#esp when the cats were drop-offs & would stay with us for a few hours
muzdiir · 11 months
i LOVE SEEING OTHER PPL'S CATS!!!!!!!!!!!! i love these children. it is always a gift to see ppl i follow's cats. i love seeing them often enough to be able to pick them out of a crowd. i love learning their personalities.
i just really love cats guys
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cuddlejeongin · 6 years
the pact
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→ Park Jisung x Gen-Nue!Reader → Genre/AU - high school!au, best friends-to-lovers!au, fluff and slight angst → WC - 2632 → Warning(s) - parental arguments, reptiles, → Request - nope → Summary - you and jisung had agreed to make a pact in high school to comfort each otherwhenever you need it. what if leads to something better? → A/N - a huge thank you to @xsandjenos  @jollyjaems and @loser-dot-com for helping me witht his !! jude and james rlly helped me with the ideas, esp the fluff. me and jude had a whole convo abt how cute snakes are lmao. but fr, most of this would not be written without their help.
Freshmen Year
“Jisung, can you come over please?”, you sniffled into the phone as soon as he answered. Rubbing the freshly dropped tears away from your cheeks, you heard him say a quick ‘yes!’ and hung up.
Hoping he would arrive soon, you cuddle yourself into your blankets, shoving your face into the soft pillow.
About 15 minutes later, you heard a sharp, quick knock at your door. Slowly making your way to it, you shivered at the cold hardwood floor.
Opening the front door, before you even had a glance of him, Jisung wrapped his arms around you, his taller frame engulfing you. Returning the hug, you breathed in, the smell of his cologne surrounding you, making you relax into his touch.
“Thank you, Ji-Ji,” your words were muffled from his shirt.
“Anything for you,” he smiled to himself as you two stood there for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth of the embrace.
Setting the multiple food items on the end of the bed, Jisung schooched himself under the warm covers and wrapped his arm around you, your head immediately falling onto his shoulder as he started your favorite television series.
“I wish we could do this more often; skip school and just hang out when either one of us is sad,” you quietly hummed out as you stuffed popcorn into your mouth.
“What about we make a pact?”, Jisung suggested.
“What kind of pact?”
“When one of us is not feeling well, the other goes to the person’s house and take care of them, like now. We can skip school, order food, watch movies, cuddle, and just chill.”
Nodding your head, you smiled as you shoveled more popcorn into your mouth, making Jisung snatch the bowl away from you, claiming you had already eaten more than half of it and he hadn’t had even one piece.
Giggling, you snuggled closer to him as you sat the bowl between the two of you.
A few hours later when you had finally calmed down, you called your older brother, asking if he could take you and Jisung to Walmart, knowing he had the day off from work and college because of the holidays coming up. After hearing him agree to it reluctantly, you smiled at Jisung and nodded, giving him the sign to start putting his shoes on.
Hearing your brother’s car honk not but 15 minutes later, you and Jisung flew out of the door and shouting “Shotgun!”, as you skidded to a halt in front of the door, hearing Jisung whine as he had to scootch in the back seat.
“Why are you two so loud?”, your brother, Johnny, complained, but you secretly knew he loved Jisung like a younger brother, not that he’d even admit it though.
“Just drive, you behemoth,” you turned on the radio, which immediately played Jisung and your’s favorite song.
Belching out the lyrics with your best friend, you nudged Johnny to join along, which he did after two nudges. Filling the car with your voices, you soon arrived at the destination.
Heading in with the two boys, you got a cart as you entered the store. Strolling around, you gathered snacks and drinks and other goods for the house, especially for your cat, Mini, who needed more cat treats and a new toy as you had broken it playing with her a few days ago.
“Hurry up,” Jisung whined, wanting to go to the gaming section.
“You can go there without me, Ji-Ji,” you chuckled, “I’ve got to pick out some things for Mini.”
“Fine,” he pouted, heading to the aisle by himself as you picked out Mini’s favorite goodies, even a special treat for her. Following Jisung’s pouting voice, you joined him in the games aisle.
“You are such a crybaby,” you giggled, spooking him as he must’ve not heard you.
“Am not!”, he yelled a little too loud, customers from different directions giving Jisung the eye and he pouted, sending them a small apology look for interrupting their shopping. “You are too, but I would not expect anything else from the kid Johnny and I always spoil, lord knows what Mark does for you,” you rolled your eyes as Jisung pouted once more.
“Like Johnny doesn’t do the same thing for you?”, Jisung scoffs jokingly. Shrugging in response, you scan through the numerous band new games that an employee was stacking.
