#call of duty modern warfare
bear hybrid! price who stalks around your house at night, protecting you from whatever else might be lurking in the woods. you don't know that he is of course, but you should be more thankful when he shuts and locks your windows when you're asleep. occasionally you see him lumber on the edge of the forest, minding his own. he doesn't want to scare you, but he wants you to admire him, too.
wolf hybrid! simon that follows you everywhere (from a distance and he rarely lets you touch him). you were frightened at first of the big bad wolf, but when he takes you away from snakes and other dangers in the woods you learn to leave out some scraps for him. (he sleeps on your front step. won't enter the house yet.)
fox hybrid! johnny who regularly sneaks into your house to play in your blankets. the wildlife here is so friendly you're shocked, shouldn't they be frightened of you? however he sleeps under your bed and he's fine unless you try to kick him out. red fur is on everything, he seems unusually close to the wolf that looms around. loves scratches to the ears!
falcon hybrid! kyle who hovers in air around your house. he finds little trinkets for you and leaves them on your porch. he mostly hangs around price, but he will chirp greetings and steal bird feed from your feeders.
they protect you in different ways, trying to worm their way to your affections before they bed down in your abode for winter.
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deathblossomm · 2 days
Neil Ellice looking extremely handsome in these new/old pictures
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lxvvie · 2 days
Simon Riley is a frustrated man.
And you're the cause of it.
This... thing simmering between you two, he can't place it. Can't put a name on it, and when surety, something that took years to fine-tune, flies out the window, frustration rears its ugly fuckin' mug.
The last time Simon felt this way, he'd just enlisted. He sure as hell can't drink or fuck the feeling away—he's tried—and it pisses him off even more because all he can do is sit and feel his frustration. And stare. At you.
You don't stare back. At least, you don't stare back when he wants you to. He feels your eyes burning holes in his back, though. He knows you feel the same way; he can see it when he does manage to catch your gaze. You're close but never close enough. You're here, there, everywhere with him, even when you're not, and he wants to reach out and touch. Simon wants to touch you, wants to hold and handle you with care just like the military taught him how to handle his gun (bloody hell, what the actual fuck, Riley?)
He wants to touch and hold and handle you with care and he wonders how your lips would feel against his scars and fuck fUCK FUCK.
Fuck it. If you won't come to him, he'll come to you.
And when he gets the chance, he corners you. Simon feels the heat between your bodies, and you're pressing yourself against him whether you know it or not. But you still won't look at him. Bloody fuckin'—
"Look a' me, sweetheart," he grunts out. Not a suggestion, an order. After a beat, you do. And Simon holds your stare. He holds your stare, looks for confirmation, and when he finds it, that's when you strike.
You strike and press your lips against the corner of his mouth, against an old scar, and Simon's a fucking puddle of goo because it's everything he thought it would be and more. He leans against you, cognizant of his body weight, but it doesn't fuckin' matter, not with the way you've welcomed it with open arms.
Simon still can't put a name to the feeling. Not yet. Frustrated with you, consumed by you, fuck if he knows.
He reasons you two have all the time in the world now to figure it out. Together.
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konigsblog · 3 days
Imagine König punishing you because you have a celebrity crush
He just wants to be the only man(more like only person) you look at :(
Oh, he's definitely the type of man to get offended and consider it cheating when you have a fictional or celebrity crush.
It's all about his insecurity. He hates how attractive these men are, especially when he's struggled his entire life due to his grotesque and horrifying appearance. The scars that litter his freckled and hauntingly pale skin scare women off as they wonder what kind of life König lives. His terrifying height only adds to that horror and fear. The sight of children sobbing at the sight of him tugs at his heartstrings. He wants nothing more to settle down with a woman and have children together. Hopefully his offspring don't fear him.
