#epidemic stellaria: character info
If that's the case, tell me all about your OCs!
ahh ok!
idk where to start jejddnfkfnfm i recently did introduced a new oc universe (silently glances at epidemic stellaria) so i really wanna talk more abt the characters there. i've written a few character descriptions for them, but it's not ALL OF THE CHARACTERS YET LOL. i'll just put some of the ones i've already written under the cut lel
1. Naoki Sakaguchi
A normal boy who was living a normal enough life up until the Stellaria Epidemic happened. Despite spending most of his high school life indoors even until graduation, he was still cheerful and positive about his situation. However, he's also rather fed up by all of this, so he then sets up a goal to find the person who started the Stellaria Epidemic and put a stop to it once and for all.
2. Miyu Takemoto
Naoki's best friend who he befriended in the midst of their online classes back in high school. Miyu is mostly pessimistic and a realist, always looking at things in a logistic sense and never really likes the thought of even daydreaming once. She's very skilled in the piano, and has harnessed her abilities to use it as self-defense against the Stellarias.
3. Koshiro Nakano
A young teacher who didn't really want to become a teacher to begin with. Skipping a lot of grades and having a lot of skills in any school subject, Koshiro is a smart individual who's parents forced him to become a teacher at the young age of 17. It's been a year now since then, and even if he enjoys sharing his knowledge, he wishes he could do something more than just teaching a bunch of teenagers around his age all that he knows.
4. Stella Namia
The mastermind behind the Stellaria Epidemic, it's unknown why she even caused it to begin with. A girl who seems nice and approachable, but her intimidating aura immediately draws people away. Little does anyone know, there's something hidden behind her nearly empty eyes.
5. Alex Vignetta
The oldest of the Vignetta siblings and is the leader of the Reality Haxxors. A man who is very distant and cold towards others, even to his own relatives. He's always busy occupying himself within his work, so he never really has the chance to spend any time with his family. However, deep down inside, he secretly does care about them and the members of the Reality Haxxors.
6. Arthesia Vignetta
A member of the Reality Haxxors, Arthesia can be classified as the youngest Vignetta Data Bank wielder so far (even if her age is close to the Minase siblings). Not that talkative in real life, but more outspoken on social media, that's how she usually is. Used to be very introverted and quiet, but nowadays is willing to blabber on about whatever she likes a little more. It's all thanks to a certain someone.
7. Aaron Vignetta
He isn't actually a Vignetta biologically. He was just an accidental experiment result who then got taken in by the Vignetta family and became one of their own. Has always taken an interest in music and playing the guitar, and is currently learning how to play one. He's struggling, but he's trying, at the very least.
8. Haruki Motome
An up-and-coming idol! A rising star in the industry! His charming looks and melodious voice captivates those who have only seen him once. With a flashing smile, Haruki is sure to make you swoon~
9. Rumi Narukami
Once a world renowned musician, now is a music teacher for a high school. The reasons as to why she quit is...still unknown. However, she lives her life to the fullest despite everything. Despite being...what, 25 years old? She still isn't exactly familiar with modern technology for whatever reason. Arthesia and Yuta are helping her with that, though.
10. Yuta Minase
One of the Minase siblings, Yuta is a flirty, yet annoying boy who fails in his flirtatious attitude everytime. He has a loud and upbeat personality that never seems to die down unless someone calls him out for it. He's all bark but no bite.
11. Yuka Minase
One of the Minase siblings. Unlike her brother Yuta, Yuka is more quiet and serious. She's willing to help others if possible, but not without any cost, of course. Very skilled in robotics and engineering, and is able to fix anything around the Reality Haxxors's base if needed. Is really annoyed and absolutely done with her brother's antics, however.
12. Tyler Morrison
He serves as some kind of...guardian spirit to Arthesia. Has been with her for many years now, and has closely watched her growth throughout every single one of them. A man who can come off as rude and aggressive, but deep down inside, he has a little soft spot of his own.
THAT'S ALL I'VE DONE SO FAR LOLOL. i think there are a few familiar names for the og the-art-in-arthesia-is-loud followers™ like arthesia and tyler. but new names here and there too (hi stella)
thank you for talking to me btw anon i really really do appreciate it <3
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also i never really mentioned which ships are Actually canon/to be canon eventually. so here i guess lol:
• rhymix:
- ad astra/moonlight
- amazing mighty/felys
- ringed genesis/trap crow
• epistel:
- naoki sakaguchi/koshiro nakano
• rainetic:
- rana iori/inari koime
- arya aruneo/koyuki nanase
- sota sosuke/rin yuki
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here's two more character descs for epidemic stellaria, ft. the two other known members of stella's lil group of stellaria makers:
1. Arina
A mischievous and playful girl who only cares about having fun and spreading the Stellaria Epidemic far and wide, even to different universes. She doesn't care about any work and only wants to laze around all day...unless the work in question is related to the Stellaria Epidemic. Absolutely enjoys poking fun at others, to the point where they get annoyed of her. That's her main goal, though, and she takes pride in reaching that goal of annoying others for fun.
2. Austin Liberty
A well-known public speaker from the infamous Liberty family. A kind and friendly gentleman who is never afraid to speak up on any topic he finds interesting. He has a habit of talking and rambling a lot, which is why he became a public speaker in the first place. However—?
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