#entrepreneurial mind
eco-mat · 8 months
Blog #1
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Last week, a dynamic team of seven embarked on a quest for positive change within our university. Entrusted with the mission to inspire innovation, we delved into gathering insights, sparking discussions, and unleashing transformative ideas. Join us as we unveil our journey towards a brighter campus future.
The following day, we conducted interviews, but the process was challenging due to students' busy schedule s and frequent class suspensions. Despite this, through collaboration, we successfully gathered insights from over 25 respondents across various CMU departments utilizing Google Forms and face-to-face interactions. Each student provided unique perspectives and revealed diverse insights, while also offering innovative solutions for consideration.
We've recognized garbage accumulation as a significant issue among students. In response, we've developed mats from recycled materials, providing versatility for outdoor activities also, from aiding in outdoor study sessions to provide a comfortable surface for picnics under campus trees. Focusing on CMU students, particularly those with free time between classes, our aim is to enrich the campus experience while addressing environmental concerns through practical solutions.
Our focus audience encompasses CMU students, especially those enjoying generous breaks between classes. Our innovative product, tailored for both utility and relaxation, is meticulously fashioned from upcycled plastic, encompassing discarded plastic bottles and other waste. Committed to ecological stewardship, we strive to provide not only comfort but also uphold our planet's safeguarding by exclusively utilizing 100% recyclable materials.
Through engaging with students from diverse backgrounds, we gained valuable insights into the challenges facing our school community. Taking a proactive stance, we identified key qualities essential for success and discovered that creating mats out from recycled materials offers a practical and sustainable solution to waste. Our discussions highlighted the importance of educating students about sustainability early on, fostering environmental responsibility. Moreover, students expressed a keen interest in sustainable consumption and a sociocultural approach. Together, let's work towards making the world a better place!
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yellieyellow-0 · 8 months
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In our Entrepreneurial Mind subject, we were fortunate to choose our group mates for the entire semester. Our mission involved conducting interviews within Central Mindanao University to comprehend the prevalent issues faced by the community. With a group of six members, we deliberated on our target market and devised questions for the interviews.
The next day, we initiated the interviews, strategically positioning ourselves across various campus locations – the Education Building, CAS Extension building, CAS Main, CAS Annex, and the MAS-AMiCUS Organization, where one of our group mate was a member. Our objective was to interview more than 25 people to ensure a substantial response pool. Ultimately, we collected 60 responses from our participants.
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From our findings, we proposed our initial solution: creating an application that consolidates information about boarding houses. This aimed to address the challenges students faced in finding accommodations at the beginning of each semester. In our discussion through Google Meet, we identified a potential drawback—the sustainability of the business in the long term.
Considering this, we pivoted to another solution: designing a bag made of plastic bags to safeguard school supplies from getting wet during heavy rains. Additionally, this solution aimed to address the issue of garbage. However, we encountered difficulties in integrating technology into this idea, leading us to search for a more viable solution.
Recognizing the growing concern about areas on campus lacking street lights, especially making it challenging and unsafe for students during the night or after 7 pm classes, we introduced a 2-in-1 portable gadget. This innovative device, named Lightaser, serves as a handy flashlight and a taser in one. What makes it even more impactful is its incorporation of recycled bottles and plastics as its cover, contributing to environmental sustainability.
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In crafting solutions, we not only aim to address immediate challenges but also strive to make a positive impact on the broader community and the environment. Our commitment to innovation and sustainability drives us to create products that not only solve problems but also contribute to a better and safer campus environment.
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charlenemaebiolata · 1 year
“ To learn, you have to listen. To improve, you have to try.” -Thomas Jefferson.
On the 19th day of April 2023, a lecture series program that entails valuable knowledge in innovative entrepreneurship was conducted. Different start-up ventures from various learners were proposed this academic year. Hence, to illuminate our inexperienced minds more on this entrepreneurial journey, a total of three resource speakers passionately affirmed to speak and share their informative yet inspiring insights and technical expertise.
The entire lecture series program was initially commenced by Dr. Gamaleila A. Dumancas from the Intellectual Property Technology Business Management Office of Central Mindanao University. Dr. Dumancas prepared the engaging discussion on Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer. Indeed, intellectual property rights protection has a potential economic value for a wide range of assets, whether they are more contemporary or customary. These rights include copyrights, patents, and industrial design rights, which are protections against unlicensed or uncredited copying, manufacturing, or selling. With that being said, the early filing process protects the inventor from business competitors.
