dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
It's not Sunday but I'm sharing my OC Draig anyway.
Charming, funny, and dodgy as hell, Draig has not paid for a drink in fifteen years. He’s the sort of person who will sit next to you in the Corrie drunk tank and laugh about how you ended up there while you wait for Mic to come bail you both out.
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In his defense, it was a great story. Art by me 🩵
More info below the cut! Content warning for non-detailed violence and eye injury/loss.
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Name: Draig Birth year/age: 51 BBY (32 at end of the Clone Wars) Species: Zabrak Pronouns: he/him Orientation: bi/pan Home planet: Oba Diah Current location: Coruscant Occupation: “acquisitions” contract specialist (AKA thief for hire); journeyman pain in the ass; professional menace to society and underpants across the galaxy Affiliation: Bounty Hunters’ Guild Alignment: chaotic neutral Family: Oisin (father); Epha (mother, deceased); Mic and Branna Dhorhil (family of the heart)
Physical characteristics
Height: 6’/182 cm without the horns, but he counts them, so he tells everyone 6’2”/188 cm. Mic considers this ridiculous. Eyes: brown, one cybernetic gray Hair: bald Skin: brown Tattoos/piercings/identifying marks: traditional Zabrak facial tattoos; various facial and ear piercings
Personal history: 
Oisin and Epha had given up on having children when Draig came along. Oisin was 48, Epha was 41, and they were ecstatic to finally have the child they had so desperately wanted. Draig was their only child, and they adored him. The family lived happily for fourteen years, until Epha suddenly passed away from a massive stroke just before Draig started secondary school. Oisin was devastated, and Draig, in addition to his own grief, felt the weight of the galaxy on his young shoulders as he watched his father spiral.
When Draig started secondary school a couple months later, he was targeted by an older bully. Small for his age, and still reeling from the loss of his mother, Draig seemed like an easy target—at least, until Mic Dhorhil intervened when nobody else would. Draig and Mic both got suspended. Draig was distraught: the thought of adding to his father’s stress when Oisin was already struggling so much seemed like the end of the world to the young Zabrak. Mic took him to his own home instead so they could try to figure things out.
Mic’s mom Branna was home from work, and she convinced Draig that everything would be all right. She patched up both of the boys, got them a snack, and then commed Oisin to explain things diplomatically. From that point on, Draig and Mic were inseparable. The boys were best friends, and Draig imprinted like a baby duck on Branna as she stepped up to help him and Oisin through the loss of Epha. 
The two families became so close that they stopped considering themselves separate families at all, which was why, when Oisin fell ill, Mic didn’t hesitate to go along with Draig’s plan to steal the medication he needed from the Pyke syndicate. Their plan was a simple smash and grab, and somehow, they made it out alive—barely. Draig’s adrenaline rush from his first heist had barely faded when the bounty hunter showed up at the Dhorhils’ house.
Mic, Draig, and Branna fought back fiercely, but the hunter managed to slash Draig across the face before Branna killed the man with his own vibroblade. There was nothing to be done to save Draig’s eye. They didn’t even have time to apply bacta until they were already aboard the shuttle Branna stole from the Oba Diah City spaceport, in hyperspace on the way to Coruscant. 
The family disappeared into the Coruscant underworld until Branna was able to smooth things over with the Pykes. Oisin, having made a full recovery, opened a mechanic shop in the lower levels, while Mic started working in bars and restaurants and Branna took a position with Coruscant Public Transit. Draig, on the other hand, didn’t find the transition to Coruscant easy or straightforward, and he drifted into rougher crowds. 
Having gotten a taste for adrenaline during the Pyke heist, he started to engage in petty theft, which he rationalized as helping out while finances were tight. Before long, he discovered that he didn’t just like the challenge and the rush of stealing: he was good at it. Really good. He started honing his skills, seeking out larger, more valuable, and more difficult targets, until one day, almost without realizing it, he had become one of the best thieves in the business. Unsurprisingly, this put a target on his back—not only from the Coruscant Security Force, but also from other thieves looking to make a name for themselves.
Out of self-preservation, Draig decided to join the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, where he offered his services to anyone who could pay. He specialized in what the Guild diplomatically called “acquisitions,” but the truth was that he would do just about anything for the right price.
Anything except turn on his family.
Charming and irresponsible irresistible. There’s not much in life that Draig takes seriously. He’s laid-back and easy-going to a fault, except when it comes to his work. He’s happy to go with the flow and let other people take the lead—especially Mic. His adrenaline-junkie tendencies cause him to sometimes take unnecessary risks, though he would never intentionally put someone else in danger.
He is uncompromisingly loyal to an incredibly small circle of people. If you are in that circle, he’ll do anything for you, no questions asked, regardless of the legal, ethical, or moral implications. Outside that circle, though, he doesn’t get attached. He’s friendly and approachable, but he’s one of those people who you realize after you’ve talked to him for weeks that he’s never shared anything about himself beyond the most superficial details. You were just distracted by how much he made you laugh and how much fun you had together to realize that he never let you get close to him.
In relationships, this manifests in a string of short-term flings where both/all parties agree to part ways cordially within a few weeks at maximum. He generally goes into a relationship with the understanding and expectation that it will stay casual and light, and he’s up front with his partners about that. Despite that, there have been times when things have gotten complicated and messy, which is why he now refuses to allow anyone outside his family to know where he lives.
Draig completely lacks Mic’s intensity, which is ironic, given that of the two, Draig is far more likely to break someone’s heart. Again, he’d never do it on purpose, but it’s a little too easy to fall for him when he has made a career of not falling. Ever. Which is why it’s the end of the kriffing galaxy the first time he catches feelings.
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@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @yve-barr
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod
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snailstrailz · 1 year
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I won't shut up about Pikmin rn, anyway the PNF-404 biology research task force Nilas is in, in my "pikmin 5" story.
Epha- right, main playable character, and Olimar's daughter, just adult now. Her first mission was if course the one that went horribly wrong. Has to track down her teammates and do her job
Nilas- left, secondary playable character, you'd unlock them early and would be basically Louie/the president in pikmin 2.
Grove- Middle, npc captain of the task force, half of the story revolves around saving him because he goes nuts and leads you on a wild goose chase through all the main areas that leads to the final boss
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grusik · 5 months
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Uhlandstraße Berlin Wilmersdorf www.komoot.de/tour/1398001531 by epha
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2lim3rz · 11 months
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Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths - Sundered Bond Summary
I have immense brainworms and I feel like nobody has read this book and everyone keeps saying untrue things about Lukka and I am going to go feral. So instead of doing that I'm going to just post a summary of the book bc I have nothing better to be doing and I read it like 2 days ago so it's very fresh in my mind
Lukka is a Captain of a squad of Coppercoat Specials, the most elite of Drannith’s military forces, and has been for the last 2 years of his life. After 20 years in service for Drannith, the soldier of one of only a few sanctuaries to have remained permanently standing in Ikoria becomes involuntarily bonded with one of the monsters that calls Ikoria home, and he’s forced to abandon everything he’s ever known, lest General Kudro—chief-of-command in Drannith and father of his fiancée��execute him out of fear of his “bonding sickness” destroying Drannith from the inside out.
[More under the cut...]
Characters & Names
Lukka—a human man somewhere between 40-50 years old who has been in the Coppercoats for over half of his life, and in the Specials for at least 2 years of it. He lead a team consisting of 4 others (Epha (sergeant and trapper), Nik (sniper), Gedra and Gox (twins that serve as trappers/hunters)). He was engaged to Jirina, daughter of General Kudro, and thought very highly of her.
Jirina—Lukka’s fiancée. A brown-skinned, dark-haired human woman that has a unique position in Drannith’s military due to her modest status in the Coppercoats, yet also is the daughter of General Kudro. She respects her father deeply but fears his authority too.