So, when he realises that you have a celebrity crush, his frustration and envy is uncontrollable. Especially when the celebrity crush doesn't look anything like König. Tall, but not freakishly tall in a petrifying way. Tall, dark, and handsome, and not littered with auburn, ginger hair and pale blue eyes. And although you reassure König that he's the one for you, that no one compares to him, his jealousy still blooms.
He's petty. He'll hide your phone above the kitchen cabinets where you would never look to think, and couldn't possibly reach all on your own. When you get scared during horror films, he'll push you away, telling you to find your beloved and favoured celebrity crush to protect you. He'll cause arguments until you stop talking about that man and start doting on him 24/7, complimenting him, and gushing over him... (⁠T⁠T⁠)
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stupidpercy · 2 days
They are beans now. It is their fate
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tagging people who might be interested in seeing the final result after liking the work in progress ^^
@octopiys @gomzdrawfr @valscodblog @seconds-on-the-clock @freshlemontea
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gomzdrawfr · 1 day
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angst + amnesia trope + alien control(bonus) :3
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ink-n-shadow · 17 hours
I would love to hear more of your ideas on the ABO!141 AU Glad you're feeling better, hope that your day is way better tomorrow <3
thank you love ♥ this was just a lil idea i had about kyle as the only beta in the pack bc i genuinely believe it’d be a little bit stressful and chaotic and he’d just need a break every so often
(also this is an old(ish) work that i've had in my drafts! i'm still kinda on a writing break until next monday, but enjoy <3)
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kyle’s kind of the designated caretaker of the home and base. you can always find him straightening the pillows or folding up blankets, sometimes sweeping the dust bunnies from the floors or vacuuming the couch cushions. it’s a way for him to kind of reset himself and get time to himself. as the only beta in the group, it’s sometimes overwhelming to be caught in the middle all of the time, somewhat of a constant push and pull. so when any of you see kyle tidying up, you know to give him his space.
the only one who can really pull kyle out of his routine is john, who strides calmly up behind him as he folds up a blanket to drape along the back of the couch. he’s jostled from his dissociation by the feeling of two giant paws rubbing up his back slowly before resting on his shoulders, giving a soft squeeze that has kyle humming.
“thought you were doin’ paperwork,” kyle mumbles softly as he glanced over his shoulder at the alpha, eyes fluttering when he notices the soft look in them. “y’ need me for somethin’, cap?”
and it’s john’s turn to hum, bringing kyle’s attention back to the blanket with a gentle nudge of his nose against the back of his neck. “need you to take a break—y’know how long you’ve been cleanin’?”
kyle’s silence is enough of an answer, and he finally accepts defeat when john takes the blanket from him and drapes it across the back of the couch half folded, letting the alpha spin him around to face him. kyle instinctively tilts his head to the side, baring his neck for john when the alpha shakes his head gently, tilting kyle’s head back down with a couple fingers on his chin.
“why don’t you go to that one cafe y’like down the street, yeah? take some time for y’self, sweetheart,” john coos softly and lets his hands come up to kyle’s jaw, holding his cheeks in the palms of his hands. before kyle even has the chance to ask the question, john’s answering it. “don’t worry ‘bout the ‘megas—simon ‘nd i got it under control.”
and kyle can’t help but lurch forward to bury his face into john’s neck, arms wrapping around his body and hugging him tight against his body. he lets out a muffled “thanks cap,” which earns him a gentle head rub and a kiss to the temple.
“bring me back some tea, ‘lright? ‘nd grab those croissant things johnny likes. use my card too.”