Dragging Jisung with you along to the clothing aisle, you spotted an adorable animal onesie,  completely in love with it as you touched the soft fabric.
Jisung, chuckling next to you, told you to put it in the cart, knowing there was no way you would leave the store without it. Walking through the rest of the aisle, he saw a Jack Skellington onesie that captured his eye as he quickly looked for his size and tossed it into the cart.
Feeling a sharp buzz in the pocket of your joggers, you grabbed ahold of it, Johnny’s contact name appearing with “hurry up losers” accompanied with it. Giggling to yourself lightly, you told Jisung it was time to go check out as you turned the cart around.
Soon buying all of the items, Johnny dropped the pair of you off at your house along with everything you had bought, shouting to tell your mother that he’d be staying at Taeyong’s house tonight.
“Have fun, dweeb!”, you yelled as Johnny started to leave. Immediately retaliating, he held up the middle finger out of his window to you.
Unlocking the front door, you laid out the stuff onto your bedroom floor, separating food from other goods, putting the snacks you wanted to eat while watching movies onto the bed-side table.
As Jisung helped, you eyed the onesies and smiled, rushing to put it on as you just could not resist. Jisung didn’t hesitate either, tearing the tag off of his own onesie and speeding to your bathroom to change.
Both appearing in your room, you laughed at each other and flopping onto the bed as you tore open the different snacks and a drink. Snuggling closer to Jisung, you got comfortable and turning on your favorite movie, Coraline.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” Jisung spoke up, taking your attention away from the start of the movie, which you particularly did not care for.
“What about if one of is having a bad morning or day, we make a pact to stay at that person’s house, cuddling with snacks, our onesies, binge-watching movies and tv shows, and even Johnny or Mark taking us to Walmart, that is, until we get our own licenses.
“That might have just been the smartest thing you have ever thought of,” you giggled as Jisung faked another scoff.
“Ya, sure. So, what do you say?”
“Pact,” nodding your head eagerly and then putting your focus back onto the movie in front of you.
You could not have gotten any luckier than to get Jisung as your best friend.
Senior Year
The echoing of your parents loud argument sounded from their room, your immediate action was to pull your pillow over your ears to drown out your mother screaming at your father for something else he had done that she had not agreed with and your father screaming back as loud, and if possible even louder, as her that he is an adult, one that is capable of making his own decision while knowing the consequences.
In your mind, he certainly did not. He was careless, rude, and unapologetic to when he would blatantly lie to your mother, which deeply upset you.
Shedding your silent tears, your hand reached out to grab your phone and putting in Jisung’s emergency contact number, hoping he would pick up straight away as you wanted to continue to hide in the barriers of the pillow between you and the fighting.
“Hello?”, his morning voice was very present as you could tell he had just woken up.
“Ji, can I please come over? It’s happening again,” you whimpered into the phone.
“Yeah, yeah, of course!”, he quickly woke up, worry in his voice.
“Okay, I’ll be over in a few minutes,” you then hung up as you quickly grabbed a bag out of your closet, stuffing it with a pair of extra clothes, your onesie, your electronics and whatever else you could think of.
Swiping your phone and car keys off of your bedside table, you exited your room through your window. Thankfully, you had only had a one-story house so you wouldn’t have to worry about falling down.
Throwing the bag into the passenger side seat and sliding into your seat, you closed the door and quickly started it up, wanting to leave as soon as possible.
Backing out of the driveway, you hooked your phone up to the car’s Bluetooth, playing your favorite playlist so it would help calm you down.
Finally arriving to Jisung’s house, you turned off the car and grabbed your things, fleeing inside to find his room.
His door was opened wide, telling you to pass through with Jisung not far away.
Dropping the bag, you ran into his arms. Letting them envelop you, you sobbed into his chest. Resting his head on top of yours is thumbs drew circles into your back as he rocked you back-and-forth to calm you.
After 10 minutes, you reluctantly detached from him. His hand gently lifted from your back to your face, riding the tears away from your cheeks. Holding your face between his hands, he could feel his heart beating loudly. A pout graced your lips as he smiled carefully down at you.
The air thick with romantic tension, he cleared his throat and took you into his room where you both changed into the onesies you had bought 3 years ago, knowing today was going to be most-likely spent in his comfortable bed.
Crawling under his warm blanket, you took comfort on rest his chest once more, his arm stretching around your shoulder, rubbing comforting circles once again onto your arm.
As hours passed by and when you were out of snacks, you agreed to finally go on your routinely trip to Walmart, deciding to take your car instead of his.