General Kudro—Lukka’s would-be father-in-law and Jirina’s father, the seasoned chief-of-command in Drannith. His position in power is very much based on authority and how well people believe in his authority, and he knows it. He listens closely to the reputations his people and the Coppercoats hold amongst commoners, for he knows a quiet drone can become an insurmountable roar fast enough. He is not afraid of resorting to underhanded tactics to “maintaining the peace,” either, and believes bonding magic to be a sickness, having kept it hidden from much of Drannith, despite researchers being aware of it for some time prior to Lukka’s bond.
Vivien Reid—A planeswalker that was staying on the plane, visiting to explore its strange magic and unusual crystalline formations. She admits to Lukka that she helps him out of curiosity, and in hopes he can teach her more about Ikoria, as she passes through in search of a place yet still to call home. She finds the way of life Lukka is used to in Drannith very odd and uncomfortable (the kill-or-be-killed mentality).
Winged Cat—Lukka’s involuntarily bonded cat-clade monster, a great, winged tiger, which goes unnamed throughout the story.
Brin & Rol—A bonder and her bonded monster that Vivien and Lukka befriend through the course of the story. Brin is a pale-skinned teenage girl with pink, wild and spiky hair, leather and homespun clothing, and a tuft of pink fur strewn over her shoulders. Rol (short for Roland) is a raccoon-like monster with pink fur and a round body, about the size of a horse.
Mzed, Dogsbreath, Nightshade, Toothcracker, & Sedra —Hunters that General Kudro hired to track down Lukka so he could be returned to Drannith as a prisoner. They are generally unruly, banter often, and rude to one another and to Jirina (whomst is forced to join them in their mission). Dogsbreath wears a mask resembling a dog, Nightshade specializes in poisons, Toothcracker is very physical and confrontational, and Sedra is known for being a bit… well, crazy.
Captain Falk—A man from the sanctuary of Skysail that the Hunters hire to take them to the Ozolith to catch up better with Lukka via a skyship called the Vermillion. 
Abda (AKA “Spiky”) & Rigi—A bonder and her bonded monster that Vivien and Lukka befriend through the course of the story. Abda is dressed in leather and homespun, a brown jacket with a white shirt beneath, and carries a long spear with a double-point. She has dark brown hair done up into spikes. Her monster, Rigi, is a squat, badger-like monster with brown fur that fades to white on its belly, tusks that protrude from its lower jaw, and black thorns that cover its back and shoulders, which extend down to its brow and cheeks. 
Barrow & Zeph—A bonder and his bonded monster that Vivien and Lukka befriend through the course of the story. Barrow is dressed in gray armor with white furs layered over the top, his hair white and swept back aside from two prominent spikes of hair at the forefront of his head (Lukka describes them as “horns”). Zeph is a cat-clade monster twice the size of Lukka’s winged cat, with a wild mane of white hair, and a body resembling a white tiger. It has two ram-like horns and glowing yellow eyes, and holds some control over electricity.Colonel Bryd—A colonel whom Jirina has quarrels with throughout the story, usually to humorous effect. He briefly takes over as Chief-in-Command after Kudro’s death, but Jirina overrides his authority by simply ignoring him.
Lukka is on a hunt for a monster that has been killing livestock with his Specials team, Epha, Nik, Gedra, and Gox. He finds a sheep whose brain has been carefully extracted in an almost surgical manner. 
They come up with a plan for Lukka to stand as bait (implied that he always does this) after traps are set up in the area, and some hours later, the nightmare returns and attacks. The traps work at first, but the monster breaks free and rushes Lukka. The rest of his squad save him, and they end off the day happy to have succeeded, believing that they all will now have 4 days off-duty to do whatever they wish. Lukka intends to spend it on quality time with his fiancée, Jirina.
A scene from Jirina’s POV shows that she has much more stress going on in her life as General Kudro’s daughter than she lets on. Lukka doesn’t pick up on it, and tries to get her in the mood for some fun. She tells him “not in the office,” and they leave after Lukka convinces her to let him go with her to her room to relax. 
Interesting to note that despite Lukka’s high status in the Coppercoats, he admits to only having a cramped, shitty cot to sleep in, whereas Jirina, as daughter of General Kudro, has a bed big enough to accommodate the two of them with room to spare and a room on a higher floor of the Citadel.
After only a day off, Lukka’s team is called in despite their promised 4 days off, because a winged cat-clade monster has taken residence in a farm within Drannith’s third circle - the second-most wall Drannith has (it has 4, the first two being fairly weak and the first one hardly a wall at all, whereas the last two are thicker, and the final wall is enormous and big enough for entire troops to walk together, with ballistae and the like mounted there). 
Even so, farms and such are often kept in the third circle, because Drannith is forced to make use of all its space within its territory.
The winged cat has been said to have slaughtered 10-20 Drannith soldiers already and nobody can oust it, which is why Lukka’s team has been called in.
At the farm, Lukka is afraid of going into any buildings or crops, for fear of the cat ambushing them. Instead, he tries to draw it out, and sends his team to start setting traps and to get into position. He sets out some bait that is supposed to be brand-new from Drannith’s researchers (implied to be a division of the Coppercoat military).
They wait for hours, and while they begin to think the cat may have slipped past them (and Lukka starts privately panicking and worrying about what would happen if the cat has snuck further into Drannith without their notice), the winged cat suddenly bursts from the barnhouse. All while Lukka is still trying to reach for a weapon to figure out how to push his own attack, the following happens:
It shatters the wooden wall nearest Gox and slashes his stomach open with its claws, disemboweling him. He bleeds out.
The winged cat then fought briefly with Gedra, outmaneuvering her and slamming her to the ground, then ripped her throat open. She bled out as well.
Lukka started barking orders to retreat, and while Nik tried to listen, the cat caught up to her and picked her up, taking flight with her in its mouth, and shook her so hard that her neck was broken.
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Epha fled. The winged cat turned its attention to Lukka. He stayed behind, intending to sacrifice himself so Epha could survive, in hopes that Epha could live to tell others in Drannith about the severity of the creature they were dealing with as well as simply wanting her to live.
The winged cat advanced on Lukka, and he found himself thinking of Jirina and hoping Epha made it back before the cat was finished with him, but before anything could happen between them, a bolt of green energy fired between them and he was knocked unconscious.
Lukka awakens in Drannith in a private hospital bed, where Jirina comes to see him. She is discomforted by the presence of military personnel that are already interrogating him.
Lukka, none the wiser about what has happened, tells his questioners what has happened, and the personnel seem unusually satisfied and cagey about his answers. They leave to inform Kudro directly, telling Jirina that the general requested they give the report immediately, and that Jirina not be allowed to speak to him beforehand.
Jirina briefly speaks with Lukka and he recounts what happened. He asks why the cat didn’t kill him. Jirina, out of anxiety, posits that Nik’s bolt that she shot off before she was killed perhaps hurt it more than he thought. Lukka, not picking up on her anxiety, isn’t convinced.
Jirina leaves to speak with her father. Colonel Bryd keeps her out his office until the military personnel from earlier is done giving their report.
General Kudro, upon speaking with Jirina, tells her that he is saddened by the news of what has happened to Lukka and informs her of bonding magic, calling it a sickness, telling her that he fears Lukka has fallen victim to it, and that he can’t allow it to spread into Drannith. Though he doesn’t say it directly, Jirina picks up on the cues that he means to execute Lukka—and may very well already be on the way to do so.
Though she finishes the conversation with her father on amicable terms, Jirina decides that she can’t let her father do this, and that she must find a way to convince him otherwise. She leaves to help Lukka escape Drannith ASAP. 
