#especially in this blog it's like -tosses confetti-
btw if you play the Doctor, main characters from New Girl, Lost characters or Chuck characters, I'm very sorry about who I'm going to be about it
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zirawrites · 2 years
I love your blog and I'm so excited to see some of your new work. And to fulfill your let's say holiday wish from your followers, I've got the perfect reaction scenario. Do you think you could do the companions and sole having their first new years eve kiss? Thank you in advance 💜💖
Cait: Cait and Sole had gone absolutely feral at the Third Rail for Goodneighbor’s annual New Year’s Eve party. Sole jumped on Hancock’s back multiple times while he danced as Cait cheered them on between gulps of her beer. The two hopped over the bar and attempted to drag a squealing Whitechapel Charlie from behind it. Their laughter and drunken serenading drowned out Magnolia’s soft jazz. Then the unthinkable happened: Hancock kicked them out of the bar, chuckling as he told them to sober up and try again next year. 
“I can’t believe it!” Cait was more amused than frustrated, especially since the mayor let her keep her drink. “I don’t think anyone’s ever been thrown outta a business in Goodneighbor, except if they were trying to murder a fella, I suppose.”
As the two stumbled to the Hotel Rexford, Sole heard a muffled countdown coming from every building. They stopped in the center of town as settlers got down to the final numbers.
When a chorus of Happy Near Year! rung out around them, Sole turned to Cait and pressed their lips firmly against her own. The kiss turned into a giggling, tipsy mess; one neither would wholly remember nor forget come morning.
Curie: Curie was enamored by human traditions, so Sole couldn’t turn down her request to go to a real New Year’s Eve party. They chose the tame one thrown by Preston and fellow Minutemen at the Castle. It was a night of swing music, food vendors from local settlements and -- for the more daring -- moonshine Sturges had made in a Sanctuary bathtub.
When the countdown ringing in the new year ended, Curie pressed upwards on the tips of her toes and gave Sole a chaste peck on their lips.
“That is how the tradition goes, yes?” She was blushing, and Sole couldn’t help but push a strand of her short hair back behind her ear. “I’ve been researching, of course. I did not want to ruin anything for you.”
Sole reassured Curie that she could never be the cause of any ruin, and returned the kiss.
Danse: New Year’s Eve parties were always a little chaotic aboard the Prydwyn. It was one of the rare times Maxon let recruits let loose. Child scribes who’d never stayed up past their bedtimes snuck quick sips of wine from the kitchen. Someone had stolen gauze from the medbay and wrapped it around a suit of power armor, hanging colorful ornaments off it as if it were a Christmas tree. Even Knight Rhys had unclenched his personality long enough to dance with Scribe Haylen.
Danse seemed tense about the festivities. He wanted to participate, but felt it his duty to stay vigilant and sober in case of an attack. Sole coaxed him onto the makeshift dance floor with a promise they would de-decorate the holiday power armor before Maxon saw.
The two danced all the way up until the final countdown, and even then Danse stayed chaste and cordial. They rung in the new year like everyone else. It was only when Sole was taking the gauze down that Danse turned them around for a deep, heartfelt kiss.
When both finally pulled away, Danse’s usually furrowed brow was miraculously smooth. He seemed the lightest he’d been since Sole had met him. “Heard that was a pre-war tradition, but I couldn’t remember when I was supposed to do it. I hope I didn’t upset you.”
Sole laughed and tossed the spool of gauze at his chest.
Deacon: Desdemona had finally, finally let Deacon and Tinker Tom plan a New Year’s Eve bash -- under the guise it wouldn’t turn out like their Christmas party three years ago; something neither would elaborate on for Sole. Regardless, HQ was decorated in streamers and confetti and other paper products no one was sure how the men got their hands on. They attached a tray of drinks to PAM’s robotic pinchers for agents to grab throughout the night. Radio reception was never great underground, but where the songs cut off, Tinker Tom was quick to jump in with his own off-key interpretation.
Once Sole arrived, they had Deacon’s undivided attention. He lavished them with compliments on their elegant pre-war attire (”And hardly any holes! Did you dress up just for lil ‘ol me?”) and stories of what a bonafide New Year’s Eve party used to look like (”So Tom and I got it pretty right? Glad those ten caps I spent on ‘Anyone Can Throw a Party’ paid off.”)
