#essentially what I am asking is why do we all hype up vader so much
teamironmanforever · 2 years
You know something I never quite understood? Anakin was supposed to be the chosen one, the strongest Jedi ever, and yet, all 3 times Obi wan fought with him (really fought, not as training but with the aim to kill), Obi wan one each and every time and I am not counting the time Vader dragged him thru the fire because Obi wan was supressing his jedi powers and literally was UNABLE to fight so that doesn't count for the purposes of what I am explaining. Had he cared for Anakin less, had he had the heart to kill him, literally all the movies could have been avoided. Vader lived because Obi-Wan willed it so.
Even their last battle, Obi-wan didn't lose but rather allowed Vader to kill him to a) buy luke and Leia time and b) because he knew he actually could gain a lot of power as a force ghost.
I am not sure what my point here is - I guess I just don't understand why there's this whole mythology around anakin in the fandom in general when, at every turn Obi wan, who is not supposed to be particularly special beyond his unwavering ability to remain good and just no matter the circumstance and therefore the perfect jedi, is able to beat him each and every time.
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3 Reasons Star Wars will Never Live up to the Hype, and 3 Reasons Why That’s fine
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Star Wars fans are very passionate and usually more intense than other fanbases. For many of the fans, Star Wars was an important part of their childhood. Star Wars showcased a universe with interesting creatures and worlds, along with characters and stories that are relatable; essentially teaching kids to use their imagination. This passion continued on into adulthood for most fans and is comparable only to fans of sports teams. This passion makes the fanbase very opinionated. Just ask any fan what they thought of episode VIII (be careful if you decide to do this, you could be in for a very long discussion). The fans are so opinionated that they have crafted long arguments all over the internet, for example, the who shot first debate between Han Solo and Greedo. Another popular argument is “ are ewoks cute creatures or vicious carnivores? just to name a few. The fanbase isn’t just opinionated about Star Wars they are obsessive about it. Not only do fans argue about Star Wars, they go beyond that to in-depth research that constitutes a fan theory: a much more complex type of fan argument. Fan theories are speculation about where a film or franchise is heading or an answer to a question posed by fans. All fan theories are based on evidence found in films and other sources. Some popular fan theories include why do Stormtroopers have bad aim and was Darth Vader not completely evil until after episode IV? But with this obsession comes high expectations from every fan. Here are 3 reasons why Star Wars can’t live up to the hype and 3 reasons why it’s acceptable that Star Wars doesn't meet expectations.
#1 The abundance of fan theories
As mentioned above, we all want Star Wars to live up to our expectations from our favorite fan theories. When Star Wars episode VII came out, the big mystery was, who are Rey’s parents. Many theories were formulated to answer that question. Some theorized that Rey was the daughter of Luke Skywalker; others believed she was a granddaughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi, or that she was Leia and Han Solo’s daughter; still others believed that she was a daughter of Palpatine. A significant amount of research was put into these theories, some even analyzing Rey’s fighting style to compare it to Palpatine’s. Other theories state that Han Solo and Leia don’t recognize Rey in their first encounter with her as evidence that she was not their child. Some fan theories delve even deeper, stating that Obi-Wan is the one who calls out to her in her force vision in episode VII. Rey could only have one parentage and some fans were disappointed when her parentage was revealed.
Another fan theory came from Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi about Luke specifically (Spoilers in the paragraph below). These fan theories were formed to explain the cause Luke’s death at the end of the episode VIII. Some fans believe that he died from the effort of projecting himself across the galaxy to save the Resistance. Others believe he died because he willingly became one with the force, that he had accomplished what he had to do and had finally forgiven himself for the mistakes he made by helping create Kylo Ren by drawing out his dark side. The fans have spent a lot of time trying to create these fan theories that predict desirable outcomes for the characters. Realistically, not all of them will be true and some fans will feel let down.  
#2 The spectacle of Star Wars battles
One of the staples of Star Wars movies is the large scale battles. We have come to expect very intense battles characterized by incredible music, high stakes, creative camera work, and epic combat. In Star Wars Episode IV for example, we have the Death Star, a massive battle station capable of destroying planets. The Empire has found the Rebel base and the Rebels are racing to blow up the Death Star. They are outgunned, outmanned, and have to destroy the Death Star before the Empire can fire on the rebel base. In Star Wars episode V, we have the battle of Hoth, the Empire has found the new Rebel base and starts an epic ground assault to take over the base, and they attempt to prevent the Rebels from escaping. In Star Wars Rogue One, the Rebels are attempting to steal the Death Star plans from a data vault. They try to sneak in but they are discovered and an epic battle ensues on the planet and in space.         
