#erick colón
yeahthatsinteresting · 4 months
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Erick Brian in '4Ever' (2023)
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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the drama with CNCO disbanding and the drama between Zabdiel and Richard. Of course, we don’t know the guys personally so this is all my own opinion:
I definitely don’t think Zabdiel had any bad intentions towards the other guys when resigning with WK (okay we don’t know for 100% sure that he resigned with them, but all arrows point to yes, based on Richard clearly being upset). I think WK told him what he wanted to hear and has promised him success and has already started enticing him with invitations to events and things. It seems that with the Talitha thing and now this, Zab seems to see the best in people and to believe them. I wouldn’t say he’s naive, but just maybe a bit too trusting? I think in both cases (Talitha and WK), they knew what they were doing/saying in order to keep Zab with them, and doing whatever they could to make sure that happens. I’m not making excuses for Zabdiel- I think Richard has every single right to be upset, and I agree with him. I would be upset too. To see your brother re-sign with a team that has done nothing to help you succeed? I wouldn’t be okay with it either. However Zab isn’t the kind of person to do things to spite others. I think he’s the victim here. He fell into their trap and I really really really hope he doesn’t get cast aside after the honeymoon period wears off and end up with a tanked career like Joel.
So I think the outcome of all this will be either 1.) WK will end up tanking his career and he will have to quit and find someone new (aka repeating CNCO’s mistake), 2.) they’ll make him super successful and he will have no reason to get back with the boys if the other 3 do want to, 3.) all four will have successful careers and none of them will want to reform CNCO (I guess this is the next best thing if they aren’t going to reunite), or 4.) they all will flop and we won’t get much from any of them (which is the absolute worst case scenario that I’m praying doesn’t happen), 5.) maybe they all will have a bit of success with solo stuff but ultimately realize (including Zab) that their true heart is being in a group and get back together, which is my personal preference. Or- maybe they could reunite as a group but also do a bit of solo work on the side at the same time, as many artists do (though I can’t see WK allowing Zab to do that).
One thing is certain though. And listen closely please:
We should do all we can to make sure the guys’ solo careers don’t flop! Whether you’re upset at Zab for sticking with WK or not, he still deserves success and so do all the other boys. They deserve to be paid fairly, to be promoted well, etc, and although we don’t have any control over that, we DO have control over the amount of streams they get and ticket sales if they do solo shows, etc. All the stuff we do have control over, I hope we show the boys that we still will support them wherever they end up!
The blame fully rests on their terrible management team for treating them SO badly that the guys felt that the only way to fix things is to break up, thus breaking apart that magic that they all have as a group. I just saw them perform live for the very first time last week and I knew they were talented from watching online performances, but this was a whole different level! Their harmonies were magical together and I will never forgive WK for ruining what they had. Especially now that they seem to be treating Zabdiel well, it’s so messed up because they HAVE to be fully aware that they’re not treating them all like that. The guys deserve SO much better. So no, I definitely do not think Zabdiel should have resigned with WK, but it’s likely that he did and we should still support him because he is incredibly talented and doesn’t deserve his career to flop. And I hope he and Richard heal their friendship and realize their bond is stronger than the drama.
Here are a few screen caps from their stories recently of them genuinely hugging/smiling at each other before one of their recent shows, which gives me hope that things will get better between them:
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boomgers · 9 months
Cuatro voces, un mismo destino… “4Ever”
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La historia sigue a cuatro jóvenes músicos que se conocen por casualidad en un restaurante donde se ven envueltos en una situación inesperada: ha desaparecido una valiosa guitarra. Para recuperarla y devolverla a su dueño, los chicos deberán formar una banda.
La misión, sin embargo, no es tan sencilla como parece, ya que son muy distintos entre ellos. Su pasión por la música se convertirá entonces en el lenguaje común que los unirá a pesar de sus diferencias, embarcando a la nueva banda en un camino con promesas de éxito y oportunidades frustradas, cuya meta final implica el hallazgo de dos cosas: la misteriosa guitarra perdida y una melodía que los vuelva únicos.
