sirsamurai · 3 years
Sweet Water
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This morning I got up at 5:30 (after going to bed at 2) to do something stupid. 
Today was the Sweet Water Trail Race (Folsom, California).  This is a single track, there and back race (the trail in the picture is what the race was on).  I was doing a 5k because that is all I seem to have in me these days, though I am working on it.  I picked this race because I wanted to be surrounded by bad asses that were better than me.  That don’t have excuses.  That put the work in.  That “do their homework” (A saying my dad always uses when it comes to races). 
In addition to the 5k, there was a 10k, a nine miler, a half marathon, a marathon, and a 30k race.  All starting in the same place at the same time.  Badasses all around.  And me. 
When I say I was not ready for this race, I mean I was not ready.  I was wearing shorts, a tank top, and a windbreaker.  It was 40 degrees.  Gloves would have been nice.  A hat, maybe. 
There were a couple of hundred people gathered in the parking lot for this, most looking very fit.  A couple that looked kind of like me, only smaller.  But that great thing about running is that people don’t really judge.  I had as much right to be there as all the beautiful people.  At least that is what I kept telling myself.
Everybody gathered in the parking lot for prerace instructions.  Basically all the races were there and back, so when you reached the sign with your distance on it, turn around, and come back (running into all the wrestling behind you.  Remember, it was a single track path).  The 5k people would have to wait an additional 15 minutes to start so that “we” would not be running into people when we turned around in a mile and a half.  Everybody else was told to go to the other side of the parking lot for the start (there was no start marked anywhere) so that the runners could spread out before entering the trail.  As everybody left the “finish” there were two people that seemed to be in charge.  One went a lot further into the parking lot than the other.  Half followed each so there were two very distinct groups.  The guy closer to the finish yelled “go” and his group.  This led to the other guy running towards that guy yelling “what the fuck, did you start them already?” and then running back yelling “go, go, go” which made all the 5kers laugh.  Eventually the parking lot was all but empty (it was a cold, trail run, so not many spectators or supporters). 
There were about 20-25 of us left standing around.  The main guy (that had been yelling fuck) got in his car and drove away.  Of those of us left, most were women and maybe four of us were guys.  Nobody was sure what to do, so, as a group we all started sneaking up on the “finish” line but before we could cross it, the other started appeared and told us that we would be going in ten minutes, back in the parking lot.  So we all made our way back to vaguely where his group started.  With five minutes left, he joined us and said “yeah, this will work well enough.  You have five more minutes.”
Five minutes later he yelled go....and we did.
The moment we passed under the finish line the world changed... it was moist (sorry if that word bothers you.  Moist) and cold.  The sun had not yet crested the mountains.  The whole parking lot start thing worked out because by the time I reached the trail the fast people were in front of me and the slow people behind me.
The course was challenging, but fun.  College cross country was a life time ago, but this brought back memories. 
The trail was lonely.  For awhile I could sometimes see somebody ahead of me, and I could hear somebody behind me.  Eventually the woman behind me passed me, and left me, so I was alone, freezing, but enjoying myself.  After what seemed far too long, the lead runner passed me heading home.  I did not get off the trail and let her pass just because she was an incredibly beautiful woman..... I did it because I was the biggest person on the trail today and common courtesy says the big man should get out of the way of the beautiful woman.  A minute later another woman passed.  Then another.  Then two more (which meant I was getting closer to the turn around) eventually a couple of the dudes passed.  I think some disappeared.  Big foot got them maybe.  When I reached the turn around I was right behind two high school girls, who I could hear the entire race.  They stopped at the turn so for the rest of the race I could hear them behind me.  Following me.  Judging me. 
Eventually I finished.  I don’t know how long it took me, as I forgot to wear my watch.  And I am not sure how far I actually ran, I forgot to start my app.  But I did it, and I felt.... ok.
Really enjoyed the experience because it was different and I could use more different in life.  It was also a challenge....but, honestly, I feel as though I have more than enough of those. 
Now my friends are coming over to watch the Royal Rumble (if you know, you know) so that should be fun.
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frostexperience · 8 years
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And we've arrived in the city for Bad Religion & Against Me. He'll of a way to cap off a weekend, spending it with people I'm thankful to have in my life. #EndureWithHonor #SfMusicScene #SundayFunday #WhatAreYouDoing?
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sirsamurai · 6 years
It’s 4 am, Sunday morning. Last night I wrestled on a show that didn’t go well. Two of the matches were awful. Just awful. Then my match. Which was.... fine. But not a Samurai match. Not my best. And I’m disappointed in myself for not delivering my best.
Tonight I’m wrestling a Norcal legend, Boyce LeGrande. Our first ever singles match. I’m going in the champion. I’m worried about the draw. I’m worried about the match. I’m not used to being nervous before a match but I am nervous. We shall see what happens. The promoter is hoping to draw 60. Last night the very same venue held a show for a different company and drew 40-45. Two different companies in one weekend? Unheard of in NorCal for a venue. Will the experiment work?
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sirsamurai · 2 years
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Saturday I cross another state off the list
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sirsamurai · 6 years
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Match 991
I went for a top rope hurricarana. And reached.
My shoulder popped out. I covered my opponent. He kicked out. Grabbed my arm. Yanked. Yanked again. Still out. Match continued.
After: emt puts it back in. Oh my goodness that felt weird. She then had me move it. It popped out again. She put it back in and taped it in place.
It is now 5 am. I’m still up. I’m still hurting. A lot.
I don’t know what the future holds but I do know this. It was a hell of a match. And that’s all that matters.
9 to go.
