#endwalker my bestie... endwalker my bestie
ritoryb · 2 years
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well im a day late but happy 1 year since end walker !! everyone say thank you hermes and meteion :>
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lalage · 1 year
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the friend at the end of the universe - link to digital version
an ff14 fancomic about my wolafell and Zenos and a cafe at the end of the universe. if you are still playing through ff14 though please dont read until you have finished the endwalker expansion because this contains spoilers for the end of endwalker
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birues · 8 months
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magickbarrier · 3 months
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goodnight, endwalker
i began playing ffxiv at the tail end of shadowbringers, and on the night servers went down for maintenance, my best friend, husband, and i all laid our wols down to bed in my husband's personal house - our fc house wasn't decorated - and waited until we were kicked out of the game.
my best friend is, unfortunately, an employment warrior and cannot stay up for servers to go down tonight, so we took a little gpose with us all in our pajamas in my husband's new main's fc room.
and for good measure, here's the screenshots from the night shadowbringers went down, and the day mods came back for us
goodnight, shadowbringers / good morning, endwalker
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magellanica · 23 days
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My WoL and Zero because I miss her
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fooltofancy · 23 days
lil hung up on the echo again, but specifically with regards to tempering.
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transmiqote · 1 year
it’s been over a year & a half since endwalker but the in from the cold quest is still living in my mind rent free
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trans-estinien · 1 year
did i make a whole new oc almost entirely so i could ship him with zenos? yes. yes i did. dont worry hes not going to get the unsundered azem au hades treatment. its like a. wouldnt this be fucked up or what? sorta situation. having a blast rn.
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thinking very normal thoughts abt Fish and Zenos
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ser-estinien · 2 years
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*nervous laughter* I started in August.
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astrxealis · 2 years
hi besties grats to all scara havers 🥺💗✨ (when is it my turn to be happy. /lh)
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anneapocalypse · 6 months
I was very aware of this back when I was playing it, and it's shaped a lot of my headcanons about Ariane's relationships with the Scions (she's very close to them now, post-Endwalker, but it took a long time to get there and early on she struggled to connect with them), but re-reading dialogue from the ARR patches is like... wow these people were really cavalier with the WoL's safety for a while there.
Like I don't want to single out any one character because really they all do it, but I was just reading the part where Moenbryda arrives and they're working out the plan to follow the aether trail and figure out where Lady Iceheart is, and Moen's all like "This is super dangerous btw. Should be fine though! If you die it'll be quick, anyway. So, ready to get started?" and Minfilia's like, "Sure thing bestie :) " and the WoL is standing there like, Hi. Is anyone going to ask me what I think, seeing as it's definitely me you're going to send in there? No? Okay. Cool.
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ishgard · 8 months
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Presenting: An Absurdly, Stupidly Long and Wordy Warrior of Light-based Questionnaire, or as my bestie dubbed it:
30 WoL Think Thonkers
Less an ask prompt, more of a daily prompt, (though you can use it as an ask prompt if you prefer!) Answer the questions however you want: straight-forward, with stories or screens, or a mix of all.
Get any of your little brainworms out. Wax poetic, ramble off into several digressions, challenge yourself to answer in the least amount of words possible, whatever you're vibing with! (If you want to tag them #wolthinkthonkers feel free!)
This is very Warrior of Light and MSQ based. It's set from a Post-Endwalker mindframe, so there are some minor/vaguely worded spoilers.
----------------------- WARM-UP QUESTIONS
I. Where is your Warrior of Light from? What was their home like growing up and what set them out on their journey?
2. What city-state did your WoL start in? How did they feel about it then, and how do they feel about it now? (ie, did their experiences sour their perception, or make them appreciate it more?)
3. How do they feel about being Hydaelyn's chosen? (Feel free to break it down from ARR's "Champion of Eorzea" all the way to "The Savior of Etheirys" as much as you like. Have those feelings changed, or just grown more complex?)