By the end of the night there wasn’t a sober agent in the church. Everyone counted down the new year with giddy elation, swinging glass flutes and the miracle streamers around the room. Then they erupted in cheers, and Sole looked at Deacon with a warm smile that said he had planned one hell of a party.
Deacon leaned down and quickly pecked Sole on the lips. “For good luck, right?”
Sole rolled their eyes. They knew Deacon understood what the pre-war tradition meant. But he had been so sweet that night that Sole only wrapped him in a tight side-hug as they watched the other agents drunkenly celebrate.
Hancock: Hancock wasn’t just mayor of Goodneighbor; he was the self-appointed party prince of the Commonwealth. The Third Rail always threw a electric party of live music, free-flowing drinks and rowdy patrons. Half the bar didn’t even understand the pre-war tradition and just used it as an excuse for a generous serving of booze. But Hancock knew Sole would find the party important -- if not just for sentimental reasons -- and endeavored to make this the best bash yet.
Sole somehow found themselves as the star of the party. Magnolia sang any song they wanted. Whitechapel Charlie never charged them for drinks. Patrons moved from their seats if Sole lingered near their table for too long just in case they wanted to sit.
When Sole was finally able to pull Hancock away from the festivities, they asked why Goodneighbor’s settlers -- some of the baddest, seediest drifters in the ‘Wealth -- were being nice to them.
“It’s cause I told them to, Sunshine.” Hancock’s smile dominated his face, pressing the apples of his cheeks so high that Sole almost missed his wink. “Just wanted tonight to be perfect for you. I’m sure the holidays make you miss home.”
Sole shrugged dismissively, making Hancock’s grin momentarily falter. “Well, you’re missing one tradition. And that one’s my favorite.”
“Anything you want, Sole.” Hancock snaked a hand around their waist. “Just name it.”
Sole cut across the small distance between them with a kiss. Hancock chuckled into their mouth, and Sole finally pulled back with an equally as large smile.
MacCready: Sole had planned a quiet New Year’s Eve in Sanctuary, and MacCready wasn’t complaining. He usually liked celebrating the holiday somewhere boozier like the Third Rail or the Dugout Inn, but that was when he was a lone wolf with only himself to watch out for. Lounging on the couch nibbling on snacks Preston helped bake and watching Sturges unsuccessfully try to fix the radio was far more relaxing. And he knew Sole would stay safe... as long as they stayed away from the cookies Preston had overbaked.
“Having fun?” Sole curled up next to MacCready and handed him a Nuka Cola. “We ran out of booze when Cait got here. Sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for.” MacCready took the bottle but set it on the table in front of them. Then the radio kicked on -- much to Sturges amusement -- and MacCready stood to offer his hand. “Care to dance?”
The two spun in slow circles across the crumbling, war-torn living room of Sole’s old house. They danced past empty picture frames that used to hold photographs of Sole and their spouse cradling baby Shaun. Over the shredded carpet where Sole unboxed Codsworth over 200 years ago.
None of it mattered. They had each other, and that was plenty to celebrate.
At the end of the song, MacCready leaned in and kissed Sole. It was a soft, romantic kiss just like in the pre-war movies. And it was perfect.
“Couldn’t wait until the countdown,” MacCready chuckled. “Do I still get another chance in the new year?”
Preston: Preston wanted New Year’s Eve to be perfect for Sole. Not only were they the Minutemen’s most hardworking general and therefore deserving of some appreciation, but Preston’s biggest crush. He spent days finding something sparkling for Sole to toast to (albeit it was boozy Nuka Cola Quantum). Then several more days hunting for salvageable champagne flutes. By the time he had pieced together a charcuterie board of mirelurk meat, Takahashi’s noodles and Sugar Bombs covered in syrup, Sole hadn’t seen him since Christmas.
When they entered their quarters to see the food spread out across their table, Preston’s face was blushed nearly purple. “I thought you deserved a break,” he admitted sheepishly. “I know you like to work through the holidays. Someone has to, I guess. But if you wouldn’t mind counting down the new year with me tonight...”