From the detailed talk presented by Dr. Dumancas, the team realized that any innovative and practically useful technical solution to a challenge in any area of human endeavor is essential in the field of service mark. Trademarks can be any distinguishing visual symbol that can be used to identify a company's products or services. The duration of its protection can last up to ten years from the filing date. These exclusive rights are not unchangeable, in fact, fair use can be considered a defense to use a portion of someone’s copyrighted work without the need for permission for commentary purposes. The legal defense provided to the owner of the rights to an original work is known as copyright. Owners of copyrights have the sole right to use and reproduce their creations, and the owner should be acknowledged more than only by adding a "CTTO" to the copyrighted item. By registering our trademark, we can be guaranteed the exclusive use of the phrase or emblem and eliminate the chance that our rivals may try to use it against us. The right to sue another firm that misrepresents itself as yours by using your trademark is likewise protected by registration.
The speaker, Dr. Gamaleila A. Dumancas, discussed a wide range of property rights and one thing she emphasized about numerous business owners running is the risk of having their innovations or even start-ups to be simply stolen by more powerful, well-funded competitors if the patent system were not there for protection. Its relatively social institution, which has certain social obligations and is linked to owners' legal rights, is essential for the preservation of economic potential, the protection of intellectual property rights on the market, and the growth of firms towards market success.
In the second half of the program, Professor Sheila Poonon explained in detail the discussion on “Incubating Innovation: Exploring Start-up Opportunities in the Philippines.” Prof. Poonon discussed the Musuan Peak Incubator, which is the center for technology transfer and business incubation of technologies generated in the university. In this lecture, we were notified that this provides support services to incubatees in terms of product commercialization, enterprise development, access to networks, and knowledge transfer, or what we call PEAK. In addition, Dr. Poonon also shared the successful entrepreneurs supported and guided by them, from aspiring students to successful entrepreneurs.
This lecture had a huge relevance and significance, especially since a lot of business-minded students who want to start a business in the future through incubation joined the said lecture series program. It was an overwhelming opportunity that Central Mindanao University is willing to assist those students who have high potential and the possibility of becoming successful entrepreneurs. With this thought in mind, most students have been certainly inspired to dream bigger and work harder to be one of the deserving CMUans supported by them.
Additionally in the lecture series program, it was followed by Ms. Keren Happuch Alampayan Lacadin, another diverse speaker who stated such an inspirational subject matter. She infused us with knowledge regarding the “RAISE, or Raising Awareness and Inspiring the Start-up Ecosystem." Ms. Lacadin began this informative discussion by sharing her “sugilanon" as a taga-bukid girl. We have been informed that she was raised in Quezon, Bukidnon, and she shared her experiences and opportunities with other people in the country. She began freelancing with CONVERGY'S and CONCENTRIX UPWORK from 2009 to 2013, and then launched CLEVERGRIT, a start-up business in 2014. In year 2017, she participated in a start-up weekend in Bukidnon called VXI: Passion for People, and in 2018, she worked with Clevergrit.
RAISE introduces and improves stakeholders' understanding and appreciation of basic startup ideas. It makes available, meaningful, impactful, and needs-based awareness activities that address gaps in the local start-up community. It encourages collaboration among key stakeholders in the start-up ecosystem. She then discussed DICT's and IIDB's roles in the startup community. She also informed us about RA 11337, the Innovative Start-Up Act. The team has learned that we have a Philippine law that encourages new businesses and start-up incentives and focuses on providing benefits and removing constraints to encourage the establishment and operation of innovative new businesses. Certainly, these are critical to the growth and expansion of businesses, as well as to strengthening, promoting, and developing an ecosystem of business, government, and non-government institutions that foster an innovative entrepreneurial culture in the Philippines.
Furthermore, Ms. Lacadin gave us light on the Philippine Startup 7 Challenge, a nationwide annual pitching competition for students and Filipinos to develop new and relevant ICT products and services that can also be profitable economic ventures and help solve social problems. It is remarkable to hear that it offers students the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial attitude, improve start-up concepts through input from industry practitioners, foster strategic relationships and networks among participants and judges, and generate a pool of start-up founders prioritized for DICT financing and assistance.
What has been emphasized the most to the team was the motto of Ms. Lacadin, saying “No grit, No glory.” This phrase has been implied in our minds that success and achievement come with a cost, and that one must be willing to put in the necessary effort and endure hardships to attain them. It has been suggested that a willingness to push through difficult times, to keep going when others might give up, and to maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity are essential qualities for success.