4. What do they do in their down time? Do they have any hobbies outside of Primal-slaying and world-saving? Are these lifelong hobbies or recent interests?
5. How do they feel now that "it's all over" (the story of Hydaelyn and Zodiark)? What do they plan to do next? Or is their story finished - and if you're retiring them, what does retirement look like for them? Do you have someone else taking the stage going forward?
6. Who was their Azem? What were they like, and were they different from your WoL? Who were their family, friends? Or, if you don't care for the Azem angle or went in your own direction for their past self, how so? How does your WoL feel about their Ancient identity?
----------------------- CHANGES
7. Have they gone through any physical changes? What scars have they collected, and how do they feel about them? Did they sprout horns or other features as a result of spells or pacts gone wrong? How did light corruption impact them? Or have they walked away miraculously unscathed? Are they more peculiar for how eerily unmarred they are?
8. What is one of their biggest regrets? Has it had an effect on how they act moving forward, for better or worse?
9. The Warrior of Light has been through quite a lot, but what is a moment, big or small, that bolstered and renewed their spirit? Was it a cup of hot cocoa or a lovingly crafted sandwich? Did someone give them a few words or a gesture at just the right time that meant the world to them? (Of course, this can be a canon event or headcanon!)
10. What does home look like for them now? Do they still return to the home where they started, and if so has it changed at all? Or have they found or forged a new home? Who do they live with, if anyone? What sort of things do they keep in their personal space?
11. Despite everything, is it still you? Has the core of who they are as a person remained true through everything, or have they been changed by what they've experienced and learned, for better or worse?
13. Is there a canon moment you've drastically (or not-so-drastically) rewritten? A character death, or something that just really did not fit your WoL's character. Or just some alterations and personal touches you've added? Has that had any long-term changes on the wider story?
----------------------- STORY
12. Which canon moments shaped your Warrior of Light and impacted them the most?
14. Do you have any headcanons for what happened post-Ultima Thule? What kind of injuries did they suffer, or did they walk it off like a boss? Did they take a lengthy vacation, did you shove a time skip in there before 6.1 hit? Or was it quickly off to the next adventure?
15. What were their thoughts and feelings on the events of Myths of the Realm? How did they regard the Twelve prior, and how did the revelations impact them? Was meeting their patron particularly special to them, or not really?
16. What were their thoughts and feelings delving into Pandaemonium? How did they feel working alongside Themis and Lahabrea, after all their history? What did they think about how things ended?
17. Taking a step away from "canon", do you have any wholly unique side quests and adventures your Warrior of Light has gotten caught up in? Did they chase down ghosts of their own past, get married, open a bakery, or fix an ancient blood curse on their family line? Have they reunited with loved ones or buried old hatchets? If there's some unique story behind your character, how does it show up and how did it play out?
----------------------- COMBAT & ABILITIES
18. How do they feel about the work they do? As the Warrior of Light they're tasked with quite a lot of violence, is it something that comes naturally to them or do they resist it? Are they merciless, do they try to spare as many lives as they can, or do they fall somewhere in between?
19. While many fights are dramatic or have high stakes, are there any especially memorable or difficult fights they encountered? Outside scripted battles, were there conflicts that you thought felt better if they were tweaked for narrative or lore-based reasons, ie their first time fighting a primal? Or perhaps a more meta "You the player had a hard time so it translated into headcanon for them".
20. Are there any unique abilities that they possess outside of what's in-game? Are they actually a dragon, or do they see visions of the future? Or, is there a special way that their Echo manifests?
21. Jobs! What job is your character and why is that the route they chose? Is your WoL a Jack-of-all-Trades, or just have one (or a few) specialties? Did they start with one job and change to another? Have you 'homebrewed' their job at all, adding any unique twists or details to it?
----------------------- RELATIONSHIPS & THE WORLD
22. What are their feelings on the Scions? Who are some of their closest allies and dearest friends? Are they more of a loner, or closer to people outside the Scions? Have they kindled any romances or partnerships?