Sole was happy to spend the evening drinking and dancing to Diamond City radio. Travis eventually rang in the new year while Preston and Sole were sitting on the desk littered with the remnants of Preston’s food spread. Sole leaned over and kissed Preston as soon as the croaky-voiced DJ said happy new year. When they pulled away, Preston ran his hand rhythmically across Sole’s back.
“Well, happy new year to you, too, General.” Then he leaned in for a second kiss.
Piper: Piper was awoken by someone tugging on her arm. She jumped upright in her chair with a gasp as the stranger shoved a glass of wine in her hand, then ran across the newsroom to turn up the Diamond City station on the radio.
“Wake up, Piper!” It was Sole, who was enthusiastically waving their own wine in the air. “You fell asleep editing again. You were going to miss the countdown.”
Piper pulled off a paper that had stuck to her forehead and tossed it unceremoniously to the floor. “You nearly scared me to death, Blue.” Her voice was tense but appreciative. She would have hated to miss the weird pre-war tradition her and Nat usually celebrated together. Her sister had fallen asleep on the couch hours ago.
“I think you mean you’re welcome.” Sole hopped themselves to sit on Piper’s desk, brushing their knees against the side of her chair. “Need to get your responses checked like Takahashi? I think your malfunctioning.”
Instead of a retort, Piper listened to Travis count down the new year. When it ended, the two friends both screamed happy new year! and clinked their glasses together, downing the respective drinks in one long gulp.
“What other traditions did you like to do back in the day?” Piper stood to refresh her drink, and Sole took her collar to pull her closer. They leaned upwards to catch her lips in a soft kiss, only pulling away when Piper placed her hand on their knee.
“Too much?” Sole chuckled and played with the stem of their glass. “That’s something couples do to ring in the new year. I know we’re not officially dating but --”
They were cut off by Piper returning the kiss.
Nick: Nick was an old soul, so there wasn’t any doubt that he wouldn’t have planned the perfect evening on New Year’s Eve. He decorated the agency and opened it to a small group of friends in Diamond City including Ellie, Piper, Nat, Vadim and -- of course -- Sole. The group drank and danced to the radio, swapping stories of what antics everyone had gotten up to over the past year.
Nick eventually pulled Sole aside and offered to fetch them a drink, which Sole politely declined. “I haven’t seen enough of you tonight,” they admitted, nudging his side with their elbow and eliciting a chuckle from the detective. “But don’t get me wrong: you’re a perfect host. I could have never pulled something like this together.”
“Perish the thought, Sole.” He took their hand and brought their knuckles to his lips. “You can do anything.”
“Can I get a New Year’s kiss?” Sole batted their eyelashes in a comically innocent way. 
Nick leaned forward to give them a chaste one, but Sole wrapped their arms around his neck and pulled him into something deeper. He chuckled against them, eventually pulling away when he could hear snickering from the other guests. “Weren’t we supposed to wait for the countdown?”
Sole shook their head. “New world, new rules.”
X6-88: As usual, X6 was leaned against a far wall observing the crowd instead of partaking in it. He had no desire to drink to the new year; as far as he was concerned, every day not working towards humanity’s future was time wasted. People’s incessant need to mark every milestone irked him, and he showed it by brooding far away from the New Year’s Eve party.
Sole saddled up beside him. His posture slightly deflated as he relaxed into Sole’s familiar presence. “So, what’s your New Year’s resolution? An old pre-war tradition. You vow to make some big change to your life and accomplish it by the end of the year.”
X6 took a moment to consider. “Improve the Institute by catching runaway synths.”
Sole shook their head. “No, it has to be something personal. For example, I made a pact with Preston to lose five pounds.” They slapped their hip, and the leathery sound brought a chuckle to X6′s lips. “Been hitting the Sugar Bombs too hard.”
“Your health is in an optimal state,” X6 assured. “But I suppose my resolution would be to... act on more impulse. Too much calculation can slow anyone down.”
“Trust your gut!” Sole encouraged, melding closer to him on the wall. “What’s your gut saying now?”
