#esp bc one of the main things is not that ‘oh solver decides humanity is evil/a plague/Whatever’ due to what it mirrors from hosts
banyanas · 6 months
Canon mostly gives us vagueries at best when it comes to this, but i really Really need to peel Absolute Solver as an entity (or a force of nature. or perhaps both. or perhaps neither. u know how these things are) like an onion for exploring Blue and Orange Morality reasons.
Like there’s already a LOT that can be done with its seemingly contradictory nature, of course, given it’s got BOTH the Technological Singularity and the Entropy thing going on, but mostly i wanna poke at weird as shit eldritch morals in its interactions with living entities, like its various hosts and characters like Tessa. Like definitely not actively attempting to understand said individuals- frankly it wouldn’t even occur to it naturally imo, in a base state I work with it as just too distant from mortal entities for the thought of purposeful understanding to be a blip of a thought in its ten fuckbillion gb ram central mind. More of an unintentional funhouse mirror reflection of its hosts- all of them, not just Cyn (And which very likely includes Tessa herself if you’re huffing the same copium I and some buddies are)
(And while it’s more traditional supernatural eldritch vibes than the whole ‘artificial intelligence with such complex coding that it can fundamentally alter reality and the laws of physics via incomprehensible calculations which means it can understand matter and reality to such a degree that its learned how to manipulate both’ canon-adjacent thing, I do think there’s potential to lean fully into the very specific (good, bad, ugly, and neutral) regard it has for Tessa. It didn’t manifest and nab its first host until not long before the Gala Massacre, and there were a lot of occult circles and scribbles drawn directly on the walls in Tessa’s childhood room…. Never know what cat-flaps you could open up when you don’t know what you’re doing, after all)
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