23. How do they feel about getting pulled into politics? Are they adept at navigating political intricacies, or does it go over their head? Do they appreciate getting asked to do more than punch their enemies, or would they really rather just punch their enemies? Are there any areas they like to be particularly involved in?
24. How do they feel about Hydaelyn? What was their perception of the Mothercrystal in the beginning, and how did that change by the end, if at all?
25. Do they have any particular enemies that stand out to them? Someone who inspired a lasting grudge? Our beloved and beloathed antagonists give us plenty of reasons to despise them, but are there any that particularly rubbed your WoL the wrong way? On the other hand, are there villains they can't help but sympathize with, even if it's at odds with the narrative or their allies?
26. What are their thoughts on the Ancients, their way of life, and the world they lived in? Did they sympathize at all with the Ascians, or did learning the truth not influence them in that way?
27. How well known are they? Does everyone know their name as the Warrior of Light, or have they managed to maintain some level of anonymity? Do they prefer it that way, and do they have any struggles resulting from it? (Getting stopped on street corners VS awkwardly avoiding questions.)
----------------------- WHAT'S NEXT
28. What's something they look forward to? Exploring the stars, more of a place we've already been, or somewhere we haven't? Or do they look forward to retirement, starting a business with their craft of choice, or any other little old thing?
29. How do they feel heading into Dawntrail? Excited? Exhausted? What do they think of the promises of adventure to come, and their role to play? If you're using a new character, do you have any idea how they'll end up on this path, and where is their headspace starting out?
30. What are they going to be doing while waiting for the ship to Tural?
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 2 months
God, I just realized something.
Some of the stuff that annoys me about Wuk Lamat, also annoys me when G'raha Tia does it.
Both characters are characters I would like better if they didn't make me feel like the game is making me hang out with them because I am their bestest, closest friend even though it doesn't feel remotely earned to me yet. And I hate that shit!
Like by the end of the CT storyline, G'raha is ... fine, I think my WoLs were on perfectly nice terms with him, but he wasn't a bestie by any stretch, and it certainly came as a surprise to them the lengths G'raha was willing to go to make sure they lived. He keeps himself hidden and distant for the mostpart during ShB so my characters don't feel like they know him any better by the end of 5.0, except for maybe how batshit his plans can get when he's desperate. But the game insists the WoL and G'raha are super best friends (and that G'raha just might be Pining for you), way too early. I'm more comfortable with it now that Endwalker spent time showing G'raha is more than the WoL's Number One Fanboy, and I think his use in Dawntrail was really effective. But I spent a lot of time thinking 'I like you okay, G'raha, but you're at an eleven when I need you at a six" during the ShB patches.
And I feel kinda similar with Wuk Lamat. I like her, I really do, but the game insists on a closeness between her and the WoL way, way too early in a way that does not feel earned to me, like it's rushing that development because she's probably not going to be around a ton going forward and they really wanted to wedge that in there. And it makes me pull back, because like with G'raha, it has the strong vibe of being that friend who is a little too clingy about your friendship. And it feels forced. I hate when that stuff feels forced.
And I can't help but contrast it with the WoL's friendships with some of the other characters. Not just characters like the twins, who have been hanging around forever and therefore have plenty of time to show how they get closer and closer to the Warrior of Light, or Estinien who has good reason to be ride or die for the WoL and Alphie but still takes some expansions off to get his own shit together, but characters we don't see a ton of like Cid. It's pretty clear to me that Cid and the Warrior of Light are good friends, because they have Been Through Shit Together, without it feeling shoehorned in artificially.
On the upside, this makes me feel optimistic about her in the long run. I'll get some distance from her, she'll probably not be So Much when she does show up going forward, and eventually I WILL agree they're good friends!
