#erm also. i hm. i may have been a bit too embarrassed to continue writing these after i was STUPID and DIDNT UNDERSTAND THE RULES OF BINGO
soap-brain · 2 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Tumblr: codywanbingo, Love Confessions, Getting Together, gratuitious use of the word fuck, Alcohol, implied slut Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jealous CC-2224 | Cody, casual Cody/Wolffe but only mentioned, does it count as prostitution if you're doing it for war supplies? Series: Part 1 of CodyWan Fluff Bingo Summary:
Kenobi is not just putting himself out there, he's putting himself into the beds of politicians and rich influential assholes like it's all a game. And Cody is so, so fucking jealous.
once again i have made a thing!
i actually have a few of these ready to go..... tooooo my dearly beloved beta reading machine / husband :3
card under the cut
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drawlfoy · 4 years
Mirror, Mirror Finale (P.1...)
masterlist (catch up on parts 1-5 here!) request guidelines
pairing: draco x ravenclaw!reader
summary: y/n has had a crush on draco malfoy from afar since--well, forever. what will happen when they’re paired up for prefect rounds and run into a special mirror?
warnings: language
a/n: heyyy guys...how are you doing...so i’m sure you’ve noticed that i have p.1 added into this even though it’s marked as a finale...yes i am aware of the fact but it is not even close to being done and i do not want to give this a half baked ending. i thought you guys might like seeing what i’ve been sitting on for a long time. more writing will be coming soon! i promise! i’m actually working on another oneshot soon that’ll be fun to put out there !
overall tags:  @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry 
mirror mirror tags:  @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @mey-rapp @kaibie @blackpinkdolan @the-wiener-soldierrrrr @sugarbby99
word count: 2.9k
music recs: i sink i sink -- living hold ; wishes -- beach house ; could this be love? -- saturn 17
Y/N played with the cup of tea that sat steaming before her, running the tips of her fingers around the golden rim. The soft chamomile scent rose up to her nose in charmed yellow tendrils, something that would’ve been calming had she not been sat in front of Professor Trelawny, answering uncomfortable questions and averting her gaze from her loony eyes.
“Dearie, I know that you may not want to share, but it’s incredibly important for the healing process. Even more important than the potions and the tea leaf readings.”
“Er...when I first fell asleep, all my dreams were just of past memories. Aft--”
“Excuse me.” Trelawny held up her hand as she scratched a heading on her parchment. “If you want to get better, you must add more details. What memories? Of what?” 
Y/N swallowed, casting her eyes to the ceiling. “Erm...I saw Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.” Her breath hitched as the professor furrowed her eyebrows. Suddenly the teacup felt scalding in her hand. “I saw our rounds together. When we ran into the mirror, that is.”
“What mirror?”
“The Mirror of Erised.” 
Trelawny raised her eyebrow--a quick motion but not entirely unassuming. “Interesting. Very, very curious indeed. Go on.”
“I saw us...together. I didn’t think that it was a special mirror until afterwards because it looked the same. We were...uhm...together.”
It took a few seconds of staring at Trelawny’s googly eyes before she realized she’d just repeated herself.
“And after that….” Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to draw out the rest of her memories. “I don’t remember everything else. I’m sorry. It was just everything that I remember about Malfoy in particular...like, the first time I saw him, what it was like to talk to him for the first time, running away from him in the Slytherin dungeons that one night I had to stay overnight for potions...that’s it.”
Her professor nodded gravely, shifting in the only chairs that the hospital wing provided to visitors--hard, cold mahogany wood. “Well done. And after? Once Miss Severyjn woke you up?”
Her throat felt dry. Of course I’d have to recount what happened. Of course I have to tell them about how I had a dream about making out with him in my dorm. Of course. Just my luck.
“I’m sorry,” said Y/N. “It’s just...weird. It felt too private.”
Trelawny seemed slightly empathetic at this; her eyes seemed even kinder (albeit still dreamy) than usual. “I’ve heard it all, love. No need to be ashamed.”
“Okay.” She took a steadying breath. “I...well...it’s fuzzy. I can’t remember exactly why we ended up ditching our rounds and why we decided to go to my dorm instead.”