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©️ ink-n-shadow 2024
do not copy, plagiarize, steal, borrow, or repost any of my work without my expressed permission
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feralforfrank · 2 days
An idea for biker!Simon Riley x reader? ahhh this video made me go feral lol. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFQQG3cw/
biker! simon riley x gn!reader
cw light choking (seggsual ig)
note hope you liked this! i'm going to be fantasising about biker!simon if someone needs me. (the tiktok for anyone who wants it)
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okok listen.
you bounce on the balls of your feet, excitedly waiting for simon's bike's familiar roar. you clutch your helmet, checking your phone every two seconds.
he'd texted you last night about a road trip with his friends and a couple of bikers soap knew. you were supposed to go on a date tonight, but the idea of spending the entire day riding with him sounded like paradise. so you immediately agreed.
he'd told you to gear up and wait for him outside of your apartment building. you didn't have full gear yet, but a black weather jacket with three skull stickers on one sleeve and a ghost on the front pocket.
you don't wait much longer, as he rounds the corner of your block and the roar of his engine lowers to a buzzing purr. you almost squeal in excitement, your pace fast, almost running to him.
"hi, si!" you kiss the side of his helmet as he lifts his visor up.
"'ello, luvie. you excited?" your eager nod makes him smirk. his eyes lower to the helmet in your hands, frowning. "why aren'ya wearin' tha'?"
"i couldn't secure it." you look at him sheepishly. "help me?" you offer the helmet to him.
he sighs heavily, rolling his eyes and feigning annoyance. he grabs it anyway, pulling his gloves off, and gently pulling it down your head.
you watch him fiddle with the clasp, eyes narrowed in concentration. a grin spreads, the stupid ideas lightbulb lighting up. before you second-think it, you slam simon's visor down, giggling as he freezes, stunned.
your giggles turn into a gasp as simon's bigger hand grasps the chin of your helmet, pulling you closer. "playin' games, huh?"
you shrug, a giggle escaping. his hand slips down, finding its usual place around your throat. your breath hitches, the familiar heat between your legs intensifying. as if watching him pull up, geared up, muscles bulging, thighs all big and biteable, wasn't enough.
"ya g'nna be a brat today? gimme a hard time?" he squeezes, his touch soft and warm, as he goes back to tightening the clasp.
"ngh—no." you have to remind yourself the public space you're standing in right now.
"g'nna be a good girl, then?" you hum, your cheeks burning.
he grunts, appreciating the response. he releases you gently, and you almost whine at the loss of contact.
"y'ready. hop on."
you watch him sit on his bike, muscles flexing. and you're sure you're drooling. gooooood, this is going to be a long day. the burning thump-thump between your thighs agrees.
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bomi60088 · 14 hours
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something I do a lot without even meaning to is call people babe, honey, sweetheart, etc, but it's usually in a context that's a joke not like just in passing etc. it's the southern or the whore in me, idk. it's not even flirty, I just do it for the silliness. but when someone does something especially nice for me I occasionally go "you're the love of my life" or "we're getting married." no idea why I chose to express myself this way, but usually it gets a blush or a giggle (very rarely do I do this to a man).
however, I would do it to simon riley.
it's some small task that would only take ten minutes max. he brought you a sandwich from the mess or he finished up a bit of paperwork for you. so you forget yourself in glee and it slips out.
"Riley, we're getting married"
he freezes as you chirp out a "thanks babe!" as an afterthought and munch while filling out a health survey.
he just stares at you, nods, and heads off. you thought that'd be the end of it until he turns up an hour later with a bounterrie and a bouquet. he shoves the later at you.
"heard you say you liked these once" he mumbles as he sits down beside you. you look up confused at him.
"Riley, what are these for?" you say with a little grin. you've never got flowers from anyone before.
"my wife gets what she wants. always." he says, placing a hand on your thigh. "c'mon. not open much longer."
your eyes widen at his words. he tugs you up and out, asking if you have anything you want to wear or should you guys stop somewhere to pick up a dress. he swears he won't look beforehand, he'll just see you at the courthouse in it. he'll pay and he's got a dinner reservation afterward, sorry it's not before! do you want to take his last name?
please, doll, call him simon.
gaz is going to do pictures and price and soap will be witnesses. he's sorry it's rushed bird, but the quicker it's official the quicker he can start his husbandly duties.
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deathblossomm · 2 days
The sexiest man that has ever existed
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lxvvie · 2 days
Phillip Graves who's obsessed with you, part deux.
