#entry no.74095740597430957
bubblepopsims · 7 months
To whom it may concern,
This pains me...
I know a lot of posts have been floating around the whole "system" of Tumblr.. i.e. the reblogs, likes, shares blah blah numbers. yeah.
And to start this off with, I don't care if you like my posts or reblog them.. this is not about me... I am saying this for the people that put a lot of time and effort into their content.. the people that push through this shit with blood, sweat, and tears... out of excitement to share their vision with people. the ones who are now feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and defeated from the lack of support that is given on this SOCIAL MEDIA platform, the ones who face dms of people attempting to control what they post, and how they post it.
first of all.... who the fuck are you to go into anybody's DMS and think that it's alright for you to BELIEVE you have any power here?
If you don't like something... move. on. Don't follow them. Don't interact with them. that's it!... the audacity, the fucking ego trips some of these people are on, it's unbelievable... get a life, read a book, drink some tea, masturbate... do something other than genuinely making someone feel like shit on a daily bases...
I am not saying you have to be a kiss-ass to everyone... a matter of fact. DO NOT. don't be fake. but if you like something why not tell them? SHARE IT! In this day and age when everyone has so much to say about everything else... you have nothing to say for someone who shares a common interest with you? when did everyone forget to support each other? has the world made you that cold?
I am beginning to see many content creators that I adore so much... drop off all social media (slow down, quiet down.. fade off) platforms due to the lack of support and the hate.... the hate... Stealing from each other, not just content but ideas too... belittling each other, asking people for stuff and not even having the common decency to say thank you or share what you have been gifted by another creator... talking behind each other backs, the envy, the stupid made up rule of "if you like and share one of my posts I'll do the same hehe" *rolling my eyes* This is called a community for a reason... but by the looks of it we are more divided than together... The fact that I read posts of people talking about how "stressed the fuck out" over this they are, or "Am I the problem?" is upsetting...
This is supposed to be fun... and for those of you who say "Well, they are just insecure, don't worry about the numbers, it's about you" go fuck yourself. because you probably get the likes and reblogs, who don't give to their community at all.. just shove that up your ass. respectfully -clears throat- excuse me that was rude... but I meant it. But it's supposed to be fun... there should be no malicious intent here... no undermining, no masterminding the system. what the fuck even? anyway... there should be none of that. Nobody should have to feel like that... ESPACIALLY HERE. did you all forget that we are a bunch of fucking NERDS! cool nerds. But A bunch of fucking nerds playing dress up and storytellers and builders and photographers in a goddamn video game. so what about someone is better than you. and? Did you forget that's how you get better?
[Yeah yeah fight me, bite me, whatever me about the whole nerds shit. It's a compliment in my eyes. I love being a fucking nerd.]
being prideful has its perks but it can also turn ugly real quick if used wrong...
I posted this for a reason so if you have words you want to say to me or just in general by all means.
if you disliked my post and feel icky by me now.. you can unfollow me.. because I will not ever NOT speak my mind, and this generally hurts me... because these people I see fading away... are fucking great people. These genuine people just want to play a game, share the content of that game, and tell you about themselves... Just. like. you.
I just wish people were nicer to each other...
some hippy dippy shit but I am one.
peace and love
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