It was difficult to continue when she saw her companion’s eyebrows shoot up a few inches, but she steeled herself. 
“It took me a long time to unlock my dorm door--I think I was nervous, or something, because my hands were shaking too hard to hold my wand steady. He moved my hand aside and said something--I can’t quite remember what--and he just unlocked it himself. I think I dragged him in by his tie, and he told me that I was trembling, and then before I knew it he was cupping my face. I remember being surprised by how warm his hands were. I thought they’d be colder.”
“Go on, doll. I only need a little bit more.”
“It’s awfully embarrassing, you know,” said Y/N. “I hardly know him.”
“Don’t you worry. Your dream was created by whatever traces of magic the Mirror of Erised left on you. This has nothing to do with how you view Malfoy.”
She dared to smile at this point, mostly as a way to pretend like she wasn’t mortified recounting her tale. “He kissed me. I don’t know if you need any more details, but that’s the grand picture of it all. He kissed me, and I didn’t stop him, and now I feel like a proper creeper, having fantasies about a boy who wants nothing to do with me.”
The wrinkles on Trelawny’s forehead deepened. “Don’t fret. The Mirror of Erised is a very powerful thing. You couldn’t have influenced that dream to work any different than it had. On that note…” She brushed herself off and rolled up the parchment. “You’ve given me enough to work with. The reason why I ask is because sometimes certain dreams can be prophetic--sometimes regarding important wizarding events that the headmaster ought to be aware of--or potentially deadly. Both instances require a bit more...of an intensive treatment regiment, if you will. I’m happy to report to you that your bout of Dream Sickness shouldn’t develop into anything more sinister. I’ll recommend that you stay here for a bit longer, just to ensure that you don’t slip into it again, but you should be able to have visitors and wean yourself off of Dreamless Sleep. Rest up, darling. You have a lot of sleeping to do.”
Y/N smiled weakly as she allowed Trelawny to pluck the teacup from her hands and swirl the leaves about.
“Nothing but good news in your future, just as I suspected. Good night!” 
Life in the infirmary led Y/N to walk a wobbly line of consciousness. Once Madame Pomfrey lowered the doses of her potion, dreams began to once again tickle at her sleeping mind. Sometimes people she knew would appear next to her bedside, and she was never able to tell if it was real. During one of these instances, Rena appeared to hold her hand and recount the hottest gossip that she missed.
“...And after that, Parvati told Lavender Brown that she was nothing but a ditz whose only acts of Gryffindor bravery had to do with the fact that she left her room every morning wearing THAT disaster of a cloak…but I’m boring you, I can tell.”
Y/N, or perhaps Dream Y/N, whichever one she was, sent her a soft smile. “S’okay. Tell me more.”
“Oh, I totally forgot!” Rena squeezed her hand. “I talked to Flitwick about the whole incident. He sends his condolences. He also says that you’re excused from rounds until we reassign partners. No more late nights with Malfoy!”
She rolled her eyes, shuffling further under the blankets. This was just a dream, just a dream.
“Sucks to be him. He’s gonna have to walk all those big, scary halls alone at night.” 
Rena cracked a grin, but something flashed across her eyes that Y/N couldn’t quite decipher. “Yeah. He already had his knickers in a twist over having to do it the first night. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he missed you.”
“He missed having someone to harass, you mean,” corrected Y/N. 
“Yeah, I suppose so. He’s not all bad all the time though, you know. I mean, granted, he is a rich little prat, but he has some good in him.”
“Got a crush, hm?” 
Rena’s eyes shifted again. She was nervous thought Y/N. But why? She quickly decided to ask Madame Pomfrey for a higher dose of Dreamless Sleep the next time she saw her as a lucid member of society. This stuff is getting out of hand. 
Before Dream Rena left, she dropped off a bouquet of flowers--white roses, her favorite. Y/N tried to thank her, but she felt herself being tugged softly to a different dream, away, away, away from her dear friend. 
It took a rough shake of the shoulder from Madame Pomfrey before she was awake again.