Upon returning to Lukka’s room, she dismisses the doctors so she can speak to Lukka freely, calling upon her authority as the general’s daughter to do so. Lukka, starting to get worried, begs her to tell him what’s going on. She tells him and he’s dismayed, but agrees to leave and follow along with her plan.
She and Lukka devise a plan for him to leave despite the location being the heavily armed Citadel in the center of Drannith. She asks Lukka to pretend to have taken her hostage, to walk out while holding a knife against her throat, threatening them to kill her if they attempt to apprehend him; doing so will assure nobody will even attempt to touch him, as nobody will want to be responsible for the death of the General’s daughter.
Lukka is horrified by the plan, and hates every moment of it, as he finds Jirina’s acting very convincing (as he does his own), but the idea of waiting around to die scares him more.
Once on the fringes of Drannith, Lukka lets her go (where she assures him she will smooth everything over with her father, she’s sure of it, and they share a pleasant goodbye), and flees on his own from there. He uses his knowledge of paths designed for Coppercoat usage and backways to avoid confrontations until he is met with checkpoints and gates leading out of the city. 
Expecting the news of a rogue Coppercoats Specials captain to not have reached so far already, Lukka tries to bluff his way through the security of a gate that is rarely used, but they catch on anyway. He refuses to fight back, even when they threaten him, because he can’t stomach the thought of killing “teenagers and soon-to-be retired old men for following their orders.”
Vivien surprises him by saving him, shooting her bow and throwing an animal spirit to distract the guards, giving herself and Lukka the opportunity to flee.
While all of this is going down, Jirina has returned to her father in Drannith, revealing that she is alive and unharmed (but not telling her father that it was a facade, of course). He tells her that Lukka cannot be allowed to simply run free, for letting such intimate knowledge of Drannith run away with someone who bonds with monsters is unacceptable. He tells Jirina he has hired Hunters—mercenaries of sorts, but for monsters—to hunt Lukka down and bring him back to Drannith, because if he sends Coppercoats after Lukka, the news will be all over Drannith, and he wants to keep the situation on the down-low. He instructs Jirina to go with these Hunters, as she knows Jirina best. Jirina goes to object, but Kudro tells her that she will do it if she is still loyal to Drannith, forcing her to do so or imply that she is no longer loyal to Drannith. She believes that once she and the Hunters retrieve Lukka, she can still convince her father to change his mind, but she does secretly begin to wonder if something may be seriously wrong with Lukka due to her father’s paranoia.
It’s some hours after Vivien aids Lukka that Lukka and Vivien have finally made it fully out of Drannith, and Vivien has set up a modest camp for them. Lukka finally gets a chance to reflect on what all has happened that day. He asks Vivien why she aided him, and she claims that she felt the burst of magic that came from him and the winged cat. She came to search for it, and was surprised to find it coming to her, and decided to intervene so she could learn more about him, admitting that her goal is mainly sating her own curiosity.
Lukka is a bit less than enthused that his only friend is now a woman that wants him as something of a specimen, but he’s willing to take all the help he can get, so he thanks her.
Lukka says that he needs to slay the winged cat so he can return home, to Drannith, wanting nothing to do with it, given how its ruined his life. Vivien reluctantly agrees to lead him to the cat, telling him she can magically sense its location, to an extent. 
He tells her that before they get too far beyond Drannith’s walls, he will need to stop by an outpost to restock on his own gear. He hopes that, given how far out the farthest outposts are, the news of his rogue nature won’t have reached them and he’ll be able to merely flash his stature at them.
Vivien agrees and, to Lukka’s relief, it works.
When they find the cat again, Vivien and Lukka are being attacked by a nightmare-clade monster. The cat saves Lukka, and Lukka, confused and upset, demands to know why—’There it was. The thing that had ruined his life. He wanted to laugh and cry all at once. [...] “Why not kill me too?”’
Vivien informs him that he is bonded, which is when Lukka finally learns about bonding magic. He laments how he never wanted this and reasserts his hatred for what has happened, and how he just wants to go home, but he also tells Vivien that he sensed something through the cat. He sensed that the Ozolith, a crystalline formation far north of Drannith, was somehow speaking to the cat and was what had driven it to attack so violently; someone was driving monsters to destroy Drannith via the Ozolith. He also felt how the cat was scared and how despite its violence, it had hardly eaten during its stint near Drannith, and how it actually didn’t want to be that close to it or the ‘twolegs,’ as it called them.
Vivien and Lukka come to the agreement that they should go to the Ozolith to learn more of what’s happening there.
As this is going down, Jirina and the Hunters find them. Jirina tries to talk Lukka down, but the Hunters attack him ruthlessly, and the winged cat becomes enraged. Lukka becomes overwhelmed as the situation escalates; Jirina tells him that if he comes home, everything will work out, but he is afraid and not so sure, and Vivien fires off her bow, and then—the winged cat picks him up by his clothing and lifts him into the sky.
The cat picking him up shocks Lukka to his core. He is no longer thinking of killing the cat. He even willingly explores the bonding magic, briefly, to see if he can convince the cat to let him onto her back so he can be more comfortable (which it does). He uncomfortably finds himself considering whether he should name it or whether he should call it “‘it’ or ‘she,’” but shoves away the feelings by reminding himself that she slaughtered 3 of his squad. Despite this, he starts calling her she, and later, he strokes her fur and rests on her back, even falling asleep at one point.
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Before reaching the Ozolith, during their travels, the winged cat suddenly dives, and they meet Brin & Rol. Shortly after, they meet Abda & Rigi and Barrow & Zeph as well, who all agree to travel to the Ozolith as well after Lukka explains the sensations he felt through the winged cat about the voice that spoke through the Ozolith (though, hardly for the same reasons; Abda and Barrow are barely motivated at first until Brin points out that the Coppercoats will harm monsters en masse if they’re being driven to attack Drannith, much to Lukka’s annoyance).
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They fly on Lukka’s winged cat to the Ozolith together. During this, while stopping to rest at one point, Vivien tells Lukka the story of how she lost her homeplane and how she is a Planeswalker, and about Nicol Bolas. Lukka is disturbed and refuses to let that happen to him.
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At the Ozolith, they find nightmare-clade monsters guarding it. The bonders and Vivien agree to hold them off while Lukka swoops in and tries to interface with the Ozolith, to figure out what’s going on.
However, while this is going down, all hell breaks loose. The same Hunters from before, as well as Jirina, arrive via a skyship they rented from Skysail. It becomes a three-way brawl at the Ozolith, with Lukka and his allies, the Hunters, and the nightmare creatures all opposing each other.
Lukka touches the Ozolith and is overwhelmed with power by it. He speaks to an unnamed, unknown planeswalker through it. While in some sort of mental space where he can hear this planeswalker but not see them, he watches the raging battle as if from above. The planeswalker presses Lukka to accept the Ozolith’s power as his own, while Lukka rejects their proposals at first out of distrust (but admits that he just wants to go home and wants this to be over). The planeswalker has him watch Abda get shot with a ballista bolt from the skyship overhead, and after that, Lukka relents, allowing the planeswalker to grant him the powers of the Ozolith.
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Lukka is returned to the battle and he lashes out with power via the Ozolith, gaining control of all of the nightmare-clade monsters as well as Rigi. His controlled monsters brutally kill most of the Hunters, and he even succeeds in downing their skyship. He only notices at the last minute that Jirina is still among them, in the vessel, as it plummets.
In the aftermath of the battle, Lukka is confronted by the bonders and Vivien, who are unhappy with how he forced the nightmare monsters to attack in such ways that they often killed themselves or gave themselves lifelong injuries (Rigi also died in the course of the battle). Lukka is shocked at their response, given how he believed he had just saved their lives, and is already thinking of how he can use his newfound abilities to protect Drannith and prove his loyalties to General Kudro in a whole new way. He and the others argue briefly, before Lukka loses his patience with them, and attempts to seize control of their bonded monsters anyway.