As the ending moments of the entrepreneurial mind journey are fast approaching, it has been quite a tough yet meaningful ride to establish a start-up business, especially when the entire team has no prior professional nor practical experience. We have proved this notion when we launched our start-up venture. We had a rocky start in our entrepreneurial adventure because the idea was too complex, too broad, and not too specific to be ventured into, and we are glad that we listened for it is undeniably so true.
Previously, the young entrepreneurs of the Mosqui-Trap venture had undergone the Business Model Canvas presentation, and constructive feedbacks and suggestions received from the highly-respected panel were all accepted and followed. As of the moment, it is still a challenge for the team regarding the concrete breakdown of the fixed and variable costs that the product will require, and so, we do not have the definite price of the Mosqui-Trap for the target market yet. As a team, we are currently persevering with the mindfulness of time to grasp the envisioned plans and outcomes that we have for our start-up business pre-recorded video. Now, it remains a work in progress, and we must act with collective minds to keep up with the final pitching presentation that we will be preparing as we are expected to be.
Now that our entrepreneurial journey is coming to an end, I have come to understand that starting a business or a start-up is not simple. There will be times when your concept will blossom but later be rejected or unable to flourish, but if someone has an entrepreneurial mentality and is willing to move forward, failure is merely the chance to start over, this time more intelligently. Similar to what happened to us, our first start-up was called "tabang," but due to unforeseen circumstances we were unable to push it and now we have a product called "mosqui-trap" as our new start-up. We may stumble once, but we shall get back up stronger. Also, what Ms. Lacadin said, "No grit, No Glory," is true because if you do not move or start your idea, no matter how nice or promising it is, it will remain an idea unless action is taken. Sure, the path may be scary and unknown, but with a little courage and a strong belief in yourself, it can take you to incredible places.
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udhyamm · 21 days
Unlocking the Key Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial Mindset: A Guide by Udhyam Learning Foundation
Entrepreneurship goes beyond creating a company. It's about developing a mindset which empowers people to think differently to lead, be a leader, and adjust when faced with challenges. We at Udhyam Learning Foundation, we encourage this mindset of entrepreneurship for the generation to come of leaders and problem solvers. In this piece we'll explore aspects that define an entrepreneurial spirit and how cultivating these qualities will lead to success.
What Are the Characteristics of an Entrepreneurial Mindset?
An entrepreneurial mindset refers to an attitude and behavior that promote creative thinking, problem solving and resiliency. These traits are crucial to dealing with the challenges of modern day business. We will look at the essential characteristics of entrepreneurial mindset which define the successful entrepreneur:
1. Adaptability and Flexibility
It is one of the key aspects of an entrepreneurial mind. Entrepreneurs should be able to swiftly and quickly in the face of market fluctuations or emerging opportunities. Flexible thinking allows them to look beyond the conventional methods and develop innovative strategies as they are required. This is crucial in uncertain circumstances, when rigid methods can fail.
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2. Resilience and Perseverance
Entrepreneurs often face difficulties and fail. People with a business-minded mentality see these challenges as opportunities to learn instead of failures. Resilience can be defined as the capacity to bounce back and keep going forward. Likewise, determination helps them stay true to their goal in spite of hardship. This is what helps entrepreneurs remain on track and attain the long-term goals.
3. Innovative Thinking and Creativity
People who are creative remain on the lookout for innovative ways to deal with challenges. Thinking creatively means approaching problems from multiple angles and coming up with innovative solutions other people might overlook. The power of creativity is behind the services and products that shake up industries and transform the face of the planet.
4. Risk-Taking and Decision-Making
The most successful entrepreneurs embrace risk as a an element of their business. They know that calculating risks could yield substantial benefits. Entrepreneurs who have a strong business approach examine risks with care and make educated decisions. The ability they have to control risk efficiently is usually what sets them apart from those who are hesitant about the uncertainty.
5. Self-Motivation and Initiative
Entrepreneurs who are self-driven don't just wait for opportunities to present themselves, they create opportunities for themselves. By using a keen spirit of determination and determination, they begin the first step towards achieving their dreams. Motivational self-drivenness keeps entrepreneurs moving, even if the external backing is not as strong and ensuring that they stay focussed on the goals they have set for themselves.
6. Leaning from failure
In entrepreneurship, failure is inevitable. The difference between failure and success often is in the way an businessperson responds. People who have an entrepreneurial outlook see failure as an opportunity to learn a valuable knowledge. When they analyze what went wrong and making changes to turn failures into steps towards achievement.