Estreno: 11 de octubre de 2023 en Disney+.
La serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Carlos Ponce, Virginia Álvarez, Noemí Hopper, Laura Rosguer, Jearnest Corchado, Sonya Smith, Wendy Regalado, Ricardo Becerra, Mariano Chiesa, Guido Massri, Yesika Glikman, Christopher Navarro, Christopher Vélez, Richard Camacho, Zabdiel De Jesús, Erick Brian Colón, entre otros.
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Video Musical: Para Siempre
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elpodermediagroup · 1 year
El grupo latino de pop CNCO anuncia una gira de despedida
El grupo CNCO pisará este año escenarios de Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y Europa con el tour “Última Cita“, la gira de despedida en la que interpretarán sus grandes éxitos y el sencillo “La última canción“, que será el “regalo de despedida más inolvidable para sus fans alrededor del mundo”, según detalló este lunes su oficina de representación en EEUU. El tour de 35 conciertos, que incluirá…
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blazinbeautywrites · 2 years
Okay sooooo I started back working on my CNCO content literally a few days ago, so them announcing their disbandment threw me a bit ngl. I have exactly 11 drafts that are CNCO related that I'll release periodically throughout their last 1.5 years together. Only because I've already got a concept and started writing most of them. Two of them are Joel fics that I will either be changing to other members or switching to another fandom completely. I haven't been motivated to write for the boys cuz they just haven't been doing it for me lately, but with this disbandment, I now wanna just get their fics out so I can close the chapter on this phase in my stan life. So be on the lookout cncowners.
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bombshellbre95 · 2 years
To the cncowners I'm actually cool with, yall good?
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spevvy · 5 months
Although the fact I finally leapt on the CNCO train almost four weeks to the day after they officially split up is 100% on brand for my rotten luck, I'm very fortunate to have ADHD and so I have spent the last four weeks trying to cram 8 years' worth of fandom into my brain, with a level of success that has impressed even myself.
Things that especially give me extra dopamine about these doofuses:
. We don't have time for all the things I love about that idiot Vélez but I'll come back to him in a moment. In any case, let me tell you, he's such an amazing human being that I'm not 100% sure he's even real.
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Stop it this instant please (don't you dare)
. Watching the official videos and still being constantly astounded at Rich's wardrobe. This is split into two levels of incredulity—a) "What the bleedin ell has he got on this time?!", and b) "There wasn't enough budget for a shirt for the poor sod again, eh?" (NB: There is rarely any budget for a shirt for Rich in any video, the poor love. Let Rich Be Warm™, FFS!) Both a) and b) are particularly evident in the Miami video, where the Rich's Shirt budget appeared to have been spent on a granny scarf. For his hair. Obvs. Because of course.
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Legit son, what the fuck, did you lose a bet or something, lad?? 👀 It's like when Stewart Granger was in films in the 40s and 50s and he'd wear increasingly bonkers outfits scene after scene but he had absolutely zero confidence issues so he just owned everything like of COURSE he was gonna rock the hell out of it. Oh to have a thimbleful of Richard Camacho's self-confidence!!!!
. Every. Single. Time. I. See. Joel. Pimentel. De. León. The. Only. Thing. I. Can. Think. Is. "CABELLITO AZÚUUUUUULLLLL!!!!😭😭😭"
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Never has the loss of a toy blue horse (is he just trying to not say My Little Pony, or???) ever been so heartbreaking to me 💔💔💔 Bless that small sweet boy, I just want to protect him, he takes up that one hidden sliver of maternal instinct I have lurking somewhere!! 🥹🥹🥹😭😭
. Chris' hair during the CNCO album era totally gives trans butch lesbian vibes. No I will not take questions on this. Yes I'm way more into it than I can possibly explain in polite company. Stop it, Christopher, I'm already bi. Totally here for my inadvertently genderfluid monarch.
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I just want her to slam me into a wall and call me a good girl I don't know what to tell you.