X6 leaned down and gave Sole a quick kiss. It was over nearly before it began, leaving Sole giddy and lightheaded. “Partake in more traditions,” he teased.
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shadowredfeline · 3 months
Four in One Post
For my Filipino Friend’s On this Day Posts
Part 1
I bet Spot and Cude would wear a Federation uniform together if Both like to be part of the Federation.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Spot, Cude. Since you both are part of the Cuteness Defenders Federation, and as part of your team, we’ll hope our defenders and federations work together and unite and peace to our friends and people. 🫡
Part 2
Looks like Munchy Beaver has the Mech to chop the wood and help Peanut Otter at the same time when saving their homes together. Just like Pinch Raccoon and Jelly Otter would both do and maybe the four can work together to save Lake Hoohaw.
Part 3
Tory 😺🩰: Riya. It is really nice of you telling us a true Impreza Story. Ever since your brother got to drive an Impreza too before you stuck with driving a Porsche and an Audi. Maybe you and your brother can race my brother. Not only does he drive a Ford Shelby GT, but in Maximum Tune, he drives a Toyota Supra. Since my mom and my brother always like to drive a Toyota.
And finally, a Response to my Filipino friend and while discussing our A-Pal’s On this Day Post and mine too.
Me 🇺🇸: Hey, I understand if this game isn’t your cup of tea, even when it comes to RPG titles, but I’m sure we’ll do these stories and titles together like playing along with the story. And yes, it can be a swell idea to have Mayu, Cude, Murukir and Popikir to tag along with Shadow. Especially if they want to save Star spirits or with the Thousand Year door and stop the Origami King and tossing confetti together, even Lisa can tag along like if we need six people to help out together.
Shadow R😺🗡️: Great idea, Creator! I would love to have you four tag along with me and Lisa. Plus Porsche and Jenny love doing stuff with Murukir and Popikir a lot. Especially when Loopy and Kukurin have other things they can do.
Me 🇺🇸: Yup. And if Spot and Riya have a custom race track, it would be fun to have Shadow and Tory race with them.
Tory 😺🩰: I bet go kart racing can be fun. Besides having Maxwell and his friends having and ultimate summer activities together. And maybe when Shadow goes on a vacation with mom and Lisa, I bet it’ll be fun for us to do something together, after I finish up my ballet work of course.
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astrojoy · 2 years
did you see what @flavaflavbutitznyork said about you 👀
No I didn't, I checked it out tho
I don't really feel like I need to give a reason since it's my blog and I can choose who I want to see on tumblr. Straight up, I don't block anyone without reason. That blog may not know why but I don't expect them to. I work off of observation and my sense of sight. Sometimes energy or psychic guidance paves my road too. I don't need to tell anyone when and why I block a certain blog. Most people don't care, as we're all people vibing on tumblr and have better things to do. And no, they haven't said anything to me, not from what I can remember or recall. I have eyes though. I'm not blind. Just because someone doesn't interact with me doesn't mean I don't browse and observe blog interaction within the community and other ones
Btw, I confirm, I love positivity
Coming from someone who's had a life surrounded by quite the contrary such as myself, you'd expect as much. Blocking a blog doesn't instantly mean something negative, especially when you don't know the reason why. At that point it's just assuming. Someone could argue, "The reason can't be positive tho" but it's not negative either. Sure, no one would understand without me going into detail, however I'm not here to make anyone understand either. I have my own reasons and it's just that. It's simply a preference based on my personal reasonings that I don't feel like discussing rn. It's like, 11 pm bro ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ id much rather eat dinner and work on my next tarot pac. I've wasted enough time on this as it is 💀
I have no beef with anyone,
Just a simple block, that as I've stated above, is due to what I've observed from afar. I also don't toss blocks around like confetti, I rarely block people and I've only blocked around 3 maybe 4??? I can't remember tbh but it wasn't much. It doesn't have to be a major or minor reason either. If I saw something that didn't sit right with me, I'm not going to force myself to see a possibility of future occurence. I simply move on. I guess some people may take it to heart but I had no ill intent, as you can see, I haven't mentioned these 2 blogs or started some elaborate post on them when I did it
But then again it doesn't matter
If you get upset over someone blocking you then you probably need better things to get upset over. It's tumblr. I'm a user like anyone else. I have preferences too. If someone gets mad at me blocking someone and their mutual its a bit silly 😂
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PS - I don't know who you are and its totally chill that you brought it to my attention. You could be an amazing person and that's beautiful ☺💖 but I will add, someone warned me out of fear that there's apparently fake accounts going around and into the asks of some other content creators and inching in asks that may seem quite similar to this one that seem sketchy (sorry if you aren't that person, it just came off odd ig 🤣) If you are that person (only) then stop trying to start unnecessary drama, its childish. Find a hobby or go out and explore if you can :) There's much more relaxing ways to release energy 🥰
If you are a genuine person with no bad intent and actually concerned, this was my response, stay safe and have a wonderful day 🫂✨
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gelasssoek · 3 years
Spicy confetti meatballs. Spicy meatballs are boldly flavored with garlic, cumin, paprika, and cayenne. Easy To Follow Step By Step Cooking Instructions On How To Make Spicy Meatballs This is a variation I put together of a Morrocan meatballs recipe. Spicy Meatball Sliders with Quick Pickled Cabbage KitchenAid.
