levmada · 7 months
before levi knew how to read or write (or spell words) what is the likelihood when people were having a conversation in front of him they’d spell out words when it came to something they didn’t want levi to know😭😭😭😭
erwin, levi and hange over drinks:
levi: “How the hell do you plan on making up an expedition before winter with all the funds we don’t have?”
erwin: “Increasing likability. For instance, there’s a meeting in the Captol coming up soon. It’d be beneficial if you came along.”
levi, confused: “Why the hell would it?”
erwin: “You’re very popular, of course. If the right people knew of your strength, they would consider the Survey Corps a good investment.”
hange: “Yes, I agree! Levi is probably the best thing since sliced bread.”
levi, so flustered he can barely speak: “What does that even mean, Four-Eyes.”
hange, after exchanging a playful look with erwin: “…Your greatest asset is that you’re p-r-e-t-t-y.”
levi glares vicious daggers at them. his head whips in erwin’s direction. “what did this annoying asshole just spout?”
erwin: “if you knew, then you’d deny it.”
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levmada · 2 years
Hi Gee! First of all, I’m so sorry if I say something wrong in this ask, non-binary isn’t common in my country, and I don’t often interact with people online, but I swear I’ve done research. Feel free to educate me condescendingly (or tear me a new one) if I fuck up.
Many people, including you, write Hange as non-binary. I’ve been wondering, how do you think Levi and Erwin reacted when Hange told them that they preferred they/them pronouns?
Personally, I think Levi said something that made it seem like he was brushing it off, like “ok” or just “hmm”, which made Hange think that he either didn’t know what they were talking about or he didn’t see the importance of it. They made a mental note to explain it further, the thought of Levi *actually* not giving a fuck not even crossing their mind. BUT Levi starts using they/them pronouns immediately and never. slips. up. He’s running a 40°C fever and hallucinating? They/them. Bleeding almost to death and forgetting his own name? They/them. On his death bed suffering from Alzheimer’s and only being able to remember the first time he saw Hange? THEY/THEM.
I don’t know shit about Erwin though.
Thank you for reading :)
NOOO this is so perfect omg. i'm nonbinary myself actually so it made my day to see you sent this in. You're so right about how Levi would react...
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"Okay," Levi says, unblinking. "Is it themselves or themself?"
Hange gapes and sputters, their hands tumbling over one another to grasp Levi's reaction.
"Themself, but uh, you don't have any questions??"
His brow furrows. "I don't care enough to ask questions. Let's get to the meeting already."
And from that exchange, they'd gather that he might just use their pronouns when he remembers to - he doesn't care after all - but little do they know that Levi actually meant he doesn't care how they identify in the nicest way possible :( As in he 100% supports how Hange feels. it's his way of reassuring them that they have nothing to worry about.
Moblit accidentally refers to Hange as 'she'?
"Hey, Berner." Levi gives his shoulder a nudge. “Remember who you're fucking talking to."
Moblit's eyes blow wide with realization, similar to Hange, who stands a tad stunned.
"Right!" he stammers. "They need to rest. My apologies, sir."
And Levi never, ever gets it wrong, besides his continuous correcting of anyone who does. He becomes like their personal guard dog in that department, and if anyone disagrees, they're getting cleaning duty for three weeks until they shape up.
Erwin is more polite about it.
"Ah, so in conversation, I would refer to you using they/them. Hange, themself." He rubs his chin. "I see. Very well."
He doesn't see any issue, and so of course he approves. Erwin being Erwin, he might also have questions, and he's so damn polite about it. He's good at not crossing any boundary lines and wants to keep a perfect understanding between soldiers so everyone is on the same page.
Does that mean overhauling Hange's records so all descriptions of their gender read N/A or 'Other'? yes yes YES.
And whenever he slips up...
"She—Oh, my apologies."
"Oh, sir—" Hange waves their hand. "—it's alright, just an accident."
Erwin smiles softly. "No, allow me to rephrase. They seem to be on the verge of a breakthrough, Levi, and so I approve the further allocation of funds towards their research."
God these three just love each other so much thank you for asking<3
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levmada · 1 year
Hey, I hope things are getting better for you, Gee. I saw this little Erwin-Levi-Hange skit that made me smile (it's quite wholesome but not necessarily 100% in character) so I thought I'd share it with you.
jieourhgiuwehrguieh fucking giggling rn thank u sm for enlightening me sparky :'))) made my night.
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levmada · 3 years
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"I would not wish any companions in the world but you."
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→ ftm!Levi Headcanons | 2 | 3 |
→ slow-dancing
→ Levi is sleepy...
multi-chaptered works
→ Danse Macabre
summary・Levi Ackerman is a man at the end of his rope.
Following the tragedy at the hands of the Rumbling, Levi is a coward’s leap away from throwing in the towel. The nature of Paths makes that possible.
A few important people would very much prefer if he didn’t, however.
Notably, Ymir Fritz.
visual art
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| main masterlist |
updated 09/30/23
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