#especially annoying bc even if you dont think it was done well or correctly or want to discount it
heroes-never-discourse · 10 months
How to immediately lose me in your critique of a fantasy story involving a monster x human romance: Bringing up a 100+ age gap as a legitimate problem within the relationship.
Like what are we doing here, why are we talking about impossible age gaps as if it's a genuine concern. Who are we trying to protect. Get a grip please.
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vore-scientist · 5 years
[actually bc i can’t help it here’s the introductory scene for the next big story (warnings, BIG FEARPLAY, Yonah and Sophia are not friends yet either)]
[Takes place about 23 days (about 2.5 MW weeks which are 9 days long) after Yonah first ate Sophia...]
(spoilers obviously for a WIP)
Sophia woke to Yonah’s voice thundering through the tower, and lightning screams following shortly behind. 
Desperate, bloodcurdling screeches of whoever Yonah had caught and was in the process of eating. Sophia knew those screams well, having filled the tower with her own several times since she arrived. Though since learning he cursed her so that he couldn’t digest her, it was mostly in defiance and to hurt his sensitive ears. 
Whoever’s was screaming from just outside the bedroom door was soon silenced. 
By the great and terrible Yonah HaEsh. 
Sophia failed to get the images out of her head. Of the thief clawing at Yonah’s tough flesh from within the giant’s stomach, crying, begging for mercy. Just like she had done that first time. She had been spat up… eventually. But She was is captive by order of the king, not a thief that no one would even notice let alone miss.  
He claimed to spits thieves back up. But wizards lie. Evil wizards especially. 
Determination overcoming fear she scrambled out of her golden cage and ran into the living room, hoping she was not too late, and Yonah had swallowed the thief alive. He should have, she knew from experience how fond he was of a lively bellyful. 
And indeed, she found the wizard sitting in his armchair, eyes closed, mouth a wicked wide smile complete with a picture perfect drop of drool at one corner. His hand was over his stomach, fingers drumming against it as he chuckled. 
“It’s quiet pointless to fight me,” he taunted, “but don’t let that stop you.”
Sophia silently made her way to the side of the chair. But Not so silently that Yonah didn’t hear her. Or maybe he smelled her. Who knows. 
The dark eyes of the wizard opened and stared hungrily down before he leaned over and scooped her up. 
/please dont eat me please dont eat me please dont eat me/ she didn’t think he would eat her with his belly already occupied but he was unpredictable, and cruel. What if he ate her and didnt spit up the thief, and she had to sit there as they died, as they were digested. 
“Glad you could join me princess, I just had the most lovely meal,” he smiled even wider, showing off his sharp canines, and he stroked her back. 
“IM NOT DEAD YET YOU BASTARD!” the muffled protests of the thief came from his middle and he looked at it fondly. 
He definitely looked full and… oh dear gods she could see the slight dents and trembling shakes as the thief continued to struggle against the wizard’s gut. 
Fighting back tears Sophia glared into Yonah’s too-happy eyes. 
“Y-You’re going to spit them out... right?” she demanded. 
Yonah ignored the thief and his smile faltered as he hissed “Now, don’t go spoiling my fun dear princess, or- TSSS” he winced and held his stomach. 
“Something wrong!?” Sophia didnt know if she was worried for Yonah or the thief. 
“This one’s got some fight, that actually hurt,” he said, a single tear forming in the corner of his left eye. Then he saw Sophia’s face, hard and furious. 
“You’re going to let them go,” she hissed, “now!” 
There was a moment where Yonah was stunned, and the room was silent except for the screams of the thief. 
Then he furrowed his brow in (annoyance? He’s annoyed that she thinks she can 1) boss him around and 2) has to tell him to do his job correctly). 
Without any warning he took her in a fist, she yelled, but he had her firmly by his side as he stomped up the stairs to his workshop. He unceremoniously tossed her onto his desk and flashed his eyes. 
“You may want to avert your gaze,” he warned as he leaned over the desk. 
The sound was somehow more horrible from the outside. As soon as Yonah started to retch Sophia darted behind the mirror. It took nearly half a minute but when the nauseating sounds of regurgitation faded into hacking coughs Sophia chanced a glance. 
Sprawled out in a layer of mucus, stomach fluids, and saliva, was the thief. Still breathing. Still alive. And over them a scarlet faced Yonah, strings of spittle still dripping down onto his former victim. 
“Welcome back to the outside world little morsel” he growled as the thief stirred and looked up. Yonah had set his eyes ablaze once more and the thief cowered. 
“Th-thank you- for sparing me-” they stammered. 
/Hah hah hah hah/ Yonah’s amusement sent shivers down Sophia’s spine. He was… really good at this. This was an act. Right?