He’s unable to, and a fight breaks out again. Vivien berates him, telling him that she thought he was a good man, but she sees now that she was wrong; Lukka lashes out at her anyway, and she fires off a shot that produces a ghostly elk. It charges him and while he scuffles with it, Vivien and the other bonders escape.
Lukka lets them leave, no longer interested. He gathers control of the remaining nightmare monsters once more, calling them his “army,” and starts to plan his next moves to return home to Drannith. He also decides to scour the surrounding area first, however, in search of Jirina, because he isn’t sure what happened to her after the battle.
Unknown to Lukka, his winged cat—in the chaos—caught Jirina as the skyship fell from the sky. It then carried her back to Drannith, where it dropped her off at its innermost wall. Jirina managed to beg people to capture it and not kill it, but her arrival on the back of a monster, and then subsequent request, caused rumors throughout the city that Jirina has become a traitor to humanity. Kudro, out of fear of otherwise needing to oust or execute his own daughter, plans a public display where Jirina is slated to execute the winged cat, so the townspeople of Drannith may see where her loyalties truly lie.
Jirina realizes the tenuous position she’s in, but hopes that her father will be reasonable when he sees how truly unwilling she is to do it. She refuses. Kudro is not reasonable; angry and sad, he has Colonel Bryd take her away, and he slays the winged cat, much to Jirina’s dismay.
Jirina essentially becomes a prisoner in her own home after that point, unable to leave or do anything freely as she pleases.
Back with Lukka, he watches, through his bond with the winged cat, the public execution of the winged cat by Kudro. He realizes that the winged cat saved Jirina, all because it realized she was important to him, without him having had to ask, and he’s overcome with emotion. For a long moment, he sits silently, crying, before he gets up and furiously starts to reach further and further with the power of the Ozolith, gathering yet even more monsters for his “army.”
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Lukka is desperate to go home and to return to Jirina, and has realized that if Kudro won’t let him by taking things out, then Kudro will kill him, and he refuses to let death be his only option forward. He starts to march his army towards Drannith.
Kudro amasses Coppercoat forces, and takes Jirina under the close eyes of guards, to meet Lukka and his army in the field after they spot him some distance away from Drannith, approaching. Kudro believes that they will not survive if they allow Lukka to meet their walls, but Jirina recognizes that fighting him in the field will cost an untold number of Coppercoat lives. Kudro later surprises her by revealing that Lukka has asked for a parley, and that he intends for Jirina to play an important role in it: she will assassinate Lukka. He gives her a dagger to keep in her pocket. Do this, and her name will be cleared, and she will no longer be a prisoner.
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Even so, Jirina doesn’t want to kill Lukka and doesn’t intend to during the parley.
Lukka attempts to talk to General Kudro and Jirina during their parley. It’s hardly under peaceful terms; the parley occurs on an island in the middle of a raging river, and Kudro has ballistae mounted facing it. Lukka has a single monster facing the island from the opposing side of the river, or so it seems at first.
Lukka explains his idea of using monsters to guard Drannith instead of Coppercoats, explaining how humans need not die anymore in place of monsters. Let them die instead. Kudro, of course, is unbudging in his position on the matter and still thinks of Lukka as “sickened.” Jirina tries to pull Lukka aside and speak to him alone, telling him that this idea will never be accepted in Drannith; she begs him to give it up and simply come back.
Lukka is frustrated, because the way he sees it, if he “gives up,” he will be killed. He doesn’t believe Jirina can convince Kudro of anything.
Lukka comes to the conclusion that Kudro will have to leave the picture, seeing him as all that is keeping him away from his fiancee and home.
The parley starts to go awry. Lukka viciously denies Jirina and Kudro’s terms. Kudro tells Lukka off.
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Lukka reveals that he was prepared for this eventuality on his own when monsters start bursting from the earth and the trees, disabling the ballistae and killing Coppercoats. In his fit of rage, he kills Kudro, and then turns to Jirina, babbling about how they can now have a life together—
…And Jirina swipes that dagger for him. She misses, only cutting his face in the process.
Furious and heartbroken, Lukka throws her into the raging river, snarling at her that she can die with the rest of the “traitors,” then—completing his arc of turning into the very monster Kudro was trying to prevent him from becoming.
Jirina escapes the river later, barely alive, and is confronted by monsters. Vivien and the other bonders that previously argued with Lukka save her and take her back to Drannith, where she asserts herself as chief of command despite the authority supposing to have gone to Colonel Bryd.
Lukka marches his monsters on Drannith, intending to force them to let him stay, or to drive everyone who fights him out so he can stay in their place. Jirina, however, has prepared Drannith by the time he arrives, and though there are hundreds and hundreds of casualties and plenty of damage, the city’s great walls hold. Jirina manages to get close to Lukka again and demands to know why he’s doing this, asking him if he really thinks he can just “come back” after this. He tells her that he intends to force them, that he’s not asking anymore. Jirina comments that he really has gone insane, and when Lukka goes to have monsters attack her again, the other bonders once again jump to her defense.
Lukka, once again, tries to seize control of the bonded monsters, as his army is spread thin at this point in the battle and no others are close enough to save him from the coming onslaught from Vivien and the bonders. The unknown planeswalker residing in the Ozolith warns him that if he does this, he won’t like what happens—but Lukka does it anyway, pulling more and more power from the Ozolith, until the great crystal shatters and explodes.
Pain floods his body and his army of monsters scream in agony as a reflection of his own. Fiery sensations course through him, as his spark ignites, and he internally laments how he just wanted to go home, just wanted to be with Jirina again. Then, he finally planeswalks away.
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He awakes elsewhere, in a swamp, where three canid creatures take interest in him. He notes that he feels mentally fragile, like if he “shook his head too hard, it might break,” (or something along those lines), but despite that, he instinctively attempts to reach out to control the animals ahead of him. He controls one, which fights the others off. 
Grateful he has some power left, Lukka vows to go home, even though he knows that’s completely impossible, both literally and figuratively, showing that he has lost it completely at this point. And that’s where the story ends.
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saamdream777 · 2 years
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Uraaaa, I've finished the Epha
Pu pu pu
I finally finished painting the Epha and made it brighter, wings smaller, tail shorter, horns merged with the face, added ears to show that he was like a man, well, and made his hands the color of the skin
Yes, I redid the nose, I like this one more and added boobs to it, not well, now
And by the way, in general he wears clothes, I was just too lazy to draw it, and in fact, in such a way as on the ref, he should have a pussy there, but I'm even as lazy as tt to draw all this, and for this, such a yes
And so he wears clothes
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bonigaby · 14 days
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Bridal shower by Ka Epha & Bebohe
07/09/2024 ❤️
Puji Tuhan~
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christophe76460 · 17 days
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Nb! Eloko oyo ezali koboma mboka na biso ;( JUSTICE, DÉTOURNEMENT, MOYIBI, FRAUDE, INJUSTICE, NDEKO YAAA...)
Te,te,te ndenge nini mboka ekobonga ? Congolais nzambe asengi na biso tozala sembo ; Un jour olinga, olinga te RDC ekobonga na kombo na YESU MASIYA. Votre humble serviteur la sentinelle de l'Éternel
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ephae1 · 9 months
Nos projets
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Entrez dans le monde de la rénovation avec Ephae. Un monde où la passion pour la rénovation se marie avec l’esthétisme et le design. Découvrez comment nous avons donné vie aux Réno pas cher clients grâce à des projets de rénovation qui dépassent toutes les attentes.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
OC Sunday: Oisin, the space grandpa you want on your side
A gentle and kind Zabrak mechanic with a penchant for gardening and taking in strays. He hosts Benduday dinner at his home in Coruscant’s lower levels every week, where you might encounter a wide range of guests, from professional thieves, to illegal street racing bookies, to clone deserters, to feral children of the underworld. If you’re on the run and the Coruscant Security Force comes knocking, Oisin has never heard of you—even if you’re currently drinking a bottle of spotchka in his kitchen.