Although some battles live up to the hype, others do not. This does not mean that they are terrible, just not up to fan expectations. Star Wars episode VIII has an epic final battle on Crait and the Resistance is pinned in a bunker without a way to escape. The only ships the Resistance can use are old clunkers; a major disadvantage for the heroes. Then Luke comes back and distracts the First Order, while the Resistance finds a way out. This fell short in the eyes of fans because the Resistance finds a way to escape, instead of a major conflict with the First Order like the fans were expecting.  In episode III,  the Chancellor has been captured by the Separatists and the Republic mounts an epic space assault to save him. Anakin and Obi-Wan board a huge ship and fight through many enemies to rescue Chancellor Palpatine. This battle fell short because the majority of the scenes are dedicated to saving the Chancellor; the fans would have wanted a drawn out space battle. While Star Wars has displayed many great battles, some have fallen short in the eyes of fans.  
#3 Star Wars means something different to different fans
       Star Wars is unique in that it appeals to different people for a variety of reasons. These different reasons, hopes, or dreams for Star Wars often divide the fanbase. I personally still enjoy Star Wars; I grew up watching the original trilogy and the prequels. These movies spoke to me as a kid. Star Wars is a story about a boy who came from humble circumstances as a farmer that later saved the galaxy. I felt if Luke could do that, I could be whoever I wanted to be. I cherished these stories, because I learned courage as a kid, if Luke could stand up to the Empire, I could stand up for what I knew was right and overcome adversity. That is why I am fond of Star Wars. I have met fans who like Star Wars because it takes you to far away places where you meet new creatures. I have met other fans who enjoy the space battles and even some fans who root for the Empire to win. There is only 2 hours in a film and in that limited time the directors cannot feasibly appeal to all of the fanbase.
#1 Unrealistic expectations of fans
The directors of Star Wars movies are under a tremendous amount of pressure, to both please the fanbase and make money for the studio that is creating Star Wars. As was previously stated, Rey could only have one parentage, the director made a choice about her parentage, and many fans were disappointed. Some fans want Kylo Ren and Rey to become a couple and that hasn’t happened yet. Many fans believe that Luke did not behave like they would have wanted or expected in episode VIII. Luke Skywalker, in episode VIII, was a man who was beaten, who didn’t want to save the galaxy. According to some fans and critics, Star Wars episode VII was too similar to episode IV. As a result of the reviews from Star Wars VII, the movie studio decided to make a radically different and new film in Star Wars episode VIII, but they drew mixed reviews from audience and critics alike. The directors are in a tough situation to please a passionate fanbase.
To add to this pressure that is put on them from the fans, the directors films are expected to be successful. Fans have specific expectations rising from the fan theories and fan arguments; almost every fan has someway they want these movies to play out. The directors have to make specific decisions about plot and character development; these specific decisions can alienate different factions of the fanbase. To even further stress out the directors, Disney bought Star Wars for four billion dollars and they expect to make a significant of money off of this investment.          
#2 The need to appeal to different audiences
    In order for Star Wars to be profitable, it needs to appeal to multiple audiences not just the fanatical fanbase. There is the occasional moviegoer, for whom the movie would have to be simple and easy to understand. No need to talk about parsecs and gundarks. Another audience is kids, they want to see the hero triumph, they want to be filled with hope that they can overcome their challenges, that good will triumph over evil. Finally there are fanboys or the fanbase, the polar opposite of the occasional movie viewer. The fanboys want to study the movie, find all the easter eggs, and have the movie play out how they would want or expect based off of extensive research.   
Disney is supposed to appeal to all these different audiences and that seems impossible. Just imagine what would happen if directors tried to appease everyone, the movie would be long, confusing, and the plot wouldn’t make sense. With all these things that make Star Wars likeable to different audiences, now the creators have to please everyone and that is not a realistic expectation for the creators to fulfill all of our hopes or desires.