7. Vision and Long-Term Planning
Entrepreneurs who have an entrepreneurial outlook are clear about what they would like to accomplish. They're not just focussed on their immediate goals however, they are also adept at the long term plan. Visionary thinking helps them stay engaged and offers a road map for the success they desire. Visionary visions help entrepreneurs to establish achievable targets and align their strategy with their general goals.
Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset
We at Udhyam Learning Foundation, we are of the opinion that having an entrepreneurial mind isn't something you're born with, but rather something that is cultivated. The programs we offer are designed to assist individuals in developing the traits of an entrepreneurial spirit by focusing on structured education by utilizing real-world situations and the mentoring.
Embracing Growth and Continuous Learning
One of the primary elements of creating an entrepreneurial mind-set is the dedication to ongoing education. Entrepreneurs should be informed of new technologies, trends in the industry and changing customer demands. Continued learning helps entrepreneurs stay fluid and flexible, which means they remain at the cutting edge of technology.
Building Strong Networks
Networking is one of the most important aspects of the entrepreneurial process. People who have strong social networks are able to draw on the experience of their peers, share ideas in new ventures opening doors to opportunities. Through interacting with fellow accomplished individuals, they can strengthen their thinking and find opportunities for success that are new.
How Udhyam Learning Foundation Fosters an Entrepreneurial Mindset
The Udhyam Learning Foundation is a place where students can learn. Udhyam Learning Foundation, we believe in cultivating the future entrepreneurs of the future by encouraging the traits of an entrepreneurial mind as mentioned previously. Through our innovative programming we offer students the resources and tools needed to embark on their entrepreneurial journey confidently.
The development of an entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for everyone who wants to excel in the current world. The characteristics of an entrepreneurial mindset--adaptability, resilience, innovative thinking, risk-taking, self-motivation, and vision--are all crucial traits that Udhyam Learning Foundation helps cultivate. Through empowering students to develop these attributes, we're creating the problem solvers and leaders that will be the leaders of tomorrow.
Recommend Article:- entrepreneurial mindset
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The Journey of an Entrepreneurial Mind
Taking the Entrepreneurial mind subject has been a roller coaster ride for me as a student. We participated in different activities and projects that enabled us to understand the purpose of studying the subject better. As I look at those two months of studying the subject, the greatest challenge that I faced when doing the venture was probably thinking about the product or service itself. The world we live in today is filled with many innovations and discoveries, thus, making it harder for us to think of a certain thing to be interesting and useful while making it unique from the others. Yet, I can say that we were able to create our venture by thinking that it would greatly benefit the target customers.
                As we resolved our initial challenge, the issue that we encountered was with our cost structure. Since our venture involves lockers and umbrella rentals, there is a need for a bigger capital. We noticed that other teams only require smaller start-up costs. Because of this, we thought of other ways to cut our costs while keeping the idea of our venture. That is why, we decided that instead of directly catering to all ten (10) colleges, we chose to initially install our renting stations to two colleges. In this manner, we can lessen our costs.
                By addressing and finding ways to solve the issue, we have enhanced some of our skills. One of those skills is our decision-making skills. We were able to weigh down choices that best suit our desired results. We were also able to listen and collaborate well. this is a great move for us to be one or united with our decisions and take the best choices to consider for our venture.
                After all the things we had experienced while making our venture, I picked a few lessons that I believed would help me in my entrepreneurial journey. One thing is listening to what others have to say is one for us to have a good result in whatever things we must decide upon. There should be good collaboration in a team to achieve all the goals that a team aspires.
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1strejj · 4 months
Entrepreneur Journey: Embracing Challenges and Learn from it
This week, our team embarked on another series of customer interviews to understand the needs and pain points of university students. We interviewed students from various disciplines and academic levels to gather insights into their university experience. Through these interviews, we discovered a common desire among students for a centralized platform to streamline academic planning, facilitate collaboration, and provide access to resources and support services.
We developed the hypothesis that students would gain from an all-in-one app that combines academic planning, peer support, feedback mechanisms, career services, a student organizations directory, campus navigation, collaboration tools, and an event calendar based on the insights from the interviews.
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Students' enthusiasm for such an app, emphasizing the efficiency and ease it would bring to their campus life, verified the theory. Features including the ability to create study groups, access academic materials, an event calendar, a configurable academic planner, and career services were stressed as being crucial. They also liked the concept of the app's built-in feedback and peer assistance systems.
One significant decision the team made last week was regarding the design and layout of the app. We had two options: a minimalist design with a clean interface focused on essential features, or a more visually appealing design with additional graphics and animations.