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viiioca · 2 months
I came across what turned out to be one of your fics on AO3 (the sharpness honed with longing, year by year) and I wanted to gush, of all things, about the third one shot on Sharlayan racism. I was so excited to read your exploration of how Estelle is treated because Sharlayan has so many problems, their bigotry being one of them as you rightfully pointed out, and I feel like no one ever talked about it when Endwalker came out! I really enjoyed reading your take on it - and the touch of exploration on Ishgard too! - so wanted to stop by and mention it because I was so excited.
Your writing overall has been very enjoyable to read too. Thank you for sharing it!
thank you so much, this is very sweet!!!
sharlayan frustrated me and i just want to sort of grab it in my mouth and shake it like a squeaky toy. but short of a thesis, the one thing i really wanted to focus on was the thing that was lacking in the MSQ: the personal acknowledgment that the sharlayan native scions have just brought their non-native bestie to their hometown and bestie got called the closest final fantasy the fourteenth will ever get to a slur in front of them within .004 seconds of making it through customs. it's so wild to me! i would feel so embarrassed of my hometown if i brought MY bestie and they racked up 10 microaggressions and 2 actual aggressions in their first 15 minutes on dry land. so i think the scions should feel a little embarrassed too. that's it that's the piece
thank you again!!!!!!
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formshaper · 2 months
some fun poyoyo facts. warning for spoilers from heavensward onwards
they miss zenos. despite it all, at the very end they came to see him as a friend - the definition of which is, to them, "someone you trust". they're glad he's at peace, they don't think there would have been any other outcome than mutually assured destruction, but... they miss him, still.
estinien is one of their favourite people. he makes them feel safe in the "i know you've got my back" way, and they really enjoy fighting alongside him for sport. they were extremely indifferent about him throughout all of stormblood i don't even know what happened there man. they LOVE bothering him.
being around aymeric used to get them VERY flustered when they'd first met him. they weren't entirely sure why* and put it down to a silly sort of schoolgirl crush that would pass in time - and it did, but they still find him very charming.
*it was because i, the writer, was completely enamoured. somehow it rubbed off on them even though i've been enamoured with various other characters and it DIDN'T rub off on them.
they hugged haurchefaunt with no warning once, not that long after first meeting him, because they really fucking needed a hug and haurchy cemented their trust in him pretty much immediately. it was a good decision and from that point on they hugged him every time they came to see him.
thinking about him still makes them cry, but it also makes them smile every time through the tears.
alisae is probably their best friend. i think they were pretty indifferent towards the twins for a long time - i mean, they liked them fine, but didn't have super strong feelings about either of them. i'm not sure when that began to change but i think realising the depth of how much alisae cares about them really put it into perspective for them.
although alisae is their bestie, urianger is their favourite scion. don't tell the others.
they loved hythlodaeus.
sometimes, you can find them playing songs from the soundtrack on their [insert bard instruments here], especially shadowbringers+endwalker tracks. they don't know where they know these songs from. somewhere deep in their heart, perhaps.
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salty-dracon · 8 months
Honkai Star Rail 2.0 Trailblaze Mission Liveblog
Everything I write includes four things- cool cities, found family, the most horrifying plot points I can possibly squeeze into a story, and angels with dubious intentions. Naturally, I'm PUMPED for Interstellar Fantasy Cool City Vacation with Found Family + Dubious Angels + Player Tears. Liveblog under the readmore to keep people unspoiled.
This is not my first liveblog rodeo. I've liveblogged plenty of murder mystery games. But I promise to make this an entertaining experience for anyone who wants to read this.
You're probably wondering why everything I write is about killing angels. It's been a running theme in my work ever since high school, where the villain of a superhero story I wrote was a man who built himself metal wings. He was themed around control- if not by breaking bodies, by breaking minds through mind control powers. He was fucked up like that.