#3 At least we still have Star Wars
    Many critics believed that the prequels would have stopped Star Wars because of their low quality and poor reception from audiences, but they were wrong. The fanbase, although divided, is very strong, they clamor for new releases, holding hope in the face of past disappointments for good movies. After a Star Wars trilogy is finished, there is often a break between films.  There was a sixteen year gap between episodes VI and I, and a ten year gap between episode III and VII. Episode I made 1.027 billion dollars, and episode VII made 2.066 billion dollars because the fans came out and got excited about Star Wars coming back. When a new trailer comes out, there is a lot of hype because of the passionate fanbase. I still get excited every time a new trailer comes out. We as fans should be optimistic that Star Wars will get better and at the very least Star Wars will continue on for a long time.  
Every fan has some way we would like the series to play out. We all want our version of Star Wars to be the one that comes out in theaters which is not realistic, but that’s ok. The Star Wars fanbase is very passionate and that passion makes us hard to please. Disney is trying to please the fanbase and they are creating exciting Star Wars content coming out soon; such as the mandalorian tv show, and the clone wars tv show reboot. We as fans, should be grateful that Star Wars is still going, and that it’s future is bright.
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littleroma · 7 years
Exasperation is thy name Chapter Four
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four
Dacia hummed to herself as she made her way through the spaceship.  It was time for her to try and get to the bottom of things with Cassian.  Or at least Jyn probably thought it was.  Dacia was willing to simply let sleeping dogs lie and not make a big fuss over something that she thought was simple.
 Jyn, however, hadn’t been able to understand why the woman hadn’t been angrier and had pretty much bullied Dacia into taking these steps.  Dacia couldn’t understand why Jyn felt so strongly, when she wouldn’t even have been affected by these changes, to the spaceship.
 It would probably seem rational (and even sweet) if Dacia were to remember that the two women were friends and that Dacia had (partially) opened up about some of the difficulties in her health.  There was also the small matter of Jyn still struggling to overcome some of the issues she still faced with regards to her strange upbringing.
 Darcy noticed that it sometimes took Jyn longer to trust others (which Darcy couldn’t fault, especially when she considered what she knew about her friend) and she couldn’t understand why anyone would try to undermine said trust.  Darcy realised that she had to get this part smoothed out before it became an even bigger situation that she needed it to be.
 Taking some time to mentally compose herself, sucking in great lungfuls of air, once and twice before she nodded to herself. It was time to talk to Cassian and see if they could come to some form of understanding.
Letting her chest fall as she let the oxygen escape her body, Dacia looked around the small room, trying to put off the moment she would have to talk to Cassian.  Some of her old (arrogant, xenophobic) friends with, the Jedi ranks would have no doubt sneered at Dacia and her insistence on getting on with those she surrounded herself with, even if they weren’t practitioners of the Jedi religion and creed.  Dacia had made a conscious decision to surround herself with those she trusted would question her if she made any questionable decisions.  With those thoughts in mind, she glanced over at her friend and felt like she had to hide a small smirk when she noted the man was playing with a scrap bit of metal, no doubt trying to avoid looking at Dacia. He undoubtedly knew what this matter was about, and wanted to try and pull out the confrontation as long as he could. Dacia was very much of the same mind – except she wanted to get it over and done with as quickly as possible.
 With that in mind she opened her mouth and began to speak;
 “Look, Cassian I think we both know that each of us is trying to avoid having this discussion for our reasons.  But Jyn at least, is expecting us to have this discussion, and don’t you think we at least owe it to her, to discuss this like the mature adults we claim to be?” Dacia sighed, trying not to laugh when she saw the surprised look on Cassian’s face.
 “Yeah, you are probably right, but you do know that I am not going to apologise for my actions, right? I did those things because I wanted to be able to find if I could trust you, and I won’t say that I regret them!” Cassian declared.
 “I know, I’m not asking you to, nor will I embarrass both of us, by pretending that I didn’t know how or when you put that security update in place because I knew.  What I want to do is clear the air and try to get to the bottom of this with you. Do you trust me now?” Dacia gently asked the man, peering at the man in front of her.
 “Wait, but how did you know that I put those updates in place, you aren’t the best with technology!” Cassian tried to protest before he continued “I trust you more now, but when we first met, I wasn’t willing to lay all my trust in some woman I had never met before.  Now, with Designation: Scarlet Witch in those cells, I won’t regret those actions, you can’t make me!”
