stardust-steel · 4 years
This is a commission piece I did for @engineerdz for a collab fic some long ways into the future🤣😄
Endgame Goku in a hybrid of the Saiyan armor and Goku’s gi. We wanted to capture Goku’s friendliness in his expression and waving tail here.
Would like to think Vegeta would combust seeing Goku like this🧡💙✨ @captainengineerd
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stardust-steel · 4 years
Submission for KakaVege week prompt Working out + Old Men @kakavegeweek
Premise: Goku and Vegeta bond with androids and Piccolo as people around them fade away first. 18 and 17 begins to scheme to set them up .
Snippet as below:
Vegeta scowled at the Cell Jr approaching them. “I don’t understand how you can allow yourself to live with these creatures . Eugh.”
17’s gaze sharpened. “His name is CJ1, not creature . They understand you, you know.”
Vegeta’s glare intensified. “I don’t care what they’re called, they’re an abomination.”
“They’re just kids.”
“They were your enemy.”
“They were from my enemy,” 17 corrected. “Also, that’s big talk for someone hanging around with theirs,” he couldn’t resist adding, gesturing to where Goku was.
“It’s not the same,” Vegeta defended. CJ2 chose that moment to come up super close to peer with curious eyes at Vegeta, who glared back.
17’s jaw tightened a little. He wanted to argue, but he’d learnt by watching Goku that Vegeta reacted better through persuasion than coercion.
“CJs are blue,” 17 pointed out, wondering if the visual differences might help. “Cell was green.”
Vegeta gave him a look that told 17 why everyone had been so terrified of him once. “I see being a cybernetic human hasn’t eroded you of the ability to state the obvious.”
Well, that was rich coming from Vegeta, who was supposedly a genius among his kind but was completely blind to the way Goku looked at him, so. 17 just shrugged.
He pointed out another difference. “They don’t have the stingers Cell does, so they can’t hurt you.”
“ Please. They can’t hurt me even with the stingers,” Vegeta scoffed.
“So they’re harmless, yes?”
“Harmless doesn’t mean innocent.”
“Innocence is overrated,” 17 countered, and smiled when Vegeta acknowledged the point with a nod. “Those who look the most innocent tend to be the most wicked. Look at Marron.”
Vegeta snorted. “Look at Kakarot .”
They both looked. Goku was currently making silly faces at CJ5 , while Goten tried to sneak up behind him. His hair was lit in super saiyan gold, so the contrast of Super Saiyan brilliance against his increasingly comical expressions was rather jarring to watch.
“He is a curious one indeed,” 17 allowed.
“Understatement of the century.”
Goku was now play-fighting both Goten and CJ5 off. “I thought he did it on purpose,” 17 mused. Vegeta raised one eyebrow. “The whole human tactic of ‘keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer,’ that kind of thing.”
Vegeta actually chuckled out loud at that one. 17 mildly wondered if he knew how much fondness had slipped in that laugh. “And now?”
“And now I know better. Goku doesn’t really think of things like that, it seems.”
“Hn.” Vegeta took a sip of his own drink in turn. “Kakarot can be manipulative in his own way, but his intentions are hardly, if ever, malicious.”
17 glanced at Vegeta, just in time to catch something in his eyes. That same look Eighteen had when she looked at Krillin.
Aha. So this thing 18 called heart-eyes was indeed two-way, not that 17 had ever doubted it. But hanging around animals taught 17 to read more from motion rather than speech.
Vegeta turned his head and caught 17’s calculating expression, immediately turning on the defensive. “What?”
17 raised an eyebrow. Where 18 might have said something to roast the prince, 17 chose to just go back to his beautiful cup of coffee. Silence was more powerful than words, sometimes.
Vegeta looked utterly wrong-footed.
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stardust-steel · 4 years
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I needed a pick me up today so I reread the humour KakaVege fic @engineerdz and myself wrote in collab early Jan 21 this year (fond Xmas memories)
Then I picked up a pen... this was the result
If you wanted to read something short, light hearted with a dash of KakaVege in it, here’s a fic for you... featuring Trunks, Goten, GohanChichi, Bulma, Videl, Krillin & 18 (plus a terrified nameless alien.)
The background comes from that snapshot of Buu slamming their heads together, as in this one below, never fails to crack me up
It’s too dark but oh well :>
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