ramencat12 · 3 months
I got some fanmade monsters i never really shared on here but here they are now
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(from left to right in rows)
(Row 1) Steamer, Phantecho, Fluto
(Row 2) Thumperflies, Orbie, Pixdrum
(Row 3) Zaptus, Wolvina, Dj scratch
(Row 4) Thump &bump, Troublelin, Yamaha
(Row 5) Lullabell, Sparkavolt, Jugglerimba
(Row 6) Phantochoir, Slithurr, Puppetus
(Row 7) Kablasto, Cloudee, Twayang
(Row 8) Esmur, Pastelita, and Zombiphone
(I named these guys when i was 12 or 13 so i know the names kinda suck) but i do hope you all like them
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vazedits · 3 years
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Rambel Heardes
>>  /reblog if you save and if you want.credits to @vazlut on twitter
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buyuluduslerbahcesi · 4 years
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Hadi lan! 
Sibel yahu :) 
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esmurecida · 3 years
eu estou lutando contra eu mesma para me manter em pé e sã. tenho lutado para levantar da cama e não preocupar minha mãe com a minha apatia e falta de vontade. tento não demonstrar tristeza perto de ninguém e fico ansiando pela noite, quando eu posso deitar na cama e desabar.
Karoliny Rouver - esmurecida
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cruelangelstheses · 5 years
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it seems that a couple well-known pro-templar/anti-anders bloggers — got/hic-princ/ess-wit/ch, who runs an/ders-is-a-terr/orist (without the slashes in the urls obviously), and archde/monbl/ood, who (as shown in the second image) runs hawk/esmur/derknife (again, without the slashes) — have declared this month, august 2019, as “anti anders month 2.0”. as you can probably imagine, these blogs post heavily about harming anders - the “antifenders” fic that the latter blog just posted was particularly disturbing. for those who are sensitive to these things, or who simply don’t want to see anders hate, i advise you to please be cautious while browsing the tags, use blacklist liberally, and block these users and any others you see engaging in this type of behavior!! (also, this shouldn’t have to be said but i’ll say it anyway: do NOT harass them or send them messages. just do not engage, block if you need to, and move on.)
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aweseeds · 5 years
Crumbling Westeros
Game of Thrones ends with Bran as King of 6 Kingdoms & Sansa as Queen in the North. But those 6 Kingdoms represent a crumbling Westeros.
Consider the situation from the perspective of the remaining 6 Lord Paramonts:
1) Bran has taken Tyrion Lannister as Hand. Tyrion represents the family that illegally seized the throne & had a series of brutal regimes. Tyrion has been Hand to Joffrey the worst king since Aerys II, then switched his allegiance to Daenerys to fight against the family he once served, & now has changes his allegiance to Bran, after Bran's brother murdered Daenerys when the North was sworn to Daenerys & after she had defeated the North's two great enemies, the White Walkers & Cersei Lannister. To the Lords Paramont, Bran has put a man in power whose loyal cannot be trusted & will serve a king's enemies when it is personally beneficial to him.
2) Bran become king after his brother murdered the queen the North was sworn to serve. So the Starks came to power via treason.
3) Jon committed treason, which he has previously stated has the punishment of death. Jon himself executed men who refused to obey his orders.
4) Despite this, the Starks argued for Jon to be set free. Basically they said the law should not apply to the members of their family.
5) Sansa Stark immediately wanted her own kingdom once Bran was named King & he gave it to her. This gives the Starks two crowns.
6) Bran has given the Reach to a Lannister sellsword after that sellsword participated in wiping out House Tyrell, who had been the Lord Paramount of the Reach for hundreds of years. Bronn has never lived in the Reach & also is made Master of Coin.
7) Bran made Samwell Tarly Grand Maester despite his never earning the status of Maester and abandoning the Night's Watch. Sam also violates the Night's Watch & Maester rules by having a wife & children. Sam is promoted because he was a friend to a member of House Stark.
From the view of the remaining Lords Paramont, this is not a good situation. Bran clearly gives his family huge preferential treatment & great rewards to people that are unearned.