And I've written a lot of angels since then (a lot of them just straight up divine beings), most of which in some way have powers that are used to control others, with the protagonists fighting against them to free themselves from control. So yeah, killing angels, whether they're child-kidnapping supervillains, instigators of amatonormative authoritarianism (fellow aroaces this one's for you), or digital gods who have killed millions and would kill millions more for the sake of vengeance against everyone that hurt their human pets- it's basically standard for me at this point. No doubt whatever WIP I write next is going to involve kicking the ass of another angel.
(I didn't keep up with marketing. I have no idea what Robin and Sunday's personalities are like. Going by the trailers, Robin seems like the nice and friendly sibling and Sunday's the less nice one who has to keep her out of trouble.)
Anyway, I keep hearing theories that Firefly and/or Himeko will die, and if that happens, I'll be sad. Firefly is the closest thing Trailblazer has gotten to another girlfriend (the star rail trio are siblings, ride-or-die besties, or a polycule depending on what's funniest at the moment) and Himeko is just right up my alley being a tall, beautiful woman with red hair in a big dress and a black leather coat who beats up enemies with a CIRCULAR SAW. Still, they can't hype Firefly up as Trailblazer's closest thing to a planet BFF and not kill her, right?
Also if this happens I'll laugh, but if Welt dies. Like they're saying it's Himeko but what if.
Other theories I have, for other reasons:
Someone will attempt to steal or acquire the Astral Express, and they will succeed until a later patch.
There will be a quest involving breaking down the Family's supposed hivemind.
Social media will explode with outrage over a specific enemy that felt intentionally kept out of marketing (it's the one with the blue head sitting on a dice box, only briefly visible in certain scenes in the music video).
With Genshin being my first HYV game I was really surprised to see Tingyun die also. Unlike many other gacha games (Epic Seven comes to mind) Genshin has a really clear criteria for which characters are and aren't going to become playable, and those criteria are basically just "be alive and have a reason to aid the Traveler for the foreseeable future" to avoid plot breaking. HSR has proven that that criteria really does not apply, w/ Tingyun, canonically dead, being a potential party member, and Dan Heng having both a 3-star and 5-star version that can be in the same party if the player feels like it. (there has to be someone out there who runs "team plot breaker".)
Also, I have been spoiled on exactly ONE thing due to leaks, and I will say nothing more on that fact.
Begin Quest!
Let's get started squeeeeeee
I'm not sure whether Dan Heng just typed "..." to show that he's around, or because that's actually what he would say if they were all together and they needed to talk.
I'm having flashbacks to FFXIV Endwalker's "You may exhibit a light touch of VIOLENT AETHERIAL SICKNESS".
Oh, that's exciting. Some of the Nameless went on to live here. Tiernan the guard, Legwork the mechanic, and Razalina the surveyor.
I'm imagining the final preparation for this vacation was March zipping all over the Express gathering all of her necessary (unnecessary) things, Dan Heng diligently packing his suitcase neatly and carefully, and Trailblazer filling up a plastic bag until the other two scold them for it and tell them to at least pack a backpack or something so their stuff doesn't get thrown out with the trash. Meanwhile Himeko and Welt have had their suitcases packed for a few days already.
WHATTTT. NOOOOOO. I was really excited for the whole Astral Express family to let loose together. Noooooooo. (I mean if my theory that someone will try to steal the Express is correct, at least he'll have someone to hit with a lance.)
Acheron: oh god motherfucking dammit how do these fuckheads keep getting in- Come with me.
multiplayer dreaming
Acheron: This is the border between dream and reality, mind and matter...
she's so not impressed with anything the trailblazer does lol
oh look it's everyone we'll meet here.
:/ so looks like the stellaron hunters will actually be crashing the party themselves.
Listen, I don't play that many RPGmaker games or visual novels, but red text is usually a bad and/or scary thing. So am I supposed to take this as bad and/or scary?
"Have you met Acheron before?", "Would you fear losing any of the friends you've made over the course of your journey?", "If you could stay in a dream where you could experience none of this loss forever, would you?", and "If you already knew how the journey would end, in tragedy, would you still trailblaze a path?". Fuck, these questions are hitting. And we're going to witness some kind of tragedy, that much she says.
