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Entry 021, Little Steven and his Ukulele
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vittneshou · 4 years
Hi, it's me again. I've been inconsistent with my blog posting, isn't it? But well, it's better this way because there aren't many things I have to share. If I push myself to keep posting every day, I might end up sharing things that may trigger unwanted feelings.
So today, I'd like to share about my recent art. I first sketched it on last June 18 and slowly made progress whenever I felt to until last night. As usual, my colour palette is vibrant and colourful but this time, I played with a little bit different technique and it turned out nice! I really love it; self-praised because who would if not me myself, right?
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Maybe you know already who I drew; they are characters from my novel Resonant Cries. I don't think I need to introduce them again because I shamelessly always talk about them as though they are a part of my life. Well, truthfully, I love write about them more than the other characters.
Anyway, I've uploaded the high-resolution version without signature stamp or whatsoever on Google Drive so free to download it but you're being prohibited from abuse it for commercial use without my consent.
Okay, until then!
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k-i-n-g-y-o14 · 6 years
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Such a long time since my childhood. Miss You Already🎈🎈🎈
. Entry021
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yoww2016 · 8 years
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