Dorne was the kingdom that fought against joining the 7 the longest. The current Prince of Dorne was sworn to Daenerys, who the Starks murdered. He is likely to insist Dorne get it's independence based on the precedent Bran set with Sansa. That's the loss of one kingdom.
Yara was sworn to Daenerys, she wanted Jon executed, the established legal punishment for his actions. In response, she was threatened by the Starks who essentially said she would be killed if she continued she say that. She is also more likely to insist on the Iron Islands independence based on the precedent Bran set with Sansa & because the Starks cannot be trusted to remain loyal to allies. The Starks have shown they murder an ally after said ally has benefited them by killing their enemies. That's another kingdom lost.
The Riverlands suffered huge from the Lannisters, including during the time Tyrion was loyal to Joffrey & his father, who planned & executed the Red Wedding. The Lannisters were responsible for the murder of Edmure's beloved sister, nephew & king, & Edmure's years of brutal imprisonment. If word gets out that Tyrion released his brother from captivity, the man who forces Edmure to hand over Riverrun by threatening to catapult his baby son into said castle, Edmure will view Tyrion's appointment has an enormous betrayal. The Lannisters also killed his uncle. Despite the Riverlands fighting on the North's side in the Wot5K, they receive no reward. In fact when Esmure tries to address the other lords, he is told to shut up & sit down by his niece.
Despite being related to Bran, there is no reason why he should stay in a kingdom Bran rules. So the Riverlands would likely also want independence. After all the North got theirs again & the Riverlands didn't benefit from declaring a Stark their King. In fact, it got many of them slaughtered. Arya killed House Frey out of personal vengeance. We didn't see her go & free Edmure afterwards. After all, if Edmure, a war veteran who suffered enormously, isn't even allowed the chance to speak in an assembly of the Lords Paramont, why would he think having Bran as King is good?
The Vale was sworn to the North, but they watched Daenerys & her army be essential in defeating the army of the dead & Cersei. The Vale fought to protect the North, which now gets it's independence. Two members of House Stark get crowns, but the Vale got nothing. Key lords & ladies of the Vale saw Sansa lie for Littlefinger, enabling him to escape justice for murdering Lysa, his wife & widow of their murdered Lord. Sansa later took Littlefinger as her advisor, then executed him based on harm he caused to House Stark. Robert Arryn liked & trusted Littlefinger. Even knowing his crimes, he would be wary of the Starks, especially Sansa, who slapped him & who he does not have a good relationship with. He doesn't know Bran at all. So the Vale might want independence since the North got it.
The Reach has no reason to support Bronn & every reason to kill him. His position is all due to his service to House Lannister. They are almost certain to repel against a crown that gives this man such power. They were also sworn to Daenerys, who House Stark murdered, then took her crown. That's another kingdom who wants to break away.
The Stormlands have Lord Gendry, who is a friend of House Stark. But Gendry was legitimizes & given the lordship by Daenerys. We don't know how he feels about Jon's oathbreaking. He might be loyal to Bran, we don't know. His connection to the Starks was through Arya & Jon, who are both gone. We don't know if the Stormlands will support Bran long-term.
We know nothing about the Westerlands beside the fact that the Starks have been their enemies for years. Tyrion was convicted of murdering a half Lannister king. Then the Starks defeated a Lannister queen. The Westerlands have no reason to support a Stark King.
In summation, Bran is ruling over a kingdom that will quickly crumble. The Starks have demonstrated their word cannot be trusted. They swear oaths when it suits them & then murder allies. Bran hasnever been south before or visited any of these kingdoms. He doesn't even have any family support. Arya & Jon have immediately left Westeros & Sansa got her own separate kingdom. He promotes based on nepotism, not merit, as does his Hand. The Lords Paramont have plenty of reasons to demand independence or simply proclaim their independence as the North previously did. If Bran refuses to allow this, it will be another civil war. Bran doesn't even have an army, except if the Houses in the Crownlands support him, which is highly unlikely given he is Northern.
Instead of a healthy, unified 6 kingdoms working together, it with be a bunch of small kingdoms looking out for themselves. Bran isn't bringing people together, he is tearing them apart.
