#enrich me with the vastness of being ⛧ headcanon.
exspiravited · 2 months
Giratina has extremely sharp teeth (her canines and lateral incisors on both the top and bottom row) that are perfect for biting, ripping, and tearing even the most toughest of things. Her bite force is staggeringly strong, and she could bite a hole into reinforced steel with no issue. On top of that, her teeth grow back in the very rare event that she loses any. They tend to have variations on how long it takes to grow back - for example, her canines and lateral incisors grow back the fastest (taking around 24-28 hours), while her molars would take slightly longer at 30-48 hours. This time can be shortened if she utilized the Distortion World's healing pools as well.
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exspiravited · 2 months
Giratina first met Elys around two-hundred years ago, after she broke free from the Distortion World following the events at Spear Pillar. It was after all 108 spirits were gathered, freeing the Spiritomb back into the world after having been sealed for the past several hundred years.
They were one in the same, the two of them. Cast out from the world, and sealed away to keep them from earth for as long as possible. Many things had changed, even in Elys’ case. They had both come back to an entirely new world, an entirely new Hisui.
Giratina took Elys in when she found her, a disheveled and frightened Spiritomb. She bestowed her a human guise, so that they can walk the lands uninhibited. Their relationship started as a mentor-mentee relationship. Elys was essentially Giratina’s right hand as the goddess vied to get her power back, and amass a following. Though Giratina had been ousted from the world for billions of years, she would bestow her knowledge and teachings upon Elys. She would teach the younger ghost how to fight and defend herself, and even taught her a weaker version of her signature Shadow Force: Phantom Force.
Most ghost-types knew of Giratina, of course - the infamous legend of the queen of the dead. Many were already receptive to her presence returning to Hisui, aligning themselves with her and working under her. Some were more on the fence, and it was Elys that swayed them to their side. Giratina was always taking a bold, head-on approach, while Elys worked more indirectly, moving and speaking through the shadows.
It would be later on that their bond would turn to more of a familial one. Elys had always been enamored by the chaos goddess, and in working for her personally, she became even more of a role model to her. In turn, Giratina saw a lot of herself in Elys. They had both been damned to rot away in the places they were sealed into, an unjust ending for the two of them. And one way or another, they came back with a vengeance. Not only that, but Elys had had... nothing. Nothing at all. She was all alone in the world, meant to fend for herself, just like Giratina had been as a child. Seeing her own past repeat itself in another was something she couldn’t bear to see, and it was why she quickly began to see the Spiritomb like a daughter.
Giratina went to great lengths to make sure she was taken care of, being the first to bear her fangs at anyone who was even remotely threatening to Elys. They have walked and traveled together for so long now, to the point where it’s like Elys had always been her child, even long before. She owes Elys so much for being a key role in gaining her following back, and spreading the word of the ghost queen’s return to the mortal plane. In turn, Elys feels like she owes Giratina so much more. She wouldn't be in the place she was now without Giratina's guidance and mentorship.
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exspiravited · 2 months
Giratina’s powers are completely offensive and are meant for complete and total obliteration. Antimatter and matter destroy each other when they come into contact. Giratina isn’t necessarily made of antimatter; she can just manipulate and control it. A touch on the shoulder won’t erase a person unless she wants them dead.
Manipulating antimatter comes with a price. If she goes over her threshold of use for a day, she starts damaging herself on a cellular level. This also is coupled with bruise-like marks on her arms, and pain in her hands and arms. In severe cases of overuse, she loses feeling in her limbs and can’t use them. Giratina doesn’t know how to increase her threshold, though she does know that she can destroy more than she used to be able to.
When it comes to erasing regular people, it’s no big deal. She can use her powers to completely destroy somebody without too many adverse consequences. When it comes to legendaries and other powerful beings? It’s riskier. She risks losing all feeling in her arms for an undetermined amount of time. She risks erasing herself in the process. The more powerful the legendary, the more risk is involved. Erasing a mythical legendary would be far less riskier than trying to erase a legendary that’s part of a prominent trio. Fortunately, she has no intent to go and obliterate any other legendaries unless she has very, very good reason to do so.
Arceus, on the other hand? No contest. She would end up permanently dying in the process, and he would be unscathed. Attempting to erase god is not something that is recommended.
As far as destroying objects, its tricky. It depends on the size and mass of the object itself. Destroying a pebble can be done with the bat of an eye, but large landmasses and titanic sized items understandably take more out of her.
Giratina has a bit of resistance to radioactivity, as her antimatter powers emit radiation when the antiparticles destroy matter. It’s on a microscopic scale, however, so it’s not harmful to others around the particles, unless they’re continually exposed to it for long periods of time. If she were to destroy a planet sized object (which would probably severely injure her), the radiation emission would be big enough to see with the naked eye.
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exspiravited · 2 months
Similar to how Alola seems to draw in Ultra Beasts, Sinnoh tends to draw in ghosts. One reason is that Sinnoh has the weakest barrier between our universe and the Distortion World, and with how there’s an open portal at the end of Turnback Cave, the energy from Giratina’s world sort of… bleeds out into the Sinnoh region. The incident at Spear Pillar with the portal being open didn’t help either, unleashing a massive amount of energy from the Distortion World that can still be felt by ghosts and aura sensitive people/pokemon to this day.