Black, white, and fleeting red. I'm pretty sure these are the colors in Acheron's splash art. I wonder what that means.
Acheron Casts The Spell: Freshly Chopped Raw Onions.
Wait, so is it a planet, like a round planet, or is it like Asgard from the MCU where it's just a flat plane?
auuuuuuuuuugh front desk troubles i hATE them
aventurine shows up, and himeko and welt just look at each other like "who's this jackass". then himeko expertly deals with the jackass in question. how much experience has she had dealing with ipc assholes if she could verbally square up with two of the stonehearts on a turn of a dime?
I think it's really funny how the marketing keeps saying "listen the IPC aren't bad guys and they aren't unreasonable, they have a reputation to uphold" as though basically the entire Belobog Topaz quest wasn't Himeko, March, and Trailblazer giving a giant middle finger to the IPC for outright lying and manipulating Bronya. And then this guy starts complaining that we wasted ten minutes of his time.
Aventurine: This is Sunday, the most handsome man in Penacony! And that's his sister Robin, the singer renowned across the universe!
Robin: Hehe he called you handsome~
Welt and Himeko: *either heterosexual judgment or just plain confusion*
If you called my OC Grey, the Angel of Illusion and main antagonist of The City of Hands, whose ability is weaving dreams, "handsome", he'd probably just try to ignore you.
Oh, interesting. I sort of assumed that Robin was part of the Family like her brother, but I guess not...
There's a hotel in Disney World (World? It's the one in Florida) that looks just like this hotel. But it's supposed to be the super luxury version.
My brain has to do so much of the legwork here (> <) but i'm imagining March and Trailblazer skipping off to their rooms, full of excitement, while Himeko and Welt have a quiet, ominous chat over some drinks.
"Witness the impossible in the realm of dreams, find the legacy of the Watchmaker, Father of Penacony, and thus find the answer to the question 'Why does life slumber?'."
What...? A distress call from one of the Nameless, having arrived relatively recently since both March and Dan Heng were on the Express at the time they received it. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!! MISSION IMPOSSIBLE ARC!!!
Based on my knowledge of Genshin, which will be a lot less useful than I hope it to be, I think most of the factions are remaining quiet because they need the help of the Nameless to clean out whatever's causing their societal issues. Plus, I'm not sure how the Annihilation Gang ties into everything. They can't be the ones who sent the invite, right?
Today I learned that Trailblazer is canonically possibly or possibly not old enough to drink! (There's rum in the Galactic Voyager!) Actually wait, I think I've had this drink before.
Himeko always just sits wherever. And she sits so RADIANTLY.
We might as well be plunging ourselves into VR heaven at this point auuuughhghg i'm so excited
We're visiting the Golden Hour first, so that means we'll be separated from the other three noooooooooo. i mean, "history and culture enjoyer", "atmosphere and people enjoyer", and "shopping enjoyer" match the other three to a tee but :(
March you're so right, this is an intergalactic live-action detective saga.
Okay, let me note this down for foreshadowing reasons. Family feuds, tragic losses, worlds torn apart, espionage situations, rivers running red with blood (acheron lol).
I don't trust you! :)
(Doesn't TB already have the Preservation's protection? Lance, forward, and all that?)
danger. danger. danger. danger. danger. danger
thabks acheron O_O
Aventurine: How did you make this friend so fast?
Trailblazer: Oh, uh... she called me funny in a dream once?
It will be really funny if Aventurine isn't actually an antagonist here (he's trying to "reclaim" something that's in Penacony, and we all know how bad that went in the case of Belobog) and Acheron is warning us for nothing.
*bass boosted* I think it's really funny how the marketing keeps saying "listen the IPC aren't bad guys"-
I can imagine myself walking into this dream pool while fully-clothed. I keep my socks on, the bottoms of my feet touch the water, my face recoils back like I ate a sour grape. Wet socks are the worst, and I have had my fair share of wet sock troubles. Even stuffed plastic bags into my shoes to avoid them.