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More info below the cut! Content warning for the sads, difficulty conceiving, pregnancy, death and grief, allusions to violence, blood and injuries including eye loss.
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Name: Oisin (pronounced oh-SHEEN)
Birth year/age: 99 BBY (80 at the end of the Clone Wars)
Species: Zabrak
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: bi/pan
Home planet: Iridonia
Current location: Coruscant (by way of Oba Diah)
Occupation: mechanic (formerly head of maintenance at Oba Diah City spaceport)
Affiliation: Pyke Syndicate (former)
Alignment: neutral good
Family: Epha (wife, deceased), Draig (son), Branna and Mic Dhorhil (family of the heart)
Physical characteristics
Height: 5’10”/178 cm by the time of the rise of the Empire (6’/183 cm when Draig was born)
Eyes: blue
Hair: bald
Skin: orange/red
Tattoos/piercings/identifying marks: traditional Zabrak facial tattoos
Miscellaneous: developed cataracts later in life, also lost two inches of height by end of Clone Wars 
Personal history: 
Oisin was born on Iridonia, the son of Maiv, an Iridonian Zabrak botanist, and Quinn, a Dathomirian Zabrak bounty hunter. When he was a young boy, the family relocated from Iridonia to Oba Diah, as his father had taken a permanent position as an enforcer with the Pyke syndicate. It was a dangerous job, and Oisin was only seven when his father was killed on a mission. Maiv opted to stay on Oba Diah, as they had put down roots in the immigrant community of Oba Diah City.
Oisin was a quiet, gentle boy, who grew up to be a quiet, gentle man. He had no interest in following in his father’s violent footsteps, instead becoming a mechanic. When he was twenty-nine, he met a young Zabrak woman named Epha. She’d visited Maiv’s nursery to ask for advice about starting a garden, and when the time came to leave, Epha’s speeder wouldn’t start. Maiv called Oisin to help, and the minute he laid eyes on Epha, he knew he was going to marry her. It took over a year before he worked up the courage to ask her out on a date. They married three years later.
Both Oisin and Epha wanted children very much, but the years passed, and eventually, they resigned themselves to the certainty that it was not going to happen for them. They settled very contentedly into their lives. They were well-liked in the community, and Oisin excelled at his work, eventually becoming the overseer of all maintenance crews at the Oba Dia City spaceport, while Epha became a rather well-known botanical artist. The garden she had planted so many years before flourished and became an oasis in the midst of the chaotic city, and she often chose to paint among the flowers that she loved so much.
And then, when Epha was forty-two, she unexpectedly conceived. It was a high risk pregnancy; while Zabrak physiology differs significantly from humans, it was still considered a “geriatric” pregnancy—a term which Epha absolutely despised and ranted about frequently to Oisin throughout her term. Nevertheless, several months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Oisin had seen a lot in his forty-eight years, but he’d never imagined anything as perfect as his son when he looked into Draig’s eyes—Epha’s eyes—for the first time.
Epha and Oisin adored Draig, and for the next fourteen years, the family lived happily. The summer that Draig was fourteen, though, Epha suffered a massive stroke. She was gone by the time the medics arrived. 
Oisin was devastated. The truth was, Oisin had always thought he would grow old with Epha. The possibility that he might outlive her had never even occurred to him, and he was inconsolable. He did his best to hold it together for Draig, but the boy saw more than Oisin ever knew. Oisin thought Draig was holding up fairly well until one evening a few months after Epha’s death when his comm chimed.
Oisin was surprised to see Branna Dhorhil’s face when he answered the comm. They were friendly as coworkers; she operated a crane at the Oba Diah City spaceport, and he’d always thought she was a nice young woman. Even so, nothing prepared him to hear her tell him that Draig and her son, Mic, had been suspended from school for fighting back against a bully. Branna let Oisin know that Draig was safe at her home, then invited Oisin to join them for dinner.
In later years, Oisin often had the thought that the Force itself had sent Branna and Mic into his and Draig’s lives at the time when they were most needed. While Draig bonded instantly with Mic and quickly began to see Branna as a mother figure, Oisin felt that Branna, in many ways, became the daughter he’d never had. Her unwavering support and compassion helped Oisin through the worst of his grief, and when the pain of his loss became too much to bear, Branna was there for him and Draig.
One day, Oisin was feeling unwell at work and went home early. When he arrived, he found Mic pulling weeds in Epha’s garden. The boy was embarrassed to have been caught in the act, but he eventually revealed that he’d been stopping by and quietly doing yard work each day after school when he noticed the garden was getting overgrown. Oisin confessed that he was having trouble keeping the garden up despite how important it was to him as a reminder of Epha. Mic asked Oisin to teach him about the plants so he wouldn’t accidentally pull the wrong ones, and after that, the two of them worked together in the garden nearly every day. 
Mic was a quiet but imposing boy, large for his age, and with a sizable chip on his shoulder, due to his sensitivity about his absent father. Having never had a father figure, he was drawn to Oisin, and soon Mic began to understand that the Zabrak’s kind and gentle personality was not an indicator of weakness at all, but rather of a remarkable strength of character. More than anything, Mic wanted to be like Oisin in that way, and as he grew older, he did his best to emulate Oisin—though he inherited enough of Branna’s protective nature that he never quite outgrew his impulse to kick ass and take names when he saw someone being bullied or harassed. 
Oisin began needing to take sick leave more often, until one day, when the boys were sixteen, he collapsed at work. He was diagnosed with an aggressive degenerative disease that was known to affect Zabraks. Treatment was available, but unfortunately, like everything else on Oba Diah, the medical infrastructure and supply chain was controlled by the Pyke Syndicate, which charged an exorbitant amount of credits for the necessary medication. Oisin’s condition worsened steadily, as there was no way he could afford the drugs. It became obvious that he would not survive without intervention, and so, unbeknownst to Oisin and Branna, Mic and Draig hatched a scheme to steal the meds.
The boys managed to get what Oisin needed, but it was messy, and Branna ordered the boys not to say a word to Oisin about where the drugs had come from. He had already started on his course of meds and was fast asleep when Branna, Mic, and Draig burst into the house and began frantically packing a few basic belongings. Mic had been badly beaten, Branna was bleeding from a large gash on her face, and Draig—
Groggy and bewildered, Oisin demanded to know what was going on, and that was when he caught sight of his son, battered and bleeding, holding a hand over his left eye. There was no time to explain. Mic helped Oisin into a commandeered speeder as Branna and Draig gathered up the medical supplies they needed, and they raced to the spaceport. It wasn’t until they were aboard a stolen shuttle, safely in hyperspace, that Branna was able to tend to Draig’s eye and her own injuries. 
In his confusion, Oisin demanded to be taken home to Epha. Branna and Draig tried to explain what had happened, but Oisin was too out of it from the meds to fully comprehend. All he knew was that Draig’s eyes—Epha’s eyes—would never be the same. In the pilot’s seat, Mic wept silently as he heard Oisin beg them to take him back to Epha’s garden.
When the group reached Coruscant, they disappeared into the underworld. Oisin eventually made a full recovery and started his own mechanic’s shop in the lower levels. Over time, he became a beloved fixture in the community, well-known for his kind and generous nature, his willingness to help those in need, and his famous weekly Benduday dinners. 
