#essentially the only pure angel in the film is Lauren everyone else is a prick sorry
riotousvilliers · 7 years
Riot Club Members ranked in order of General Shitheadedness. ( Most - Least )
1. Alistair Ryle. Evil dude. Basically riled everyone up at the dinner and genuinely believes that poor people are scum. You’re a shithead m8.
2. Dimitri Mitropoulos. Honestly gets so looked over both in terms of how much of a shit he is but also as a character in general. One of the ones who pretends to be good but is actually a peen. Emotionally manipulative peen.
3. Hugo Fraser-Tyrwhitt. Pompous bastard. Calls screwing up people’s lives and their work ‘debauchery’
4. Edward Montgomery. Sexist prick, condescending, classist. Sexually assaulted Lauren, should be castrated.
5. Guy Bellingfield. Threw a hissy fit because his ten bird roast only had nine birds in it. Shithead.
6. James Leighton-Masters. Self-obsessed, self-satisfying bastard. Too worried about being seen as a good club president to care when things go horribly wrong.
7. Harry Villiers. Not the worst but honestly still a prick. Despicable drunk.
8. Toby Maitland. 0 idea how to speak to women which leads him to being a general piece of shit.
9. Miles Richards. At least had the good sense to leave the group after they nearly killed a man. Still bad enough not to speak out about it and to go along with all of it until this point. Tries. But fails.
10. George Balfour. Honestly the closest to ‘good egg’ status in the group. Loves animals and doesn’t see anyone else as below him. Still almost beat a man to death though 0/10 effort get in the bin.
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