Westeros will be a mess. There was no point in Bran being King. Bran doesn't have a plan of how to rebuild after wars. He is someone with enormous magical power & foresight that he has never used to help anyone. He's just sat back & watched people die. He has no experience in leadership or ruling.
Daenerys & Jon spent seasons trying to get people to work together despite their past wars, grievances, or being from different cultures. Their efforts end up being wasted. It is a very sad thing to see. Thenshow ends on a note that loyalty, keeping your word, & working together is for the stupid. The only benefits are those you grab for yourself. Being deceitful & treacherous makes you a winner.
Westeros is dead.
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(It’s Espurr, but it was close enough)
Nox: I. Need. You.
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wooe-in-blog · 5 years
Join Indian Navy 2019 10th 12th pass Recruitment Jobs Current Upcoming Online Form Notification Pdf
Indian Navy Jobs Recruitment 2019 Login Vacancy For After 10th Pass 12th pass 10+2 Pass Apply Vacancy Online Form Indian Navy MR Musician 02/2019 Batch Login Recruitment 2019 Nausena Bharti Sailor Entry for Musician Recruitment 2019 Indian navy Musician Sailor Entry Recruitment 2019 Login Check Advertisement Indian Navy Recruitment 2019 Upcoming Jobs Current Jobs Bharti Online Form Indian Navy 644 Posts Tradesman Mate Online Application Form Pdf How To Apply Last Date Check Eligibility Criteria Last Date Indian Navy Jobs Indian Navy Upcoming Jobs Indian Navy Current Recruitment 2019 For 10th & 12th Pass
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Indian Navy SSR Recruitment 2019
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Indian Navy AA  Recruitment 2019 About Recruitment :  Indian Navy (Western Command) invites applications from eligible candidates for the Porter, Safai Wala & Mates/Other Civilian posts. There Will be No Written Exam. The Recruitment Will Be On Interview Basis. Indian Navy Current Jobs 2019 Details of the Vacancies :- Total – 600 Posts Porters541 PostsMates & Other Civilians51 PostsSafai Wala08 Posts Indian Navy Upcoming Jobs 2019 Age Limit :- Candidates Should be Between 18 and 40 years Old (As On 06 May 2019) Eligibility Criteria:- Should be A Citizen of India/Nepal/Bhutan.Must have A Valid Voter ID card/Ration card/Adhaar Card/Certificate From Village Panchayat. Place Of Interview : –  Poari Village (Distt. – Kinnaur) Army Camp Shongthong Date & Time Of Interview : – 0800 Hrs To 1700 Hrs From 06 To 10 May 2019 Download Official Notification Here Indian Navy MR Musician Recruitment 2019 Online Application Invited by Indian navy from Unmarried Male Indian Citizens for Sailor Matric Recruit (Musician) MR 02/2019 Batch Course 2019. Educational Qualification:- Candidates Can Must Have Passed 10th Matriculation Examination from the Boards of School Education recognized by MHRD, Govt. of India. Age:- Candidates Should have been born between 01 Oct 1994 to 30 Sep 2002 (Both dates inclusive). No age Relaxation is Permissible. Musical Ability:- Selection on Merit basis only. Should have proficiency in Aural Aptitude for music with accuracy in Tempo, Pitch and singing one complete song. Should also have actual practical skill on any instrument of Indian or foreign origin with proficiency in tuning of in strument, matching unknown notes with instrument, prepared piece, sight reading of Indian Classical/ Tabulature/ Staff Notation, performance of Scale/ Raaga/ Taala and basic theory of Indian or International music . Type of Instruments on which Proficiency Required : – The candidates would be required to perform with expertise on one or more instruments such as Keyboard/ String/ Wind instruments or any other instrument of Indian or Foreign origin. Candidates performing on Indefinite Pitch Instruments such as Jazz Drums set, Brass Drum, Snare Drums, Side Drums, Cymbals, Non Chromatic instruments such as Bug. Musical Experience Certificate :- (a) Candidates performing Hindustani or Carnatic Classical music on Wind Instruments will require a musical experience certificate from any musical Institute or organization of repute. (b) A certificate of minimum Initial Grade from International Boards such as Trinity College of Music, London or Royal School of Music, London will be mandatory for candidates performing western notation or western music on Wind Instruments. (c) Other candidates will be required to submit certificates of participation/ awards presented at various events. Pay & Allowance:- During the initial training period, a stipend