#especially if they're polarising or triggers
pallastrology · 1 year
toxic traits of the signs
i want to preface this by saying we all have the capacity to be toxic at times; when things are hard and we get pushed past our window of tolerance, it can get ugly fast. this post is in no way meant to shame anybody, it's meant to promote opening up to yourself and coming to some realisations, and finding peace and healing within yourself. as much as we all have the capacity for toxicity, we also have the capacity for nurturing our dark side and bringing it into the light. kira xo
aries - stubbornness. aries, with their lightning-bolt energy and enthusiasm, are decisive, self-assured and active. however, they can become blinkered sometimes, especially when they're feeling insecure or stifled, because they have a tendency to double-down on what they think is right. it isn't always a bad thing to hold your opinions firm, but it's important, and actually quite freeing, to be able to feel comfortable enough in your values and ideas to listen to those of other people. you might learn something new, and you might find you align more closely with yourself when you connect with others.
taurus - black and white thinking. taurus can be a gentle, loving and receptive sign when they are secure and comfortable. they need to feel at home in themselves and with their loved ones, and this isn't always easy. but when their sense of safety is threatened, taurus can do a 180, becoming defensive, cold, even cruel-seeming. although it comes from a place of self-protection, this extreme flip can be confusing and frightening for the person on the other side. it's hard to open up and allow a grey area, but it's worth the struggle to find that middle ground to bring back some balance and show your loved ones you still hold them dear to you, even when you're finding things difficult.
gemini - catastrophising. gemini, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, is usually curious and effervescent. they live to learn, and love it too. they way they explore life is almost childlike, in that there's a sense of wonder about them as they're going about their explorations. but gemini, being cerebral and energetic, is prone to attacks of anxiety. they can be very jittery individuals, flighty and nervous-seeming, and when the attacks hit, their curiosity and interest comes crashing down around them. you become despairing, your quick mind leading you to the worst of scenarios and not leaving you the energy to wonder at the alternatives. ironically, curiosity is often the way through the anxiety; by asking "what if the worst didn't happen?", "what has triggered this episode?", "how can i help myself through it?", you learn to manage your nerves and work with your mind, not against.
cancer - manipulation. cancer is a sign that has a polarised reputation; they’re sweet little babies, or petty and cruel. in reality, they’re a sign with almost infinite stores of care and love, but a strong sense of self-preservation and often a lot of insecurity. they can react very heavily to feeling rejected or unprotected, emotionally speaking. their sharpness, their near-perfect memories, their fierceness when afraid, can make them actually quite frightening to those who know the kind, retiring, sensitive native at their best. they can be quite disarming in fact, and leave people not knowing where they stand; they can feel gaslit at times. cancer, your desire to protect your delicate heart is admirable, and you’d go to the ends of the earth to do the same for those you love, but it’s vital to stay aware of the affect your sudden changes of direction can have on others. it’s embarrassing and vulnerable to open up and apologise, but it’s part of understanding your triggers and working through them. you’re as strong as you are sensitive, you can do this, and you’ll feel much more secure in the long run in doing so.
leo - validation-seeking. leo is a bold and bright sign, radiating warmth and pure-heartedness. it’s hard not to love them, to be honest. but their charisma and popularity can become a double-edged sword at times. leo often grows up being praised, noticed, encouraged. and this isn’t a bad thing at all. but they sometimes become quite dependent on external validation because of this. they never learn how to hold space for themselves, because they’re always trying to earn that space in other people’s hearts. it’s not really a conscious move on the native’s part; it’s something that becomes a pattern very early on, and so becomes as easy as blinking. but never being able to validate and encourage yourself only leads to feeling empty and afraid when there’s nobody else around to do it. it’s hard, leo, but you can develop awareness and build up the strength to be your own biggest cheerleader.
