#especially genzou pawn
just-a-carrot 5 months
new terrifying dd2 discovery: genzou can get possessed when fighting dragons and attack iggy???? i was simultaneously terrified yet also moved and inspired by the tragic angsty possibilities this instills in my brain...
(...also genzou looks so cute and small picked up by the dragon ldkjfalsdkfa)
cw for some bright lights, especially when the dragon breathes fire:
also yes i have finally upgraded to installing obs so i can actually get good footage rather than recording crappy tv shots on my phone LOL i may or may not be in the processing of collecting lots of footage so i can make a romantically tragic extremely cringey music video.................... don't think less of me lakdjflasdk (tho it'll take a while because i'll need to beat the game to get the final scenes and then start NG+ to get scenes i missed and i already know the ending is going to break me)
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just-a-carrot 3 months
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extremely unhinged important carrot post: got a mod that lets me put The Guys in any equipment I want regardless of vocation. could barely decide what to put genzou in because every single outfit was more adorable than the last... but decided to go with this for a while, and promptly spent most of the play session distracted and flustered by how ridiculously cute he looks... ESPECIALLY BECAUSE FOR THE FIRST TIME I CAN SEE THE CUTE PAWN SCAR ON HIS HAND AHHHHHHHDHFJDJD (it's extremely precious to me...)
update ppl may actually care about (?): also finally buckled and got the save manager mod. I just want to "practice" with it a bit first, ensuring everything works properly and I know how to use it. then eventually want to use it to start new games and make Orlam and Gidget pawns I can hire in my main game to have a full ow party 馃槍 fingers crossed
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just-a-carrot 6 months
As someone who makes way too many of zir OCs in fantasy games may I just say. DD2 Iggy and Genzou is amazing. Thank you for gracing us with them 馃ズ
LMAO YOU'RE SO WELCOME and also real. i especially love the system in dragon's dogma because you get to make two chars, so it makes it even more fun. my only wish is that you could customize all three pawns in your party so i could make closer to the whole crew, but i'll have to live with this LKDJAFSD
they make me so happy tho look at them SOB
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just-a-carrot 6 months
By the stars, the non-modded way sounds so painful jkjsadijsids. I used to do stuff like that for the DS and other handhelds... one of my questions when I hung out with other people would be if they had a DS and if so what games they had so I could take advantage of the features that were locked behind the elusive art of having friends. Then-- perhaps too much of my time-- would be spent trying to reap all the in-game rewards I could instead of like, actually hanging out with the person 馃ぃ It always surprises me when stuff like that is in games today as well... and the games people are interested in are a lot more diverse and plentiful than they used to be, so it's even harder to actually do it. 'Use multiple accounts' is like the new 'get another console' to do x, y, and z in video games. Where is my link cable when I need it the most... link cable... where are you now......
lol i definitely get that -- i was never able to take advantage of the "friend-locked" stuff back in the game boy days, etc., like the pokemon that would only evolve after you traded them or something
with ddda/dd2, you don't need friends, you just hire pawns, and these can be either already-in-game-pawns if you're playing offline or pawns owned by people on the server, so it doesn't affect your game play by having/not having friends playing (in fact, it's more fun to just hire random pawns from strangers on the server; genzou has also been hired by other ppl i don't know, which i find extremely funny and sweet especially when they rate him with hearts or thumbs-up). because it's set up that way that they want you to hire different pawns throughout your journey i assume is why they made it so difficult to make a whole party of your own customized pawns, because then you could essentially cheat the system by giving your other pawns on your other accounts super great equipment or something 馃ぃ i actually like the system a lot and it makes the world and game feel really alive, but that doesn't stop me from selfishly wishing i could customize all of my pawns, too ldkfajda
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