“It is not me you should be thanking, Jack,” and he looked at Sophia who’s eyes went wide, “My sweet little princess couldn’t bare to witness the end to your pointless existence in my bowls.”
/Was he serious?/
“I suggest you get out while you can” he turned back to Jack who was standing up but stopped, mid crouch at the attention back on them, “I’m not terribly fond of my princess or her feelings” he picked up Jack by the shirt collar, carrying them to the window, “she caught me in a rare good mood, which won’t last much longer.” He dropped Jack on the stone sill, leaning his face so that his nose nearly touched the human, “I’m hungry again, and you were oh so delicious,” he growled the last sentence with lick of his lips, a hiss of steam, and his hair sparking softly. 
Jack wasted no time in practically jumping out the window. 
Leaving Sophia alone once more with an angry half-FireWitch. 
But she would not be intimidated by him. He was her assigned guardian. He could not harm her unless he wanted to be turned into a tree and then cut down and burned to fuel the castle’s heating next winter. He would make a large tree, one that could heat the castle for the entire winter. 
Yonah wiped the spit from his mouth and sat at his desk, leaning back but not taking his eyes from the princess. 
“Next time you want to get involved, don’t fucking let them know they’re going to live,” he huffed, “Ruins the fun.”
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Gorillaz Concert Experience
it was incredible, cannot put into words the experience. I was a bit scared and lonely for the first couple of hours. arrived around 5 and waited for gorillaz which played at 8. A tribe called quest did not make it. But while i was waiting i sat down and met 2 men . Very nice souls, offered me hash hits, it was very good, i got really baked. we talked and exchanged it was very well, i said the first words “did you like the new album” and i followed with i didnt like it, but at the end of the show i did. in the middle of the show a woman needed a lighter and i had one, i offered her to use it and she offered me about 5 hits from her joint. i was very in tune with everything. the music, the energy, the vibration, and nostalgia. with the demon days album, it was fun, like a party, with plastic beach, i stood still, so emotional and healing i was physically blank, but i felt things and healing in place. healing of heart break, from jon and my brother. its as if my brother gifted me with this experience. playing songs to unravel my path- and help me heal. melancholy hill was very emotional for me, its as if i was crying but no tears came about, dont get lost in heaven, demon days (so strong so strong its as if my brother is unraveling our struggles together) and i just had this enlightenment and or awakening of the reason me and my brother loved the same music is bc we both had the same path to follow, either him or me passing away in this realm and emobidement , the death would have meant more to either or.... a lot of things opened up and unraveled.. hard to think about and put into words, i just felt so much and thought so much.. gorillas was one of the best concerts I've seen. i also thought of area- for we both shared and opened up each other to the love for melancholy hill. nostalgia of her and my brothers presence arised when melancholy hill played. “Well you can't get what you want But you can get me So let's set out to sea 'Cause you are my medicine When you're close to me”
such sweet lyrics,, so beautiful,, and yet so resonating.. i really felt carlo during the show. through lyrics and vibrations”
i cant spit out the experience to well at this time but if i had to describe it using one word, i would say healing. healing from heartbreak, experiencing sadness and happiness, and both feeling good. thats why i love music, especially concerts. concerts give you the vibrations and the feeling in the moment - live, so it is so powerful, and music just unravels your path and helps you heal, you just hear the music and it resonates, presenting nostalgia, an emotion that can be pleasant if the music is settling. plastic beach and demon days give me a depressing feeling, focusing on my healing of grief with my ex and carlito, and hearing it live was very powerful. i am presented with live music when it is healing. it makes sense. I've been wanting to go to this shows, but they're over 21, do not overuse the power of the medicine, music is medicine, in my life time. and by the end of the show i loved the new album. music is healing for everyone in everygeneteration and these experiences if used correctly can provide growth to the soul to heal, and i respect all music , especially the new album, at first i was disappointed with the sound, but i love it, so much energy and i could feel it was healing to the new souls, so much new music was presented. power to the people. black power. everyone was black on the stage except him, so much power he presented. and interacted with the audience , every angle it would have been well. i need to start listening to my instinct more, even if it is negative, do not ignore, i felt like i could have been more up front if i listens bc i was a bit annoyed that i wasn't up front when an hour before gorillas played but yet i didnt take action (but sometimes not taking action is good) but they interacted and the singer went to the front audience multiple times, either way my brother created a healing experience for me again .. beautiful.. well done well done.i felt growth and healing- my thinking process was siding with my third eye. i need protection- I'm getting higher and higher- its making sense- and making sense fast. i respect and accept any form of music, its liberating and healing to all souls and ages on this earth. music used for each generation for healing and liberating, enjoying and feeling old music, u are an old soul.
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