Now back to the portal in Turnback Cave. Unlike the portal left open on Spear Pillar, this one is on a slightly smaller scale, and is contained in a walled off area, reducing the threat to the fabric of the universe around it. The energy that radiates from this portal drapes over Sendoff Spring as a whole. Ghosts in particular are drawn to this energy, and the energy Giratina herself exudes.
The fog in Sendoff Spring deters any unwanted guest from finding the lake. It’s impossible to fly in since there’s no visible spot to land, and people on foot tend to get lost/turned around in the fog. Sometimes, these people even will pass out and wake back up at the entrance to the forest. Ghosts and those who can hear the dead/departed are exempt from this. They can hear the voices and whispers from the beyond, and these voices guide them to the spring. Ghosts are welcomed with open arms. Some do go there to find a place to call home, while others see it more as a pilgrimage; a place to see and experience at least once, without necessarily staying forever. If Giratina trusts someone enough, she will tell the ghosts of the Spring to guide said person through the fog whenever they show up, just so they can get to her place of residence without much trouble.
There’s a wide variety of ghosts that live within the spring. Dusknoir, Drifloon, Misdreavus, Lampent, etc… ghosts found naturally within Sinnoh, and even ghosts found in other regions have come to visit, or even to call the place their home. Some have been there for  years, some have been there for days. Some have stayed for a while and  left, while others have come back after leaving decades ago. They mingle with one another, with Giratina, and with her daughter, Elys. Some loiter in or around her house, though most ghosts generally prefer to be outside in the fog.
Anyone who does manage to make it through the fog somehow that isn’t a ghost will be met with harshness from these ghosts, as they feel it’s their duty to protect such a sacred place. Unless Giratina specifies otherwise, the ghosts will do everything in their power to drive said unwanted person away. With how powerful some of them can be, it isn’t out of the question for them to possibly kill the person, be it on accident or totally on purpose.
It really is like a giant ghost family. They spend time mingling, pranking each other, or playing in the fog. It’s a place for them to call home, avoiding the hatred/disdain directed towards them from the living, despite some of them doing nothing wrong at all. It’s a place they feel safe at, a place they know they’ll always be welcome in.
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exspiravited · 1 year
Giratina is extremely wary of other Arceus', even those not of her world. She assumes right off the bat that they all are similar to her father, and only want to hurt her and see her suffer. She keeps them at an arm's length and can be extremely snappy, cold, and straightforward with them. Of course, once she does see a reason to trust them (which would take some time), or she knows they won't hurt her/sympathize with her situation, then she will open up a bit.
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exspiravited · 1 year
It’s not a secret that Arceus despised, detested, and loathed his children. He was angry and abusive to them, controlling them and their actions until it literally broke them. However, for some reason, Giratina seemingly got it worse than her siblings. While they all suffered under his tyrannical rule, she got targeted.
Because he created something volatile and unpredictable. While her siblings could use their powers well and with less trouble than hers, her antimatter was volatile, and unpredictable. Arceus created something he couldn’t control, and that made him feel threatened.
He feared her, but in a primal sort of fear, and not the traditional sense. This primal fear manifested into rage and controlling behavior, which lead to heavy emotional, mental, and physical abuse. His way of solving the problem of her unpredictability was to take her away from her siblings and lock her away into a room far back in the Hall of Origin. Out of sight, out of mind.
Yet she still destroyed and ruined, all because her powers were too much for her to handle at such an age. It was good for Arceus, however, because he was able to successfully throw her out of the dimension and into the Distortion World, shifting the blame on her for her violent behavior and destructive nature. When in reality, it was his answer to his subconscious feeling of being threatened.
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exspiravited · 2 months
Despite Giratina having zero qualms with purposely killing or injuring humans (especially those who draw her ire), she would never intentionally kill or hurt a human child. To bring harm upon a child would lower her to the same level as her father in all the years he had harmed and abused herself and her brothers. There are already worries that worm their way into her mind that she may be more alike with him than anyone realizes, a thought that frequently finds its way into her head more and more.
Killing Dawn in the Distortion World, despite it being a true and genuine accident, was one of the worst mistakes Giratina has made in her entire life. It affected her far more deeply than she would ever let on, the scene replaying in her head over and over for almost a year after it had happened. All she could hear in the back of her mind was Arceus' laughter, 'you're much more like me than you ever thought - I hope that realization haunts you', she could almost hear him say in her thoughts.
Even now, almost a decade after it happened, Giratina still finds herself thinking back to the incident every now and then. If only she had closed the portal to the Distortion World at Spear Pillar. Then, Dawn would have never been caught in the crossfire and died - she would have never had that trauma placed upon her. Though Dawn, in recent times following the bridging of their connection, has stated she doesn't hold ill-will towards the goddess for her death, Giratina still feels shame and anger towards herself.
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exspiravited · 2 months
Stonework Headcanons: Rosy Fog. :3c
Stonework Headcanons | accepting!