“You forget that this is my spaceship, I know everything that goes on this spaceship, minus a few things that I don’t want to know about of course!  What I was wondering, was how exactly you wrote that security protocol, because it really shouldn’t haven’t gotten through.  What I would like to know, is it is even possible for us to alter that small security measure.  We don’t want the woman to be able to get one over us and make life even slightly inordinately difficult for us.” Dacia looked at the man, as she spoke softly.
 “Why didn’t you tell me before that you knew what I was up too?” Cassian tried to protest.
 “I didn’t want to spook you, not while I was waiting to gain your trust.  Besides what would you have done if I had confronted you back when you first put it up?” Dacia softly asked the man.
 “I won’t say that I liked it because I wouldn’t have.  I would have seen it as you trying to poke your nose into our life again.  But it doesn’t seem to have affected you at all, so why are you making such a big deal about it?” Cassian sulkily asked.
 Dacia was sure that the man was glaring at her from behind his thick curtain of hair.
 “Yes, it has been affecting me.  You see, after the G.E. rose to prominence, it was agony for me, not being able to trust myself and connect with the Force.  Even though I could feel and hear it singing through the air surrounding me and within me, it was and has been a part of me for so long.  Could you even imagine what it feels like to cut yourself off from a piece of yourself? I couldn’t be sure whether or not Darth Vader had been able to fashion some device to help him find and trap any of us who were able to connect to the Force.  If I hadn’t already had that practice in avoiding the Force for so long, out of fear, one of the things I feared the most was the uncertainty that my discovery could bring.  What you had done would have placed into an excruciating agony, the likes of which you might not be able to imagine.  It seems as if some of the things we can be sure about in this universe is that access to the Force is limited. Some of my observations of Designation: Scarlet Witch has allowed me to conclude that the woman may be using some form of the Force in both her offensive and defensive actions.  Can you check the logs to find out if she has been able to connect, I want to start getting the interview questions ready.” Dacia responded to the man, watching as the man’s face paled as Dacia’s words began to sink in.
 “Are you sure that you want me to take those steps because we might not like what we find?  Would you like me to be able to dial it back, so you still have some form of access that we can control?” Cassian asked, suddenly worried about the woman in front of him.
 “Right now, we need to know; it’s better to be prepared and guess what we can expect, rather than going into this problem with our eyes shut.  We need to know Cassian, whether or not we should fear for our lives and what steps we can take to combat that fear.  Do you understand?” Dacia asked considering the man in front of her.
 “I understand, we need to prepare for anything those people can throw at us.  I know that you’ve said, but I want to be sure before I do it, another shouting match between myself and Jyn does not sound particularly appealing.  But you have emailed Hill and Potts about the suspected length that Designation: Scarlet Witch’s powers can go to, right?  At the same time though, do we need to be concerned about the rest of them?” Cassian asked, frowning as he thought through some of the problems that immediately faced them.
 “For now, I see Designation: Scarlet Witch as being the biggest threat to the safety of us on this ship.  For all their supposed strengths, Designation (Former): Captain America and Designation: Winter Soldier are essentially soldiers that have taken too much by way of anabolic steroids.  Designation: Winter Soldier is down an arm for pities sake!  It doesn’t seem like he would find it particularly easy to easy to escape.  Another point to bear in mind is that Designation (Former): Captain America won’t try to do anything that might harm his friend.” Cassian started before continuing; “Designation: Falcon seems as if he believes anything that Designation (Former): Captain America tells him, I’m hesitant to believe that he has it in him to think critically about what the other man tells him.  It’s curious because I am wondering if he simply bought into the propaganda and hype of the man too much and is that possibly clouding his rationale.  Designation: Ant-Man seems like he has gotten into something too big for him to understand all the players in the game, beyond second or third-hand impressions. It will be interesting to watch and see how long it takes for him to come to the conclusion that he has stepped into something that he doesn’t understand.”
 “Yeah, but it’s Designation: Hawkeye that fascinates me now.  I’ve been glancing over some of the footage we have of the prisoners in the cells. He didn’t say a lot, but he has been clutching his head, I have a feeling that he has possibly begun to question the position that he has found himself in, by which I mean in trouble.  Designation: Scarlet Witch, we need to be careful about her abilities, but somehow I can’t see her as regretting her actions, not yet anyway.” Dacia mused as she thought aloud.