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Meatballs are the ultimate comfort food, and these are especially nice, perfumed with cumin, coriander and cinnamon (Feel free to use ground beef, pork or turkey if ground lamb isn't available.) Meatballs, glorious meatballs. See more ideas about meatballs, recipes, food. Confetti Turkey Meatballs l Meal Planning Maven's Blog l Everyone loves a good meatball, right?
Hello everybody, it's Jim, welcome to our recipe site. Today, I'm gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, spicy confetti meatballs. It is one of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I'm gonna make it a bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Spicy confetti meatballs is one of the most favored of recent trending meals on earth. It's easy, it's fast, it tastes delicious. It is appreciated by millions daily. They are fine and they look wonderful. Spicy confetti meatballs is something that I have loved my whole life.
Spicy meatballs are boldly flavored with garlic, cumin, paprika, and cayenne. Easy To Follow Step By Step Cooking Instructions On How To Make Spicy Meatballs This is a variation I put together of a Morrocan meatballs recipe. Spicy Meatball Sliders with Quick Pickled Cabbage KitchenAid.
To begin with this particular recipe, we have to prepare a few ingredients. You can have spicy confetti meatballs using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.
The ingredients needed to make Spicy confetti meatballs:
{Make ready of minced meat.
{Take of Cumin seeds.
{Prepare of Black pepper.
{Prepare of Coriander powder.
{Prepare of Mixed spices.
{Make ready of Cooking oil.
{Make ready of Salt.
The addition of Schezwan sauce makes these meatballs extra delicious. They are formed into meatballs then air fried to make them lighter and healthier and then tossed together with Bok Choy. These fun and easy spicy Asian meatballs are juicy, tangy and spicy! They are baked right in the oven and dipped in an uber flavorful glaze to create the perfect party appetizer or a quick dinner!!!
Instructions to make Spicy confetti meatballs:
Cook the meat and ensure u have added salt.
Then in a hot pan add oil then put in all spices and onions.
Cut a bread the white section this will help in binding the meat together.
Make balls of minced meat and the put them in eggs then coat with bread crumbs.
Deep fry in very hot oil to cook fast.
Serve with sweet an sour sauce.
Adding julienned vegetables like broccoli stem, carrot, and cabbage add extra fibre and nutrition to these confetti meatballs. This twist on a family favourite is a great way to incorporate more. These Thai Meatballs are loaded with beautiful fresh Thai flavours! Make them with pork or chicken, pass them around at a party or have them for dinner! Chicken Meatballs in Cajun Cream Sauce.
So that's going to wrap it up for this exceptional food spicy confetti meatballs recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I am sure you can make this at home. There's gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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countrymadefoods · 6 years
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A Big Fat (Southern) Italian Wedding
“Your wedding day is for sure one of the most important days of a person's entire life. And getting married in Italy, be it in a fairytale hamlet up on the hills or on a stunning beach, is just the cherry on the cake. Yet, nothing can compare to how big, long (and usually expensive) the experience is of getting married in Southern Italy, as long as one sticks to local traditions. 