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We ultimately opted for the basic design after giving it considerable thought and gathering input from possible users. We concluded that simplicity was essential for an app that sought to maximize output and effectiveness. Users would be able to access functionality more quickly and without visual overload with an interface that is devoid of clutter, which would also facilitate navigation.
At last, we discovered during this decision-making process how crucial it is to put utility above looks, particularly for productivity-focused apps like ours. It reaffirmed the notion that the app's design should complement its primary functionality rather than detract from it.
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inkedinsights · 4 months
by MJ Aparecio
''A winner is a dreamer who never gives up''- Nelson Mendela
A flow of unmatched knowledge and true-to-life experiences we received this day. The dedication of the esteemed guest speaker to catch the attention of everyone in the room and let everyone feel the essence of the spirit of having the ‘’ Entrepreneurial Mindset”.
Each of them did their best to emphasize the term finding your niche” in the realm of success. They inspired us to have the courage to take risks, for taking one will be the stepping stone to the thing you want to reach.
I was inspired when all of the speakers started their journey at the humblest beginning of life and gradually reached the peak of the success they always aimed to have. Some of them started their journey by just attending the said organization (DICT), if I am not mistaken.
The second speaker did inspire me that even if you are already at your comfort level, don’t be afraid to continue taking risks, just like she did.
But the whirlwind circumstance happened to me during the last guest speaker.
His first uttered phrase was “Business is not for everyone, which caught the attention of everyone, especially me. Instead of some sugarcoated words to inspire us to do business, he did the opposite.
He opened our eyes to the fact to the fact that the path of one is not the same as the other.
Engr. Loyloy, co-owner of Kape Lumad, did make me realize at that time that success is not a piece of cake. He also started his entrepreneurial journey at the most unexpected beginning of his life—being an engineer.
‘’ When you really think you know everything—not until you get a punch in the face’’ he quoted.
Failure is a part of his business journey; basically, he thinks that he knows everything until he gets a punch in the face, and from that, he learns that business is not about ideas, skills, financing, or having a strong connection in life.
What I loved about his talk is that ''failure is there because it is part of the process''. And that kind of hit me so hard as a person who is afraid of change, especially failure. It hit me so hard that I realized that doing what seemed impossible was possible.
‘’Thus, everything seems impossible until it’s done''—Nelson Mandela.
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abrilmayoo0 · 4 months
A Glimmer of Hope
Juggling school, academics and a social life can be exhausting. With so much going on, it can sometimes feel like there’s never enough time to pursue your passion and reach your entrepreneurial goals. However, the speakers at the recent lecture series held on May 8 offered a glimmer of hope. They shared insights and tips that prove it's possible to pursue your passion for entrepreneurship, even with a packed schedule.
Experts from the start-up scene talk about their experiences, share their advice and focus on exciting entrepreneurship topics. Dr. Dumancas talked about keeping your ideas safe, comparing it to having a secret code to protect them from being stolen. She explained patents (like secret codes for inventions), trademarks (shields for your brand), and copyrights (guards for your creative work). Ms. Keren Lacadin talked about how startups work, saying they're like small projects that can grow big if they solve problems in new ways. She gave examples like Airbnb and Grab to show how startups can become successful quickly by being creative and solving problems people care about. Then, Ms. Glyrhiz Tabamo explained how programs help new businesses, especially in Mindanao. Highlighting it's important to support entrepreneurs and help them succeed. The fourth speaker, Mr. John Loyloy, shared his own experiences of starting a business, emphasizing the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship. He showed that with hard work, anyone can turn their idea into a successful business.
All throughout the lecture, I've learned how to protect ideas like keeping a secret code safe, understood that startups are like small projects that can grow into big businesses if they solve problems in new ways, discovered the value of support programs like getting a boost from friends when needed, and heard real stories of starting a business from someone who's been there, showing that with hard work, anyone can make their idea into a successful business.
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reg35 · 4 months
"My final blog for the Entrepreneurial mind "
By: Cosrojas, Dolf Ethan P.
For our final pitch, not just me but all of us as we were in disarray when the time is not on our side as we weren't ready to present and the other groups still have some issues with their presentation. Due to such an issue that we were forced to present earlier than expected and our planning and rearranging are disturbed.
During our pitch, as we present our ideas to the panelists about the product.
We are in a state of anxiety until we are finished then sweats are dripping faster as we were questioned about our presentation, Handout BMC and how we are going to sell our products.
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We are in trouble, that is what we all think as we answer the questions of the panelist.
Then, we were advised to re draft our approaches and ways to recreate our innovative product to good use and then we take a picture for all of us including our instructor and panelist.