of Rs.14,600/-per month will be admissible. On successful completion of initial training , they will be placed in Level 3 of the Defence Pay Matrix (1,700 – 69 ,100). In addition, they will be paid MSP  5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable). Selection Criteria For MR Musician:- Selection of recruits is based on the order of merit on their performance Preliminary Screening Board and Final Screening Board. Detailed Selection Process Is Indicated Below. Preliminary Screening Test. Preliminary Screening Board will be conducted in two phases. In the first phase, verification of age, education qualification, music certificates and musical ability of the candidate will be assessed. The candidates who are suitable to undertake final test will be subjected to the second phase of PSB. In the second phase, physical fitness test and initial recruitment medical examination will be conducted. (a) The Preliminary Screening Board is tentatively to be held from 06 to 10 July 2019. (b) Those who qualify the Preliminary Screening Board will be required to undergo a Final Screening Board. All qualified candidates will be called to INS Kunjali, Colaba, Mumbai for final screening test, final medical examination and selection on All India Basis tentatively scheduled from 03 to 06 September 2019 Physical Fitness Test (PFT) (a) Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test is mandatory for selection. (b) PFT will consist of 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes, 20 squat ups (Uthak Baithak) and 10 Push-ups. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. Medical Standards (a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorised military doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to sailors on entry. (b) Minimum height 157 cms. Weight and Chest should be proportionate. Minimum Chest expansion of 5 cms. Details regarding minimum height standards for entry into the Indian Navy as Sailors, including applicable relaxations, can be accessed from the official recruitment website. (c) The candidates must be in good physical and medical health free, from any defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties both ashore and afloat under peace as well as war conditions in any part of the world as per Navy Order (Spl) 01/2008. (d) Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist and back (dorsal) part of hand/reverse side of palm. Perm anent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be banned from recruitment. (e) Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination. Examination Centres :- Mumbai, Kochi and Visakhapatnam. Note : Candidates are to choose only one centre for recruitment in accordance with the address given in the application, e.g. a candidate who is a resident of Maharashtra can only choose Mumbai as centre. How To Apply:- For this entry the candidates can apply ONLINE ONLY, MANUALLY FILLED APPLICATIONS WILL BE REJECTED. The procedure for the same is as follows:- (a) Online Application Form. Candidates are to apply online through website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in (b) Before filling online application, keep matric certificate & 10+2 Mark sheet ready for reference. Update your Aadhaar details if you wish to use the simplified application process. (c) Filling up of information like email id is compulsory. (d) Log- in’ with the registered E -mail id and click on “ Current Opportunities ”. (e) Click on “ Apply ” ( √) button. (f) Fill up the Form completely. Before clicking the ‘ Submit ’ button. (g) THE PHOTOGRAPH TO BE UPLOADED SHOULD BE OF GOOD QUALITY WITH BLUE BACKGROUND. Important Date Application Started06.05.2019Last Date of Application Submission19.05.2019 Important Link Area Download Advertisement Apply OnlineAvailable From  06.05.2019 Admit Card Indian Navy MR Musician Admit Card Syllabus Indian Navy MR Musician Syllabus Official Websitehttp://www.joinindiannavy.gov.in Candidates can write their Doubts, Queries & Suggestions in the Below Comment Box. We will try to give you Appropriate answer. Indian Navy Tradesman Recruitment 2019 Indian Navy Jobs 2019
