#erm kenny dickrider alert
morballs · 5 months
Write a 10 page APA format essay on the TWDG character that you hate the most.
You have until Friday to submit this 🙌🏾
professor Everett i'm paralyzed on my deathbed i cannot do this!!! anyways, sorry to the three Jane fans that exist, but I DO NOT LIKE HER!! AT ALL!!!! Maybe this is biased given my very normal attitude regarding Kenny, but you can obviously see that her role as a character was extremely rushed in the last episode; I don't even think she was supposed to survive! Outside of budget problems or interpersonal bullshit happening in TTG, I just genuinely fucking hated her in the last episode. ANNNDDD IM GONNA RANT ABBOUT ITT GRAAAAAGHHH!!!!
When Jane's introduced to the story she's intriguing, and in general a character that I really wanted to see develop in my first playthrough; She KNEW what she was doing on a completely different level compared to every other character then introduced in the season 2 roster, because as opposed to let's say Kenny or Luke, she's been treading in the shoes of a walker for roughly two years at that point, she knows the enemy in a way that only Clementine (and Lee (LMAO)) knows, if that makes sense. You can see her as an ally in some strange form only based on shared experience. Her character is a bit intense, but she carries herself like she's more important and above the others, extremely self assured and all that bullshit, which is quite the comparison with Nick, Alvie and Luke where they prefer to keep themselves at ground level, and in a way that's more personal and opens their character and personality up for us to explore. It makes her somewhat like a big sister stand-in for Clementine, and its extremely obvious that she see's all her own flaws inside Clem and tries to snuff it out before she makes the same mistakes she did (Any scene revolving around Sarah, and how she was trying to convince Clem to leave her alone to get eaten alive and then SULKING when she doesn't). It's interesting, and I wont deny I deeply enjoyed the scenes where she's teaching Clementine some of her survival tricks! But it all really falls apart by the last leg of episode 4, with the whole Luke thing. It's strange, their entire dynamic and relationship is strange because frankly by the second time they interact they're already mapping eachothers insides dawg... completely fucking shocked me man... Her "leaving" the group didn't really create any swell of emotions inside me (neither did her returning), if anything I felt relieved and neutral as her character had mostly served its purpose in Clementines' story; but that's where the problem begins, she's exhausted her use as a character.
In episode 5 her character is dull and useless until she slowly tries to convince Clem that Kenny is a liability, in which yes, she's not WRONG but if she opened her two eyes and compared to his one functioning fucking eye she'd realize that "Hey the kid that he's beating the FUCK out of and the reason why my little fuck-buddy died was because I STOLE A BAG OF SUPPLIES THAT?? ULTIMATELY?? DIDN'T EVEN MATTER IN THE END??"
I have to accept the fact that actions in the ttg series often don't matter at all. Like NADA. NUH UH. And alot of shit doesn't get mentioned ever again despite the fact that it was a serious part of the story (Omid and Christa, Ben dying, Carlos/Sarah/Nick dying, ETC), But to have shit like that be ignored? completely? no one held her against herself for stealing the bag? ever? like ever ever? Clementine steals the pills, which would've been enough in the first fucking place. (bag is never seen again after that btw). But that part does also show us how deceptively selfish Jane is, in a way that is almost fucking messed up; because it isn't petty, it's straight up murder in some cases (Arvo's group, Luke/Bonnie, Kenny/herself, ALMOST AJ.)
But the part that drove me up the wall with her was the final scenes, where she manages to corrupt an 11 year old's brain into thinking, "WOW Kenny's going off the deep end and MIGHT theoretically KILL ME all because this FREAKY white woman told me so!" Fuck man, her hiding AJ while not even being SURE that she'd live to tell them where she hid him? Her witnessing Kenny getting beat up until a part of his skull got crushed for his adoptive kid and then being able to look Clem in the eye and go "he's a selfish monster"? when her selfish actions is what caused the ENTIRETY of the ep5 events? (sans Rebecca dying) She got into that fight not because she WANTED Clem to be safe but because she WANTED to be proven RIGHT!! ARRGHHH!!!!! (SHE COULD'VE CALLED IT OFF TOO BUT SHE JUST WANTED SO BADLY TO BE THE "SAVIOUR")
Don't get me started on her shitty "ending" either...
ANYWAYS, kenny dickrider alert... wow i got heated bruh ion fw this mf at all anyways thanks for the ask, russ!!! appreciate it :)
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