. Erick Brian Colón is the visual representation of iron fist in velvet glove. He may have the face of a little angel and the biggest greenest most beautiful eyes since the invention of green - but that kid is brutal, folks!!! BRUTAL!!!!!!!!!!!
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. Two words. Lengua kiss.
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Zab, sweetheart, you said it perfectly. You couldn't have improved upon it, thank you for blessing us with your lengua kisses, we are grateful.
. The amount of clever camera trickery and stage choreography involved in showing Chris actually dancing as little as possible. Before any of you come at me over this—I'm not saying Chris can't dance, I'm saying they cut around him and they do it consistently enough that it's hilariously obvious they're doing it. One of my favourite examples is in the Vevo Lite performance of Reggaetón Lento, where they just show his left elbow. Oh honey. (I marked it with a pointy finger to help you out)
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I have a few theories about this but it's probably because his hips are so wiggly that if they showed them doing their thing on screen they couldn't have marketed the band to kids and that's a giant drop in revenue before they've even started. Not that I've made a study of his wiggly hips. Honestly.
. I have, however, made a very careful study of that lip-lick-into-lip-bite thing he does, and have come to the conclusion that HE is nsfw. Him. Himself. Alone. With no help. He just oozes it. Holy fudgeballs (probably). He's 100% that one guy who would openly flirt with an empty bag of crisps. "Hola, paquetito vacío de papas fritas, seguro que parece que ha pasado un tiempo desde que tuviste papas fritas dentro de ti..... te apetecería??!?!?" Seriously son, give it a rest, we're all pregnant now.
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I swear to god you wouldn't be able to sit down for a fortnight. Fucking bloody hellfire. Is probably how it would be. OOOOFFFFFFFFF......
. I have literally lost count of how many times I've seen 4Ever in the last four weeks. I mean genuinely I cannot remember. I stopped counting at 12. There is no particular reason for this. I can't imagine anything that keeps my attention so solidly.
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It's beautiful. I've been looking at this for five hours, now.
. "Que quiénes somos? YOU ALREADY KNOW!" My guys this has been my very problem with artists announcing themselves on their songs for at least the last decade, thank you for addressing the pointlessness of this activity but doing it anyway, I love you for it.
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(Can he not? Does he ever take a day off??)
. Bringing back 90s boy band dancing with a level of aplomb I haven't witnessed since approximately 1998. And yes, I do remember. I was 15 in 1998, I was very much the target audience. Anyway, watch Mis Ojos Lloran Por Ti, it's the most authentically 90s thing I've seen since actual 90s boy band music videos.
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White shirts AND white vests with black trousers in an abandoned building? ALL THEY NEED IS RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the rap section of Mis Ojos Lloran Por Ti sounds EXACTLY like the rap section of Mysterious Girl by Peter Andre. It does. Go on, check for yourselves, I'm right about this.
. Tóxica. Just. Omg. Tóxica. It's beautiful. I dunno whose idea it was to do an acapella arrangement, but I hope they always hit the green light in traffic, because wow. What a song. (here it is if you're unfamiliar with CNCO, you've read this far, and you've never heard the song before. Even if you have, it's always worth another listen!)
Honestly it gives me proper goosebumps every single time, it's THE dopamine song for me, it just does all the things to my brain all at once. I was listening to all their songs on shuffle and all of a sudden I heard this one and I just stopped dead in my tracks like "holy SHIT what the hell....this is... this is stunning!" Like THAT was the moment I was like yep that's it folks this is MY band now, these are MY boys, they've got me for life whether they like it or not, I'm theirs, they're mine, that's how fangirls and musicians go, my guys (gender neutral).
. I am obviously not a native Spanish speaker nor am I 100% fluent in speaking, but after 4 weeks I've managed to learn a significant portion of their back catalogue and I am so goshdarned proud of myself. By comparison it's taken me about 5 years to learn most of Morat's back catalogue and I've been in the fandom since just before Balas Perdidas dropped.
