deirdre27 · 4 years
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Who would like to join me for any of these classes? The links for all of the introduction classes and the continued education classes are posted. They will be the same each time so feel free to save them if you'd like to come to several classes. l'll be doing other varied classes after the above list. lf there's any topics in particular you'd like to learn about, let me know and l can schedule a class on it. :) Class times are GMT. Intro to Essential Oils https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87300028099?pwd=bXVDRzVoT3F6bzFjOUp5akczYklzZz09 Meeting ID: 873 0002 8099 Passcode: oils101 Topic: DoTERRA Education https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83624787833?pwd=ZTVZamUwRmN0MG1RMVpKV0JrcDVLZz09 Meeting ID: 836 2478 7833 Passcode: oilsed #essentialoils101 #essentialoilsclass #introtoessentialoils #immunebooster #immunesystemsupport #womenshealth #essentialoilsforpets #essentialoilsforanimals #learnaboutessentialoils #essentialoilsbenefits #mothernaturewonders #chorley #lancashire #healthylifestyle #happy #healthiswealth #healthybodyhealthymind https://www.instagram.com/p/CKrl51UJhNg/?igshid=wgwyncn1yuuu
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rcoils · 7 years
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Whether it's emotional freedom you're seeking for your fur baby or to just an all natural shampoo .. YL carries a line of 6 essential oils, a soothing salve, shampoo and NEW dog chews! Support the well being of your pets .. they depend on YOU.
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