Be it related to a deeper religious faith and sense of community, and of course historical cultural reasons (also involving a certain need for ostentation in order to demonstrate the family’s wealth or (and) to a boundless wish of celebrating and sharing joy and food) weddings in the southern regions of the country often express a uniquely bountiful nature.”
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”So, what makes a Southern wedding so special even for average people? Many things, we’d say.
First of all, the boundaries in time tend to be elongated. Celebrations often start several months before the wedding, when the couple exchanges the “marriage promise” (promessa). Basically a mandatory bureaucratic procedure where they officially express to a local authority their will to get married within 6 months, this first step in building a family is usually marked by an intimate family celebration, with a festive toast.
Yet, in Southern Italy this day often becomes an anticipation of the actual wedding, involving a huge number of guests, presents and a proper feast. Once the big day gets closer, celebrations can take place in different places, times and settings. Especially in these days, when bride and groom often moved to another city (or even country)...it can all start with an informal dinner or a proper party open to friends and family on the day before, and eventually go on even on the day after the wedding with a further occasion to share food and wine.”
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“Usually, guests arrive to the reception – be it a private house, an elegant restaurant or a beautiful masseria, a farm turned into a refined location...to wait for the newlywed couple to get back from the official photoshoot, by then a rich buffet is served...After this savoury food frenzie, the proper meal is only about to start with the average courses served at the table.
Cutting the cake doesn’t necessarily marks the end of eating: an abundance of fresh fruit, chocolate, other sweets or ice cream can match the official cake, probably introducing the after party with music, dancing and more drinks. And the traditional confetti (almonds or other nuts covered with a snow white sugar icing) wrapped up in a voile sachet and offered as a souvenir and goodwill sign, are often replaced by the confettata, one or several trays with different kinds of confetti to be eaten at the moment or taken home. Moreover, in Sicily the local tradition also demands the guantiera, an additional tray full of delicious marzipan cakes.”
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“The groom’s mother has the task and privilege to officially consign the bouquet to the future daughter-in-law, and she usually gives her a jewel belonging to her or to the family as a sign of acceptance. She also enters the church – or hall – with her son, while the bride is taken to the altar by her father, of course. Another role unique to Southern (religious) weddings is the “compare d’anello” (godfather's): a man, usually a wise or influential one, who after the exchange of the wedding bands, gives the bride another ring which is also blessed by the priest to seal his protection role over the couple.Also, while the bride tosses the bouquet and sometimes the garter, to be caught by the unmarried girls attending the wedding, in some Southern regions the groom has to undertake another ritual: the cutting of the tie.”
 (via A Big Fat (Southern) Italian Wedding | ITALY Magazine)
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Italian Wedding Traditions, Yesterday and Today
“Italians love their traditions and a wedding is one event in which Italian customs are still very much alive. Although these traditions differ from one region to another, many couples follow these today, both in Italy and in the US.
In Sicily, there were two ceremonies, a civil followed by a religious, and the religious was considered to be the more significant. In fact, the groom would not consider himself to be married until after the religious ceremony and the date of that ceremony was considered to be the wedding date. Many times the bride would arrive at the church on horseback, with the ceremony frequently occurring at night, and the way being lit with torches.”
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“In America today, many Italian-Americans like to incorporate some of their ancestors' traditions into their own wedding reception, and several of these are very popular. It is usually the duty of the best man to toast the newly married couple with a glass of wine.
Almost all Italian-American newlyweds today celebrate the custom of giving their guests a small gift known as a confetti bomboniera. This tradition dates back to oman times, and the bomboniera consists of five or seven (always an odd number for luck) sugar-coated almonds wrapped in tulle or netting with ribbons. This symbolizes family life, as well as health, happiness, prosperity, fertility, and a long life together.”
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”Of course food is of utmost importance, and the dessert table is very common today ,originating from the "Venetian hour," which is actually a Sicilian tradition of having an array of pastries, fruits, cakes in great quantities.”
