#eris zaramoza
cinnella · 3 years
After like. Two months of posting no art (June was an absolute nightmare for me), I am back again like another fucking branch of covid. And I bring y'all some very self indulgent individual pieces of my ocs in outfits in the colors of the 🌈rainbow🌈
(click on them for better quality)
Syro in red 💋
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Mungo in orange 🏵️
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Morana in yellow 🍯
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Calyx in green 🍀
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Libelle in blue 💎
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Eris in indigo 👗
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Sethos in purple 💜
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Neith in pink 🏩
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Y'all are free to simp and ask any questions 😌✨
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
 ☼ I'm sending over Mun, Momo, Eris and Seth for Wynne!✨
slap them in the face (only when he is being too much of a pervert) | get slap by them | punch them | insult them | tell them a joke | just stare at them from afar | hold hands | kiss them on the cheek | kiss them on the lips | give them a compliment | just talk | give them my phone number | give them a hug | marry them | seduce them (I don't think that's needed lol) | get seduce by them | get drunk together | flirt | have sex Make Love | become their s/o | touch their hair | sit on their lap | let them sit on my lap | share a flat/house | share a tent | get instructed in something by them | cook together | sit on their face | have them sit on my face | stalk them | kill them | shout at them | swap clothes | share bed | have a shower/bath together | cosplay them | become friends | have kids together (they have a beautiful goth baby boy named Coello UwU) | get stuck in an elevator for 3 hours together | help them | worship them | check their internet search history/read their diary (only by permission) | dance | go to karaoke | play games together | comfort them | steal something from them | hurt them badly | tickle them | adopt them | go shopping together | have a pillow fight | go on a date | give my life to save them
slap them in the face | get slap by them | punch them | insult them | tell them a joke | just stare at them from afar | hold hands | kiss them on the cheek | kiss them on the lips | give them a compliment | just talk | give them my phone number | give them a hug | marry them | seduce them | get seduce by them | get drunk together | flirt | have sex | become their s/o | touch their hair | sit on their lap | let them sit on my lap | share a flat/house | share a tent | get instructed in something by them | cook together | sit on their face | have them sit on my face | stalk them | kill them | shout at them | swap clothes | share bed | have a shower/bath together | cosplay them | become friends | have kids together | get stuck in an elevator for 3hours together | help them | worship them | check their internet search history/read their diary (only by permission) | dance | go to karaoke | play games together | comfort them | steal something from them | hurt them badly | tickle them | adopt them | go shopping together | have a pillow fight | go on a date | give my life to save them
slap them in the face | get slap by them | punch them | insult them | tell them a joke | just stare at them from afar | hold hands | kiss them on the cheek | kiss them on the lips | give them a compliment | just talk | give them my phone number | give them a hug | marry them | seduce them | get seduce by them | get drunk together | flirt | have sex (she is shy to say that lol) | become their s/o | touch their hair | sit on their lap | let them sit on my lap | share a flat/house | share a tent | get instructed in something by them | cook together | sit on their face | have them sit on my face | stalk them | kill them | shout at them | swap clothes | share bed | have a shower/bath together | cosplay them | become friends | have kids together | get stuck in an elevator for 3hours together | help them | worship them | check their internet search history/read their diary (only by permission) | dance | go to karaoke | play games together | comfort them | steal something from them | hurt them badly | tickle them | adopt them | go shopping together | have a pillow fight | go on a date | give my life to save them
slap them in the face | get slap by them | punch them | insult them | tell them a joke | just stare at them from afar | hold hands | kiss them on the cheek | kiss them on the lips | give them a compliment | just talk | give them my phone number | give them a hug | marry them | seduce them | get seduce by them | get drunk together | flirt | have sex make love | become their s/o | touch their hair | sit on their lap | let them sit on my lap | share a flat/house | share a tent | get instructed in something by them | cook together | sit on their face | have them sit on my face | stalk them | kill them | shout at them | swap clothes | share bed | have a shower/bath together | cosplay them | become friends | have kids together (They have a beautiful worm-fetishizing daughter named Cleopatra UwU) | get stuck in an elevator for 3hours together | help them | worship them | check their internet search history/read their diary (only by permission) | dance | go to karaoke | play games together | comfort them | steal something from them | hurt them badly | tickle them (she ain't having any mercy on him ÒwÓ) | adopt them | go shopping together | have a pillow fight | go on a date | give my life to save them
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(ง'̀-'́)ง Guess who's come to kick ass for Hande? All of 'em!
*Hande looks a little moved, watching her friends* “All of you? Thank you so much! Now, let’s kick some ass!”