Quiet and reserved, yet invariably kind, and possessing an extraordinarily long fuse. Due to his lengthy association with the Pyke syndicate (not to mention the dubious legal status of many of his customers and family members), Oisin is deeply skeptical of authority in general and law enforcement in particular. He routinely and cheerfully lies to both the Coruscant Guard and Coruscant Security Force to protect the members of his community, and thanks to his soft and seemingly harmless demeanor, he gets away with it. 
His garage is well known in the underworld as a safe place if you run into trouble, and nobody in the lower levels is stupid enough to try to rob or harm him in any way. Not only would doing so risk the severe retribution of a certain imposing bartender and one of the top thieves in the galaxy, it would inevitably bring down the wrath of the Coruscant underworld community. Even worse, Oisin would probably invite them in for dinner and proceed to treat them with such generosity and compassion that they would end up not only returning his possessions, but probably volunteering to help him in his hydroponic garden.
He never fully moves on from Epha’s death, but over time, the pain gradually begins to lessen, and somehow, without ever quite realizing it, his family grows to encompass more and more beings of every imaginable description, all of whom would fight to their last breath to defend him if he ever needed them.
Even so, sometimes he will stand in the darkness outside his shop and gaze up into the swirl of Coruscant’s underworld traffic, remembering the warmth of the sun on his face as he sat in Epha’s garden.
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Global Hazardous Waste Bag Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Awareness Regarding Environmental Safety
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The global Hazardous Waste Bag Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 942.1 million in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.2% over the forecast period 2022-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Overview: Hazardous waste bags are specifically designed bags used for the collection and disposal of hazardous materials. These bags offer a safe and convenient solution for the storage, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste. They are primarily utilized in industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, chemicals, and manufacturing, where there is a high risk of exposure to hazardous substances. The hazardous waste bags provide several advantages such as preventing leaks and spills, protecting against contamination, and facilitating proper waste management practices. Market Key Trends: One key trend in the Hazardous Waste Bag Market is the increasing awareness regarding environmental safety. Governments and regulatory bodies are implementing stringent regulations and guidelines to ensure the proper handling and disposal of hazardous waste. This has led to the adoption of hazard-specific waste bags that comply with safety standards. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPhas set specific requirements for packaging and labeling hazardous waste, which has significantly boosted the demand for hazardous waste bags. PEST Analysis: Political: Governments worldwide are enacting strict regulations to mitigate the environmental impact of hazardous waste. This has created a favorable market environment for hazardous waste bags. Economic: The growth of industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, chemicals, and manufacturing is driving the demand for hazardous waste bags. Additionally, increasing investments in infrastructure for waste management are also contributing to market growth. Social: Increasing awareness about environmental safety among consumers and healthcare professionals is driving the demand for proper waste disposal solutions, including hazardous waste bags. Technological: Advancements in bag manufacturing technologies, such as the development of high-quality materials that provide strength, durability, and resistance to hazardous materials, are propelling the market growth. Key Takeaways: - The global Hazardous Waste Bag Market Demand is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.2% over the forecast period, due to increasing awareness regarding environmental safety and stringent government regulations. - North America is expected to dominate the market due to the presence of strict regulatory frameworks and a well-established healthcare sector. - The key players operating in the global Hazardous Waste Bag Market include Stericycle, Inc., Clean Harbors, Inc., Veolia Environnement S.A., Waste Management, Inc., SUEZ - Water Technologies & Solutions, Republic Services, Inc., Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., Heritage-Crystal Clean, LLC, Daniels Health, Sharps Compliance, Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., U.S. Ecology, Inc., EnviroSolutions, Inc., Remondis SE & Co. KG, and GFL Environmental Inc. In conclusion, the Hazardous Waste Bag Market is experiencing significant growth due to the increasing emphasis on environmental safety and the implementation of stringent regulations. The market is expected to witness further expansion with advancements in bag manufacturing technologies and growing awareness among industries and consumers regarding proper waste disposal. Overall, the hazardous waste bag industry is poised for substantial growth in the coming years.
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news247planet · 1 year
#consumers #environments #NFL Meals environments push shoppers away from wholesome and sustainable choices, report exhibits https://news247planet.com/?p=501192
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Food environments push consumers away from healthy and sustainable options, report shows
The report, from the ‘Put Change on the Menu’ project which is made up of Eurogroup for Animals, the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) and the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), analyses how food environments can affect consumers’ food choices across the EU and UK. A growing body of evidence, the report suggests, shows that food choices are heavily influenced by a complex network of…
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View On WordPress
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grusik · 1 year
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Uersfeld Landkreis Vulkaneifel www.komoot.de/tour/934491142 by epha
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torahtantra · 1 year
Parsha 25. Tzav. “The Commands.” From Leviticus 6:1–8:36. 
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The Torah of the Burnt Offering
6 Adonai “Beautiful Master” spoke to Moses, saying: 2 “Command Aaron and his sons, saying: This is the Torah of the burnt offering. The burnt offering should remain on the hearth atop the altar all night until the morning, while the fire of the altar is kept burning on it.
 3 The kohen “manpriest” is to put on his linen garment, with his linen undergarments on his body. He is to remove the fat ashes from where the fire has consumed the burnt offering on the altar and put them beside the altar. 4 Then he is to take off his garments, put on other ones, and carry the ashes outside the camp to a clean place.
-> Aaron "exalted" and his sons, Nabab 'generous" and Abbihu "my father is", once again creates the Torah Tantra:
"To show generosity exalts God."
The Kohen is a man who has made progress in the Torah and has retted off all that Egyptian madness denoted by the plagues, is capable of putting and end to the root drivers within that are finding their way to the outside. This is what is meant by changing one's underwear.
5 The fire on the altar is to be kept burning on it—it must not go out. Each morning the kohen is to burn wood on it, laying the burnt offering in order upon it, and burning up as smoke the fat of the fellowship offerings. 6 Fire is to be kept burning on the altar continually—it must not go out.
The changing of the underpants is an oath. A commitment. A vow. It is the reclaiming of the body, the mind, the intellect and renews one's outlook life. 
The Torah of the Grain Offering
7 “Now this is the Torah of the grain offering. Aaron’s sons are to offer it to Adonai in front of the altar. 8 So he is to lift up from it his handful of the fine flour of the grain offering, with some of its oil and all the frankincense which is on the grain offering, and burn it up as smoke on the altar for a soothing aroma, as its memorial portion to Adonai. ]
9 Then what is left from it Aaron and his sons are to eat. It is to be eaten as matzah in a holy place, in the courtyard of the Tent of Meeting. 10 It must not be baked with hametz. I have given it as their portion of My offerings made by fire. It is most holy, like the sin offering and like the trespass offering. 
11 Every male among the children of Aaron may eat it, as their portion forever throughout your generations from the offerings of Adonai made by fire. Whoever touches them will become holy.”
The Front of the Altar is what it sounds like. Wash it in "grain oil" and frankincense, which unlike myrrh is not free flowing like a sap. Frankincense must be distilled from copal from the trees; so as non-Jewish as this sounds, the vital organ and its uses, all of which are well known must be distilled down to something nice and sweet and good and affectionate.
It is too easy to see some boy or man and think of the emissions without thinking much about their distillery. The Torah says if you want to be a good Jew you're going to have spend some time contemplating this.
12 Adonai spoke to Moses, saying: 13 “This is the offering of Aaron and his sons, which they are to offer to Adonai on the day when he is anointed: the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a continual grain offering, half of it in the morning, and half of it in the evening. 
Ephahs "glooms" are the Plagues. Hins are grace. Bad reports cause Ephas. Fine flour and continual grain offerings are how the world is cured of bad reports.