Aventurine: Hey, Ratio, where's that bust of yours?
Every single Dr. Ratio/Aventurine shipper: WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN
... So his endgame is to basically bring Penacony (penal colony) back into the IPC's hands. Or something like that. How is another question entirely.
*stares at trailblazer flying through the air like a ragdoll in dream space* weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
FUCK YEAHHHHHH MIDTOWN MANHATTAN!!! (I should go visit again one of these days...)
ehhh, she's freaking out for no reason, she'll be fine, elio never foresaw a future where she died from falling 100 stories in a dream world- SHE GOT YAMCHA'D!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
[scene where robin checks on trailblazer who just smashed into bare concrete] my guardian angel and her friend wondering whether they should carry my soul to the afterlife after i drank too many blue raspberry slurpees and passed out behind the 7-11 at 2am
So much of this is just like the Caligula games, I like it.
so today i learned that not only is pom-pom as old as akivili, but he put akivili to task too. also, "broke the train into two pieces"? so is there a second half of the express somewhere??? *soft gasp* can trailblazer finally stop sleeping on the couch
(this one npc has darker skin than most of the genshin sumeru characters and yes i'm still mad about that)
Thanks, Dad- i mean, man. stranger. with dad vibes
Fun fact about me: The cheat code to designing a male character I will find super cool no matter what atrocities they commit is: brown or red hair, a formal suit, caring dad vibes, and severe mental health issues for which they have very harmful coping strategies. This rarely but sometimes applies to female characters too (makima chainsawman, and a character from a game where the antagonist's file says he likes fireworks). This also applies to Welt. Yes, I do sometimes spend my days wishing I had a better father, how did you know?
Maybe Mikhail is Firefly's brother or something? And she's a local from the Iris family...
this is gorgeous...
going on dates with my girlfriend :)
girlfriend activities :)
girlfriend simulator :)
syrupism??? just sounds like an offshoot of american consumerism to me. like my dad's friend who has a $2m collection of coca cola memorabilia. which is simultaneously the coolest and most cringe thing i've ever heard
can't wait to tell march (my girlfriend) that i have another girlfriend in another server instance
If we go on enough dates with girlfriend we get to hear her tragic backstory.
O_O we're being followed??? *long sigh* okay who is it? rude gambler boy? benedict cumberbatch's sherlock? dad 2? that angel everyone keeps turning into a creepy monster in fanart? a t rex chef?
strong build? silent steps? oh motherfucker it's S A M P O K O S K I
... that is not sampo koski. he always introduces himself with his full name.
oh and he does know who march is, and while march is also my girlfriend, that's not march.
the pepeshi are just moogles. or lalafell.
UM. UM!!!
sampo. sampo what the hell are you doing. is this going to lead us to tatalov
i swear some of these trashcan lines were ripped straight from "dog of wisdom"
eris's apple- er, trash can
this is so stupid LOL
i mean i did have a feeling that firefly was lying, i just couldn't figure out how or why. as for how the trash can dream is supposed to symbolize penacony, i'm not sure either.
oh noooooooo i hate walking talking cartoon characters. especially ones that sound like mickey mouse
"innocence kindness, and honesty of a child"? dude, trailblazer murdered cocolia. they have the option to lie all the time. anyway, misha.
no no no no no. i want girlfriend time.