(via Italian Wedding Traditions, Yesterday and Today | La Gazzetta Italiana)
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“In 2018, Montepulciano d’Abruzzo celebrated half a century of DOC recognition. The beloved style of red from the center of Italy has long solidified its status as one of the country’s enduring viticultural touchstones. For good reason: Winemaking here traces its roots back to ancient times — a local tradition dating back to the Roman Empire.”
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“I love that Abruzzo is an underdog,” says Joe Campanale, winemaker, sommelier, and owner of Fausto, a celebrated Italian restaurant in Brooklyn. “When you try one of the wines … you easily realize that it’s possible to create distinctive and terroir-driven wines here.”
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“I’m mostly looking at a flavor profile of dark red fruits, black pepper, and a bit of earthiness,” observes Catherine Morel, lead sommelier at 71Above in Los Angeles. “They pair well with pasta and red sauce — spaghetti alla chitarra is a regional dish — lamb, and pizza. So what’s not to love about that!?” She’s equally as enthusiastic pairing Trebbiano d’Abruzzo with simple pasta dishes — gnocchi with a light cheese.”
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“This soup combining tiny meatballs, and greens in a flavorful broth is apparently very popular at Italian weddings in the United States, although I had never heard of it all the years I had lived in Italy. In Canada at Italian weddings, a light soup of broth with tiny pasta, or Pastina in Brodo is served as a first course before the pasta and meat courses...While researching its origins, and to find out exactly why it is called “wedding” soup, I found that actually the soup was given this name because it was felt that the meat and greens which are main ingredients, go well together (marry well), or in Italian si sposono bene.”
(via ITALIAN WEDDING SOUP | Italian Food Forever blog)
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Minestra Maritata - Wedding Soup
“While wedding soup is known to Italian-Americans, it might not have the connotation they think it has. Contrary to popular thought, it's not served at weddings. Rather, it's called "maritata" - married, because the ingredients "marry" well together to create a harmonious dish! It's a Neapolitan tradition, and an old one, at that. It dates back a few centuries, to one-pot meals that were filling and the only meal of the day for most households. It combines broth with a type of meat (most commonly sausage pieces or tiny meatballs) and greens, thus making it a hearty and nutritious soup.”
(via Minestra Maritata - Wedding Soup | Summer In Italy blog)
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Spaghetti Alla Chitarra
“This pasta is made with a chitarra ("guitar"), and until recently, it was difficult to find the special pasta-cutting tool outside the region of Abruzzo, Italy. The design is simple: a rectangular wooden frame strung with metal wires that cut sheets of pasta into strands. The resulting shape of these noodles -- square, rather than round -- gives them textural appeal and makes them an ideal pasta partner for a hearty meat sauce...Chitarra typically is served with an Abruzzese-style ragu: a sauce flavored with pieces of meat that are used as flavoring, then removed (as opposed to a ground meat sauce).”
(via Spaghetti Alla Chitarra | The Washington Post)
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Pizza Dolce, The Most Delicious and Moist Layered Sponge Cake Ever
“Layered sponge cake recipe known as Pizza Dolce from the region of Abruzzo. Originating back to 1923, this layered sponge cake has evolved over time to become one of the most sought after organic sponge cake desserts in Italy. This layered sponge cake is a sweet mix of sponge layered with almonds, vanilla and chocolate custard topped with coffee icing and super moist thanks to the mix of liquors on every layer...”
(via Pizza Dolce, The Most Delicious and Moist Layered Sponge Cake Ever | Huffpost)
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Pizzelle: The Best Italian Wedding Cookies
“In the southern region of Abruzzo it is traditional to make pizzelle for weddings. There are actually many different names for this thin waffle cookie cooked in a hot iron press: ferratelle, cancelle, nuvole, nevole, neole. Whatever the name, they are generally flavored with lemon zest or sometimes anice. According to tradition when making these cookies with the iron press over an open flame, the chef recited the “Our Father” as one side of the cookie was heated. Then the press would be flipped and he or she would recite the “Hail Mary” in order to finish the process.”
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“The exact origins of this cookie are unknown, however pizzelle began being made in the 18th century. At the time, the iron used to cook them was embossed with the family coat of arms or the bride and groom’s initials...For a more modern interpretation of this Abruzzese tradition, pizzelle can be served at a wedding shower or any other pre-wedding occasion or at the dessert buffet. In fact, today in Abruzzo these cookies are made for all types of occasions and holidays.”
