#especially not for his own sensei
naruto--headcanons · 8 months
Rin was Minato's favourite. he believed she had a lot of potential. being a medic to the team, she was truly important, and was already incredible at keeping them all alive. she would grow up and become even stronger. he knew she was stronger than she let on.
Obito was Minato's second favourite. sharing the same dream of becoming hokage, Minato would be drawn to raising Obito right and ensuring they both became great hokage.
Kushina's favourite was Obito. they, too, shared the same dream of becoming hokage. they got along well, despite all their playful arguing and fighting. Obito was adorable to her, especially whenever he tried to act tough.
Kushina's second favourite was Rin. being a girl, Rin was easy to get along with, too. she was adorable and got along with Obito, but knew when to put her foot down too. she was a kind girl but had been slightly influenced by Kushina and learned to be just a little harsh if she needed to.
of course, that leaves Kakashi. the distance between the three isn't massive or anything. he is loved no less.
at some point... Minato had lost faith in Kakashi, believing he'd never recover from Sakumo's death, believed Kakashi would never value comrades again. Minato had distanced himself just a little bit from Kakashi, and blamed himself entirely for it (because why would you back away from a kid with no parental figures and clearly needs so much help??).
he believed he could not help.
Kakashi never noticed until he got older and remembered the way Minato would look at him.
the realisation that Minato had no faith, no trust in him hurts, and it only builds a deeper hole when Kakashi knows Minato felt that way all the way up until his death...
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