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Next, it is all about the Lecture series but before that is the rules that were set up for the program, the speakers of the event and a short greetings from the chairperson of the College of Business and Management, Sir Paolo Agustus R. Bagares.
Lecture Series Etiquette
Refrain from unnecessary noise
Actively listen and Participate
Avoid Distraction
Stay for the entire lecture
Network and engage
Clean as you go
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Afterward, are all about to start up, the incubators, existing business, where failure does not end and etc.
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From the start till the end were educational, life hacking experience and a lot of heart breaking truth that was told.
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cl-ayen · 5 months
Our team conducted a quick interview using strata sampling focusing on students from the College of Arts and Sciences, Business and Management, and Engineering, and gathered information and problems that they've encountered as a student. Most of their problems revolved around money management - how to properly manage their money hoping to reduce overspending or even having the ability to provide and budget for their own needs and miscellaneous fees despite having tight budget/allowance, time management - how to properly balance their acads with their private life or how to finish their works effectively and efficiently without feeling lazy or how to properly manage school works and sleeping schedule, the college utilities - like providing proper trash cans within the respected rooms or areas in their colleges or fix the utilities inside the classroom like the fan and etc, and transportation - how can they catch a ride quickly during peak hours or any special events or even in rainy days.
Out of the problems we've gathered, transportation gained the highest percentage, thus, our team decided to focus on possible solutions for transportation and come up with an idea to create a website app intended for booking rela and rela drivers. With over 12,000 students vying for transportation services that encompass both off-campus and on-campus routes, the demand for rides has surged significantly. Students are often late due to uncertain motorela availability and routes. Some drivers act as bystanders and wait for students to hail them. Additionally, CMU's vast campus makes spotting motorelas difficult, due to CMU's total land area which is bigger compared to the entire Makati City. EzMotorAlert app, a user-friendly website app designed to streamline transportation needs for students, faculty, and staff, offering a convenient, one-click booking system for rides both on and off-campus. Emphasizing safety, the platform requires drivers to register their cellphone numbers along with personal information, ensuring a secure and reliable service.
The first option is only to create a website. However, with Sir Tracy’s suggestion, we have carefully discussed and deliberated with possible changes and at the end we integrated the changes that we discussed about. We switched from website to a website app for several factors, first is the convenience of the customers or passengers and adhering to the name we've come up with, for them to have easy (Ez) access where users can easily book rides, set customized routes, and receive notifications about campus events, all within a single platform. Innovation, by leveraging innovative technologies such as voice-activated assistance and campus navigation integration, EZMotorAlert app demonstrates a commitment to innovation and staying at the forefront of transportation solutions within its niche market. Community connection, EZMotorAlert app fosters a stronger connection between the campus and the surrounding barangay, enhancing community interaction and collaboration. By facilitating transportation for residents in the area, it contributes to a sense of belonging and unity within the community. And lastly is the personalization, wherein through features like personalized AI transportation assistants, EZMotorAlert app offers personalized recommendations and assistance, helping users optimize their transportation options and plan their journeys more efficiently.
We've learned that innovating something isn't possible in one go. There's a need for changes from the recommendation we've received in order to fix our product product for it to run smoothly. We should not be afraid of criticism and suggestions and we should be open for corrections as people who have more experience know and share their knowledge about the possible ways for the improvement and betterment of your product.
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abrilmayooo · 7 months
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Our team had the opportunity to conduct several interviews with students on campus and majority of their responses were issues like: it's tough to get groceries when you're busy with classes and don't have a car. Students shared stories about not having enough time to shop or struggling to carry heavy bags back to their dorms.
After gathering info's, we laid our ideas, get insights from other's to figure out a solution. We thought about teaming up with local stores or offering rides, but we wanted something easier and more reliable.
After brainstorming, we came up with a cool idea: the Student Essential Box. It's like a care package filled with all the basics students need, delivered right to their dorms. We're talking about stuff like fruits, veggies, and snacks. Both their personal and academic essentials need without the hassle.
But getting off this ideas wasn't easy for us, we faced several challenges. Like, how can we secure partnerships with local suppliers to ensure a diverse selection of high-quality products and also, logistics such as delivery scheduling and inventory management. However, we are grateful for the opportunity to address a pressing issue facing by CMUan students and look forward to seeing the positive outcomes of our Student Essential Box.