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Okay fine I have a whole different set of distractions with Morat (goddammit Monchi!!!!), we can't compare them, and it's not a "which band is better" thing at all cos I refuse to choose between any of my boys because they're MY BOYS. It's just nice from a personal viewpoint to feel like my Spanish level is now at a stage where I can pick up new lyrics to songs quite quickly!!! I feel like my Spanish has really improved in the last month and these doofuses are 100% to blame and I adore them for it and so many other things.
Suffice to say, I may be way too late to the party, but I think I get to be at least an honorary CNCOwner at this point. Without the smallest shred of doubt I know that I am retroactively CNCOwned, at any rate.
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(ya tú sabes😉)
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cnco4ever · 1 year
Never again
An Erick Brian Colón one shot
Warning: sexual content
Please feel free to comment, like and reblog. I'm also open for requests, so don't hold back! 🫶🏼
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Erick really was a cheeky little bastard. His big beautiful eyes, plump lips and bright smile. His little fast touches to my knee, thigh, hand, arm while in public, knowing exactly what it did to me. I tried not to show anything and act like nothing, but his teasing smile and gleansing eyes would let me know that he knew.
He looked like a model, sang like an angel and charmed like a player. I tried to resist. I really did, but when he was stroking my arm while looking at me with his big green eyes, a slight smile on his lips, faces close together and whispering sweet words into my ear with his cute accent, i really didn't have a chance that night on the balcony at the party. He smelled amazing too. Good enough to hypnotize me and before i even recognised what was happening, his arms were already wrapped around my waist and his lips were on mine.
He tasted like jägermeister and redbull. A sharp contrast to my own champagne taste. I could feel his fingers dancing along my collarbone while his tounge were dancing against mine. His little soft "ay mami" against my lips was enough for me to let my guard down. We ended up in someones bedroom with me on my knees in front of him and him pushing his hard length down my throat. I will never forget his beautiful face as he threw his head back and shot his load on my tounge. He growled as he watched me swallow every drop. I made sure to kiss him hard and deep after, to make him taste himself on my tounge. I quickly left the party after that episode. I promised myself that it would never happen again. It was unprofessional and so, so wrong. Erick had a girlfriend and i was the choreographer, preparing CNCO for their last tour. It could not happen again.
It did happen again. This time at the dance studio. I was practicing with each member separately. It was going well until Erick showed up. He acted as if nothing had happened to begin with. Cracking his usual silly jokes, laughing when he messed up and was fully concentrated on the task at hand. But as soon as we had to practice the pair choreography the atmosphere got electric.
His hands were on my waist, trailing a little lower than needed and my arms were wrapped around his neck. We leaned into the kiss at the same time. My fingers running up into his hair and his hands gliding down to grab my ass. We moved fast as we tore off just enough clothes necessary for him to enter me. Our moans were echoing throughout the studio. If someone had heard us, we didn't care. It was wild, rough and fast. We were panting heavily as we pulled apart. The adrenaline disappearing just as fast as it had occured. I informed Erick that it should never have happened while fixing my hair in a bun. That it was unprofessional and against any sense of morals. He looked at me with a smirk. "Whatever you say mami" he grinned as he left the studio. Never again!
I had successfully avoided Erick for a couple of weeks, but tonight, he caught up to me just as i was leaving the late night meeting.
He came up to me just as i reached my car at the far back of the parking lot.
"you've been avoiding me baby" he looked at me intensely. I swallowed hard as he stared me down. My eyes fell to the ground. I don't know what to answer.
I could feel his eyes taking in every inch of me. From my face, to my neck, to my cleavage, all the way down my body to my legs. He was standing close to me. Too close. Anyone could walk down here and see us. We were right in front of my car and it was not that well hidden.
"Erick, we can't do this. It's not right". I tried to reason. Convince myself to stand my ground. He looked in my eyes again. He looked sincere when he said "I want you mami. Don't you want me too?" Of course i wanted him. He stepped closer to me. His hypnotizing scent and cute thick accent got the best of me. He locked his fingers with mine and brought them up to his lips. He kissed each and every one of my fingers, one after one. I was already warming up to him. Erick had kept his eyes on me the whole time. He knew.
