#enemies (cause of their circumstances) to lovers (they're losers)
shadow0-1 · 1 year
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I thought it would be funny to do a breaking bad AU
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archive-of-artprompts · 11 months
🌼Send in a Number+Character/s, and I'll draw/write them with that trope - Platonic Edition 🌼
tropes from tvtropes 📺
Band of Brothers - A group of loyal friends formed by shared dangerous circumstances.
Bash Brothers - Two friends who kick major amounts of ass together.
Bear Hug - A character (usually The Big Guy) gives a hug to another character.
Befriending the Enemy - Befriending an antagonistic person to make them have a change of heart.
Beleaguered Childhood Friend - A character's childhood friend is accused of a crime, and the character has to find a way to prove their innocence.
Better as Friends - Two people who have tried to date each other decide that it's better that they just be friends.
Big Bad Friend - The main antagonist was once good friends with one of the protagonists.
Big Brother Mentor - A friend who acts as an older sibling.
Blind and the Beast - A blind person befriends a monster.
Can't Live with Them, Can't Live without Them - A person spends time with people they can't stand, but ends up missing them once they finally get the chance to be rid of them.
Caretaker Reversal - After taking care of the patient, the caretaker gets sick and now the patient must take care of them.
Childhood Friends - Friends who have known each other since childhood.
Cloudcuckoolander's Minder - A dumb or eccentric character has an associate who has to prevent their stupidity or weirdness from causing too much trouble.
Cool Kid-and-Loser Friendship - A popular character is friends with someone who is considered beneath them.
Criminal Found Family - A gang of outlaws form a strong bond of quasi-familial friendship.
The Defroster - Someone takes it upon themselves to thaw out and befriend that frigid, closed off Ice Queen/King.
Dissension Remorse - Friends feel remorse for fighting with each other.
Duet Bonding - Two people become closer by playing instruments together.
Enter Stage Window - A character visits their friend via climbing through their window.
Fallback Marriage Pact - Two friends agree to marry each other after they've been single for a long enough time.
Family of Choice - A group of friends are so closely bonded to one another, that they treat each other like they're related by blood.
Forbidden Friendship - Two people who like each other's company are not allowed to fraternize together. Basically the platonic version of Star-Crossed Lovers.
Forgotten Friend, New Foe - The Hero is unaware that their new enemy is actually an old acquaintance.
Former Friends Photo - An old photo shows that bitter enemies were once good friends.
Friendly Rivalry - Two people who are very competitive with each other actually genuinely like and respect one another.
Friends All Along - Two characters shown antagonizing each other turn out to actually be friends.
Friendship Denial - Somebody denies they're another character's friend, when they clearly are.
Friendship Moment - A sudden yet heartwarming affirmation of close friendship between two characters.
Friendship Trinket - An object kept by one or two characters to symbolize their friendship.
Group Hug - A hug between a tight circle of friends.
Honorary Uncle - A character's children call their parents' friend "Aunt" or "Uncle".
Hypocritical Heartwarming - Someone stands up for their friend solely because they don't want anyone other than themselves picking on their friend.
"I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight - Someone tries to get through to a friend that has transformed or been corrupted and forced to fight them.
Interspecies Friendship - Friendship between individuals of different species.
Intimate Hair Brushing - Brushing and fixing someone's hair as a sign of affection and closeness.
Lonely Together - Two characters share a common bond of loneliness.
Massage of Love - An intimate, non-sexual massage between close friends.
Mayfly–December Friendship - Friendship between a mortal and an immortal.
Odd Friendship - Friendship between people you wouldn't expect to get along.
Old Flame Fizzle - A character reunites with an old friend, only to find that that person is no longer the person they remembered so fondly.
Old Friend - A character reunites with a friend they knew from long ago.
Opposites Attract - Friends who have contrasting personalities.
Platonic Co-Parenting - Friends platonically raise children together.
Platonic Declaration of Love - Someone confesses non-romantic love for their friend.
Platonic Life-Partners - characters who spend a lot of time together, but are not a romantic couple.
Platonic Valentine - Someone makes a Valentine for their platonic friend.
Predator-Prey Friendship - Friendship between two animals who are supposed to be natural enemies.
Reincarnation Friendship - Two characters who were friends in a previous life meet again and become friends again.
Stay with Me Until I Die - A dying person requests a loved one to stay with them in their final moments.
Villainous Friendship - Friendship between two villains.
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