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About Recruitment :  Indian Navy invites applications from eligible candidates for the Tradesman Trades posts Under Indian Navy Civilian Entrance Test. Candidates can apply for the Posts. For more information please read the Official Advertisement from the link given below.. Indian Navy Current Jobs 2019 Details of the Vacancies :- Total – 644 Posts Indian Navy Upcoming Jobs 2019 Age Limit :- Candidates Should be Between 18 and 25 years Old. S.No.CategoryAge relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit(i)SC / ST05 Years(ii)OBC03 Years(iii)PwBDsUR -10 Years, OBC -13 (10+03) Years, SC/ST15 (10 + 05) Years, etc(iv)ESMUR -03 Years after deduction of the military service rendered from actual age as on the closing date. Similarly for OBC -03 (03+03) Years, SC/ST- 08 (03 + 05) Years(v)Meritorious SportsUR- 05 Years, OBC- 08 (05+03) Years, SC/ST–10 person (05+05) Years(vi)Departmental Candidates with 03 yrs continuous service in Central GovernmentUR- upto 40 years and SC/ST – 45 (40+05) This concession is subject to the conditions that the past service rendered in the department will be useful for efficient discharge of duties in the categories of posts Indian Navy Bharti 2019 Educational Qualifications :- Candidates Should Be Passed 10th From A Recognized Board/Institutions and Certificate From a recognized ITI. Indian Navy Recruitment 2019 Application Fee :- Candidates Will have To Pay Rs. 205/- using Net Banking/Visa/Master card/Debit card (Except SC/ST/PWD/Ex. Serviceman/PWD And Women Candidates). Indian Navy  Recruitment 2019 How to Apply :- Candidates Are Required To Apply Online using Website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in >> Join Navy >> Ways to join >> Civilians >> Tradesman Mate (MM). The Application Will Start From 02 March 2019 To 15 March 2019.  Last Date :- 15 March 2019 Important Link Area Download Advertisement Detailed Advertisement pdf Apply Online Available NOWAdmit CardIndian Navy Tradesman Mate Admit CardSyllabusIndian Navy Tradesman Mate SyllabusOfficial Websitewww.joinindiannavy.gov.in/ Read the full article
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towncalledkingdom · 7 years
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Mercury stares down at the bickering Council, black lenses trained on the scene below. The gathered leaders are easily visible through the high windows of the conference room. Eleanor has just entered. Caracal is already rising to her feet in outrage. Perfect.
Mantis stands beside Mercury quietly. “Are you sure this is going to work?” she asks. “You aren’t going to let them get hurt, are you?”
“Granting immortality is not within my capabilities,” says Mercury, “but I am confident that our mission will be successful.”
Mercury presses gently on the golden wing at their temple. Caracal’s muffled voice echoes from a hidden speaker somewhere in Mercury’s helmet. “You want to talk about the law?” she shouts, “Let’s talk about abducting Kingdom’s most important citizen! Let’s talk about you and the fucking Wrath People crawling around at night snatching people!”
Eleanor’s reply is cool, rehearsed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I do know that you named a Privateer deserter as your Beta Guardian, and I know the punishment for violating interfactionary protocol.”
Mantis fixes her eyes on the floor. “I didn’t want to put her through all this, you know. I told you it would hurt her.”
Mercury lays a gloved hand on Mantis’ shoulder. “All will be right again. Give us time.”
Eleanor waits until the Council has quieted before speaking again. She addresses everyone but Caracal. “I bring Caracal’s crimes before the Council today for judgment. I can prove that her Beta Guardian deserted the Privateers and that Phylla had prior knowledge to her identity before naming her as one of their own.” A collective murmur breaks out in the room.
Mercury presses the little helmet wing and the voices go silent. Several people enter the room behind them. Panic, the wild-eyed woman that had disappeared into The Shambles on the night of Bug Man’s abduction, enters dressed in a Privateer’s fatigues. She drags a young man by his bound hands as he stumbles to keep up. He is gagged, blindfolded, and stripped to his underwear. Panic leads him to the opposite corner of the room and presses down hard on his shoulder. He sits obediently.
“Poor Matthew,” sighs Mercury, “such a promising young man.” Matthew jumps at the sound of his name. “Sit tight, kid. You’ll make it out of this alright if you just stay put for a while. Things are about to get ugly.”
Panic’s wild hair has been pulled back in a sharp bun at the back of her head. She looks like a commanding Privateer officer. Mantis grapples with the bile rising from her stomach. “Hello, Mantis,” Panic smiles. She looks like a hungry predator.
“Hello, Panic,” Mantis mumbles.
Mercury clasps their hands behind their back. “Are the others in position?”
“They are,” says Panic.
“Excellent.” Mercury turns to face the conference room again. “Let’s begin.”
