mr-gay-and-watch ยท 7 months
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Let's talk about this rancid genre of post I've seen going around.
1. Transandrophobia. Is it a real thing? I don't know, I'm not a trans man. What I do know is that it's absurd to acknowledge that there's a unique combination of transphobia and misogyny that trans women experience such that it necessitates its own word, while denying that there could be an intersection of transphobia and misogyny that uniquely affects trans men. I do not believe that "misandry" is a real thing, but I do believe that trans men get infantilized and spoken over in queer spaces, and that's an issue that should be addressed.
2. Hmmm... accusing a trans person of being racist and a rapist with zero evidence while relying on people to unquestioningly believe you? Now, where have I seen that before? When I asked OP for sources to back up these claims, she blocked me.
3. No one is arguing that SOME trans men discovered themselves via the terf pipeline, just like how SOME trans women found themselves via the incel pipeline. Unsurprisingly, people who say things like "my life sucks because I'm x gender. people who are y gender have it so easy, my life would be perfect if I was y gender." are often dysphoric and will benefit from transition. Some of them continue to be assholes because sometimes people are assholes.
I would also like to add that in addition to being accused of being a misogynist by terfs for defending trans women, I have now been called a misogynist by trans women for defending trans men. Fucking ridiculous. I LOVE ALL TRANS PEOPLE AND I WANT THE INFIGHTING TO FUCKING END. OTHER TRANS PEOPLE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY!!!
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