 “Okay, so far, I’ve been attempting to design some form of the system we can use in holding the two Super Soldiers.  I would caution you not to forget the guys; they might not be a big threat as it stands.  But we don’t want to have found them to be causing us trouble if we aren’t ready for it.” Cassian cautioned the woman before turning back to some of his work.
 Dacia nodded once and looked around the room; she wasn’t sure if she was actively looking for some.  Or, more likely, was attempting to martial her thoughts into some form of order before she left to continue her work.
 Leaving the room behind, Darcy started to hum to herself as she looked around the silver corridors, trying to decide where she should go to next.  Groaning to herself beneath her breathe, about the expectations that having friends could heap upon her, Dacia, shrugged and rolled her shoulders and neck out, before allowing her footsteps to lead her towards the gym.  She felt as if she had spent too long fearing the reactions of her past friends, teachers and masters within the Jedi code, to start to alter her actions now.  She felt it made her a stronger user (and conduit) of the Force if she were allowed to build up relationships with those she held near and dear to her heart.
 For now, it was better is those relationships remained platonic, in any case, Dacia didn’t feel as if she was ready for even the possibility of a romantic relationship.  One of the things she had learned in her Darcy Lewis Grand University adventure, was that the idea of sex didn’t appeal to her – maybe ever – and that was completely okay with her.  Cassian had remarked that it took all different strokes for all different folks, though it could be a struggle to make sense of the man when he was three sheets to the wind!
 Shaking her head once again as she tried to clear the thoughts from her head, she altered her path to the gym.  She realised that Jyn now would probably feel as if she had some things to work out, and if Dacia knew the woman, it was that she would prefer to work out those buzzing thoughts at the punching bag.  Otherwise, she ran the risk of the thoughts becoming too loud for her to deal with, it was easier for her to work out her stress in a physical manner than it was for her to run it through her head.  It would seem that some of Saw Guerra’s lesson was difficult for her to shake off, Dacia supposed it made sense, Guerra had been responsible for a young Jyn’s early upbringing.
 Momentarily glancing down at her body, Dacia realised that she was still wearing her robes, not something that would be conducive to a good workout.  Even if Dacia was willing to bet that she would be able to work out no matter the outfit, certainly with all the time the Jedi Council had invested in Dacia, it was almost preferable to her, but to each their own.  Jyn (and Cassian) would occasionally struggle sparring with a woman in a robe; it was no doubt some last instinctive holdover of respect for the Jedi of old. So, frowning to herself as she made her way back to her bedroom, she darted inside to pull on a pair of leather type leggings with a loose cotton shirt.  She wasn’t quite sure what mood she would find Jyn in after all.
 Padding along the corridors in bare feet, Dacia absently began to stretch out her arms over her head.  Along with swinging the limbs from side to side as she worked to get a full range of motion in her body.  Satisfied that she was as stretched out that she was going to be, Dacia hopped from one foot to the other and leaned forward to swipe her access pass through the device at the side of the door; she entered in through the double glass door.
 Looking around the small gym for her friend, Dacia wasn’t sure how to feel when she spotted the woman giving the punching bag a good go over, was it a good thing that she knew the woman well enough to know where she could find her.  Sighing as she made her way over to the punching bag, Jyn was currently hammering as if it had personally done her wrong.  Stepping behind the bag and clutching it to her chest, she smiled tentatively at the woman.  Wincing as she felt the bag pummelled into her, she waited patiently for the woman to recognise her before she began to speak.  The choice, however, was taken from her when Jyn began to speak in a hollow tone of voice.
 “I’m guessing that you are to tell me to stop thinking this way about that man’s actions?  To tell me to buck up and get on with it?  Because, you know that I can’t do that, for pities sake he was causing you pain and discomfort simply because at one stage he didn’t trust you!”
 “No, it’s not my place to tell you to do something that makes you uncomfortable.  Don’t make me become that person Jyn; I promise you won’t like that person!” Dacia warned the woman, wincing once again when Jyn launched her foot into the bag.
 “What are you talking about woman!?  Has he at least apologised to you for any of his actions? He was wrong to do what he did, and I don’t get why you are so insistent on forgiving him straight away!  What purpose does that serve!” Jyn cried, hitting the bag with her fists as she allowed her anger to run free and dictate her actions.
