ll bend bars, lift gates, bounce around like you’ve got wires on your girdle - and waste no chance to flex your muscles, even when it would be the height of arrogance.  Without Sifu Physinst for a tutor, though, you’ll have all the martial and athletic prowess of the 44 year old, heavyset otaku wearing a VR helmet that you were before you came to Mundus.
Neutral Game: Heaven or hell, let’s rock.  Round one, fight!
Great for: Adventurers, Monster-Slayers, Mercenaries, Violent Bastards
Picture yourself a good two meters from an opponent.  Maybe they have a knife, maybe they’re unarmed.  You’re counting down the seconds before they make the first move, or you do.  Welcome to the neutral game.  Here, in the vital fractions of a second before you can close or open range, is where you can take and hold the advantage in combat and put your opponent on a defensive that they can’t break out of; it doesn’t matter how much meter they can burn on magic bullshit if they’re too busy blocking your strikes to strike back.  With high Neutral Game, your foes will never get the chance to use their cheating bullshit - and you may well forget you have it, too, as you try to clown on foes without burning Tension.  But without a decent Neutral Game, against a halfway decent opponent, you’ll be backed into a corner and spitting teeth.
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