Graves is a man who has the utmost confidence in his gut, and what his gut is telling him right now is that it's time to take things to the next level, darlin'.
Now sure, you hadn't been official long, but from his standpoint, you were meant to be since the moment he laid eyes on you, gorgeous. He just had to get you to realize it.
And now here you are, curled up against his side, dozing off peacefully like the pretty angel you are. Right where you're meant to be. While you sleep, though, Graves is making plans. Big plans. Big plans that involve you.
In such a short time, you two have become inseparable. If you and Graves aren't busy with your lives, you're up under each other (in more ways than one, darlin' 😉). But that ain't enough for Graves. See, sweetheart, he's a greedy sumbitch and isn't ashamed to admit it. He wants you for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, a snack, and to drink, and he'll be damned if he lets something heaven-sent and as sweet as peach cobbler slip through his fingers.
And so, Graves's been makin' plans. Big plans. The kind that would make things really official with you. See, he knows where you work, and Graves also knows that it's a pain in the ass to commute all the way across town to get there. Luckily for you, your husb—shit, he almost revealed his hand—your boyfriend lives close by. Why not make things easier for the both of you and just move in, darlin'? Hell, you already love the place and there's more than enough room for you both so why not? Don't you worry, though, he's a charmer when he needs wants to be so it won't take much convincing.
Has Graves thanked the Lord recently for that boring sumbitch who, well, flaked on you, darlin'? He probably needs to. At least the kid had sense enough to let cooler heads prevail and bow out gracefully. You probably see him around town sometimes... or not, if the way he flinches and quickly hauls ass every time he sees you is any indication. Or is it him? Fuck if Graves knows.
But yeah, back to those plans. Time to make this shit forever, beautiful. You wouldn't want for anything; Phillip will make sure you're taken care of, even when he's away on business. Your life's still your own to live, darlin'. Graves is just gonna make it more comfortable for you. You won't have to worry that sweet ass of yours about anything. As soon as you say yes, the movers he's got on standby will pack everything up and bring it home. You heard that right: Home. Right here. Right where you belong, darlin'.
So yeah, Graves's got plans for you. Big, BIG plans. The kind of plans that'll make this shit last forever, baby. All you gotta do is say yes to your darling husb—fuck, there he goes again—boyfriend.
He'll... uh, he'll wait until everything's moved in before he mentions marriage. Graves is content to let the license and ring sit in his safe for a little bit longer, darlin'. Emphasis on LITTLE.
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konigsblog · 6 hours
Do you think könig could appreciate an s/o with smaller tits?
Oh, for sure. He loves to fit his entire hand around your small breasts, cupping them while rolling his calloused thumb back and forth over the perky bud, earning himself struggled, pathetic, and sweet noises from you.
He especially loves wrapping his soft, wet lips around your puffy nipples after ruthlessly mutilating your insides with his hung, girthy size, drooling over your chest while his other hand massages your other tit, rough skin pressed against yours. He can't get enough of your breasts, if he's being completely honest. It doesn't necessarily have to be sexual, but he'll hold you, trailing his perverse fingertips down your body, his hands fondling with your small breasts while you lazily pour yourself a cup of coffee, the gleaming sun peeking through the crack in the blinds.
And during sex, they become a sex toy; an outlet for his neediness and depravity. Strong hands and blunt fingernails nipping into your soft flesh, your back arched and your mouth agape, eyes rolled back to the repetitive, addictive motion of his broad, wide hips against your supple rear end. “So winzig.” He huffs out, grinding his pearly whites together and furrowing his eyebrows at the mesmerising, familiar sensation of your smooth, glistening insides.
He can't keep his hands off of you... 🙌
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 13 hours
For GhostJade Halloween costume, Instagram poll said i should draw Batman/Catwoman but Tumblr said I should draw Gomez/Morticia.
Maybe I should draw both
because I'm a jackass
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