He let go of my fingers and stroked my jaw with one of his hands, the other found its place on my hip. "Just give into me baby" he whispered, closing the distance between us. I put in no effort of preventing it. I wanted him so badly. I could already feel myself get wetter from just a kiss. He walked us backwards until the back of my thighs hit the hood of my car. His hand were wrapped around my throat as he kissed me passionately. His tounge exploring every corner of my mouth.i couldn't resist sucking on his tounge. I smiled against his lips as he let out a soft moan. He kissed the corner of my lips, along my jaw and down to my neck. I could feel him leaving a mark. "Erick, someone could hear us. Someone could see us" i was trying to warn him. Trying to give him the strength to pull away, since i clearly didn't have it. My arms were still wrapped around his neck though and my fingers were playing with his hair at his neck. "I know mami. Then be quiet and fast. I've got to have you right now baby".
He hoisted me up on the hood of my car and dropped to his knees. The pavement were wet, but he apparently didn't care. He slid his hand under my dress and dragged my panties to the side. He slid a finger down my soaking folds. I tilted my head back and let out a heavy breath. I could feel his intense gaze on me. He was right were i needed him. Between my parted legs. I kept my moans in as he finally leaned in running his tounge down my folds, only adding to the wetness. My fingers were in his hair, guiding him closer as he ate me out. He was licking, sucking and kissing every inch of me with passion. I had to keep a hand against my mouth to stay somewhat quiet. This could never happen again. It's too risky. I felt him enter me with two fingers and make quick work. All my concerns left me and i could only focus on what he was doing to me. I came hard and long. His fingers kept sliding in and out. The orgasm ripping through me as i grinded against his mouth. He growled against me which only made my orgasm stronger. He licked a few seconds longer as if he didn't want to stop.
He got up from the ground after kissing both of my inner thighs. He stroked his thumb against my lower lip as his tounge ran along his. "Till next time baby" he winked and walked away with a huge smile. I stood still watching him go. I let out an audible laugh as i shook my head. What a tease. Next time? Absolutely not. Never again. Or maybe?
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dear-indies · 2 years
hi! could you help me find a fc for a male character around 20-30 years old who is cuban?
Bryan Craig (1991) Cuban / Scottish, possibly other.
Alberto Rosende (1993) Cuban / Colombian.
Stony Blyden (1993) Afro Cuban / Icelandic.
Freddy Miyares (1994) Cuban / Honduran.
Jordan Gonzalez (1995) Cuban - trans.
Tyler Alvarez (1997) Cuban / Puerto Rican - gay.
Adam Irigoyen (1997) Cuban.
Tomás Matos (1998) Afro Puerto Rico / Afro Cuban - queer.
Franco Maicas (1998) Cuban and Italian.
Xolo Maridueña (2001) Mexican / Cuban and Ecuadorian.
Erick Brian Colón (2001) Cuban.
Here you go!
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jollytigerdragon · 18 days
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wisefacepeace · 2 months
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nicolaomichel009 · 10 months
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Last night CNCO announced that they’re breaking up. Not right away, they still have an album and a TV show coming out first, and they’ll do a tour, but still. I’m still in shock. I will still support their solo careers, and will still listen to CNCO music and stuff, but I’m still so sad. I only discovered these guys two years ago almost exactly, right after quarantine. They reignited my love for the Spanish language and helped me practice my skills with their music and interviews in a way that I never had before. They introduced me to some amazing people that I would not have gotten to know if we all weren’t mutual fans of them. People that I now consider some of my closest friends and literally text with every single day. I will always be grateful for the boys. I’m glad they won’t be leaving the music industry altogether, but it won’t be the same. There’s still hope that they could reunite I think, especially if they find a new/better management. Maybe this is the guys’ way of taking back their power and ending it on their own terms instead of suffering through more of the same crap with their management. Maybe something drastic needed to happen for things to change for the better. They deserved a team that would do everything they can to promote them and open opportunities for them, instead they got shafted for bigger artists on their label like Maluma. So maybe this is a good thing. They can take some time to reassess, charge their batteries, Richard can spend more time with Aaliyah, they can experiment with solo stuff, then we’ll see. I don’t want to get my hopes up that they’ll reunite but Richard himself said it’s not off the table. I’m proud of the guys for doing what’s best for them, but it still hurts. But I’m not going anywhere. Siempre seré una fan de ellos; los chicos siempre tendrán mi apoyo. No es el final. Los amaré para siempre. Soy una cncowner y eso no va a cambiar.