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cinnella · 3 years
Following @popcornaddict500 idea, I drew my own version of a dream charm with little Eris uwu
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I think she looks cute as fuck-
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cinnella · 4 years
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Name: Eris Zaramoza (chosen name); Yin Abo (birth name)
Age: 26 years old
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Birthday: November 5th
Patron Arcana:
Death (Major); Queen of Cups (Minor)
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Occupation: Magician and Shopkeeper; Former Necromancer
Height: 5'7" (1.71 m)
Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs)
Sethos Abo - older brother
Nuwa Abo - mother (deceased)
Kek Abo - father (deceased)
Xié Dongmei - aunt (deceased)
Origin: Born in Venterre, but grew up in Vesuvia
Race: Half chinese, half egyptian
Powers: Blue (astrology) and purple (divination) magic. Also has an affinity for controlling and summoning water
Intelligence Level: On a scale from 1 to 10, she's a 7
She was born in a small home in Venterre. Her father was already dead at the time of her birth, her brother only 5 years old and her mother deadly sick.
Only two days after her birth, her mom passed away, from the lack of proper medication. Sethos knew that she was way too young for him to take care of, so he tried to seek out their aunt, who lived on the other side of the city.
That night, he sat under a makeshift shelter with his baby sister, but he was so hungry that he had no other choice but to leave her there and try to find some food. Eventually, Yin started crying, which a passerby heard and when they found her, they took her with them.
Sethos was utterly crushed when he came back and she was gone... He tried to look for her, but he was so exhausted that he passed out in the middle of the street. Luckily, he was found by a woman with children and brought to her place.
When he had woken up, he explained his situation to her. The next morning, the woman helped him travel to his aunt's home. But by the time he got there and told her what happened to his sister and mother, Yin was already on a ship heading towards Vesuvia.
There, she was brought to an orphanage, in the South End, where multiple kids and babies from different places had been found, to be taken care of by people whom founded the building. She grew up a rather lonesome troublemaker. The caretakers were kind people, but the kids were mean. So she had no friends.
Soon enough, the adults had realized that most of the kids had no names, couldn't remember them or never knew them. So they took to liberty to name them, but because there were about 30 children and 15 adults, there was a lot of confusion and mis-naming.
They decided to teach the kids to read and write when they were old enough to understand the concepts, and on their 7th birthday, they'd choose their definitive name, something that they felt represented them.
And so, Yin Abo became Eris Zaramoza.
On that day, she met two kids that both looked younger than her. One was small and frail. Porcelain skin, black hair, mismatched eyes. Her name had been Saiya. The other was slightly taller than her. Umber skin, magenta eyes, jet black hair. The caretakers often called him Sykes. They were both known troublemakers and apparently, best friends.
They offered her to become friends and although she'd been sketchy about it, she agreed. They were her first friends, after all.
Years later, the three of them became inseparable and two new children joined their group, both of them noticeably younger. One had skin the color of limestone, ashy blond hair and silverish eyes. The other had dark espresso skin, curly chestnut hair and jade green eyes.
They were often referred to as "accidental troublemakers" because they did naughty things without even realizing it. These four kids became her kin, her family. For years upon years, the five of them brought migraines to the entirety of Vesuvia with their shenanigans. They were known as "the southenders".
The orphanage had a set rule. Despite the caretakers doing their best and raising the kids as their own, by the time Eris reached her adolescence, the amount of kids had doubled.
The set rule was that, once the kids would turn 17, they'd have to seek a home of their own. Eris is the eldest between her and her friends, so she had to leave first.
Heartbreaking as it was, they'd anticipated this for months. They'd made plans to try to find their roots. Upon talking with the adults, the one who'd found her so many years ago told her she'd been born in Venterre, near the west-coast.
After a couple of tear-filled fair-wells, she promised to visit from time to time, and then left to find her bloodrelatives. A couple of days later, looking through her instructions and map, she stood in front of an old, small house.
On the porch, a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, was seated there. She called to him, asking if he could help her out. When he looked up, shock was written on both of their faces.
He had grey-ish short hair and sapphire blue eyes. His skin was just a little bit lighter than hers, scars on his nose and lips. Same round nose, same almond eyes, same strong eyebrows. The resemblance was groundbreaking, almost like looking into a mirror.
Though she never met him, she knew, deep down, that they were related. He was utterly convinced he was dreaming but she reassured him he wasn't. They didn't hug, for they barely knew each other, but they both cried. She was invited in his home, where their aunt had been preparing dinner. Eris' presence brought her to tears.
In the next few hours, while they dined, she learned that their names were Sethos and Dongmei, and that they were her older brother and aunt, respectively. She learned of her parents and their unfortunate fate, of the night Sethos lost her.
It was a relief to learn all this, and although she wanted to head back to Vesuvia, to her friends and find a home, she spent a couple of days with them. Dongmei mentioned that she had an abandoned magic shop in Vesuvia from her youth, close to the center of the city. Giving Eris the key, she told her to make her home there.
Once back home, it was time for Count Lucio's yearly Masquerade. There, she met Asra, whom she soon became close with. When she learned that he was an orphan, and had no place to stay, she offered him to live with her in the shop. It needed some repairs and a lot of cleaning but it was a start.
Years passed and they became closer. Unspoken feelings hanging in the air, but something stopped them from confessing. The Red Plague had arrived and it was taking anyone it could grasp. Eris and Asra, while discussing the situation one night, had an argument.