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alpscambalonbsce-1a · 7 months
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Entrepreneurial Mind - Blog No. 2
Context - Our group was tasked to ask random students in the campus who could be potential consumers of our proposed product in hopes of obtaining insights from their opinions on how we could implement some concepts to improve our output in the project. Survey Background - Specifically, we asked senior civil engineering students if they are interested in using a bench made from plastic waste as an effort to reduce solid waste on the campus while also trying to generate revenue in doing so. Results - Most of them showed favorable opinions about utilizing the bench as a way to rest within the campus, though they would not buy the product directly, they are still willing to use the product once hypothetically implemented by the university. Around 10% or once every 10 people would ask about the integrity of the product once made since some of them worked with similar materials. Conclusion - Overall, we obtained a good review on the total interviewed respondents, the review collected shall serve as a complimentary data on trying to develop the product, comments about the integrity of the proposed product shall be addressed with careful planning and execution for a safe and durable output in the near future.
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yellieyellow-0 · 4 months
Embracing Challenges: Our Journey to Success with Lightaser
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Our entrepreneurial journey with Lightaser was a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges that tested our resilience and determination. From the outset, we were tasked with creating a prototype that seemed like a distant dream due to the unavailability of essential materials, particularly the elusive taser module. This setback forced us to confront a reality where our prototype didn't quite match our initial vision.
Navigating the intricacies of cost structures and revenue models added another layer of complexity. The lack of knowledge on what information to include and understanding the technical terms required for our final pitching left us grappling with anxiety and worry.
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These emotions echoed our experiences during the midterm pitching and the Business Model Canvas phase, but we held on, fueled by determination and a shared vision.
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Amidst these challenges, we found strength in our collective perseverance and the unwavering support of our advisor, Sir Reymark Menguito. His patience, encouragement, and insightful guidance were the pillars that steadied us through the stormy seas of entrepreneurship. His uplifting messages and belief in our potential never failed to reignite our passion and drive, even on the most exhausting days filled with interviews, prototype making, and endless preparations.
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To my teammates also, I couldn’t have done this alone. Without you, I would literally be in despair. I know I have a lot of flaws and setbacks and sometimes feel like a useless member in the team, but thank you for bearing with me.
Each of you has taught me valuable lessons that I need to polish within myself and work on in my character. Thank you for being dependable teammates and a strong support system! We deserve this success!
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The pivotal moment arrived during our final pitching, where we poured our hearts and souls into presenting Lightaser to the panelists.
Despite the hurdles and uncertainties, we emerged victorious, delivering a product we were proud of and showcasing our growth and determination.
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Beyond our immediate challenges, a special lecture series opened our eyes to the broader landscape of entrepreneurship.
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The insights gained about starting a business, navigating patents and intellectual property, and embracing failures as integral parts of the journey were transformative. One speaker, in particular, emphasized "Failures 101" over "Success 101," reminding us that setbacks are stepping stones to success. Witnessing his journey from failures to triumphs was a testament to the resilience and perseverance required in this arena.
Reflecting on this entrepreneurial mind journey,
it's clear that the path to success is not a smooth sail. It's marked by uncertain ideas turning into realities, good and bad days, and moments of exhaustion and exhilaration. Yet, each experience, whether motivated or not,
has contributed to our growth and character development.
As we bid farewell to this chapter, I, Marielle Gloria, carry with me a wealth of knowledge, resilience, and a deep gratitude for the lessons learned and the support received. This isn't just the end of a journey but the beginning of a new chapter where the sharpened tools of entrepreneurship will be wielded to claim victory amidst challenges. To Sir Reymark Menguito, thank you for being the beacon of guidance and inspiration. Your impact will resonate in our future endeavors, and we pledge to make you proud.
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This is Marielle Gloria, signing off with determination and gratitude,
ready to embark on new adventures armed with the lessons learned and the dreams that fuel our journey forward.
See you next time!
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hopieyuh · 10 months
4th Blog
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Food Storage Container with a Built-in Cooling System (Powered by Solar Energy).
In conclusion, our innovative product, the "Food Storage Container with a Built-in Cooling System (Powered by Solar Energy)," stands out as a game-changer, offering a unique solution to the everyday challenges of individuals on the go. Specifically designed with students, travelers, and tenants in mind, our container seamlessly integrates a cooling system powered by solar energy. This not only enhances the freshness and longevity of stored food but also aligns with the growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products. The positive feedback from our respondents has been overwhelming, highlighting their satisfaction with various aspects, including the container's features, affordable pricing, portability, and overall relevance to their needs.