 “Jyn.  You can’t say that you didn’t trust me completely back when we first met either!  I don’t want to draw out something that I feel has already been litigated, don’t make me.  The day that I start doing things just because someone else wants me to, regardless of whether or not I want to, will be a cold day on Mustafar.  So, why don’t we talk it out, why do you feel like the man has done something horrendous to you?” Dacia gently asked, not wanting to frighten her friend.
 Jyn eased off the punching bag, and placed her hands on her hips, before fixing Dacia with a hard stare.  She stood there for enough time for Dacia to start fidgetting before she spoke.
 “See it from my perspective, he knows now that he can trust you, that we can trust you, why does he still have that piece of software running?  Does he still feel as if he is going to have to run because he knows that is ridiculous right?  I swore to myself that no man was going to be able to make my decisions for me any longer!  I refuse to give him any power to do that, to give anyone the power to make my choices for me anymore.” Jyn cried, her voice going slightly high-pitched in her ire.
 “What if you need urgent medical decisions made? Are we not allowed to make those decisions for you, if it seems as if you could die if we don’t make a choice!” Dacia teased, raising an eyebrow.
 “You’re funny; I forgot to laugh.” Jyn deadpanned, wearing a bored expression on her face.
 “Seriously though, will you be okay?  I don’t want to trample over anyone's feelings, and I am still struggling slightly to understand just where you are coming from. You know that this won’t affect you, right?  You aren’t able to connect to the Force; you may be capable of feeling it from time to time. So why is this bothering you so much?” Dacia asked the woman, still trying her hardest to understand why Jyn had gotten such a bee in her bonnet over the whole state of affairs.
 “I have never been such a dense genius” Jyn muttered before continuing in a clearer voice “it affects me, dumbass because you are my friend.  If you get into pain and don’t tell me, then how am I supposed to help you?  How do you think that would make you feel, if I died one day because of something that you can have helped me with, but I didn’t tell you!”
 “Fair enough, but I promise you that I have it under control.  If it had gotten to be too much for me, then, of course, I would have told you, there is no question about that.  I just didn’t see the point in bothering you with something that I could handle myself.” Dacia tried once again to clear her name.
 It wasn’t working, because when she chanced a look up, she could see Jyn still peering at her with a solitary eyebrow raised, as she tapped her foot up and down impatiently on the squeak clean gym floor. Unsure of what to do, because she honestly hadn’t thought that she would ever get into this situation with Jyn, Cassian sure, but she had thought that she at least had a bit of tact.  Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, as she tried to read Jyn’s body language, she wondered to herself how Jyn would see it if she tried to hug her.
 Probably not very well, judging by the irritated look on her friend’s face.
 Dacia wondered to herself what Yoda’s reaction would have been if he had ever realised just how wrong he was.  Dacia was always fond of pointing out the strangeness of the Jedi council and realised that she would no doubt see it as brilliance if she could point out yet more fallacies in some of the older teachings.  
 She would have dearly loved to have the opportunity to rub it in Yoda, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan and the rest of the old farts who made up the Jedi Council, how silly their teachings could be.  Shaking away the thought that it was possible they could have avoided the whole mess with Anakin if they hadn’t been so quick to pull him to the thinking that there was something wrong with him having feelings! It would do her no good to think of all the heartbreak and tragedy that could have been avoided had the Jedi Masters updated their teachings.  If she could travel back in time, she would dearly like to shake Qui-Jon Ginn for not realising how mind-boggling tricky prophecies could be if they were translated. It was too much of a weight to put on a child to expect them to sort out the adult's mess, a mess that they had created and now realised that they couldn’t solve.
 Some of the fiction books that she loved to read (the Harry Potter books sprung to mind) had the common trope of how dangerous prophecies could become if nobody sat down to think through their actions.  Dacia wanted nothing more than to wash her hands of all wishy-washy statements.
 It would probably do the world a lot of good.
 Looking over at the woman facing her, Dacia cautiously held her arms open; she wasn’t sure what expectations she should hold. Jyn peered at the woman with her head cocked to the side, stifling a smirk when she noted that Dacia barely hid a shudder.
 She had gotten to her friend.  Jyn had realised that she should take her delight where she could get it.  If anyone had told her that she would be able to use the hard-fought (and won) lessons from Saw Guerra to freak out her friends, she was well aware that she would probably have thought they were playing a mean trick on her!