“Drink,” she said, forcing a goblet of something foul into her hands. “You’ve been delirious. You need to wake up.”
The taste that hit her tongue was bitter and laced with the nostalgia of O.W.Ls season last year--Wide-Eye Potion. Her consciousness came crashing down on her like a cool tide and she became aware of how much sweat was dripping down her back.
“Feel better?”
Y/N nodded, but as she turned to set her now-empty goblet on the table next to her, her stomach lurched. 
A vase of white roses stood, unimposing in nature but anxiety inducing when she considered the implications they carried. Rena’s visit hadn’t been a dream--and her last excuse to see Draco, the boy who had made her life hell for the last few weeks, was gone. 
So why did it feel like she’d just been punched in the stomach?
Exactly a week and one day after she had been admitted to the hospital, Madame Pomfrey allowed her a special privilege--the chance to take a walk around the castle grounds. After breathing the same stale hospital wing air, Y/N was eager to fill her lungs with something colder and fresh.
“Stick close to the gravel path,” said Madame Pomfrey, the wrinkles in her forehead deepening with each word she spoke. “Do not, and I mean, do not, get near a single magical artifact or so help me Merlin. If you feel the slightest bit feverish, you will come right back here and you will not--under any circumstances--lie down and shut your eyes. Am I understood?”
“Yes, Madame Pomfrey.” The words fell out of Y/N’s mouth without her really taking any notice; instead, she watched the way the trees moved outside, swaying softly with the wind. “I promise I’ll be careful.”
The nurse nodded--a brisk, tense motion. “Good. Be back here in 30 minutes. Any later and I will employ the entire staff of this castle to come track you down so I can personally drag you back here.”
Y/N had forgotten how air could be crisp--crisp she thought giddily--as she waltzed her way down the steps and into the courtyard. Her loafers made a satisfying tap on the stone that she almost missed when the pathway turned to gravel, the rocks crunching under toe instead. But regardless, she was stoked. In that moment, she had never felt more alive, not even after she’d gotten near straight Os last year...but seconds later, she was hit with something other than euphoria: namely, a silk clad black shoulder. 
“Ow.”  Y/N went face first into the ground, her cheek bouncing off the hard floor.
“Ah, fuck! Fuck! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” A posh voice, no doubt the owner of the silky shoulder, sounded from above her. “Oh, oh my god, Y/N? Is that you?”
She rolled over on her back and looked right up into the concerned eyes of Draco Malfoy.
“Er...Hi,” she said. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at her. “Are you alright? Why are you out of the hospital wing?”
“Madame Pomfrey let me go for a walk. She said that it’s good for me. Also she told me not to...fuck, I’m not supposed to lie down!”
The flash of terror in her eyes seemed to say enough, and before she knew it, he was hauling her up off the ground.
“Why are they letting you walk out all alone?” asked Draco, his tone demanding but not entirely uncaring. 
“I think they presumed that everyone on the path would have the common decency to avoid a poor sick girl coming out for her first walk in a week, but clearly they thought too soon.”
Draco still hadn’t completely let go of her shoulders, where his hands were clasped firmly around the sides in a gesture meant to steady. He snorted at that moment, a bit of his old self shining back through as he narrowed his eyes down good-naturedly at her. “It’s hardly like the entire school has been issued a warning that you’ve been released.”
“Oh, quit stroking my ego like that.” Y/N tilted her eyebrow to examine him. For the most part, her old rounds partner looked no different--same strikingly light eyes, same aristocratic features, same expensive and fashionable apparel--but the bags under his eyes were new. “Have you been sleeping? Like, at all?”
“Yeah, you. Who else?”
His hands moved away from their supporting position to scratch the back of his neck. “Oh, er, not much. I keep worrying about getting what you came down with. Rena told me about the Dream Sickness and how it was because of the mirror, and it’s just hard for me to sleep.”
“Oh. I’m sorry about that.”
“Yeah.” He shifted his weight back and forth, his hands shoved deep into his pockets.