virgo - nitpicking. virgo is a sign that values perfection; whether that’s in the aesthetic sense, or the practical. they are neat, industrious, growth-oriented and critical. generally, virgo is very kind, but very hard on themselves, but when stressed, and especially when feeling helpless, they can lash out and start picking at those around them - especially their closest and dearest, the people they feel safest with. it can be very hard to deal with, on both sides, and it’s important to recognise what is happening, rather than doubling down and putting up walls. virgo, you work so very hard, you can work on this too. the first step lies in recognising when you are headed towards your limits, and to start becoming more mindful about how you speak to yourself and to your loved ones. you know none of you deserve to be pecked apart.
libra - deflection. libra is notoriously conflict-avoidant. they value beauty and peace above almost all else, and will go to great lengths to keep it. when conflict does arise, libra struggles to meet it; if they can’t simply avoid it, they usually become passive-aggressive and can turn to deflection and projection to try and take the pressure off of themselves. it’s really hard to come to terms with this, because the last thing they want to do is hurt other people, but that is the unfortunate result of flipping criticism back onto the other person. it can be hard to start changing it too, because the switch is automatic; when conflict hits, libra’s logical mind walks out the door. libra, you will find that peace and security are achieved with vulnerability and an open heart, and even though it’s terrifying, you are strong. when things get difficult, breathe, ask for a moment to calm down, and then approach the conversation with the aim to find a solution, not just to release the pressure until next time.
scorpio - cynicism. scorpio isn’t exactly known for being a ray of sunshine, sure. they’re often quite brooding, serious individuals, with a deadpan sense of humour that’s just to die for. but vulnerability scares them deeply. they often harden up to protect themselves, especially if their sense of trust is threatened. they become cynical and miserable, shutting down emotionally and preparing for the worst. scorpio, don’t you see that by behaving as if it’s already happened, your fears become a self-fulfilling prophecy? as frightening as it is to open your heart to the possibility of grief, in doing so, you open yourself up to the possibility of joy too. you can take it slow; start by just being curious. what if the worst didn’t happen? what are the other options? with time, you might find you naturally see things with a little more optimism, and you may start to feel vulnerable isn’t the worst thing you could be.
sagittarius - checking out. sagittarius is a sign that often seems fearless. they stride through life with an air of genuine optimism and interest, and it’s infectious to those around them. there isn’t a lot that phases the native, but when things do, and their footing appears treacherous, they often start to retreat into their minds. it isn’t always obvious in the way it might be with another sign, but they start to check out. they lose their interest and enthusiasm, they dream and plan less, they seem distant. although this helps to keep the native feeling safe, it can lead to those around them feeling confused, alienated, even ghosted sometimes. sagittarius, you’re a naturally curious and mindful individual, why not start to plant your feet in the present when issues arise, instead of walking away? what’s the worst that could happen? if things go wrong, you can always find a new path to take, but if you care about the one you’re on, you shouldn’t leave it so easily.
capricorn - denial. capricorn is the master of pushing through. when things get tough, they get tougher. their strength and perseverance are inspiring to witness, but there is a darker side to these traits. the difficulty comes when capricorn reaches their breaking point; without any other coping mechanisms in place, they try to just "turn off" their feelings. they deny that things are hard, that they're struggling. they withdraw into the safety of material achievement and just try to ignore what's going on inside. sometimes, the real work happens at rest, and it's important to learn to let go and let yourself feel.
aquarius - playing devil's advocate. aquarius is bright, passionate, interested. they love to learn, to talk, to connect. when you have a good conversation with an aquarius, it's like you can feel the electricity flowing between the two of you. but a more frustrating aspect to the water bearer is that they like to argue. there's nothing wrong with a good debate, but aquarius can become detached at times; they become so invested in the exchange that they start playing devil's advocate, picking topics they know will cause friction, sometimes entering into whataboutism and strawmen to prolong the fun. as great as challenging the mind with an argument is, it's greater still to meet your partner where they are at, and remember the humanity of what you're arguing about.