 Still, it amused her to no end.
 “Okay, well now I am going to have to see if I can work out how we can look at how the medical aspect should begin to work.  I don’t want to begin taking liberties with their various medical conditions, but it is important that I know what to keep my eye on.  I’m about to say something remarkably cliché but bear with me!  We need to know what we should keep an eye on for the future.” Jyn panted, taking sympathy on her friend.
 “Yeah, that sounds fair, we need to establish a baseline not just regarding any psychical health.  But we also need to know how if there are any behavioural or psychological problems we should keep an eye on.  Are you okay with handling that?” Dacia asked, still not completely sure what she should be doing.
 “No, for now, all I have to do, is keep an eye on them on the VT and go through some of the files that we were able to lift when we initially lifted them.  For now, I just have to go through some computer files.  We are probably going to work out what questions we want to ask in an interview.  When will the interviews be by the way?” Jyn told the woman, running a hand through her greasy hair.
 “We should probably shoot for holding the interviews, as soon as I get an email back from both Hill and Potts, they might have some idea about what questions they want to be asked.  We need to be sure that we are asking the right questions.  We might not get another shot if we don’t ask the right questions.  Sometimes I honestly think that we should begin thinking like journalists some days!  At least if we want to be confident that we are doing a good job that is.” Dacia sighed looking at her hands.
 “Why do you seem to enjoy talking in such meaningless platitudes?  That irritates me so much when you do that!” Jyn tried to laugh as she shook her head at the woman.
 Peering at her for a second longer, unsure of what was running through her head, Jyn shook her head again.  Leaving the room behind her, Jyn was still attempting to hold in her belly laughs for another time when she didn’t feel the cruel stresses that this life had left her with.  Throwing her arms up as she exited the room, ugh but she smelled particularly pungent. Deciding that she should take a quick shower before she settled down to do her work.
 After a suitably long soak in the shower, Jyn finally felt clean again, or at least clean enough to get out and continue with her day.  Humming to herself as she made her way through the deceptively large spaceship back to the small nodule she found herself in so often when she felt she had to go through her notes again.  Deciding that before she settled down to continue with her work that she rather fancied a steaming hot mug of Earl Grey tea, Jyn made her way through the spaceship with the mug clutched in her hands, as she thought of some of the work that she would have to do.  Slipping into the small nodule, she breathed a sigh of relief when she was greeted with the familiar sights of the nodule.  In here everything felt like it made sense to her again.
 Logging into the computer, via the thumbprint, Jyn began to sort through some of the files in front of her.  Taking another long slurp of tea, she frowned when she realised that the information she had taken from the RAFT prison wasn’t entirely accurate, nor she thought reliable.  She could recognise that it seemed as if the files were compiled by a xenophobic person, not by anyone who had any compassion to call upon.  This made sense because it didn’t seem to her that it would be the logical career path for a bureaucrat overflowing with compassion to work with the General.  She wasn’t even sure if the General had relied on blackmail to make people work with him.
 People who didn’t already share his antiquated and horrendous thought process.
 Making a small note to herself on a piece of notepaper, she wanted to look into the backgrounds of any working with the man. Maybe she was simply barking up the wrong tree, but to her, she felt like the idea could bear her some unexpected fruit. Cassian would probably tease her about allowing her sense of morality to dictate how she viewed other people’s actions.
 Shaking the thought from her mind, it might be interesting but it wasn’t everything to her right now, she would have to ensure that she continued to look at the forest and not continue to be mesmerised by the trees in front of her face!  Diverting her attention to pulling up the tapes from the cells, they constantly recorded and alerted the others on the spaceship, if anything untoward was being said. Jyn had had enough experience of being taken by surprise; she didn’t want it to happen again.  It was a handy program for the group because they had quickly realised that it didn’t matter if someone constantly watched the tapes, things were likely to fall between the cracks.
 She understood the program as being linked to the K-2SO AI, this way he could devote a small amount of his background computing power to idly listening (and recording) what the prisoners were saying to one another.  If the AI found something that concerned him, he could pull in the BODHI AI and then if it were something that both of them found concerning, they would alert Cassian, Dacia and herself.  