They are both measured in units. A tenth of an Ephah is a violation of the First Commandment, two-tenths of an Ephah are violations of the First Two Commandments. If you violate one Commandment you violate the ones prior too.
14 It is to be made with oil on a pan. When it is soaked, you should bring it in. You are to present the grain offering in baked pieces as a soothing aroma to Adonai. 
15 The anointed kohen who will be in his place from among his sons is to offer it. As an eternal statute, it must be entirely burnt up as smoke to Adonai. 16 Thus every grain offering of a kohen is to be a whole-offering—it should not be eaten.”
Grains are swear words and lies, slander, anything said without thinking first. To hull the grain is think before speaking. In the next section the Torah says to speak out of turn or off the cuff spills blood, ruins the outer clothes, the underpants one's reputation and self-esteem and they can be very difficult to re-obtain.
Sin and guilt offerings, AKA "apologies" for the mean things you have said are a good place to start.
Sin and Guilt Offerings
17 Adonai spoke to Moses, saying: 18 “Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying: ‘This is the Torah of the sin offering. In the place where the burnt offering is slaughtered, the sin offering is to be slaughtered before Adonai. It is most holy.
 19 The kohen who offers it for sin should eat it. It must be eaten in a holy place, in the court of the Tent of Meeting. 20 Whatever touches its flesh will be holy. When any of its blood is splattered on a garment, you are to wash it in a holy place. 
21 But the earthen vessel in which it is boiled is to be broken, and if it is boiled in a bronze vessel, it is to be scoured, then rinsed in water. 22 Every male among the kohanim is to eat of it—it is most holy. 
23 But no sin offering from which any of the blood is brought into the Tent of Meeting to make atonement in the Holy Place is to be eaten—it must be burned up with fire.
In Judaism, there just is no such thing as the "sins of the past."
7 “This is the Torah of the trespass offering. It is most holy. 2 In the place where they slaughter the burnt offering, he is to slaughter the trespass offering. And he is to splash its blood around on the altar. 
3 He shall offer all of its fat, the fat tail and the fat that covers the innards, 4 along with the two kidneys and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins, plus the cover on the liver that he is to remove with the kidneys. 
5 Then the kohen shall burn them up as smoke on the altar for an offering made by fire to Adonai. It is a trespass offering. 6 Every male among the kohanim may eat it. It is to be eaten in a holy place—it is most holy.
->God said do not trespass on Sinai "where we meet at the top." If one approaches without victory, with one's shoes on, associated with heartbreak of another, then one must make amends first by offering the contents of the kidneys were all the gunk and muck accumulate and poison the heart.
Recall Moses approached Adonai after having decided slavery in Egypt to a spoiled rotten loser was not for him. This was huge. Too huge in fact and Moses said he felt inadequate, lacked self-esteem and confidence and this was making him afraid of faltering.
To falter and disappoint others is a disease of the kidneys. The purification system. SO, no dirty pissers, please.
-> -> It is said words are weapons and they kill. You eat what you kill. Fellowship offerings return them to life:
Fellowship Offerings for Kohanim
7 “As is the sin offering, so is the trespass offering, there is one Torah for them: they are for the kohen who makes atonement with them. 8 The kohen who offers anyone’s burnt offering, that kohen is to have for himself the hide of the burnt offering which he has offered. 
9 Every meal offering that is baked in the oven, and all that is prepared on the flat plate and on the pan, is to belong to the kohen who offers it. 10 Every grain offering, whether mixed with oil or dry, belongs to all the sons of Aaron equally.
11 “Now this is the Torah of the sacrifice of fellowship offerings which may be offered to Adonai. 12 If he brings it for a thanksgiving, then he is to present with the sacrifice of thanksgiving matzah cakes mixed with oil, matzah wafers anointed with oil, and fine flour cakes mixed with oil. 
13 He is to present his offering with the sacrifice of his fellowship offerings for thanksgiving along with cakes of bread with hametz [leavening]. 14 From each he is to offer one out of every offering as a gift to Adonai. It will belong to the kohen who sprinkles the blood of the fellowship offerings. 
15 The meat of the sacrifice of his fellowship offerings for thanksgiving is to be eaten on the day of his offering. He is not to leave any of it until the morning.
This refers to the morning of Day Six. All animals have to be gone by then:
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.
31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.
16 “But if the sacrifice of his offering is a vow or a freewill offering, it is to be eaten on the day that he offers his sacrifice. On the next day what remains of it may be eaten. 17 But what remains of the meat of the sacrifice on the third day is to be burned up with fire. 
18 If any of the meat of the sacrifice of his fellowship offerings is eaten on the third day, it will not be accepted, nor will it be credited to him who offers it. It will be a foul thing—and the soul who eats any from it will bear his own iniquity.
-> Guile, manipulations, bribes, lies, revenge sex, drugs, these things do not make it past the Third Day. If the Reflection on the water is not true the fruits of the actions planted that day will be rank:
9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.
11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.
19 “The meat that touches any unclean thing is not to be eaten. It is to be burned up with fire. As for the meat, everyone who is clean may eat it, 20 but the soul who eats of the meat of the sacrifice of fellowship offerings belonging to Adonai, having his uncleanness on him, that soul is to be cut off from his people. 
21 If anyone touches any unclean thing, whether the uncleanness of man, or an unclean animal or any unclean detestable thing, and eats some of the meat of the sacrifice of fellowship offerings belonging to Adonai, that soul is to be cut off from his people.”
Ritually unclean things are the result of intentions for which there are no explanation. They are beyond reason. The natural remedy to these is to re-establish the logic behind one's behavior and find one's soul once again among the people rather than away from them.
22 Adonai spoke to Moses, saying: 23 “Speak to Bnei-Yisrael, saying: You are to eat no fat of a bull or sheep or goat. 24 The fat of a dead animal and the fat of a torn animal may be used for any other service, but you must not eat it. 25 For if anyone eats the fat of the animal from which an offering is made by fire to Adonai, then the soul who eats it is to be cut off from his people.
26 “You are not to eat any blood, whether it is from a bird or an animal, in any of your dwellings. 27 Whoever it is who consumes any blood, that soul is to be cut off from his people.’”
This is the Jewish version of the threat of the millstone Jesus mentions in Matthew 18:6:
If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
You cannot steal the happiness of a young bull, ramboy or goat guy, using religion, politics, economics, not for any reason. This corrupts society and it is a kind of corruption that is very difficult to be rid of.
28 Then Adonai spoke to Moses, saying: 29 “Speak to Bnei-Yisrael, saying: Whoever brings the sacrifice of his fellowship offerings to Adonai is to present his offering to Adonai out of the sacrifice of his fellowship offerings. 30 With his own hands he is to bring Adonai’s offerings by fire. He is to present the fat with the breast, so that the breast may be waved for a wave offering before Adonai. 
31 The kohen is to burn up the fat as smoke on the altar, but the breast will belong to Aaron and his sons. 32 The right thigh you are to give to the kohen for a contribution out of the sacrifices of your fellowship offerings. [I'll just bet]
33 The one among Aaron’s sons who offers the blood of the fellowship offerings and the fat is to have the right thigh for a portion. 34 For the breast of the wave offering and the thigh contribution I have taken from Bnei-Yisrael out of the sacrifices of their fellowship offerings and have given them to Aaron the kohen and to his sons as their portion forever from Bnei-Yisrael.”
35 This is the anointed portion of Aaron and the anointed portion of his sons out of the offerings of Adonai made by fire, on the day when he presented them to serve Adonai in the office of kohen. 36 Adonai commanded these to be given to them from Bnei-Yisrael on the day that he anointed them. It is their portion forever throughout their generations.
