#erikx blackreader
wakandascrystal · 5 years
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Tiny Imagine
Erik x Blackreader
(@chaneajoyyy this is for you. 👸🏿 Happy Birthday queen )
Erik hadn't called in days. That worrerd you so you drop by his apartment after work. Clicking up the stairs in you red bottoms you found the door was open, you tip toed in while you called out for him.
"Erik baby ... are you here?" He didn't reply and you soon found out why.
He was lying cold on the floor. Next the all the Wakandan artifacts he obsessed over. You quickly rush to him, heart beating thinking that the worst might have happened to him.
"Erik wake up. Please...shit. " you could hear your heart beat in your throat.
Not knowing what to do you slapped him across the face and he stared to gain consciousness. He looked out of it. As he was figuring where he was a line of blood flowed from his nose.
You helped him up on to the old but comfortable couch and handed him a piece of tissue paper. He looked tired and disappointed in himself. You hated seeing him this defeated.
" Drink this." You also gave him a water bottle from your bag.
"You...you need to stop this." You whispered
"Can we not do this right now?" His voice deep and slow
"Erik! I found you ...on the floor unconscious....with the door open. So yes we are doing this right now."
He sat back showing you how uninterested he was.
"I'm really...really glad you found your father's work and homeland and all but this stuff...-" you point to the messy floor. "- but ....but its consuming you E. I don't even recognize you anymore. You're so dark and sinister...you hang out with the most-"
"Are you done judge me .... Miss perfect."
" oh come on. I'm so not perfect and I'm not judging...I'm just...Erik this stuff....I love you so much and it hurts me to see you become like this."
He raised his eyebrows.
"What did you say again about the not judging me part."
"This is not a time for jokes. I'm pouring out my heart and telling you my concerns so we can have a positive line of communication."
"Is that what your little white shrink told you to do?"
You step back from him.
"Are you making fun of me?"
"Nah..... just highlighting your flaws so you can feel like shit aswell."
You sighed.
"Erik we have been dating for so long. We had plans. Remember we were going to move. Start a new life, get married maybe start a family. But ever since those strange women came to you.... you've been drowning your self in this stuff. ... Do you know how much that shit hurt when you wanted to move out?....you didn't even care to-....I felt so abandoned."
At this point you were crying. Tears blurring your vision. You were very emotional. Finally telling him all the things you thought about late at night alone in your once shared bed. You sniffed and wiped your tears through out the time you spoke hoping that seeing his longtime girlfriend cry would soften his heart.
"You're my bestfriend Erik and you left me..... Your leaving me....i cant do this alone..Just please come home so we can be happy again. I don't like... seeing you like this."
He paused to stand up.
"Then leave."
All the air in you was pulled out. You had never been punched in the stomach but if felt like someone kicked you right in the gut. You were in shock. Your spine tingling in a painful way. You didn't have a comeback for him. You just let your tears roll down your cheek. Your body finally let you be in control again. Slowly turning and leaving the his apartment. Beyond embarrassed. You couldn't hear anything. It felt like your head was underwater.
You didn't remember how you got home. All you could feel was an empty pain in your heart and chest. When a person you were so sure of changes there mind about you. You started second guessing every single complement he ever gave you. Every 'I love you' ever 'I miss you' for 4 years did he really mean any of it. If it was so easy for him to let go of you, did he ever really love you?
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wakandascrystal · 5 years
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Imagine this….Part 5
Imagine this… Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
“How can I trust you?” 
“You can’t have a baby with someone you didn’t sleep with. I can’t act like that anymore. I have something to lose now. You.”
(A/N-Sorry for any spelling errors)
"So the IV drip was just to restore your energy and the shoot is filled with antibiotics. Just take these pills 3 times a day and you will be back to your old self in no time."
The nurse in front of you handed you the bottle of pills and left. Erik was at the front desk taking care of the fee of your medication.
You jumped off the table and strolled to Erik's side.
"You feeling better baby?" he asked
You shook your head and grabbed his arm. Not long you were back home sleeping in his arms.
This is all you wanted. To be at peace with him. You wanted to be sure about him and lately you werent. Even when you lay so close to his heart, so close to him you still felt like he was on another planet. Erik was an amazing man but was he good for you? All the things he said before you fall asleep were nice to hear.
He wanted you, a house, a family even children but that could all change if he changes his mind. He held power. He had control. Your future was in his hands. Cause everyone knew you were committed but all he had to show for his commitment were promises. You're about to leave college and graduate. You can't plan your life around promises. You had thoughts you would like to voice to him. You didn't want to constantly question him but at the same time you wanted to know what's really up and if he was really in your corner. Only time will tell ,your inside voice told you as you fell deeper into your slumber.