Back inside the conference room Caracal is still shouting. Her fury has shifted to Jericho now. “We demand to know what you’ve done with Bug Man!”
Jericho’s face reddens, “How dare you accuse me of that!”
“It was Penitent that took him, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it your people that went out to hunt down some outsiders?”
“You have no evidence of that!” Jericho bellows. “Who told you that?”
The room goes abruptly silent.
“I asked you a question.” Jericho’s voice is low and dangerous. “Who told you that the Penitent took Bug Man? Who told you that he was kidnapped in the first place?”
The fury in Caracal’s voice is gone, replaced with a deathly calm. She ignores Jericho for the moment and turns back to the Warden. “Alright, Eleanor, I think it’s time we put everything out on the table. I’m tired of secrets and I’m tired of dancing around all the things I hate about you.” She looks around the table. Gram Hilda nods, eyes fixed on Eleanor. Esmur leans his chin on a hand, looking back and forth from Eleanor to Caracal. Eleanor still stands, arms crossed at the end of the table. “I know that your people have been raiding the Americans along Sherwood Road. Every one of us knows. I know that you risk the security of every single person in Kingdom when you send the Privateers outside of our walls. I know that each of us keeps quiet about it because we want food or scraps or new members for our own factions, and I know you’ve been pushing for harsher punishments so that you can put more bodies into slavery in The Dungeon. I can’t prove that you or Jericho had a hand in Bug Man’s disappearance, but something tells me you did.” Eleanor rolls her eyes and makes to speak, but Caracal is not finished. “Just one more thing, Eleanor. I know how you got your job. I know what you did to start all of this and after this meeting I’m done with you. Phylla will no longer deal or communicate with the Privateers, because I know what they stand for. Mantis told me what happened. She said the Warden didn’t jump from top of The Dungeon that night. She said you pushed him.”
Eleanor keeps her face still, but her eyes glint murder. “If you leave this room without apologizing for that, cat girl, your people had better stay indoors. I am more than prepared to march on your pathetic junkyard dojo.“
Dorcas O'Donahue raises a hand. “Now wait a minute, you guys are going to tear Kingdom apart! You know we can’t survive a war.” Caracal starts for the door. “Caracal! Stop! Stay here and talk this out. Think about what this will do to everyone. Think about the church! Your people, the Privateers, the farmers, they’re all part of it.”
Caracal stops and takes Dorcas by the arm. “I know you’re a kind person, Dorcas. I know you believe in what you’re doing. So do I.”
Eleanor’s voice drops venom as she stares down Caracal. “Leave now and I’ll make sure your father never leaves The Dungeon alive.”
Caracal storms out the door.
Eleanor addresses the shocked Council. “Any who wish to protect their people from this lunacy can come see me at The Dungeon. I can’t keep you safe if I don’t know who you stand with.”
“Certainly not with you,” grunts Gram. “But Caracal is also idiot for this. Get out of here, woman.”
Jericho stands, “This uprising in my congregation. This was you all along, wasn’t it? You don’t care about our faith. You don’t care about the threat outsiders pose to our people. You just want us to play into your hand and you’ll turn any half-wit farmhand or terrified citizen into your personal puppet. You’ll pay for that, Eleanor. Mark my words, you’ll pay.”
Eleanor’s eyes widen. “You’re all siding with her?” she shrieks. “After all that I’ve done for you! What will you eat? Have you thought about that? How will you build your homes? Are you just going to tear down the rest of the trees?”
A scream sounds from the hallway. Morty is already on his feet. The door bangs open behind him.
He runs out just in time to see a Privateer officer run out of a corridor and drive a knife into Caracal’s back.
