#enjio looks disgusting and jojin is cheesy
kingkatsuki · 8 months
💖joooooo! if you were a janitor, what would your jinki be?
Omg Amira🥺 this is such a kind and thoughtful question to ask me, and I feel so guilty that I don’t have a solid answer for it yet.
At first I was thinking about having a bobby pin or hair clip as my jinki, because I’m always pinning my fringe back from my forehead when I’m trying to relax or I’m at home cause it gets in the way— and that could then double up as a weapon. The ends sharpening to a point kinda like how Riyou fights with her scissors. But then I started to think about whether I’d even want to be a janitor that fights like that.
So then I thought maybe my jinki would be an old compass that Enjin found one day on one of his many strolls into the contaminated zone. Thrown into the Abyss because the owner clearly thought it was broken, or unnecessary when they have all the technology up in the sky. And when Enjin presents it to me it’s got a brass chain attached so I can wear it around my neck or in my pocket a little like a pocket watch. But I wonder why he even gifted me it in the first place, and he tells me it’s because I always seem to look lost and hopefully it can help me find myself🥺 but as he activates the jinki it’s used to help the Janitors get in and out of different zones, and to also find our way out of bad situations if we ever get lost or can’t find our way out of somewhere. Like it’s always helping me find my friends— my family?
And later on when me and Enjin finally get together, he carves our initials into the back of it🥺
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