Not giving a fuck, you slipped on some shoes and both got into your car with the onesies still on. Jisung connected your phone to the Bluetooth, turning on your favorite playlist once more and start belching out the lyrics, acting out dramatically.
Gathering your phone, keys, and wallet, you headed inside. Giggling as Jisung did something stupid, as per usual to cheer you up, you took a cart and headed down the nearest isle.
“I have an idea,” Jisung perked up.
“Wow, that’s the first time that has happened in a while.”
Pouting, Jisung dismissed it, “Be quiet. Do you want to hear it or not?”
“Fine, what is it?”
“Get into the cart,” he smiled.
“You want me to what?”
“Just get into the cart.”
“We are already wearing onesies in a fucking Walmart; do you really want to me to climb into a cart to look even more like a bafoon?”
“Yes, now please just do it,” he groaned.
Complying with him, you got into the cart and uncomfortably shifted around.
“Now, why were you complaining about me getting into the cart?”
“To do this,” he smirked, pushing you towards one of the longest isles and running down it, scaring the absolute shit out of you in the process.
“Oh my god, Jisung! Are you trying to risk my life?”, you exclaimed in panic, trying to calm down your heart rate.
He could not answer as he was too busy laughing.  Sneering, you took an item out of the cart and threw it at him with all of your might.
“Owe,” he groaned as it landed in his stomach and tossed it back into the cart.
After an hour and a half later, along with more games and tricks and even a few customers complaining about being too loud, you finally carried the items out to your car and loaded them into the trunk and backseat.
Arriving back at his house, you left him to carry in the bags as you wanted to get out Artemis, his 2-year-old ball python that you were just absolutely in love with.
Carefully getting her out, you held her to your chest, giggling slightly when her tongue tickled your skin. Letting her find her way around her neck, you headed into the kitchen to help Jisung.
“You literally left me to do all of the work while you get my snake? Wait, never mind, do not answer that,” he sighed.
Smiling, you handled things carefully, not wanting to do anything too harsh to scare Artemis.
“You do know my own pets love you more than me, right?”, Jisung spoke up, storing Mochi’s, his bearded dragon, food.
“Yes, I do. Mochi and Artemis are my children too,” you remarked, lightly petting Artemis’ small head.
“Well, I’m the dad, so I should be the favorite,” he whined as he went to get Artemis from you, but she instead moved closer to you.
“Who says?”, you cheekily smirked.
“I don’t know what they see in you.”
Laughing offendedly, you smacked his arm, getting a smile out of him.
Retreating back to his room, you finally passed the reptile over to him and went to Mochi’s habitat. Smiling at the small creature, you pet her head and then lightly picked her up and brought her to your chest.
Letting her crawl her way onto your neck and laying on your shoulder, she nuzzled her face behind your ear. Smiling from the affection, you stroked her head.
“Hey, um, can I ask you a question?”, Jisung stammered.
“You just did, but ya, go ahead.”
“Do you like anyone?”
His question stunned you, leaving you speechless and halting you from petting Mochi, which she took it upon herself to rub her head under your finger.
“W-Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know, just curious I guess,” he readily made up an excuse.
“I do…”
“Do I know them?”, he questioned.
“Yes, you do…”
“Is… Is it Chenle?”, he sounded distraught.
“No, no! Not at all! I love him like a brother,” you quickly dropped his assumption.
“I don’t have any other guesses,” he admitted, petting Artemis’ smooth scales as he just stared down at her.
“I’ll give you a hint then. He’s tall, one of the youngest in his friend group, and has the cutest smile,” you tried to make it obvious.
“Yang Jeongin?”, he asked cluelessly.
Sighing exaggeratedly, “No, not him. I’m talking about you, Park Jisung. I like you, I have since freshman year, but you’ve never noticed.”
Lightly turning your head towards him, you watched as he tried to word sentences, his mouth wide open as he just stared at you. Frowning, you could tell he didn’t reciprocate your feelings as he had nothing to say.
“Never mind, just forget that I said anything,” you rushed to put Mochi back into her cage.
“No! No! No, please wait!”, Jisung quickly stood up, Artemis still around his neck as he reached out for you, grasping onto your arm with a lightly applied pressure, “I - I - I like you too… Like a lot.”
Taking a second to consider what he had just confessed and realized it, your lips turned upwards into a soft smile, wrapping your arms around his midsection and nuzzled your face into his chest. Feeling his arms wrap around you, your smile increased.
You’ve appreciated the pact a lot; it was nice to always have someone to count on. But now, you were beyond grateful for the pact that brought the two of you together, finally.
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