#especially in readers apartment living room a single candle lit amongst the coffee table sitting in front of them
mrsoharaa · 1 month
(Because I didn’t just have some decent wine myself a few minutes agooo…and I’m not a wine person lmao)
But I’m thinking about civilian neighbor! Reader who invites Miguel over graciously for a simple glass of wine and friendly dinner. Things go so smooth, generous conversations, kind offerings to prepping the appointed meal (you refuse his help since he’s technically a guest, but with Miguel being well— Miguel, he stubbornly insists that he helps you in some sort of way)— about three glass of wines in, and reader starts to get giggly and giddy. Miguel, of course finds it adorable and luring. The sweet, soft tone of your candied voice entrancing his brittle heart. Butterflies swarm within his chest and stomach, the cute wrinkles that highlighted your distinguished features immediately capturing his entire attention. Hearts almost practically forming in his radiant pools of soft sable. And god, don’t get me started how tense the man gets when the gentle touch of your right hand softly taps at his broad shoulder, gradually lingering down to the length of his flexing bicep.
That man is on edge. Fighting back every elusive thoughts and hounding admiration to consume his slightly hazy mind. Bites his lips generously as he watches the glimmering smile you contort into, feeling the heavy weight in his chest become that much more weighty and overwhelming.
And when you suddenly loose some bit of balance, while sitting on your couch (you lean a little too forward closer towards him), you find yourself holding yourself up by the bulging muscles of his firm arms. Your dazed irises meet his own, a staggered breath catches tightly at the back of your throat. The eye contact between you both intensifying. The soften touch of his wide, rough hands subtly holding your leaning weight, pupils dilating with such pliant tender and lulling attraction.
But yeahhh, that’s where my mind is rn lol
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