“Erik I have clothes. We don't need to go to the Mall.“ He kissed his lips as he turned into the parking lot.
“Its a formal meeting (y/n). Can't have you dressed all fashionNova when we meet the king.“
“Hey!! Don't drag my clothing Erik. I have formal stuff...Like that black- “
he cut you off
“- Don't tell me about that Black dress you wear everywhere. That thing is so raggedy “ He turned the car off. “ I Brought you here to buy something sexy, something formal, something that goes past your knees.“
Your mouth dropped.
“Erik, did you just call me a slut?“
“Please...black people don't use that work...I just called you a hoe.“
You slap his shoulder twice really hard and he faked a moan. You stopped thinking you have really hurt him with your nails or something.
“E you okay?“
he swiftly caught your lips with a kiss. You blushed as he pulled back and collected his keys and wallet. Ever since the morning, he's been so playful and affectionate. You liked it but a sudden change with Erik was worrisome. He even joined you in the shower.
“Why is your water boiling (y.n)??” “No, it's not. Don't be such a baby. Come give me a kiss.“ “Not until you turn the cold water on.“ “Erik My shower time ....my temperature - Period.“ He ended up staying
You touched your warm cheeks, amazed at how much effect he still had on you.
“Erik. I..” He stopped what he was doing and looked at you.
“I don't have any cash to buy something.....but you know Tinah can lead me something nice.” Erik let out a giggle.
“wait you thought you were going to pay? What kind of man would I be? Let's go I gotcha.“
Erik had taken you to Gucci. You thought he wanted to look at their shoes laugh at their prices and leave but he just stood there and told to pick a dress.
“Erik I'm not buying there's ugly ass over priced rug looking dresses. I am really grateful I really am....this must be an important meeting. huh” You told him softly.
Erik nodded his head slowly. You knew what was coming. Every time Erik nodded his head slowly you knew he was going to share some personal information so you had to listened up.
“This ain't some meeting with some random Company manages or ..recruitment agencies. This is my cousin who's a mother fucking king. I don't want to look like some failure ..you know. I know I'm a man I got pride but I don't want the nigga thinking am.... charity.” His voice was low so was his head. You don't know when but you had held his hands in yours.
It hit you like a ton of bricks. All his life he saw himself as charity and he didn't want that picture to come across to his cousin. He didn't want his cousin to look down on him.
He must value this man then. If he would care what he thinks of him. Cause Erik doesn't give a shit about anyone but it seems like he does about this Man.
“Erik I know your life hasn't been great. You've went through so much but you don't give yourself the credit you deserve. You are nobodies charity. You in college and you pay for it cash. You have a car, you have nice clothes. You are doing amazing. You can’t compete with your cousin he’s a king and your a student. He owns a country and you own textbooks.“ Your heart started beating faster when he smiled at your lame joke.
“The only person you should compare yourself to is your past self... and I don't know about you but the present you is winning. Plus this is your cousin so i'm sure that is not what he will be interested in.“ He smiled again
“Come on Erik lets go.“ You pulled him out of the overpriced store and went to a cute boutique at the end of the mall. You found a nice dress and brought it with a pair of shoes and earrings. Erik also brought a black suit and tie that went with your dress. He also treated you to a malaysian hair bundle you needed to create a sleek high pony.
After that trip to the mall y'all meet up with Tinah and Malik for Dinner. You and Tinah sat at the back of Erik’s Jeep while Malik sat in the front.
“OMG i have to tell y'all something? I had a dream!“ Tinah.
“Oh no Tinah. Cut that shit out.“ Malik said
“What is she talking about Man“ Erik asked Malik
“Don't encourage her she wildin“
“Stop. We all grown and close.“
“What you mean grown and close.“ Malik turned to look at her blushing girlfriend.
“I had a dream we were swinging.“
“You embarrass me Tinah.“ Erik busted out laughing while you were stunned.
“Wait like on a swing...what i’m I messing“
“Baby she means sharing ..you know.“ Erik tried to give you a hint.
“Sharing swings seats.“
“Like a foursome. Like Erik Fucks Tinah and I fuck you.“ Malik explained
“I didn't say that Tinah did.“ Erik was crying with laughter at this point.
“Your not touching Erik Tinah. I mean it.“ You started to laugh as well.
“Did you see us naked or someshit“ Erik asked.
“You see what you did? Stop having thirsty dreams go swing with your white friends in Economics.“
“Nah fuck that. If you fuck a Henry i'm out Tinah im not playing.“ Malik said
Everyone laughed at Tinah's antics. After Eating Erik drove everyone home - he left you at the dom for the library to carry on studying.