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coicid3nciando · 7 years
Tinha drogas, álcool, comprimidos, lâminas... Tinha lágrimas, raiva, dor e rancor. Pensei no garoto dá escola, aquele que me enxergava, lembrei dele dizendo uma vez que nós poderíamos nos casar, e lembro também dele dizendo que tudo não passava de uma brincadeira, lembrei dos abraços beijos,e até do sexo... Lembro do rosto do corpo dá voz, lembro quando ele me buxou e me beijou emprensada na parede, dá quele sexo que fizemos no banheiro, lembro quando,ele, me deu flores e junto com elas um pedido de namoro, seus ciúmes ijagerado, dá vez em que ele esmurou um cara por mim. Na quele dia em que estava frio e ele me deu seu casaco, lembro quando ficamos afastados por 3 meses, foram longos mês pareciam 30 anos sem ele. Lembro das tardes de domingo que assistimos filmes, e eu sempre acabava dormindo em seu peito, das madrugadas em claro é nossos assunto que nunca acabava, falávamos até de ienas, também dos dias quentes de verão, aquele que passamos na praia, e tivemos uma briga terrível e você desapareceu do nada. Mas nenhum se compara aquele dia de carro,onde você se foi, onde aconteceu aquele acidente, aquele terrível acidente, lembro de você ensanguentado, de você deitado do meu lado, mas eu não fiz nada, nem gritar eu consegui, me lembro do último toque quando eu passei as mãos nos seus cabelos castanhos e depois segurei sua mão, foi aí que eu gritei, quando eu te toquei e não senti seu calor, foi aí que caiu a ficha,mas me buxaram, me tiraram de perto do seu corpo,vi sua mãe chorando em plantos,dos bombeiros cobrindo seu corpo. Me culpei todos, me perguntei todos os dias, por que não foi eu que morrir, ou que fosse nós dois,pois assim a gente estaria juntos agora,me culpo por não te falado mais, de não de demonstrado mais, de ter brigado menos é aproveitado mais. E hoje faz um ano que você se foi, faz um ano que eu não vejo seu sorriso, que não tenho mas seus beijos e nem seus abraços apertados, que não tenho seu ombro pra dormir,e muito menos nossas conversas intermináveis, hoje faz um ano que eu não escuto seu " te amo". E agora estou aqui com drogas, alcool, comprimidos, lâminas... Lágrimas,raiva dor e rancor. Essa se tornou minha realidade agora, essa realidade sem você.
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esmurecida · 3 years
é como se eu tivesse criado um muro dentro de mim que ninguém consegue escalar e nem mesmo quebrar. toda vez que alguém consegue atingir e rachar, lá estou eu com cimento e tijolos para remendar.
Karoliny Rouver - esmurecida
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esmurecida · 3 years
eu te disse aonde doía, aonde me machucaram. te mostrei minhas cicatrizes, cada uma delas. te pedi para não fazer o mesmo. te disse que ainda juntava meus cacos. e você fez tudo ao contrário.
Karoliny Rouver - esmurecida
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esmurecida · 3 years
eu sei que você vai achar alguém melhor do que eu, afinal, todos acham. eu sou aquele tipo de pessoa substituível que ninguém quer por perto e que sempre decepciona todo mundo. então sim, você vai achar alguém melhor; na cama, no relacionamento, no jeito de encarar a vida e ai, vai ver que eu fui nada além de um simples caso de verão.
Karoliny Rouver - esmurecida
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esmurecida · 3 years
sempre sou deixada de lado. posso ser a única opção, irão me colocar como última e vai ter uma desculpa pra me deixar pra lá. nunca sou boa o suficiente, pra ninguém e é isso que dói e dói pra caramba.
Karoliny Rouver | esmurecida
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esmurecida · 3 years
você foi tudo pra mim;
meu céu;
meu sol;
minha tempestade;
meu arco iris;
meu sorriso;
minhas lagrimas
e meu coração quebrado.
Karoliny Rouver - esmurecida
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esmurecida · 3 years
todas as vezes que tento ser feliz, eu me saboto Jão, e eu tô cansada disso. eu tenho direito de ser feliz, não tenho? ou eu estou louca e essa tal de felicidade não existe? a cada passo sinto que me afogo em minha solidão, em meu mundo cruel e sombrio. nas minhas mais dolorosas lembranças e na minha tristeza que, pelo o que me lembro, sempre esteve comigo. é Jão, as coisas não estão nada bem, aliás, nunca estiveram e sinto que essa tristeza nunca vai me deixar, minha auto sabotagem nunca vai me deixar ser feliz e eu tenho que aceitar isso.
Karoliny Rouver - esmurecida
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