(via Pizzelle: The Best Italian Wedding Cookies | Made In Italy blog)
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Italian Wedding Cookies Recipe
“Easy and quick, this is the best Italian wedding cookies recipe ever. Loaded with walnuts and hazelnuts and coated in fluffy powder sugar like a snowball, these Italian cookies are sure to steal everybody’s heart!”
(via Italian Wedding Cookies Recipe | Ciao Florentina blog)
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Engagement Ring Cookies Are an Instagram Food Trend We Can Really Get Behind
“If you didn't get an engagement ring cookie, are you even really engaged?“
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“Instagram-driven trends to inspire this year’s brides- and grooms-to-be come with the territory, of course. Step aside, doughnut walls and naked cakes. Blinged-out cookies decorated to look like ring-sporting hands are in.”
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“And not all hand cookies need to be about getting married, either.”
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“Making quite the show of hands, they're a delightful way to celebrate really any occasion.”
(via Engagement Ring Cookies Are an Instagram Food Trend We Can Really Get Behind | Food & Wine)
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gelasssoek · 3 years
Spicy confetti meatballs. Spicy meatballs are boldly flavored with garlic, cumin, paprika, and cayenne. Easy To Follow Step By Step Cooking Instructions On How To Make Spicy Meatballs This is a variation I put together of a Morrocan meatballs recipe. Spicy Meatball Sliders with Quick Pickled Cabbage KitchenAid.
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Meatballs are the ultimate comfort food, and these are especially nice, perfumed with cumin, coriander and cinnamon (Feel free to use ground beef, pork or turkey if ground lamb isn't available.) Meatballs, glorious meatballs. See more ideas about meatballs, recipes, food. Confetti Turkey Meatballs l Meal Planning Maven's Blog l Everyone loves a good meatball, right?
Hey everyone, it's Brad, welcome to our recipe site. Today, we're going to prepare a distinctive dish, spicy confetti meatballs. It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.
Spicy meatballs are boldly flavored with garlic, cumin, paprika, and cayenne. Easy To Follow Step By Step Cooking Instructions On How To Make Spicy Meatballs This is a variation I put together of a Morrocan meatballs recipe. Spicy Meatball Sliders with Quick Pickled Cabbage KitchenAid.
Spicy confetti meatballs is one of the most favored of current trending foods on earth. It is simple, it is quick, it tastes yummy. It is enjoyed by millions every day. They're nice and they look fantastic. Spicy confetti meatballs is something that I have loved my entire life.
To begin with this recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can have spicy confetti meatballs using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Spicy confetti meatballs:
{Make ready 200 g of minced meat.
{Take of Cumin seeds.
{Get of Black pepper.
{Take of Coriander powder.
{Make ready of Mixed spices.
{Get of Cooking oil.
{Take of Salt.
The addition of Schezwan sauce makes these meatballs extra delicious. They are formed into meatballs then air fried to make them lighter and healthier and then tossed together with Bok Choy. These fun and easy spicy Asian meatballs are juicy, tangy and spicy! They are baked right in the oven and dipped in an uber flavorful glaze to create the perfect party appetizer or a quick dinner!!!
Instructions to make Spicy confetti meatballs:
Cook the meat and ensure u have added salt.
Then in a hot pan add oil then put in all spices and onions.
Cut a bread the white section this will help in binding the meat together.
Make balls of minced meat and the put them in eggs then coat with bread crumbs.
Deep fry in very hot oil to cook fast.
Serve with sweet an sour sauce.
Adding julienned vegetables like broccoli stem, carrot, and cabbage add extra fibre and nutrition to these confetti meatballs. This twist on a family favourite is a great way to incorporate more. These Thai Meatballs are loaded with beautiful fresh Thai flavours! Make them with pork or chicken, pass them around at a party or have them for dinner! Chicken Meatballs in Cajun Cream Sauce.
So that's going to wrap this up with this special food spicy confetti meatballs recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I'm sure you can make this at home. There is gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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