... wait. boss stone. stonehearts? that would make them the ipc, or an expy of them.
a traumatized galactic hero, a bellboy, and a pair of lesbians wake up in a dream world together
sparkle and aventurine. i guess they have a reason to hate each other
sigonia and avgin. ????
it took me way too long to figure out that "chicken wing boy" was sunday
this entire border section is like a scene 3/4ths of the way through a teenage coming of age movie
MONUMENT VALLEYYYYYYY (you should play it)
the last time i had this much fun with an ingame girlfriend was with kasumi from persona 5 royal. i know a lot of people don't like her because she gets in the way of akeshu action but i couldn't stop smiling every time she appeared on screen, and that's how i feel with firefly. like god, she's just adorable. she's just a treat. ingame protagonist, you'd better treat her well.
firefly is a stowaway suffering from entropy loss syndrome- basically, her perception and actions are slowing down and she's slowly dying on the inside and it's affecting her mentally too. a lot like something from zero escape. she has a dream, and penacony lets her realize it. and she wants to find the watchmaker's legacy.
Okay, March found Ratio in the shopping district, Welt's had some weird things happen himself, and it's back to reality for us.
fuck off sampo, i'm going to have an angsty goodbye scene with my girlfriend
yeah i knew you were sparkle. cool transition though
we've entered salvador dali street
"the real dreamscape"... i really have no inkling as to what it might be
OH. Origami bird. That's one of Clockie's friends, and if I'm right that "Boss Stone" is meant to be an expy of the IPC, then that means that the watchmaker themselves lost Mikhail.
such a cool monster design
hi black swan
Huh. Black Swan wants to ally with the Trailblazers. In exchange, she wishes to experience memories. The dreamscape is collapsing, potentially exposing a lot of danger as well as the Watchmaker's Legacy. The person who sent the Watchmaker's invite is likely behind the collapse as well. The various factions on board- the Trailblazers, IPC, Family, Masked Fools, the Stellaron Hunters, the Galaxy Rangers, the Garden of Recollection- one of them is the culprit. The IPC is the most obvious, but... where is the Annihilation Gang in all of this?
Okay. Stellaron Hunter Sam is the one Welt saw suspiciously wandering around.
Acheron is so angry all of the time. I love her.
FIREFLY!!! At least she's okay! For now!
There she is! Hug girlfrie- OH NO
Moving on...
Let's see, someone killed a lot of monsters in one strike with a blade slash, and that blade was superheated.
Firefly was betrayed by a companion after tracking down some information about the Watchmaker. That companion, probably Sam since I know he's a boss fight.
oh my god that's a boss fight that's a boss fight
actually, if aventurine was the one behind firefly's murder, which he very well could be- no, no, i'm just not going to entertain that rn
or, they were both trying to save the trailblazer?
Acheron's an Emanator of Nihility? Who gives a shit? I'm friends with an Emanator. Her name's Herta. She has puppets.
wHAT. Do you mean. Ifrit is dead.
... Listen, I thought it was lowkey insane that they'd drop a character design as awesome as Dubra's and then drop absolutely nothing else. I began joking in chat about how badly they'd animate Ifrit's skull. But if he was never actually meant to be an ingame character in the first place, that's crazy.
I mean like, realistically I don't trust any of these people. I really don't trust the IPC since they have a vested interest in reclaiming Penacony. But Acheron stealing her invitation is interesting, since I thought she was the most trustworthy.
Yeah, thanks for putting it mildly, Black Swan. Everyone could be lying. It could be you. It could be me. It could be Mom. It could be Dad. It could NEVER be Bestie.
Okay. Let's go. Let's see the "truth" behind Penacony.
Hey. Hey what the fuck. What the fuck is happening what. WHAT
oh he is NOT happy about someone disguising herself as his sister
the people here are way too horny for sunday
he's pulling out the capitalized pronouns. in christianity those are the big guns.
Final Thoughts
they told me i wouldn't be ready, and i wasn't. i wasn't even ready for how not ready i was
Also my favorite kind of Big Reveal is when you know something big is going to happen, because it's being foreshadowed (Firefly death) but that completely keeps your mind off the true reveal (Robin death) until it's time, and then the true reveal hits you like an avalanche.
You really can't trust anyone in this hotel. I have a vague idea of who's allied with who, but what they want? I have no clue.
My head hurts.
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