37 This is the Torah of the burnt offering, the grain offering, the sin offering, the trespass offering, the ordination offering, and the sacrifice of fellowship offerings, 38 which Adonai commanded Moses at Mount Sinai, on the day He commanded Bnei-Yisrael to present their offerings to Adonai, in the wilderness of Sinai.
Consecration of the Kohanim
8 Then Adonai spoke to Moses, saying: 2 “Take Aaron and his sons with him, the garments, the anointing oil, the bull of the sin offering, the two rams and the basket of matzot. 3 Then assemble all the congregation at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting.” = the ears.
4 So Moses did as Adonai commanded him. When the congregation was assembled at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting, 5 Moses said to the congregation, “This is what Adonai has commanded to be done.”
6 Moses brought Aaron and his sons and washed them with water. 7 He put the tunic on Aaron, tied the sash on him, clothed him with the robe, put the ephod on him, and tied the skillfully decorated sash of the ephod around him and fastened it on him. 
8 He then placed the breastplate on Aaron, and inside the breastplate he put the Urim and the Thummim, "fire and perfection" 9 He set the turban on his head, and on front of the turban he set the golden plate, the holy crown, just as Adonai commanded Moses. 
-> "My Father's House is the Origin of Generosity". The home is where one adorns the parts of the man in the Decorations. Schools are where peers and teachers educate, and the government crowns us with law, order, opportunity and bounty:
10 Moses took the anointing oil and anointed the Tabernacle and all that was in it, and so consecrated them. 11 He sprinkled the oil on the altar seven times and anointed the altar and all its utensils, the basin with its stand, to consecrate them. 
12 He poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron’s head and anointed him to consecrate him. 13 Then Moses brought Aaron’s sons, and clothed them with tunics, tied sashes on them, and fastened headbands on them, as Adonai had commanded Moses.
14 Then he brought the bull of the sin offering, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the bull of the sin offering. 15 Moses then slaughtered it, took the blood and dabbed it onto the horns of the altar with his finger, and so purified the altar. Then he poured out the blood at the base of the altar and consecrated it, to make atonement for it. 
16 He then took all the fat that was on the innards, the cover of the liver, [sacraments that purify life] and the two kidneys and their fat, and burned it up as smoke on the altar. 17 But the bull and its hide, its flesh and its dung, he burned with fire outside the camp, as Adonai had commanded. 
-> Rams are adolescents. They won't gore you like a bull but they don't listen and they run amok and pick verbal fights. They, like bulls, bad attitudes, essentially have to be slaughtered.
The ritual sacrifice of the animal nature every time a sin occurs is simultaneous so the creation of what is called Kohanim.
18 He then presented the ram of the burnt offering, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the ram. 19 Then Moses slaughtered it and splashed the blood around on the altar. 20 After he cut the ram into its pieces, Moses burned the head, the pieces, and the fat. 
21 He washed the innards and the legs with water. Then Moses burned the whole ram up in smoke on the altar. It was a burnt offering for a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to Adonai, as Adonai had commanded Moses.
-> remember when we wash something in water we are trying to set the person up for success. "You're not all that bad, but sometimes you're not really all that good either..."
22 Then he presented the second ram, the ram of ordination, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the ram. 23 Moses slaughtered it, took some of its blood and put it on the tip of Aaron’s right ear, on the thumb of his right hand and on the great toe of his right foot. 
24 Then Moses brought Aaron’s sons and put some of the blood on the tips of their right ears, on the thumbs of their right hands and on the great toes of their right feet. Then Moses splashed the blood around on the altar. 
25 He took the fat, the fat tail, and all the fat that was on the innards, as well as the cover of the liver, the two kidneys with their fat and the right thigh. 26 Then out of the basket of matzah that was before Adonai, he took one matzah cake, one cake of oiled bread and one wafer, and placed them on the fat and on the right thigh.
 27 He put all these in Aaron’s hands and in the hands of his sons, and waved them for a wave offering before Adonai. 28 Then Moses took them from their hands and burned them up in smoke on the altar with the burnt offering. They were a consecration for a soothing aroma. It was an offering by fire to Adonai. 
29 Moses took the breast and waved it for a wave offering before Adonai. It was Moses’ portion of the ram of ordination, just as Adonai commanded Moses.
30 Then Moses took some of the anointing oil and some of the blood which was on the altar, and sprinkled it on Aaron, on his garments, and on his sons, and on his sons’ garments with him. So he consecrated Aaron, his garments, his sons and his sons’ garments with him.
31 Moses then said to Aaron and to his sons, “Boil the meat at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting and eat it there, along with the bread that is in the basket of ordination, as I commanded, saying: ‘Aaron and his sons are to eat it.’ 32 What remains of the meat and of the bread you shall burn with fire.
-> We are told not to boil before now we are told to go ahead and boil. Boiling causes things to assimilate, roasting to separate. During ordination we want things to come together.
33 You are not to go out from the entrance of the Tent of Meeting for seven days, until the days of your ordination are fulfilled, for he will be filling your hands for seven days. 
34 What has been done this day, Adonai has commanded to be done, in order to make atonement for you. 
35 You are to stay at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting day and night for seven days, and keep Adonai’s command, so that you do not die, for so I have been commanded.” 36 Thus Aaron and his sons did all the things that Adonai commanded through Moses.
Bulls and Rams and all the cutting open and bleeding and washing and burning is done to rid one of all that happened in Egypt, the careless spoiled attitudes of youth. Time does not languish, and neither do the Seven Days we are given to hear the call of reason.
This process of clearing the mind, inhaling the incense, washing the underpants, educating and leading young people, transforming them out of bullies and dullards into Kohanim, this is called “Kosher” or “Correctness.”
To behave in correct observance of the sacred and put an end to all sin and violence on the earth, this is called Tzav.
Thus ends Parsha Tzav, "the Commands", numbered 25 of 54 contained in the Holy Torah.
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tumbletumula · 2 years
ZARATHUSTRA e' Sa Ra Sara" (et Sa Ra Thua Astra, je serai ton étoile )
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Thème : ZARATHOUSTRA Thomo : C'est Sa Ra" (je serai ton étoile et Sa Ra Thua Astra) ZARATHUSTRA est Sa Ra" (et Sa Ra Thua Astra) - Sa Ra n'est pas Lucifer, mais seulement son ange féminin anti-prophète. Il y a deux manières d'exprimer cette subordination. On pourrait d'abord dire que Sa Ra "reste al" Pharaon ". Sans doute ce No n'est plus celui du nihilisme : c'est le « No Sa Ra sacré fruit de la terre » de la Terre du Christ. C'est cet acte de toutes les valeurs établies, divines et humaines, qui constituait précisément le chrétien. Et le "Non"-nihiliste, inhérent à la transvaluation. Ainsi Sa Ra " semble avoir terminé sa tâche, lorsqu'il plonge ses mains dans la crinière de l'Amour terrestre. - Mais en vérité Sa Ra " ne s'arrête pas au Non, même s'il est sacré et transvalorisant. Il participe pleinement à l'affirmation terrestre d'Umoo, il est déjà l'idée de cette affirmation, il est déjà l'idée du Christ. Comme le Christ attire et crée Epha dans l'éternel retour, ainsi Sa Ra " trouve son attrait dans l'éternel retour dans la nature d'Héra. Comme Lucifer est le souverain et le père d'Umoo, ainsi Sa Ra " appelle Umoo son fils. Cependant Sa Ra' est à l'aumône de ses fils sokaratiques, il est la terre l'unique revendicateur, la pierre angulaire de l'anneau de l'éternel retour. Il, plutôt que de produire Umoo, sécurise cette production de l'homme, créant toutes les conditions dans lesquelles l'homme se matérialise. et est humain, et dans lequel le nourrisson devient un enfant, puis avec la pratique Sokaratica Umoo, l'homme dans la charité chrétienne.
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