In the years he'd taught her magic, she'd also taught herself necromancy and wanted to help the plague doctors with the dead, possibly reverse their fate. But Asra didn't agree, "magic isn't supposed to work that way" he said.
So she ran away, found Julian and became his apprentice.
Soon died from the plague...
And the rest is history.
Personality: curious, caring, bold, kind, polite, calm, patient, self-less, motherly, gentle, open-minded, truthful, loyal, trustworthy, out-spoken, honest, stubborn, too forgiving and can never hold grudges for long
Interesting facts:
The small scars on the right side of her jaw, left collarbone and left shoulder are all from fainting while trying to get back her memories. Every time, she had the unfortunate luck of hitting something and scarring her skin.
She has a huge scar on her left thigh but she doesn't remember how she got it.
She also has an "apple of discord" tattoo on her right shoulder.
God forbid you ever make her wear gold, she cannot stand it. She only wears silver.
Although she's an ambivert, she leans towards introvert.
Hates lying and liars in general.
HAAAATES Lavender. Do not put her near those flowers.
Appearance: Sienna skin tone, wavy waist-length silver-white hair, bright ice blue eyes, pear-shaped fit body, B cup breasts.
Familiar: Kage, a sarcastic silver fox that can actually talk.
Voice claim: Margot Robbie
Full sprite:
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Lmao sorry for the backstory being so long but.. My inner writer kinda jumped out. 😅
By the way, HUGE PROPS to my lovely beyotch @sahana-anand for giving me her bio template, it helped me SO MUCH. Thank you, love, couldn't have done it without you!
Hope you'll show some love to my girl Eris!
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cinnella · 4 years
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Couldn't help myself but make a height chart for the five. :3
From tallest to shortest we have:
Syro - 6'5 (1.95)
Libelle - 5'9 (1.76)
Calyx - 5'9 (1.75)
Eris - 5'7 (1.71)
Morana - 5'3 (1.60)
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cinnella · 4 years
So everybody's been jumping onto Artbreeder, doing their apprentices. I decided to finally jump on this train😊 (after finally fucking understanding how Artbreeder works)
So uh...
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✨Have an Eris!✨
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cinnella · 4 years
@cidbirb it is officially your fault that I spent more than two hours making this (still love you❤️)
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And just to make it clear, she reaaaaally doesn't have a crush on Zack, now why would she--
Some quotes by her:
"No, why would you put it in your mouth, it's POISONOUS!!"
"Is it ethical to eat the Mona Lisa? 🤔 Zack!! Is it ethical-"
"I let it touch me... WHY did I let it touch me- AaAAaAhh, IT'S COMING BACK!! T~T"
"Mun, stop hoeing around, I need help with math, I have a test on Tuesday and I'm gonna fail if you don't sTOP HOEING AROUND!"
"Y'know... I could've joined my brother in arts and I would've excused myself the pain of having to deal with your stupidity.."
"*eating chicken with her bare hands at 2 am* I don't know fork... Who fork? I don't know."
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cinnella · 4 years
Zack in erins clothes and maybe vice verse if you'd like? Ovo
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"Ya know... You look pretty cute in them~"
Took me a while to get to it, but here it is!!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
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cinnella · 4 years
14 and 19 for Eris and Zack (or your preferred couple) pleeease!!
I see Zeris has made the rounds around here 👀 @cidbirb
14. Are there any love rivals?
On Eris' side:
Roul (@armallo-and-roul)
Volaris and Adam (@popcornaddict500)
Eva (@evathenovice)
And Zack's brother, Iwel.✨
On Zack's side:
Erik (@sylph-dreams)
Olivia (@popcornaddict500)
And Eva again.✨
19. Talk about a headcanon you’ve never talked about before.
They both enjoy spooning, and especially when Eris is the big spoon and she gets to wrap her legs around his waist and to bury her face in his hair.✨
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cinnella · 4 years
👮 > you pick, Didi!
👮 for a moodboard about my muse’s occupation
Eris - tarot reader and shopkeeper🔮
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cinnella · 4 years
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Been having some motivation lately, but no IDEAS of what to draw. So send in a number and the name of one of my MCs (Eris, Syro, Morana, Calyx and Libelle) and I'll draw it! :3
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cinnella · 4 years
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The thread's still going and Imma do everybody at this point-
✨Eris moodboard✨
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cinnella · 4 years
Today anatomy wasn't really my friend but
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She looks a little bit gothic, dunno why I went with that.😂
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cinnella · 4 years
✨Eris x Mungo moodboard✨
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So like, I was originally going to do an archer type of aesthetic, but then I remembered they are both ex necromancers as well and threw that in too.
I don't know exactly where I was going with this and why I made it but I had to and I love how it looks!✨
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cinnella · 4 years
Gimme 8 with Eris please!
8. In fancy clothes
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I put... Way too much effort into this..
No regrets >:3
Eris in white? More likely than you'd think.
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