Our target customers appreciate the accessibility and handiness of our product, making it an essential companion for those leading active lifestyles. The overwhelmingly positive response indicates that we've successfully met the demands of our audience, providing a reliable solution to their food storage needs. However, we value our customers' opinions, and we acknowledge that there's always room for improvement. We welcome and actively consider the suggestions provided by our users, as their insights are invaluable in refining our product further. By maintaining an open channel for feedback, we aim to consistently enhance our food storage container, ensuring it evolves in tandem with the dynamic needs of our diverse customer base. Your satisfaction remains our top priority, and we are committed to delivering a product that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.
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BMC Presentation, Feedback, and Adjustments
In this entry, I will be discussing the few changes that our group has decided to adapt to make our venture or business more appealing to future customers, as well as to our future investors and partners.
After the BMC Presentation, we are given pieces of advice by our panelists regarding our venture. Regarding the presentation, the panelists emphasized that it is important to specify all the necessary data needed for the BMC to be clear to the investors or whoever is interested in the venture. It is also best to include the source of capital which is the financing of the business. They then emphasized the importance of clarity in every aspect of the BMC, especially in the Revenue streams, Value propositions, and Customer relationship strategies. These suggestions are taken into great consideration.
As to the validation of students for our venture, we formulated a few questions that will be very helpful in making and improving our venture. Those questions are then incorporated and transferred in a Google form and 15 students answer the questions. Upon retrieving answers from our respondents, we analyzed and narrowed down their answers to come up with conclusions relevant to the improvement of the venture. In terms of having rental lockers, more than half of the respondents answered that they often need a place where they can place their belongings while on campus. Fourteen (14) respondents find this idea convenient in managing their belongings, while only one (1) answered slightly. They find it important to have a safe and secure place for their valuable things. Overall, the survey showed their interest in availing of this service and would recommend it to others. As to the rental umbrellas, the respondents answered that they are very likely and likely to rent these umbrellas given the changes in the weather while on campus, with only three (3) of the respondents answering unlikely. More than half of them believe that it is useful to have an umbrella rental service inside the campus. Ten (10) of the respondents answered that they often experience changes in the weather and wish that they could have an umbrella. The survey shows that they are likely to recommend the venture to others and agree that the combined locker and umbrella rental service would improve their campus experience.
The existence of a Public-Private Partnership in the University makes it easier for starting businesses to operate inside the campus. This will be a channel for us to introduce and build our venture. they also facilitate the necessary approvals and implementation processes of the business. This is beneficial, not only for us in the form of revenues but as well as for the improvement and enhancement of the facilities on the campus. In this way, we can be able to provide a good academic environment for the students. Partnership with the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) and the Security Office can also help us conduct a smooth transaction or operation with the students and provide safety in their valuable belongings when talking about leaving them inside the lockers during the day.
As to the cost structure, the initial plan was to provide rental stations to all ten (10) colleges. However, it is discussed among our group that it is better to cater to two (2) colleges to cut our start-up costs. This is a great move for us to assess what aspect of the business needs improvement and what other ways for us to handle the business better. In this way, we could prepare for more growth and expand the business efficiently.
The changes and adjustments made through our collaborative discussion truly helped in making a more efficient plan for the venture. We are also able to assess what other aspects of our business that need to be improved and enhanced.
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1strejj · 4 months
Entrepreneurial Journey : Navigating Entrepreneurial Ideas!!
University students from all academic levels and disciplines participated in a number of in-depth customer interviews that we conducted early in the development process. The purpose of these interviews was to learn about the needs and trouble spots that students had with their time at university.
Based on the insights gathered from the interviews, our team formulated several hypotheses regarding the features and functionalities that would most benefit students. These hypotheses included assumptions about the demand for features such as study group formation, career services, and campus event calendars.
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We discovered that the assumptions about the need for study group creation and career services were validated through iterative testing and feedback loops. Students indicated a great need for resources to enhance career development and to enable networking and collaboration. But based on input from early prototypes, a few theories about particular features—like peer support and counseling—needed to be further refined.
In the previous week, our team made a crucial decision regarding the integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS) for accessing course materials and other academic resources. The team had two options: to develop custom integrations for each LMS platform used by universities or to prioritize integration with the most widely adopted LMS platforms such as Moodle and Canvas.
Following a thorough evaluation of available development resources, market research, and early user feedback, the team decided to give integration with Moodle and Canvas top priority. Universities utilized these systems extensively, guaranteeing optimum accessibility for students and lowering development and maintenance complexity.
As a team we learned that developing a product that appeals to the target market requires prioritizing features according to user feedback and market demand, optimizing user experience, and raising adoption rates can be achieved by integrating with current platforms and systems, and using users to test prototypes and hypotheses regularly can help detect and fix possible problems early in the development process.
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