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boomgers · 1 year
¡Ten mucho cuidado con lo que deseas!… “Quiero Tu Vida”
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La historia gira en torno a Nico, un exfutbolista estrella cuya prometedora carrera llego a su fin repentinamente cuando sufrió una lesión devastadora en la cancha. Ocho años más tarde, Nico es un amargado que sigue fantaseando sobre lo que podría haber sido su vida.
Estreno: 3 de mayo de 2023 en ViX.
La película está dirigida por Jorge Colón y protagonizada por Erick Elías, Zuria Vega, Bárbara de Regil, Jesús Zavala y Natalia Téllez.
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elpodermediagroup · 2 years
Agrupación CNCO anuncia su separación
Agrupación CNCO anuncia su separación
Al cumplirse 7 años de la unión de la agrupación CNCO, la noche de este jueves han anunciado su separación al recibir un galardón en Premios Juventud. Zabdiel de Jesús, Erick Brian Colón, Richard Camacho y Christopher Vélez, subieron al escenario de los premios a recibir una estatuilla que tuvieron lugar en Puerto Rico y allí dieron la triste noticia. «CNCO se separa pronto», dijo dijo el…
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ardeportal · 10 months
CNCO trae su Última Cita al Antel Arena
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El próximo viernes 4 de agosto, CNCO trae su gira despedida “La Última Cita” a Montevideo, para presentarse en el Antel Arena. 
CNCO nació en 2015, integrado por los ganadores de la primera temporada del concurso de televisión “La Banda”: Richard Camacho (República Dominicana), Erick Brian Colón (Cuba), Christopher Vélez (USA), Zabdiel De Jesús (Puerto Rico) y Joel Pimentel (USA). Éste último dejó la agrupación en 2021, convirtiendo a CNCO en un cuarteto. 
Su álbum debut, Primera Cita, fue producido por Wisin y en sus inicios Ricky Martin ofició de presentante artístico. 
“La nueva gran banda latina” conquistó escuchas a lo largo y ancho del continente, convirtiéndose en un suceso equiparable al de Menudo: jóvenes latinos, o de ascendencia latina, cantando en español y sonando en las radios de habla hispana así como en las anglosajonas. 
Colaboraron con Abraham Mateo, Prince Royce y las británicas de Little Mix, entre otros artistas destacados. Ocho años y cuatro álbumes de estudio después, se despiden como grupo con una gira internacional de conciertos.
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“Después de haber logrado tantas cosas, es un poco extraño decir esto, pero CNCO se separa pronto”. Pero no se preocupen porque vamos a seguir trabajando. Todavía nos falta una gira por hacer juntos, un álbum así que nos van a seguir viendo dando candela por ahí así que gracias por todo el cariño familia”
Con estas palabras, Zabdiel anunciaba la separación del grupo durante los Premios Juventud en julio de 2022, tras recibir el galardón a “Mejor Fandom” por el apoyo de sus seguidores. Con el final de la gira, los CNCO emprenderán caminos separados, apostando a carreras solistas con las que continuar su trayectoria musical.
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Como parte de su gira despedida, CNCO llegará por tercera vez a Uruguay para presentarse en el Antel Arena el 4 de agosto a las 21.00. Las entradas están a la venta por Tickantel y van de $1700 a $3990.
El show de apertura estará a cargo de la rapera nacional Clipper. Siendo una de las representantes femeninas más importantes del género urbano dentro del Río de la Plata, Clipper llega a la "Última cita" en un año cargado de actividad internacional, incluyendo el lanzamiento de su último single: "Mamá", una colaboración internacional junto a los españoles Lasole y Putolargo.
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