pisces - numbing. pisces is acutely tuned in to the world around them; everything diffuses into them, and they often have no choice but to let the waves of emotion wash over them. they can become physically ill from the burden of carrying everything they encounter, and it's hard to understand when enough is enough, let alone figuring out how to let go of some of it. so they use what they have to manage the intensity. they retreat into the richness of their inner world, or into the escape of something external; people, media, substances. being present can be so overwhelming that they are forced into dissociation, escaping the inescapable. there is no shame in being sensitive, but it doesn't serve you to suffer. there are ways to become less easily hurt, to grow a thicker skin without switching off your humanity and kindness.
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jayextee · 7 months
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In a turn of events that will shock and appal anybody who knows me personally, I'm in love with a polarising game.
"In love" is too strong a term, perhaps. The thing is, every 'RAGE 2 is shit' take I see on the Internet, the harder I wanna double-down on being a fan of this game. And its prequel, yes, I am one of the three who love it.
What we have here though, is an awkward marriage between Avalanche Studios' openworld design a la the excellent Mad Max and id Software's trademark (if you ignore DOOM 3, as I often do) brand of satisfying shootybangs. It works as much as it doesn't, so I'm gonna go through the good, the bad, and the ugly right here.
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The Good
Oh for crying out loud, RAGE 2 is a beautiful game. Although sadly lacking some of the stylisation of the original game (which reminded me personally of those late '90s fully-painted 2000AD strips and covers, niiiiice...) but now we have colour! And absolutely oodles of the stuff, including my beloved pink; used to great effect to draw attention to and highlight important interactables or areas. This lends itself to a visual clarity that supplants the gunplay excellently.
And of the gunplay, oh, I have some words. They're all good words. RAGE was no sloucher in this department itself, so build upon that absolutely solid base with a bunch of Nanotrite-fuelled abilities to spice up battlefield agility and strategy and we have ourselves one hell of a fun time. Even the vehicular combat has seen a welcome shot in the arm, although it's not quite as satisfying as that seen in Mad Max, it's still pretty fun to take down the endlessly-respawning convoys across the wasteland.
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The Bad
That aforementioned wasteland. 'Waste' is indeed the operative term there; for there's a lot of empty space. Now, I don't play a lot of openworld games at all (RAGE, Mad Max, and the Arkham games are basically my entire diet) so this could be par for the course. But so much of it's just
s t r e t c h e d - o u t
and lulls between that satisfying gunplay can be pretty large sometimes. Especially stings when engaging with the openworld is pretty much the meat of the game's filler content, even when playing for a minimal 'see the ending' run.
This is lessened somewhat with certain lategame vehicles (I'd have gone insane were it not for the Icarus, I tells ya) but still. Look, I've already said I like this game a lot, are you expecting a whole itinerary of complaints here?
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The Ugly
Not literally ugly, as this is a great-looking game through and through. But there are bugs. Ragdoll bugs, floating prop bugs, frozen physics object bugs, enemies stomping the player through the floor bugs, invisible NPC bugs; even a particularly-heinous game-breaker that can happen literally as the final mission is supposed to trigger that so far, fingers crossed, I've managed to avoid on both a casual playthrough and a completionist one. But hey, I guess this is technically A Bethesda Game™ and I gather that pretty much goes with the territory at this point.
Also it's worth noting that the game fucking loves the Cyber-Crusher boss and there are a few of those. They don't get any more difficult each time either, it's just the one boss again. And again. And so forth.
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It's good! I like it a lot! Even love, to spite The Internet in general because I love to cheer on any underdog I see; imagined or otherwise. It's got some flaws but I was very much willing to overlook these things for a game that, although I couldn't say was unilaterally-superior to its prequel, does nonetheless take some steps to improve upon it. And it has a proper final boss encounter as well, instead of, well, just a room that the original game had.
Unpopular opinion maybe, I wish they'd do a third. 4/5
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