A couple of days went by and the day to meet Erik's cousin came. Turns out it wasn't as professional and Formal as Erik made it out to be. He wanted to meet his cousin just like you said. His Family was important to him and he wanted Erik to know that blood will always be thicker than water. They had made reservations at a fancy hotel just outside the city by some country clubs. Erik was so excited he even took his car to a car wash the day before.
By 7:30 pm you had done your hair and makeup. Erik sat on the bed reading an article while he waited for you to finish. You got dressed in the bathroom and when you walked out he eyes went straight to you. He hadn't seen the dress on you before and quite frankly he didn't even remember any dress with everything that had happened in the past week. You looked gorgeous. The sleek high pony complimented your simply and natural makeup.
Makeup and hair:
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You stood still and saw his face.
“Erik I know you hate it because it's long but you said he is a King so I don't want to wear my THOT clothes as you said. I want to make a good impression. I want to make you look good as well. Oh, Are we meeting the Queen as well?”
You stood in front of him. Even with seven-inch heels on he still towers over you.
“You're breathtaking.“ He kissed you and some of your gloss stayed on him.
“He just became king like a year ago, so it's just him.“ You wiped off the gloss on his lips as he spoke.
“You look handsome. I like formal Erik. He fine. Does he have a girl.“ You flirted
He smiled.
“Come on I got my phone and my bag can we go. We’ll be late.“ You said.
Once you arrived at the restaurant. You were amazed by the decor. High glass ceilings, walls and low hanging lights. You felt out of place but the hosts and waiters treated you just the same as all the other wealthy customers.
“Sup man. We have a reservation for Erik or a T'challa.“
Hearing that name did feel like Deja vu. You had heard it somewhere, maybe in a dream or a song. Your mind chucked the thought away when Erik held your hand and led the way.
He was being extra gentle with you tonight. Maybe it was the dress that made you seem soft and feminine but he was extra caring since you left the apartment. He even opened the door for you to his car and helped you in. Getting into a Jeep with high heels is not as easy as Rihanna makes it seem to be. You told yourself to just be happy he’s looking out for you and not read into it. Cause every time Erik changes his behavior a red flag rises in your mind.
If he's not being himself ...then he is up to something Right? Up to something ....can be a good something but  lately you were trying to leave room for disappointment.
The host who was dressed in white and gold weaved his way past the bottom floor tables ,directing you and Erik to the most exclusive and private table on the fourth floor. Climbing the stairs Erik stayed one step behind you to make sure you don't fall. His hand rested comfortably on your lower back. You felt like a sheltered women. He made you feel sexy and wanted on the last steps the host pointed you in the right direction.
“Just down the hall to the right you will be at table 101“ Erik thanked him and he left.
Your mind was filled with so much doubt yet so much reassurance. You wanted Erik so bad but you felt like you were risking something by being with him. maybe yourself.
The baby thing was still in your mind. You stayed up awake at night thinking if he was lying. You would create scenarios where you meet up with Cassie and find out the hard truth. There was no way you would stay with Erik if the baby was his. He wouldn't stay with you if you were having another nigga’s child.
A child would complicate everything. You would be second or even third priority after Cassie... the mother of the child. You didn't want that. Cause Erik would never be your second priority why should you be his. You wondered if he had the same thoughts as you about relationship you shared.
You tried to calm down and breath. You wanted to enjoy tonight. Have some wine, good food and meet Erik’s family member. You gave him one last hand squeeze before you entered the sky view dinner area. As if the situation couldn't get any worse your eyes landed on Erik”s Cousin.
It was him.
The Guy from Jafari’s restaurant.
You had his number in your phone.
The young lady he was with sat next to him.
She is here too.
The bodyguard women stood around him.
He is a king. Like real fucking game of thrones shit.
You had a Kings number in your phone and he was Erik”s cousin.
“Earth to (y/n) baby you okay“ Erik smilled.
T'challa had his hand out to you.
“Sorry my bad...“
You didn't know how to play this. Say you've met him before and leave Erik suspicious or lie and act like he was a total stranger and at no point did you picture yourself sitting on his face.
“....Im (y/n). Erik’s Girlfriend. Nice to finally meet you.“
His eyes told you he knew you were faking. He saw right through you. You felt naked and you didn't even do anything wrong. You cleared your thoughts as he kissed your hand.
“A pleasure to meet you. You look marvelous tonight.“
A ticking flowing of electricity flowed from his touch. When he let you go you quickly stepped to Erik’s side. The younger lady introduced herself as Shuri. She was cute and sweet. Erik pulled your chair for you and you thanked him. You sat across T'challa and you knew tonight was going to be a long night.
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