Rosy Fog: What are their immediate views on romantic love?
It's something that Giratina feels is unachievable, at least for herself. Throughout her entire youth living in the Hall of Origin, she was always reminded that she will never be loved. That she does not deserve love. She is monstrous and wicked, only built for destruction and ruination. It was drilled into her head from as long as she can remember that she is not worthy of love, no matter what kind. All she will bring upon anyone who loves her is pain, all she will ever be capable of is to hurt others. Sometimes, she wonders if she even has the capacity to love.
To love Giratina is a tragedy, in her eyes. There are far better, less damaged beings to love than her. The amount of weight and baggage she carries is far more immense than anyone realizes besides herself. To love her is to love every fault she has, which are many. It is not something that is easy, and it is not something she is very receptive of. To be loved is one of her greatest fears and hangups, finding herself feeling absolutely sick whenever she does feel that she's developing any sort of feelings for someone that treads into the love territory. Lust is different - one can lust without getting emotionally attached.
It is easier for her to be hated than to be loved. At least with the former, she has already dealt with the most poisonous and vitriolic hatred that could be directed her way. She has dealt with the misconceptions of humanity and the ire they have shown her. To be hated is simply another day, but to be loved is an event that may as well be cataclysmic.
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exspiravited · 2 months
adventurine calling and moonstone luster :)
Stonework Headcanons | accepting! Aventurine Calling: Do they believe in luck? If so, would they consider themselves lucky or unlucky?
Giratina absolutely believes in luck, she just doesn't feel she gets a lot of good luck too often. It always feels like it's something negative happening to her, and rarely does she ever feel that she gets any stroke of good, positive luck. Even when she feels like she's in control of her own luck, something always happens to turn it around. An example of this would be Spear Pillar - she was in control and felt insanely lucky that she was even able to make it in time before Cyrus utilized her brothers to create a new universe. And then, on the flipside, she left the portal open to the Distortion World at the mountain's peak. That simple mistake led to a stroke of bad luck, in where she wound up killing her own Champion by mistake. Good luck does not exist for Giratina, even when she tries to do everything right.
Moonstone Luster: Are there are any items they own that have sentimental value to them?
Her Griseous Orb, but one can argue that she values her orb more out of necessity than any sentimental value. It gives her a boost to her already monstrous and excessive power, while also giving her enough strength to enter and leave the Distortion World freely at will. It remains as the 'key' to her continued freedom, as the only reason she was able to escape the Distortion World was after amassing power for billions of years. The Griseous Orb, which she found at the very depths of her realm, only added to that and made the process far quicker. Giratina simply doesn't have the time or means to gather her strength over eons. She views her orb as an extension of herself, in a way, and cannot fathom existing without its benefits. Giratina also prefers her Origin form, and the orb allows her to stay in that form even when not in her dimension.
Other sentimental items of hers include various drawings her daughter has made for her, and other trinkets she has given Giratina throughout their travels in ancient Hisui.
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exspiravited · 2 months
Giratina has numerous scars across her body, some being very minimal, and some looking quite horrific. Most of her scars were sustained by Arceus, while others were from more minor events.
Neck scars: Giratina has two, slash like scars on the left side of her neck, and a puncture scar on the right side of her neck. These scars were self-inflicted during her time in the Distortion World following her initial death, and were means to try and end her life in her madness. She only found that not even death could free her from the Distortion World. These three scars are not covered and are noticeable, unless she’s wearing something with a high collar (which she usually isn’t).
Arm scars: Giratina suffers quite nasty scars up and around her arms, starting at her wrists and ending just below her shoulders. They look almost white in color, with a very slight twinge of blue to them. The scars look like cracked ice, spiderwebbing up and around her arms. Most of the time, these scars are covered unless she's wearing a shirt with short sleeves, or a tanktop. One other thing to note about these scars is that, while it isn’t exactly ice, they almost feel cold to the touch. Colder than her skin is normally, enough for a noticeable difference. These scars are also very sensitive to the cooler temperatures, making Giratina feel an almost cold burn when exposed to them.
Chest scar: She has a scar in the middle of her chest that looks similar to one of those plasma balls, or a spiderweb crack, starting from her sternum and spreading out in all directions, until the scar tissue finally thins, similar to a lightning bolt. Considering she would have to be shirtless for it to be seen, it’s covered at all times unless she’s wearing a v-neck style shirt.
Thigh scar: She has a scar on her left thigh, starting at the top of her knee that wraps around her upper leg, spiraling up and stopping a few inches below her hip. Considering she only ever wears shorts or skirts, this scar is usually visible unless she happens to be wearing stockings.
Minor scars: Giratina has other, more minor scars across her abdomen and back, mostly knife, or bullet scars from getting into fights or sketchy situations. These are all generally covered by her clothing.
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exspiravited · 1 year
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tags pt 1/??
a force fed destructor ready for abomination ⛧ ic.
recollect the anger and the hate ⛧ open.
i’ll commit myself to understand ⛧ dashviewing.
let them fear what you know ⛧ answered.
enrich me with the vastness of being ⛧ headcanon.
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