 It had been coded this way because the K-2SO AI had an overprotective streak a few hundred klicks wide over Cassian’s safety. In the beginning, they were being alerted to every little thing that was said.  Thinking back on that time with a smirk, Jyn thought that ever Dacia’s legendary patience was beginning to become frayed.
 Jyn preferred to dip in and out of the listening from, she carried around a paranoia that it wouldn’t be long until the prisoners started to speak in code to one another.  It also helped that this way she would get a small modicum of entertainment while she listened to frankly confusing antics.
 What she wasn’t getting any soap operas and if this was how she was to keep up her morale then so be it!
 Stretching her limbs out over her head as she realised that she had been sitting in the same position for a long time, the worse thing was that she hadn’t even finished.  She would have to continue with this work at another time.  It was time to take a short break; it would be curious to note whether or not she was possibly able to see other patterns if she came back with fresh eyes at another date.  No point in her beginning to cry over spilt milk, not while she could still find something potentially useful to them.
 Rubbing at the furrow between her brows, Jyn flicked through the VT feed, frowning when she could not easily access some of the recordings of the previous day.  She made a note on her every handy tablet to mention it to Cassian.  It was possible that she was simply going about trying to access the files in the wrong way, but could you blame her for wanting to be sure that it was simply an error on her part that was restricting her.  Jyn didn’t think that it bore any mention of why she didn’t want it to be anything more serious.
 Taking a deep breath as she leant over the computer screen, Jyn continued to go through the notes, before leaning back with a loud sigh, she couldn’t do anything further before she received an email with the notes from the Avengers et al. that they had left behind.  It wouldn’t be easy for her to spot something, especially if she didn’t know exactly what she was supposed to be on the lookout for.
 Deciding that right now, she would like to be able to read some of the behind the scenes emails from within the US State Department, but she felt like right now, she honestly couldn’t be bothered to expound the energy required for her to hack in.  Still, it would be interesting to hear what was happening behind the scenes. Some of the files she had been able to lift from the RAFT hinted at a sort of faction developing within the Department. Another thing that had piqued her interest she hadn’t been able to find a great many files.  It could hint that this was finally a small amount of evidence that the rest of the State Department didn’t know what the Secretary was up too.
 Jyn didn’t think that this signalled good intentions on the part of General Ross, but for now, she would have to let it go simply. There wasn’t enough time for her to worry about everything that was happening, not when it was likely to affect her or her group, no matter how interesting it could become to her.  If she were going to get involved, then she would have to receive an email, even if it seemed unlikely that she should get one.
 Glancing at the small tablet computer, when it beeped to let her know that Dacia wanted to let her know that she had received an email from the Avengers, made her frown briefly before sighing.  It seemed like now at least she would get some instructions on how she should handle the prisoners.  Flicking the computer off, Jyn climbed to her feet and began clambering to her feet.  She would have to make her way through to the computer room, to see what they had learned.
 In the cells, the prisoners were looking at one another as they tried to work out what had happened to them.  Steve for one was looking around him, as he tried to work out what exactly was happening.  He couldn’t see that he had done anything wrong, he had never stopped to answer to bullies, and he wasn’t about to start.  It must be so easy for guys like Stark who didn’t recognise that not everybody could spend all their days screwing around.  He had seen some of the videos of Stark, and he couldn’t believe that he had ever been on the same team as THAT man.
 He had had to take a stand over how the much say the United Nations had over how they ran.  It was a shame that Stark had taken that opportunity to stick his nose into something that didn’t concern him.  He had stepped back from the Avengers after all, what they did, really didn’t have to affect him.
 Steve thought that the guy had only gotten involved because he was bored, the last time THAT had happened, they had to face off against ULTRON, not the most pleasant of situations.  Stark really shouldn’t have gotten involved, what did any of this have to do with him any longer?
 He did wonder why he had seen any sign of the people who had kidnapped them; Steve briefly thought to himself that they were nothing more than bullies.  What had they done to any of them that had inspired them to kidnap them from wherever they had been held before.  Oh well, Steve was able to rationalise that at least now he would get a short break from leading the group.
 He would be back in power, in no time.  He had to be because he considered that nobody else would realise how tiring it was for him always to be the one that everybody else looked up to.
 Not even Stark ever made that important distinction.
 Steve would be back in no time.
 Nobody could do what he did after all.
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