#ephemera of evalynn cott
kindleln · 4 years
Ok so I’ve been playing through the Bundle for Racial Equality and Justice on Itch.io and here are my thoughts so far!
I played this one prior and oh my gosh I love this game. It’s one of my all time favorites and made me fear-cry. It’s a story based game that follows a girl named Alex, as she endeavors to keep her brand new step brother Jonas, her stoner friend Ren, Rin’s crush Nona and a girl named Clarissa who was Alex’s late older brother’s girlfriend, alive until morning on an abandoned island haunted very literally by the ghosts of the past.
Night in the Woods
My sister’s favorite game of all time and for me it is definitely up there. Focuses around a girl named Mae who recently dropped out of college and returned to her home town to try to reconnect with her friends and family and deal with her mental health, but there is something lurking in the woods... also all the characters are anthropomorphic animals and it’s adorable.
Harrrrddddd. It’s hard. So hard. But I did it! Celeste is a platformer following a girl named Madeline as she tried to climb Mt. Celeste chased and hindered by her fears and anxieties as she attempts to cope. It’s a very good game but can be very frustrating.
A Short Hike
A short game relatively speaking about a bird girl named Claire who is on an island state park with her aunt and is attempting to get to the peak of the mountain to find cell service for a very important phone call. She can walk, climb and fly in this little open world game and it is very charming. I never got around to catching all the fish cause I have other things to do but maybe one day...
A very stressful game where you die every minute which is definitely not enough time to do everything but luckily all your progress stays each death, you just end up at your little house over and over. Reminds me of top down zelda games and is completely in black and white. I was tense the entire time but beating the game was such a rush of relief.
Wheels of Aurelia
Aaa so many endings! I got 3 so far to be honest. It’s a visual novel driving game following a woman named Lella and a lady she picked up at a dance named Olga as they travel the Aurelia road in Italy on their way to France for their own reasons. I wish you could slow down the car as well as speed up cause I hit so many people when trying to be careful lol.
This game made my computer overheat and shut down! Aaa. Anyway it’s about opening boxes through puzzles and is very neat for what I played before my computer decided to throw a tantrum!
Adorable platform puzzle game playing as a little witch who fell into a ruin and has to find her pet bunnies, get her stuff back and get to the surface. In like every room there’s a eye on the wall that opens when you pass it and it took forevvvveeer to find them all and I’m not even sure what their point was but it was a fun game.
A bejeweled like puzzle game where you find a laptop owned by an apparently infamous user Glitch_Witch who apparently decided to take a break from her internet kingdom and dump it on some rando: you, and left you notes on how to get rid of “hackers” hiding in the puzzle boards. Very fun but the cat levels killed me. So. So hard. It’s a cute game worth a look
Ephemera of Evalynn Cott
I didn’t really “get” this game? It was a little hard to understand but interesting to say the least. I think I finished it and it didn’t take long. It’s about a girl trying to find her missing assignments I think. It’s like Atari graphics which is neat but it was hard for me to tell what was happening, you know, being younger than the Atari and all.
A pixel game where you take photos of bunnies in a garden in a top down fashion. There’s no real point or anything for this game but it’s cute.
2d puzzle platform styled game with a cute minimalist design where you play as a little red oval with legs and eyes called Piku who runs around a cute and quirky little island and kicks the crap out of robots. Rather short but very cute and charming, now only if someone would play co-op with me :/
Death and Taxes
I honestly don’t know how I feel about this game. You play as a grim reaper in an office and the main game play is stamping papers with short info blurbs on humans to decide if they live or die. It’s a weird game that suggests the world is better off if some people die and I don’t know how I feel about that. I really don’t.
Lenna’s Inception
A top down Zelda inspired game where the hero dies in the tutorial and school teacher Lenna must step up and conquer the dungeons to save her students from the glitch that made her school disappear. It apparently has three endings which definitely adds to replay-ability and you can switch between 32 and 64 bit styles. It was really fun and I highly recommend it if you like zelda games.
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