“What exactly did Rena tell you?” Y/N’s words snapped Draco back to attention. “And if you say everything I will lie down on the ground, go back into my dream coma, and tell everyone it’s your fault.”
“Well, then.” A smirk danced across his lips. “Nothing. Rena told me nothing.”
Y/N stared at him for a few seconds before lowering herself to the ground, never breaking eye contact. 
“What--what are you doing?”
His face went out of her eye line as she lay flat on the ground, stretching her limbs out to vaguely resemble a starfish and exhaling a heavy sigh. “I’m going to sleep right here. When Madame Pomfrey finds me, barely toeing the line between life and death, I’ll have rehearsed a speech in my mind about how Draco Malfoy knocked a poor sick girl over in the gravel pathway and then harassed her to the point of exhaustion.”
When Y/N opened her eyes, she could see Draco come into vision. His green and silver striped tie swung in the air above her as he leaned over her, a slight grimace on his face.
“I don’t think you were sorted into the right house.”
“Keep your comments to yourself,” she said, shutting her eyes again and taking in a deep breath. “Some of us are trying to sleep.”
“I thought you were--Y/N, wait!” A hand reached out to gently shake her shoulder. “Wait! I thought you were kidding!”
“I never kid. I’m very serious. Leave me be, now. I have a speech to write.”
She heard a loud and rather over dramatic sigh above her before a hand started tugging at her arm, lifting it up over her head and pulling.
“Draco! Stop!”
“Calling me Draco, now, huh? Awfully intimate when you’re about to frame me for attempted murder,” he said, his tone surprisingly consistent and clear for someone hauling a whole adult woman off the ground. “Can you at least try to help me? A little bit?”
“Fuck off,” was the only thing coming out of Y/N’s mouth as he pulled her to her feet for the second time in less than 10 minutes. Once they were both standing, just barely a meter apart, Y/N found herself at a complete loss for words. Draco was looking down at her with an emotion displayed across his features that she could not quite place, and it made her stomach twist. 
“You have gravel stuck in your hands.” 
His voice took her by surprise. It had softened considerably, almost to a whisper. There was none of the usual snottiness or nasal judgement present--just a breathy declaration that made her knees weak from the sudden shift in energy.
His hand moved towards hers, and he met her eyes with a gaze that asked “is this okay?” Y/N couldn’t help but just stare, wide-eyed and unable to blink, as he gently took her hand and began pulling out the rocks. 
“I have to tell you something,” said Draco, still quiet and unimposing in tone. “I...I know that this might come as a surprise, and I know that you...er...probably don’t care to hear this, but, erm…”
Y/N just stared.
“I’ve been feeling this way for a while, and I just didn’t really figure it out until you, uh, you got sick, and I know I’ve been a proper prat to you and that you have no need to reciprocate anything, truly, but, ehm…”
His adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he squeezed his eyes shut, like he was in pain or something. 
“Spit it out, Draco, I don’t have all day,” added Y/N lightly. 
“Miss Y/L/N!” 
A voice boomed across the courtyard, making Y/N nearly jump out of her skin. A quick turn revealed that it was Madame Pomfrey. And a furious Madame Pomfrey at that.
“You foolish, foolish girl,” said Pomfrey, seizing her by the arm and dragging her away. “Speaking to the same boy in your dreams? Why don’t you just go and lick the Mirror of Erised and fall asleep right after? You give me migraines.”
“I’m so sorry Madame Pomfrey! I didn’t mean to!” Apologies rolled out of Y/N’s mouth at a rapid-fire pace, not stopping until she’d been escorted back to her bed.
“I am so disappointed in you,” the older lady snapped as she stormed over to the neighboring bed, angrily wringing out a washcloth. “No visitors. Not until you have a perfect bill of health.”
Hospital air had never felt so stale.
final a/n: whew this was a long one and definitely not all. this was about half of my draft and i’m still working on it, so we’ll see how long the next one is. i hope that you guys enjoyed! comments/thoughts on this chapter will definitely give me more motivation to finish this series strong, so i’d love to hear what you guys thought of this :) thanks for reading!
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wolftheidioticfan · 4 years
Me: I  should probably write something other than the boys huh.