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sirsamurai · 6 years
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This Friday I finally return to the ring as the Honor Society goes to war with its self.
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sirsamurai · 3 years
Once More...
It has been a rough week.  Bad news after bad news.  But today is the final show of the year.  And I am in the main event.  Hostile Holidays Street Fight... fans bring the weapons.  For the tag titles.  Once last chance to end this year on a peak versus a valley.  So all the issues, the bills, the test results, everything, gets put aside until tomorrow.  Today I get to wrestle.  Nothing else matters. 
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sirsamurai · 6 years
Fall Down Seven Times
Yesterday was utter crap.  The goal for today was for a better day all around.  The kid that went to the ER last night is ok.  Spinal Concussion.  Will be as good as new in no time.  That’s great.  Such a relief. 
I got three plus hours of sleep (go me) before I made my way to Raley Field for the Color Run, making this month 18 of me doing a race every month.  Originally there was to be a bunch of us, but real life gets in the way and there ended up before three of us.... Frost and his girlfriend, Michelle.  The gimmick is a 5k run in which people throw powered, colored, chalk on you at various points of the course. 
Something to do with all the colors meant that a very high percentage of the participants (and there were thousands of people) were women.  Fit women.  In athletic clothes.  Mostly white. 
It was fun.  Since the three of us did it together we didn’t push the pace so it was easy.  And there is nothing wrong with easy from time to time. 
Received worked that all of Rik Luxury’s gear was stolen from a car late last night.  Man.... still haunted by how crappy yesterday was. 
Only five matches on tonight’s show.  Just like last night the Honor Society had two tag matches.  Frost and I defended the belts in the opener and since we retained them Scoot and Pat defended them in the semi main event. 
Our match went fine.  It was fun.  It was over with the crowd.  The kids we faced (same kids as last week’s lucha show) did fine.
Scoot and Pat’s match went fine.... until Rik Luxury got his cheek split and needed stitches.  Rik and his partner won the belts and started to put the boots to my boys so Frost and I did a run in... and I slipped, hit my head on the floor, knocking myself out for a moment, and slid into the side of the ring hurting a toe and a thigh and an elbow.  I dragged myself up and everthing was spinning but I pulled myself into the ring as everybody laughed at me.  Pretty much my worst nightmare come true. 
I checked on my boys and I limped my way to the back.  Everything spinning,
This was WCWF’s 5 year anniversary show.  I am the only wrestler to have appeared on every single show.  Nobody notices things like that but me.  Fine.
Later, at dinner, I wanted the fall.  My version and reality don’t match up.  I told you what I thought happened.  What the video shows happening was me slipping, falling, bouncing back to my feet and sliding in the ring.  Down for a second at best.  Weird how the camera can get things so wrong. But it must have glitched or something. 
So, deep breaths.  Let today go.  It can go party with yesterday.  I need to focus on tomorrow and SPW.  Am I wrestling? Damn straight I am wrestling. 
By the way, tonight was match 50 of the year.  Not bad.   Only 42 to go until i hit a 1000.  I think.  That math might be off.  Not in a math mood. 
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sirsamurai · 6 years
Day 26
Ok clearly this “writing every day” thing has not worked out at all.  I find that depression does not lead to creative thinking. Or writing.  Or doing much of anything really.  Depression leads to being depressed.  However, somehow I have kept the working out streak alive.  26 days in a row.  Every workout is still a struggle.  My numbers, even compared to just last year, are awful....and last year sucked.  Until this year. 
Is it age? Weight?  Miles on my engine?  Who cares what it is.  Those are just excuses .  All I know is that I really need to up my game.  I want to do things like Ironman and Western States.... and I can’t run two miles.  I want to wrestle all over the world...and I can’t get booked locally. 
The universe is screaming at me to lay down and die.  To give up on everything.  Over and over.  And it’s tempting.  So tempting.  But I am not done yet.  Three goals I set years ago:  1000 matches.  Ironman.  Write a book.  Assuming this year doesn’t get even worse I should get the first one by the end.  I only need 29 matches and I pulled 51 for the first half of the year.  Of course my company lost it’s home, another may be closing, and a third that I work for may be taking the rest of the year off.  1000 seemed like a sure thing.  There are no sure things. 
On the plus side my tan is looking great.  Why?  Swimming.  Of the three disciplines I need to train for swimming is the easiest, least painful, and offers the best view.  So I swim a lot.  I need to swim more.... but somehow get back on the bike and run every day. And, of course, work.  And I need to write.  And I need to find SPW a new home. And from time to time I should try to have some fun. 
I really need to come up with other things to write about, besides how I am failing.  Negative leads to negative and lord knows I have enough negative in my head as it is.  I need positive. PMA.  I need to remember that.  Especially now. 
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sirsamurai · 7 years
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I do love a good street fight
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sirsamurai · 7 years
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Been doing this race for 14 years, this is the biggest group yet.
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sirsamurai · 7 years
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It’s ok, the tacks are there to break our fall.
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sirsamurai · 7 years
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My first title defense. My goal this belt: as many opponents, as many places, as many companies as possible. I want to set a bar so high that the next champ can’t touch what I do.
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sirsamurai · 7 years
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Sometimes you have to go to war with your best friends. For the title. For pride. To freaking spike attendance. We will go farther than we should.... and then I will keep going. I want that title. I want to steal the show. I want to remind people just who I am....
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sirsamurai · 7 years
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Years pass, but something's never change
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sirsamurai · 7 years
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Sometimes you have to go to war with your best friends. For the title. For pride. To freaking spike attendance. We will go farther than we should.... and then I will keep going. I want that title. I want to steal the show. I want to remind people just who I am....
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