My brain: ok but sequel to the other fic.
Me: ^sigh^ yeah...you’re right.
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In which I just die and feel very embarrassed about writing oh god oh man oh god oh no. I’m sorry this is- ohgh. 
I really did just write this uh oh...😳 I almost dont want to post it bc im so shy about...writing soft things. Sorry I’m a sucker for soft and sweet things uh oh....I’m a big sucker...ok. here we go.
Branches swayed softly in the slowly rising wind, rustling the leaves of the forest noisily. It was getting quite cold in the past few days, but not enough to warrant or deter him from taking these nightly walks. Adjusting the golden colored scarf wrapped firmly around his neck, the jester spoke softly to his companion.
“It’s so unfortunate we can’t do this during the day,” He half murmured, eyes half focused up towards the sky, “There are so many things I’d like to show you back in the village.”
“Hmm, well! Perhaps we can go eventually, yes?”
Patronio chuckled at the optimism of the taller man, shuddering as a particularly cold gust of wind passed by, chilling his lungs as he breathed. He felt lucky it was only autumn, or else this would be much worse.
“I’m not sure the residents would quite appreciate your erm...current form,” The jester motioned towards the Camerlengo softly, “They may not be quite as understanding as I.”
He chuckled at the exasperated yet understanding sigh from the other, picking up their walking pace just slightly. Patronio always enjoyed getting out into the fresh air, finding it very calming, especially once they exited the tall oaks and pines that made up the dense woods.
“Isn’t it great to be out of Tenebre?” He grinned, purposefully crushing a few leaves under his boots, “So many sights and much fresher air!”
“...He supposes so!” The Camerlengo half shrugged, “It’s not really like he remembers much different than the castle anyways. It really doesn’t matter either way. Here or there.”
The jester rolled his eyes softly, biting his tongue to argue for a moment. His friend had always been like this, never all that interested in the outside world, even before Tenebre’s awful curse. He’d learned to just deal with it, and understand that even if he seemed a little disinterested, he was at least enjoying the company.
His head tilted at the exclamation from the tall man, chuckling when he looked back at the grassy hill they had found themselves upon. The village was in view, though distant, and there was quite a perfect view of the night sky. The jester mentally patted himself on the back for picking the location. He perked visibly, motioning out to the entire area in a wide sweeping motion.
“See? Isn’t it wonderful?” He chuckled, “And imagine, just below, a whole village of people. All with their own hopes, dreams, jobs- All this! Was just right outside the whole time...”
“...Very fascinating, yes.”
Patronio immediately flopped down into the tall blades of grass, rapidly patting the spot next to him. Once the Camerlengo had seated himself, the jester began once again mindlessly babbling about the excitement this world had given him.
“In the mornings, they let the sheep out into the field,” he began, pointing just across from a rather large barn-like building, “and later on, the markets open! They have all sorts of things I never even got to see all those years ago!”
He remembered it very fondly, a few weeks ago when he had moved in, the market had just opened and he had begun to visit to see all the people and get acquainted with his new neighbors. The smell of fresh bread and other goods of all shapes and sizes...Oh he would just have to bring some next time he visited Tenebre! It was definitely one of his best memories in recent times.
“I just- I wish I could show it all to you!” He snickered, “It’s really something.”
The jester frowned slightly at the silence, glancing over to see the taller man with his eyes closed, seeming lost in thought. Had he bored him?
“...Cam? Are you listening?”
“Hm? Oh! Yes, he was. You seem very happy out there.”
“Yeah, it’s...it’s really great. I never thought I’d--- actually get back out into the world.”
“It is quite nice, yes.”
This time, a much more comfortable silence fell upon the two. He glanced up at the stars a few times, enjoying the pristine, calming sight. Typically in Tenebre, the view had always been clouded, or not as wonderful as right here. It nearly made the man want to wish for night to never end, just to keep the view forever.
“Do you remember a few weeks ago?” The Camerlengo suddenly snickered, eyes glinting playfully.
“...Ugh how could I forget? You embarrassed me for a joke!” Patronio groaned in response, feeling his face go a light shade of red, “It wasn’t funny.”
“Oh no, no. He was very sincere in his gift!” The other laughed at the jester as his face went several shades darker, “It was just the joke was also too good to pass up.”
What? … He coughed slightly, unable to exactly come up with a real response. Fidgeting slightly with his cloak and scarf, he slowly lowered the lower half of his face into the fabric, eyes darting away back towards the village.
What was he supposed to say to that?
That could mean any number of things! Why did this simple minded fool think that would help the awkward situation at all? Patronio furrowed his eye brows a bit, tucking his arms into the red fabric of his cloak, staring a hole into the ground. He couldn’t fathom this nonsense.
“Patronio? Are you alright? You seem embarrassed...again.”
He squinted at the laughter that had followed the question. The taller man was doing it on purpose!
“You! I-,” The jester stumbled slightly, “Stop messing with me!”
The boisterous laughter and pinch to his cheek caused him to grumble, listening as the Camerlengo spoke again.
“Ahaha, He is sorry, you are just very funny.”
“Shut up!” Patronio balled his fists softly, pushing the larger man over into the grass, continuing when the laughter continued, “Stop it! Embarrassing me isn’t funny! What do you even mean you were ‘sincere’? You just admitting to finding this funny!”
“Heheh...No, no! He was, he was,” The Camerlengo wiped a tear from his eye, sitting back up slowly, “Your responses are just...cute! That is all.”
He quickly fidgeted, spinning to face away with arms crossed, fingers digging into his arms. This was-- UTTERLY embarrassing.
“Aww, are you alright?”
The jester tensed a little at the feeling of being hugged from behind. He could feel the smugness of his companion, hiding a hiss as the other’s chin rested upon his shoulder.
“Okay, sorry~ He will stop teasing now.”
That was definitely NOT a cease to the teasing speech. He just wanted to wipe the smug look off the other’s face--- Embarrass him just as much for this ridiculous display!
...Though kissing his cheek wasn’t exactly his first thought. It was just on impulse.
...Why did he do that?
Patronio’s eyes widened, quickly spinning around when he was let go, immediately beginning to sputter out a thousand apologies, pulling the scarf back over his face in shock. Why’d he do that why’d he do that??
He coughed a little, gauging the reaction of the other. The Camerlengo gaped, face flushing slightly to match his own deeply reddened cheeks. Oh god was he going to be mad? He shouldn’t have done this. This was an awful impulse response.
“O-Oh!” The taller man exclaimed, pitch slightly higher than normal, “...He surely was not expecting that!”
“I-I’m-- I’m so sorry I just-” What kind of excuse was he supposed to come up with? “You were embarrassing me and---  y’know-”
“Hahah...No, no need to apologize!”
With a slight yelp, the jester found himself tugged forwards by his hands, eyes darting in confusion and utter embarrassment. What was going on?
“...But I-i..I uh-”
“He knows what you did,” The other snickered, “That would be very hard to forget.”
“W...What are you doing?”
“Hmm..returning the gesture!”
A hand tugged gently at his scarf, causing him to furrow his brow in confusion, “Huh? Wh-”
Patronio was unable to finish his sentence, as a pair of lips quickly met his own. It was a very gentle, nervous kiss that only lasted about a second, but he was still utterly speechless and shocked by the action. He blinked once, then twice. What was-...what was that? He shook his head slightly, glancing up at the Camerlengo with confusion. The other seemed much more nervous now, as if gauging his reaction this time as he fidgeted with the cuff of his coat.
“Mhm?” His eyes darted away from the jester when he spoke, causing Patronio to half chuckle from the situation.
“...Was that sincere?”
“Ah- ahah….W...would you like it to have been?”
He tensed momentarily before slowly relaxing, offering a shy smile.
“Uh...Well...” the jester rubbed the back of his neck slightly, “...Yes. I think I would...”
“Oh! Oh great- he was-...worried--- it would have been too bold!”
Patronio snickered, sighing in exasperation as he slowly lowered his head against the other’s chest, “...Just stop embarrassing me already.”
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